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5624946 No.5624946 [Reply] [Original]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.5625494

Clean your pussy twice a day or else youll turn gay

>> No.5626517

You could turn into a furfag.

>> No.5627374
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>> No.5628260
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>> No.5630018
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>> No.5630227

You know that you get to meet and even fight the Tail Concerto chars on Solatorobo, do you?
Red and Waffle fight off the Black Cat gang and later Red gets to fight against Cyan during a mech fight tournament, but the real good stuff is how this all happens after Tail Concerto's ending so Waffle and Alicia are -almost- together while Terria and Cyan are bonding over and starting to form their own relationship.

>> No.5630245

Waffle x Alicia forever. At least Cyber Connect 2 were smart enough to not give love interests to the other sisters.

>> No.5630297

Flare is too young for that and Stare just doesn't care about chasing boys in general.

>> No.5630308

Solatorobo was a mediocre forgetful game
Soundtrack and story was fucking good though, would've been much better as a comic or tv series

>> No.5630334

Nah, Solatorobo was fucing incredible and pushed the DS's capabilities to the max, BUT the game's big reveal about everyone's origin was way too fucked up to be believed.

>> No.5630347

It mean furries need to stop fapping to her.

>> No.5630761

but cats are supposed to hate water

>> No.5631109

Not the anthro cats.

>> No.5631452

You are never too young for love.

>> No.5632495

>Not shipping Flare with Stare

They are not related anyway.

>> No.5633427
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>> No.5633557
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>> No.5633565
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>> No.5633568
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>> No.5633572
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Mamoru is the protagonist of an obscure Tail Concerto spinoff game about safety.

>> No.5633573

Does this get lewd?

>> No.5633587

Reminder that Fuga is supposed to come out this year

>> No.5633602
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Everyone can see that Alicia has the hots for Waffle but nobody DARES to bring it up because she can get nuclear.
Reds makes some hypocritally funny comments about their unusual cat girl/dog guy relationship and Waffle's unawareness about Alicia's feelings for him, when himself is in a similar sutuation with a catgirl called Elh.

To Red's credit, their relationship is way more complex that Alicia and Waffle's, mostly because Elh's ultimate mission is to take Red's life to complete a sacred ritual. (She was planning to use her own life, but Red's meddling complicated everything.)

>> No.5633616
File: 41 KB, 600x450, BeFy1H-CQAA_XU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red's sister has some words for him and Waffle.

>> No.5633617

I thought Elh was male. The internet has lied to me all over.

>> No.5633663

Red also thinks she is a boy during a fair part of the game, until a certain cutscene kicks in and he finally can see the naked truth.
Oh, and while she looks like a tween, she's actually 300 years old because of a Paladin curse that permanently locked her body (and her MIND) in a young form. She hates it since this doomed her to always see her friends and loved ones grow old and die while she has to keep living, but after the game epilogue she is once again blessed with the gift of mortality.

>> No.5633673

*kyaa intensifies*

>> No.5633718
File: 51 KB, 260x193, ds cheerleader quest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the game's quests ends up with Chocolat (Red's sister) and Elh wearing a cherleader outfit.
Also, Chocolat was originally planned to be a catgirl but the game developers decided to turn her into a dog just like Red, probably to not draw attention away from his growing relationship with Elh.
Speaking about Elh, her boyish looks are used as a plot device in the game when red needs to sneak her in a place where no women are allowed to enter. She was not amused.

>> No.5633740

This explains why Solatorobo gets porn doujin while Tail Concerto does not.

>> No.5633748

Bro, Tail Concerto also got a ton of porn doujins back then. Teria and Alicia's canonically generous racks were just that popular.

>> No.5633761
File: 30 KB, 540x405, gfs_43045_2_62_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of Tail Concerto's cutscenes focused on Alicia's boob window as well.

>> No.5633763

Where can you find them? I have only found Solatorobo doujins in U-18 Chan.

>> No.5633767
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>> No.5633770
File: 24 KB, 540x405, gfs_43045_2_65_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, come on. Can't you even type "Tail Concerto doujin" on Google, bro?

Also, more cat boobs.

>> No.5633782


This looked promising.

>> No.5633784

God, I love doujin games.

>> No.5633812

Shame about the lack of music. You are never going to unhear HITTO COMBO.

>> No.5633827

Here's a fan translation of Tail Concerto's official light novel detailing the post game events.

>> No.5633837
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Thank you, based anon.

>> No.5633931
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Would Alicia like belly rubs?

>> No.5633980

She would like tail rubs.

>> No.5634037
File: 125 KB, 760x594, opr6SWTY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concept art for a scrapped Tail Concerto sequel based off the light novel, where Alicia tries to join the police force.

>> No.5634039
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WHOA let's not go that far.

>> No.5634040
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>> No.5634058

man, i really hope we get some more news about fuga on the battlefield.

>> No.5634115

>What did she mean by this?
That it's time for a nude hack of the game.

>> No.5634118

are you unfamiliar with the concept of bathing?

>> No.5634139

Damn Bandai not having faith on Cyber Connect 2. They had plans to follow up Tail Concerto just a year after it was out. You have to admire they kept trying that over ten years just to get Solatorobo.

>> No.5634164

They dedicated seven years just to build and flesh out Solatorobo's lore and how they could integrate it with Tail Concerto's story.
Having played Solatorobo I can say the effort paid off SO much.

>> No.5634179

more like futa lmao

>> No.5634204

Furry futa is already trendy with Nanachi.

>> No.5634970


>> No.5635109

Imagine that they're able to come up with that kind of shit and the latest one they're doing is WW2 but with furries. Makes you wonder if the people working rn are from the same people.

>> No.5635352

Bath scenes make great porn.

>> No.5635378

Porn is bad. Cats are for head pats

>> No.5636323

and for back scratches

>> No.5636768

You can teach them other uses.

>> No.5638662

Maybe some ideas changed over time.

>> No.5638864
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>> No.5639030

Solatorobo strongly implied Terria decided to keep Cyan as her consolation prize after Waffle decided to choose pussy over a bitch.

>> No.5639054

Waffle chose correctly.

>> No.5639907

>PSX hacks over SNES

If only.

>> No.5640727

Alicia is for paw holding.

>> No.5642860

Waffle is too whole some for such thing.

>> No.5643149
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>Alicia Pris catches my attention
>google her
>notice there's a lot of art of her barefoot
Is she a magnet for foot fetishists or does she spend some part of the game barefoot?

>> No.5643247

Furries like them paws.

>> No.5645486

Not even women can understand each other.

>> No.5645513

Cats are for the stew pot

>> No.5646928

>T. Chinese

>> No.5646982

Alicia a cute!

>> No.5647901

Stare > Alicia

>> No.5650036
File: 178 KB, 750x544, 8D6AAC69-67D8-43B0-A958-719F9CE1354B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hope and despair

>> No.5651821


>> No.5652563

>fucing incredible

>> No.5653424

Why not both?

>> No.5655323
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>> No.5657076
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>> No.5658109
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>> No.5659505
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>> No.5661028
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>> No.5661028,1 [INTERNAL] 

Didn't Stare like Waffle too, she blushes when she sees Waffle's room and when he compliments her.

>> No.5661028,2 [INTERNAL] 

>Alicia likes Waffle
>But Alicia is a cat & Waffle is a dog
There is subliminal racemixing messages in this game. A cat-dog mongrel would be an abomination in the Solatorobo universe.

>> No.5661028,3 [INTERNAL] 

The name of that game was Little Tail Bronx. I never played it, but I remember back in 2008 when CyperConnect was working on the project.

>> No.5661028,4 [INTERNAL] 


Their kid will be either a cat, a dog, or a CatDog.