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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 72 KB, 490x426, super-metroid1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
562728 No.562728 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an extremely popular or well recieved /vr/ game you've never played?

Pic related. I've never finished any metroid game.

>> No.562745

I just realize that FF9 and 9 are the only retro FFs I haven't played.

>> No.562746

You've never had sex with a woman, either.

>> No.562749

9 and 9, interesting.

>> No.562750

I've never finished DOOM
I don't know why either. I have copies for it on pretty much every system it came out on.

>> No.562752

Do it, 9 is without a doubt the best Playstation installment, you'll love it.

>> No.562754 [SPOILER] 
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So how shitty of a gamer am I?

>> No.562760

It's pretty boring compared to 3, I don't blame you.

>> No.562763


I meant 8 and 9!


One of my friends swears by it, so I will do it someday.

>> No.562764
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Just play this version.

>> No.562765

Crash Banditcoot

Looks boring as fuck.

>> No.562773
File: 32 KB, 290x211, Star_Fox_SNES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starfox. Dunno why, was always available for rent, never wanted anything to do with it. I have played the one on N64.

>> No.562769

Get around to it, you'll like it as much as Ecco.

>> No.562776

It doesn't make you a shitty gamer, but it is surprising that you can avoid playing it among the dozens of ports. 3 is better anyway

>> No.562778

Fuck that. Just play Banjo-Kazooie instead.

>> No.562781

I recently realized that I have never played mega man 2 even though I thought I did

it's not really that hard to think that some one hasn't played FF9, it was never really the most popular of the series
that being said, "u has never had sex with lady friend" has always been a shitty insult anyhow

>> No.562782

Only playing Harvest Moon for the first time. Just started it last night.
I really don't get the appeal
If you like the earlier ones you'll love 9

>> No.562784

It's pretty much agreed upon to be outclassed by every 3d platformer.

The Spyro Games are really really good though.

>> No.562798
File: 8 KB, 320x180, lemons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even most CoD babbies have played SMB

>> No.562801

UMMMMMM... that post was in response to OP. Not FF9 guy.

>> No.562807

Replied to the wrong person. meant to reply to >>562754

>> No.562810

2 > 4 > 3

>> No.562812
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>9 and 9



I've never played a Build engine game for any appreciable length of time.

>> No.562814

personally I prefer the original version of SMB, that being said I always thought 3 and 2 (yes yes, I know it's not a "real" mario game, I like it anyhow) were better games anyhow. SMB is ok, but like a lot of early NES games it doesn't really hold up as well as the games that came out a bit later

>> No.562823

I've never played a Mega Man game except Battle Network.

>> No.562831
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>> No.562835


You and your shitty music taste- where's the Hellgate music video?

>> No.562836

oops, oh well, that doesn't suddenly make it not a retarded insult anyhow

stop pointlessly trolling

>> No.562837

People who say it's not a real Mario game are fucktarded. Yeah, Mario was put into a largely copypasta'd game, but that game is now Mario canon. SMB2 enemies appear in other Mario titles including Yoshi's Island and SMRPG.

>> No.562845

I think I know OP and he's a fag IRL.

>> No.562854

>You and your shitty music taste

did I accidentally click on /mu/ or something?

>> No.562850

I have never played a single Sanic game except Sanic Heroes and 06

>Mario Canon

That's something you don't hear everyday

>> No.562856

Even bubsy 3D?

>> No.562858
File: 14 KB, 638x361, 1355281111957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never beat the original super mario bros. I've played plenty of times but I die at world 7 and it's not interesting enough to keep trying

>> No.562859

Played all Sonics on Genesis, they all suck dick. Seriously, nothing worth playing.

>> No.562862
File: 77 KB, 526x678, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah! Everyone knows the Sisters of Mercy are good.

>> No.562871

neither have I, but mostly because most of the games made on it don't interest me at all, I never got the hype over half life honestly

>> No.562873

Oh god really?
I can't even imagine the view you have on Sonic the Hedgehog and its fans. That's like reading a 12 year olds pokemon fanfiction before playing Red and Blue

>> No.562876

>tfw I can speed-run StH 1 and 2 and I know every secret location, cheat and trick
>tfw I still think they both suck dick

>> No.562878

Don't bother with 8 though, I only play it out of nostalgia, the junction system is overly complicated and about as easy to break as Deus Ex, all you need to do is refine Curagas from Tents and Cottages and you can walk around with 3000hp at the start of the damn game.
And the plot sucks balls and the characters are ridiculously unlikeable apart from Laguna, Kiros and Ward.
And Quistis, though all of her characterisation goes straight out the bloody window when you start to switch parties every 5 minutes.

>> No.562883

I really have no opinion on Sisters of Mercy so I wasn't defending you, more subtly saying that the "my music is better than your music" mentality should stay in /mu/

>> No.562893

Never played zelda 64. I'd played every zelda up until that point and was just jaded on the formula I guess.

Nintendo rehashes their games so hard that I can't really recommend the older games as long as you've at least played ONE of the games in the series.

>> No.562897


Oi m8, that wasn't my mentality.
I was just commenting on that guys shit taste.

>> No.562901

unfortunately it's more common than you would think, that's why if you go to certain other boards or websites you will see the same sort of hate for sonic and it's fans that you would see for furries

>> No.562902

This I put it in there the other day after a few years expecting the same amount of fun I had playing it at 13-14 and was dreadfully disapointed. It really sucks.

>> No.562905

This clears up my confusion as to where all of that came from.

>> No.562906

if this wasn't a SFW board I'd prove it

>> No.562910

Not to mention, GFs (which you use ALL the time) have RIDICULOUSLY long animations.

>> No.562915

but there really was no point in doing so unless you wanted to feel some sort of sense of superiority

>> No.562923


I felt the urge to reply based on a past encounter with the princess, and his/her sub-par taste in music

>> No.562924

never finished any of these:
Donkey Kong
and many more

My parents never bought me console as I was kid or ever D:
oh well Im content watching people play it on the internet

>> No.562925

Super Metroid
SMB3 all the way through
Yoshi's Island all the way through
Wario Land(s)
Sonic CD all the way through
System Shock 1

and on and on

>> No.562940

Obvious babbys.

>> No.562947

Just buy a cheap n64 right now and play them. Preferably with friends.

>> No.562948

Your life must be sad.

>> No.562954

Alternatively, use emulators. Idk why I didn't think of that option.

>> No.562956

No. OoT sucks.

>> No.562959

Same deal, my first console was a PS1, though I've played NES SNES and genesis at all my friends

I never beat games at my friends' houses

>> No.562961

There's a list of games there and more than one Zelda release for n64 and you decide to call out OoT. How desperate for attention must you be?

>> No.562970

Because someone suggested get 64. Obvious intentions were obvious. OoT is a fag's favorite game.

>> No.562987

I haven't touched MGS,
7 is the only FF i've ever touched
Only played the first DKC game
I've beaten all the 2D Metroids but I can't remember a goddamn thing abou them

>> No.562998

>not majoras mask
Both awful games but OoT was miles better

>> No.562994

SMB was the baws, then 3x BAWS was released and raped baws.

>> No.563005

Emulating N64 is annoying. Controls never feel the way they should. That unorthodox joypad.

>> No.563007

I hear MGS 1 is balls anyway.
I don't like any of the FF series personally. Just play The Dark Spire.
DKC is the best DK game imo, but the Wii one was pretty neat.
I've never finished a Metroid.

>> No.563012

Wrong FF to touch. It's where your cooties came from.

>> No.563013

Whoever said that about MGS needs castrated

>> No.563016

Balls? Only one in the series I could stand.

>> No.563018

Do any of those USB n64 controllers work well by the way? I know you can get converters and whatever, but specifically the USB ones.

>> No.563026

Never seen one. Definitely would not buy either. 64 has the absolute lowest good to bad game ratio of all time.

>> No.563029

Any mega man game outside X and X2. And I didn't beat either.

>> No.563034

Well I played one of the SNES ones too I forgot. The one with the green mechs Mode7-ing across the snow or something. I don't remember anything about it though and it sure as hell didn't strike me as magical.

>> No.563038

The Phantasy Star series, I really need to get around to playing it since I love most other Sega games.

>> No.563041

Final Fantasy VII, something I do intend to play one day along with Final Fantasy VI.

I'm getting a GCW Zero soon, among many other things, it should be perfect for playing those titles.

>> No.563059

and I'm sure you have a stellar personality and are great fun to be around irl

>> No.563076

I guess Mega Man is popular, but I would not agree that it is generally well received. Good music. Nice character design. Shit physics. Brutal level layout.

>> No.563078

>troll can't get a response to his shitty troll
>he just responds to himself

this is hilarious, please continue

>> No.563081

The nigga shouldn't have tripfagged?

>> No.563086

>Shit physics

>> No.563094

>maga man
>not well received
>thinking that physics meant anything at all in that area

>> No.563095

Only >>562859 and >>562906 are from me.

>> No.563098


>> No.563108


>> No.563103

>Responding to troll with a comment laughing about noone responding to troll.
I bet it seemed witty in your head.

>> No.563110

>but I would not agree that it is generally well received
Serious question, are you retarded? Mega Man 2 is consistently counted among the greates games of all time.

>> No.563116

X is super easy, you should give it another go.

Failing that, X4 is also easy, lets you play as Zero, and generally feels much better than the SNES-era X games control-wise.

>> No.563121

Terrible jumping. Way too much knockback.
Kage !!CKhi3Y7AOqx <-- what you call tripfagging, learn to 4chan.

>> No.563126

>trying to feel some one feel bad for being amused

well I guess that's what this board is all about these days... so what ever

>> No.563127

by who? and how convenient that you fail to mention every subsequent game is a clone

>> No.563135

yeah, but what I don't understand is why it matters

>> No.563139

There is absolutely nothing wrong with jumping, so you'll have to explain further. Knockback isn't an issue when you don't get hit. Stop hating games just because you're bad at them.

>> No.563158

Hardly BEST EVER tier reviews.

>> No.563159

no game had "good physics" in that time period and if you actually believe that it "wasn't well received" you are either a moron or don't know what will received means, also you just pretty much outed yourself out as the worst troll in this thread with the second half of your comment so I don't know why I'm even bothering to respond to you

>> No.563163
File: 20 KB, 432x151, uw0tm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who disagrees with my opinion is a samefag

>> No.563171

stfu and go delude yourself with a bad game

>> No.563178

Thanks for proving that you are indeed a fucking retard and can't tell the difference between "generally well-received game" and "greatest game of all time".

>> No.563189

Those are positive reviews, which make Mega Man 2 a well-received game.

Can you read?

>> No.563191


>> No.563193

see >>563171

>> No.563197

>I will just yell generic insults rather than backing my opinion

>> No.563198

You, too - see >>563171

>> No.563206

You asked for it: SHIT GAYM IS SHIT

>> No.563210

Oh, I get it. This is the part where you ignore the fact that your idiocy has been proven and instead resort to baseless insults in lieu of any actual arguments.


Take your pick.

>> No.563215

well... this thread... and board has gone to shit, I'm coming back once the weekend is over

>> No.563217

Well, original comment was on MM series, not necessarily MM2. Go get some ice for your butthole.

>> No.563223

I've never played any of the N64 Zelda games (OOT and MM). I dunno, I've just never been a particularly huge fan of Zelda, and from what gameplay and other footage I've seen from the two games, I just don't see the massive appeal. I do plan on playing them one of these days, however.

>> No.563226

Um, neither. You no like, you leave. I've played more vidya than you. My opinion is worth more than yours.

>> No.563228
File: 120 KB, 625x468, 363yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.563238

See what I mean about bad taste? You thought that was funny.

>> No.563245

I haven't played through Majora's Mask, every time I try I always get panicked from the time limit since Zelda is the sort of series I like to explore and take my time in.

>> No.563246
File: 45 KB, 260x224, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please stop, all you are doing is making yourself look like a fool

>> No.563260

What the fuck is that even supposed to be? Are these are supposed to be insults?

>> No.563263

Me and my buddy were big into OoT and he pre-ordered Majora's Mask.
We were psyched, got it home on day one and popped it in.

He played for maybe an hour before he sort of reluctantly says "I-I'm not enjoying this game very much."
I didn't like it either so onto the shelf it went and I haven't played it since.

>> No.563278

Derp, the whole point of the game is that it's like the movie Groundhog Day. You play, and play, and play, and play (and play) until you can do everything right.

>> No.563281

It's really not that bad once you get the ocarina. Any important decisions are kept, it's mostly just your inventory that is reset. So as long as you remember where any items are, the time limit isn't as big of a deal as it seems at first.

And if it stresses you out even then, you can always use a guide when you feel like you're just wasting time.

>> No.563284

you aren't proving anything, all you are doing is shitting up what could have been a fine thread

>> No.563290

Guys, do we really want to let a pretty good board devolve into /b/ and /v/ clones.
Can we get back to discussing good vidya?

>> No.563291

only the first part of the game is like that

>> No.563296

Way to blame the victim. Cock Man still sucks.

>> No.563308

I've tried to get into Earthbound a few times, but I always seem to lose interest shortly after the first 15 minutes or so. Same thing with Final Fantasy VI.

>> No.563315

They take forever to get into. It's annoying but they're pretty enjoyable after the disgracefully long intro

>> No.563320
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>> No.563353
File: 56 KB, 432x135, crapcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

capcom sucks in general, they sell you the same shit over and over and over

>> No.563367

Chrono Trigger. Have I missed out?

>> No.563369

there, I said it.

>> No.563379

I might be the only one here, but it feels like the physics are fucked in this release compared to the originals.

>> No.563389

Yes, but nowhere near as much as people will lead you to believe. Worth a shot. Definately reccomend the DS version.

>> No.563403

If JRPGs are your favorite genre, absolutely.
Otherwise it's not that big a deal.

>> No.563405

One thing I can assure you of is: you are way better off playing this than any of the Megaman games.

>> No.563428

Doom is more of a game that you had to have been there to truly appreciate. If you never played it in the 90s, it's just going to seem antiquated these days.

>> No.563430

Me too. Most SNES platformers just felt off to me and it was super obvious with these

>> No.563432

play chex quest instead

>> No.563453
File: 34 KB, 172x166, 1325091354041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speedrunning a game doesn't make you an authority on what makes a game good. If anything you should especially feel a game is shit because you've shaved away all the experience just to show off.

>> No.563473

I have never played or seen someone play in person a LoZ game.

I feel empty, /vr/.

>> No.563475

Now that is a shame

>> No.563481
File: 826 KB, 1543x2717, 1363042156527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.563482

So fucking play one then.

>> No.563490

Sonic speed-runners are the worst. A lot of them will argue that the Spin Dash ruined the franchise.

>> No.563496

Am poor. I must acquire funds.

>> No.563508

I never meant to imply I was an authority on what makes a game good. I even clarified in another post that it was my opinion. The only reason I can speed run the games is because I played them so much as a kid that I know the ins and outs of them. In other words, I've had the "experience". It's boring.

>> No.563509

Zelda classic is free for PC... and there's this thing called emulation... you could be set up in less than a minute. Excuses.

>> No.563529

I don't trust sites. Can't afford to lose the computer. Could you give me some suggestions?

>> No.563531

Sounds like your problem. Babby.

>> No.563536

Before I get screamed at, I am trying to play through these. The classic Mega Mans used to be on this list, but I've gone through the first 8 (I'm unsure whether 9 and 10 would count as retro so I haven't started either).

I've never played, off the top of my head:

Any FF game
DOOM (except for the SNES version)
Any Spyro game
Sonic 3&K
Mega Man X3-X8
Majora's Mask (I own a copy but don't have the Expansion Pak)
Dr. Mario, though I've played generic equivalents
Any shoot 'em up
Zelda II
A Link to the Past
Earthbound or the other MOTHER games
Star Fox or Star Fox 64
Ice Climbers
Super Metroid

I've played but never beaten:
Ocarina of Time
All three Turok games
2nd Quest for Zelda 1
Banjo-Kazooie (fucking Rusty Bucket Bay)

>> No.563537

Don't download from dodgey sites.

>> No.563546

ROMs are not viruses and cannot be. Just like MP3s. Whoever told you otherwise should be shot.

>> No.563550

>These days
>Board is practically in box and shrink wrap

>> No.563553

...Really? This is the response I get for cautiousness? I just wanted some suggestions for safe downloads/sites. I'm not trying to insult you.

>> No.563556

A place called emuparadise has various emulators and ROMs. That place has never given me anything harmful.

Just use common sense and don't click on the ads that disguise themselves as download links, you should be able to tell the difference.

>> No.563557

If youre really afraid, run your emulators in a VM. Just my opinion, but that's probably way over your head.

>> No.563563

Lol, are you a grandma? They are terrified of viruses

>> No.563568

Cautiousness? How about utter noobishness?

>> No.563575

Yes because its 2013, viruses are not super scary things that sneak up on you.
Don't install anything and don't run any .exe files. There, you are in the clear.

>> No.563580

I recommend http://doperoms.com or http://coolrom.com - might not be able to get some first part Nintendo games though, they like to send cease & desist letters.

>> No.563581

What? Do you think I'm the guy I'm talking to

>> No.563583

I never played Doom until 2003 and I can say from personal experience that you're full of shit.

>> No.563586

how do you run an emulator without running exe files, you cockasaur?

>> No.563589

Play Super Metroid now. It's a short enough game anyway. My first playthrough was about five hours.

It's glorious, though.

>> No.563593

Fine. I'll admit that. Can I get any links to preferred websites now?

>> No.563595

first party, that is

>> No.563598

For the love of god, just download an emulator and some roms and stop being a fucking idiot.

>> No.563601

Seriously in this day and age, you have to be pretty much computer-retarded to get a virus.

>Backstreet Boys Bye Bye Bye.mp3.exe
>5 kilobytes
>this looks legit

>> No.563604


>> No.563609

Clearly I didn't mean every single person is the same. For most people it is going to seem too antiquated, though, unless you're playing something with mouselook like GZDoom.

>> No.563615


>> No.563619

Thank you. I'll go ahead and use them.

You know, /vr/, I'm an idiot and a "noob", but at least I'll admit it to avoid an argument. I just wanted some help.

It's like I'm still on /b/. Or /x/.

>> No.563624

Just torrent. You'll get every game for any particular system

>> No.563625

>calling Doom "antiquated"
>on a retro games board

Are you sure you didn't mean to click /v/?

>> No.563632

Weird Al Yankovic - Windows 95.mp3

File sharing programs like Napster always have mislabelled songs with the wrong band name. Every boy band is The Backstreet Boys, every comedy singer is Weird Al, etc.

>> No.563637

>dis is retro board, ur no aloud 2 say negitiv tings abot mai favrit gaems

Since we're shitposting and all.

>> No.563640


>> No.563641

If you're going to talk about old games, saying they're antiquated is either pointing out the obvious or trying to get a rise.

>> No.563643

It's quite alright, anon, I used to be similarly squeamish around unfamiliar sites. You'll acquire the ability to gauge how safe a site is, and which files are or aren't safe.

>> No.563650

>, saying they're antiquated is either pointing out the obvious or trying to get a rise

Pac-Man looks and plays modern. Doom - he's right, Doom's fucking awkward.

>> No.563654

I'm glad I stuck around. I just get unsure of my ability to spot viruses and so on. You're the reason I like this board.

>> No.563656

well you will if you hit the right torrent, I'd recommend becoming a member of underground gaming, since many of the torrents on piratebay and kat.ph are massively incomplete even when they say other wise

>> No.563657


"Antiquated" is just a buzzword for when you can't explain why you don't like a game. If he had a specific complaint about it, maybe I'd be able to sympathize.

In before
>can't jump
>can't mouselook
Neither of these things are a problem, because the game is designed around them not being there.

>> No.563659

It's a thread about popular video games you never played. The guy said he had never played Doom, and I was pointing out that by this point it was going to feel incredibly dated so he probably wasn't missing out on much anyway.

I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to you.

>> No.563663

You gotta play it at 640x480 or lower, lol

>> No.563671

>Doom's fucking awkward
Awkward how?

>> No.563686

The shitposting is getting worse on the weekends but it's still fine on weekdays.

I dread what will happen to this board in the summer, though.

>> No.563705

If he's never played Doom, it's likely he's never played any FPS without mouselook, so yes, it's going to feel antiquated. It's awkward going from being able to simultaneously move and aim in any direction to only being able to move and turn at once, with strafing locked to ctrl or alt or whatever it was.

Yeah, the game's designed around it, but it's an outdated control scheme that feels weird and would make most people used to modern shooters have a bit of a difficult time getting into it.

>> No.563707

Doom's not dated. It's fine if you don't like it, but don't try to force your opinion on someone who hasn't even played it yet.

>> No.563712

You uh

You DO know you can change the controls... right?

>> No.563716

Only /b/ gets bad in the summer. Sometimes /v/ and /fit/ get it aswell but generally speaking everywhere else on the site seems to stay the same.

>> No.563728

Stop dramatizing things. No one is forcing anything on anyone. Learn the difference between presenting an opinion and shoving it down people's throats.

>> No.563731

>I dread what will happen to this board in the summer, though.
People in Castlevania threads already list GBA games as their top 3. Yesterday a guy played Dragon Quest with a guide, and many said it could not have been detrimental to the experience. REmake is being preferred to the original RE games.

This can't get any worse.

>> No.563732

Not to anything that allows you to independently control turning and strafing simultaneously.

>> No.563738

>Awkward how?
Graphics, controls and level design are all sub-par. Stolen music is laughable.

>> No.563739

Zelda II best Zelda. U mad bro? (I'm dead fucking serious)

>> No.563746

Please, please, please, for the love of god, dont say SOTN is the best Castlevania.

>> No.563750

But you can just use a modern engine.

Doom's not awkward. It just needs a full code engine rewrite.

>> No.563751

Oh get off your high horse. Just because this is a retro board doesn't mean everyone has to accept the superiority of old games in every single case. The GBA Castlevania game represent a large chunk of a form of Castlevania game that many people prefer to classicvanias, and REmake is objectively better than the original in every way unless you particularly enjoy the camp dialogue and cut scenes.

>> No.563754

Does that opinion make people mad? It's probably my favourite Zelda.

>> No.563759

I heard they're re-re-making RE?

>> No.563762

>Please, please, please, for the love of god, dont say SOTN is the best Castlevania.
No. 1 is the best Castlevania. SotN's too easy to be good, let alone best.

But at least it's /vr/.

>> No.563768

Like I said, it's going to be awkward unless you use a source port like GZDoom. But Doom itself is awkward.

I'm not saying it's a bad game, btw. I enjoy trying out the plethora of custom WADs out there.

>> No.563771

I mentioned it on a favorite games thread once and it exploded into a multiple thread shitstorm.

>> No.563772

>I heard they're re-re-making RE?
They aren't.

Capcom's seriously thinking about a big-time in-house reboot, though. The idea inside the company right now is to heavily get their shit together and get rid of the western outsource cntracts. Whether it'll help much is anyone's guess, but in concept, sounds fine.

>> No.563782
File: 188 KB, 600x750, pb shhsshhsssshhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to anything that allows you to independently control turning and strafing simultaneous
You can though. You can have separate turning and strafing keys. You can also turn with the mouse, and use A and D for strafing, so that it controls identically to a modern shooter. The controls are SO good, you don't even realize.

>> No.563783

Dracula's Curse is probably the best one. I really enjoyed Portrait of Ruin on the DS, though it's not retro.

>> No.563786

Who cares what they do? They suck.

>> No.563789

Another anon who doesn't know you can change the controls.

Yes!! Castlevania 3's my favorite.

>> No.563795

There were 2 zelda games for 64, you talkin about oot or mm?

>> No.563802

Weird, I remember not even 2 months ago there was a huge Zelda thread on /v/ that eventually evolved into a Zelda 2 love thread

>> No.563803

Mega Man and Final Fantasy. Not even one of them.

I'll get around to it eventually - just as soon as my backlog stops growing. It probably never will.

>> No.563805

Stop playing source ports with extra features if you want to look like you know what you're talking about.

>> No.563809

>Castlevania 3's my favorite.
It's a great game, but I prefer 1 simply because it's impeccable. 3 has more of everything, but it also has it's downsides, like the shitty falling block stage etc..

>> No.563817

>Mega Man and Final Fantasy. Not even one of them.
Well, fuck Final Fatnasy, they're all terrible, but for the love of god go play MM2, 3 and X.

>> No.563821
File: 14 KB, 640x400, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This look like a source port to you?

>> No.563842


Buy Doom, kid.

>> No.563845

>the shitty falling block stage
I hate that level so much... it's probably the hardest level in the game. It's like twice as long as any other level, too.

>> No.563848

>for the love of god go play MM2, 3 and X
Everyone could use a few hours of utter fucking frustration for old times sake.

>> No.563863

Even better, try playing MM2 and 3 without looking at a guide beforehand.

>> No.563864

I personally find the first few mega man games leagues harder than any of the X games or anything that came after 5 pretty much.

>> No.563867

These games arne't particularly frustrating, what are you talkign about? It's not like I told him to go play Ninja Gaiden 3 or Holy Diver or something.

>> No.563860

>it's probably the hardest level in the game
It's not hard at all. It's slow and tedius. Worst sort of gamedesign is when you start dying because of how fucking bored you are.

And that's why CV1 is my favourite, even though I may have technically had more fun with CV3.

>> No.563862

Who cares about popularity, I would have already played a game if I was interested it in.

>> No.563879

You must not have a problem dying A LOT. Or falling off disappearing and reappearing bricks. Good for you.

>> No.563901

If you stop a second to memorize the patterns of the blocks it's not so bad.

>> No.563904
File: 162 KB, 1035x618, superm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry, pic related, its my save file on an emulator. The cartridge save looks similar.

Nope. Doom 1 was fun, but Doom 2 wasnt very good for the same reason Serious Sam 2 isnt as good as the original (it just becomes mindlessly holding down the attack). I have no problem with the controls especially seeing as you can customize them and the graphics were fine for the time.

Whats the problem with that? They are good games. I like both types equally and have played most non-3D Castlevania games.

It is a really fun game, I wish there was more of it. I cant bring myself to play the new ones, partially because I dont have a console and hate setting up new emulators and partially because they just arent as appealing.

Its a 5 minute game with warps. There are no continues, so you might as well learn the game the warp way at least. If you want a long ass playthrough than go to lost levels, where you even get secret worlds for not using warps.

It is not, I assure you. 1 can be a bit frustrating, though. 2 and 3 are great. Ignore 562778 and 562784, but Banjo Kazooie and Spyro are good too. Crash is more about being fast paced and linear while finding out how to get all gems, the others 2 are about exploration.

I was like this for a while. They all looked the same to me, and they pretty much are with some minor changes each time (except the big transition from original to X). However, they are also really fun and not too hard or long. You can power through like 3 a day, so I played 1-10, I-V on the gameboy, X-X6, and a few others in a very short time period.

>> No.563917

Yeah, because you can see all of them on the same screen... You get a little farther and fall and have to start over, and repeat, and repeat, and hopefully you accumulated a few extra men, and repeat, etc.

>> No.563923

In most cases you can see them all on the screen, and when they arent theyre usually simple patterns that you can just keep following. There are unlimited continues and levels are like 5 minutes long. The vast majority of Mega Man levels dont have these appearing blocks.

>> No.563930

Never played Metroid, never played Zelda.

My god, you're such a faggot it hurts to live.

>> No.563932

No continues in Mario 1? Wrong. Hold A and press start on title screen. You'll start on whatever world you were on, but the first stage, ie die on 8-3, start on 8-1.

>> No.563935

Am I the only person who has never had trouble with the actual levels in megaman? It's the bosses that always fuck me over.

>> No.563943

Megaman is the kind of game where every single enemy hits you at least once.

>> No.563947

I tend not to use these codes since they feel unnatural (why not put continues in the game if its the intended way to play?), but I actually didnt know about this one.

For this reason, I didnt bother with Adventure Island but only played Adventure Island 2 and the one on tg-16

>> No.563948

Yes. I always found the stages in classic Mega Man games to be the hardest part, except for some of the Wily stage bosses.

>> No.563950

>Megaman is the kind of game where every single enemy hits you at least once.
If every enemy hits you, then yeah, no surprise you think it's hard.

>> No.563956

SMB2 started out life as a concept for a Mario game, then it was turned into Doki Doki Panic, and then it became SMB2.

>> No.563957

Agreed for the most part.

Nope, but you do have a lot of life so I guess thats okay.

>> No.563961

Not a code. It's in the manual. Reading is fundamental.

>> No.563972

Its 2013, I dont have that thing anymore. I did find my FF1 map/bestiary/equipment and spell charts though. Unfortunately, theyre literally falling apart.

>> No.563967

Yeah I get riddled on my way to the bosses but I usually have like 2/3rds health it's very rare I actually die before the boss. Then I get to the boss and just die over and over.
Those Wily bosses in 2 man. I still have nightmares.

>> No.563976

I'd like to see the sources on it starting off as a Mario title concept.

>> No.563978

No shit. My point is that people who said 'it's not a real Mario game' are morons. If it's not a real Mario game, why do ShyGuys and Sniffits, etc appear in later games?

>> No.563989

Basically, you cannot do a speed-run in MM games.

>> No.564024

Actually, it isn't. I don't remember where I heard about it, but it's not in the booklet.

>> No.564136

You're right.
It's extremely noticeable in the brick-breaking.

The original has Mario pushed back down upon impact with a brick, whereas in All-Stars he continues his ascent even after breaking it.

>> No.564207

I was just playing this the other day, actually. You kind of have to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy the graphics if you didn't play it when you were young. Also the frame rate is kind of a problem, but the gameplay more than makes up for it if you ask me. Easily the 2nd best in the series, unless we're counting Starfox 2.

>> No.564229

But MM2 is one of the worst of the original series.

>> No.564273


>> No.564438

0/10 troll.

>> No.564518


His jump is completely different compared to the orignal. It's more vertical and floaty.

On 4-1 you can't speed run and jump the piranha plants like the NES version, that could be due to different collision detection but I definitely think it's the jump.

It seems like the SNES was somehow unable to perform the same fluidity in platformers that the NES did.

>> No.564585

Never played a Dragon Warrior game