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5620163 No.5620163 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss the Shenmue games. Do you prefer I or II? Favorite character? Are you looking forward to III?

>> No.5620182

Ren was a funny asshole
Joy > every other girl (except Shenhua) > Nozomi

>> No.5620235

Shenmue 3 should come any day now

>> No.5620258

I don't prefer either of them, they're each special in their own way. I'm looking forward to III, I don't like that they said they changed the fighting system, I love the virtual fighter like feel of shenmue combat, it's so enjoyable just to go around fighting, I also don't like the goofy cartoony faces of the characters from the screenshots, other than that I'm super hyped.

>> No.5620259

Nozomi is best girl, she got an unfair deal from the start

>> No.5620423
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I like 1 more, Xiuying is my favorite character because she makes my weewee hard and I love her controlled autist personality. And yes I'm very, VERY much looking forward to S3 really bummed out about throws being dropped tho. I assume they'll be able to work that out in S4 if S3 is enough of a success.

Ren seemed likeable enough for the most part, but I still can't get over him trying to slash Ryo's face the very first time you meet him. Like wtf man, what if you hit both his eyes? His life would've been fucking over. Talk about a sad ending to Ryo's miserable life.

>> No.5620427


>> No.5620494

2 is the better "game" overall, but i preferred the atmosphere in 1. I'm honestly a tad worried about 3. The affinity system and the playability of ren and shenhua make me worry how progression will work. It's also now been more than 30 years since Suzuki's trip to China, so I wonder about how accurate the locale will be compared to the first two games. The budget certainly won't allow for as much licensing though so the charm that came from real life properties being in the games will be lost. As well, the mention of "stamina" needing to be restored with food is distressing. Overall a bit gnawing. On the bright side, the fighting system seems interesting. I don't know why people think they're giving up the "virtual fighter" style. They said they couldn't use the same animations and such but not that the style is going away. Besides throwing moves, everything from the first 2 games will be back. I also like the promise of a more effective training system. I do wonder if the AT and MT control schemes will be merge-able, I remember in the first game you could map a certain move to one of the triggers and it was pretty useful, would be cool to see that back.

>> No.5620505

>It's also now been more than 30 years since Suzuki's trip to China
Not exactly as a sight seeing trip like he did for VF1, but he's still been in China several times since S3's announcement.

>> No.5620519

Yeah but the game's based around 1980's China, not 2010's China. Lots of things have changed and all he has to go off of now are pictures and 30 year old memories.

>> No.5620525

True but it's not like most of us can remember late 80s China either if we've ever been there. We wouldn't be able to tell if he got it right or not.

>> No.5620527

lol yeah

>> No.5620534

August 27th can't come soon enough!

>> No.5620582

Even if there are no throws, I hope those h*cka sick counter moves like the trip, shadow dash around baddie + fist to back of head, etc are still in. Also I can never do demon drop and don't know what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.5620608

What I liked about both games is the sheer difference in that, 1 is a comfy hometown adventure where you know everyone and feel safe (mostly). While in 2 you directly go to a not so safe place where there's hundreds of suspicious people lurking about, but while that's the case 2 also feels more mystical and that's what I like the most about it. The music shows

>> No.5620653

I agree, going from 1 to 2 is a serious shock. In 1, it's like sleuthing around an extremely familiar hometown that you're just now starting to notice the seedier and darker side of, while 2 is like visiting another planet entirely.

And yeah, the music is unbelievable. I know that's not the point you were making, but god damn. The cassettes had some really good stuff you wouldn't hear in the game otherwise.


The track in the harbor Tomato Mart is also amazing, I never seen anyone talking about that one. I literally never even went in there until my most recent playthrough a month or two ago.


>> No.5620661

sorry didn't mean to redditspace.

>> No.5621026

gotta say, I loved the combat in 1 and 2. I know thats only like maybe 1/4th the game and the real charm is exploring and taking in the sights and stuff, but the combat was suprisingly really enjoyable to play, using your fully mastered moves on dudes

>> No.5621154

Anybody going to reply both games before the 3rd one comes out this August 27th? Gonna try to power through both in early August. So Hyped!

>> No.5621169

Agreed 100% m8. And honestly, there was a lot more combat in the games than I remembered anyways. Yes it's predominantly an adventure game, but like 90% of the story still ultimately revolves around kung fu.

I'm actually trying to NOT replay them as I just got finished going back through them again a few weeks ago.

>> No.5622497

I definitely prefer 1, both are great though.

>> No.5622509

I loved exploring all those empty buildings in kowloon. I remember finding one floor that was literally empty except for a row of gotcha toys. It was pretty cool because I had already been through a dozen floors of nothing and totally expected to find nothing. I would've bought some but I already blew my cash playing pachinko a few hundred times lol. Just trying to squeeze every bit of content shenmue II has : )

>> No.5622784
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Anybody pre-ordering 3 at Gamestop?

>> No.5622792

It’s coming out in less than 3 months faggot

>> No.5622797

No because I backed it on Kickstarter

>> No.5622857
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sure thing fren

>> No.5622860
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This. As much as I'd love to support Yu more by double dipping for a digital copy or something, I'm a poorfag that already spent way too much on the kikestarter than I really should have.

>tfw knowing kickstarter shipping, probably gonna have to wait like 2 weeks for my copy to arrive while everyone else completes the game before then

>> No.5622872

Combat in these games is GOAT tier, it has a certain rhythm to it that is addictive. While I can't decide if I like 1 or 2 better, highlight of the series for me is going around kowloon working your way up the street fighter ladder before fighting the four champion fighters...and then not long after that when you assault the building you have to fight that tiger mask cage fighter. That sequence of events is pure bliss.

>> No.5622884

I should add to this one of the great features of the battle system is the fact that you can't just spam attack and throw and expect not to get crushed. You have to be very adept at parrying to win higher level fights, and parrying isn't just spamming the parry button which will you get crushed, it's timing and reading attacks, every high level has a different strategy, it's an excellent system. One of the reason I find yakuza so dull is that the combat is so shallow by comparison and I can't help but to want to simply replay Shenmue every time I try to get into it.

Also trying to 1cc the game (winning every fight on the first try) after having not played it for a decade is a legit challenge, adds a decent amount of repeatability.

>> No.5623103

You can beat every fight by punching and waiting for health to regenerate, you fucking retard

>> No.5623113

>Do you prefer I or II?

>Favorite character?
Yoooooo duuuuuude, its gotta be Goro for me.

>Are you looking forward to III?
Yep. I backed it at E3 2015

>> No.5623116

Im a huge fan. I pre ordered $100 just to get my name in the credits. I'm honestly worried it's going to suck really bad. I think what they've shown so far has not looked good at all. The graphics are awful.

>> No.5623124

I'm no longer worried about the game being SHIT, but I feel you. When I backed the game I fully expected it to be total shit, I just wanted Suzuki to finally be able to simply make the damn game.

>> No.5623142
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Maybe I should get

>> No.5623164
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I only backed S3 for a friend of mine who was a huge fan of the first two games, but he passed away a little over a year ago.

>> No.5623174

fuck dude...

>> No.5623304

I would have backed Shenmue 3 if they made it an actual Dreamcast game, but since they got lazy and cheaped out and went with an UE4 game instead I decided against it. Also (((Sony))) is helping them so that can't be good.

>> No.5623345

As far as I can tell, the extent of snoy's involvement with S3 is just "don't announce an xbox version for a while and we'll let you plug your kickstarter in our e3 conference".

>> No.5623465

Imagine how many Star Citizen whales have died since donating.

>> No.5623474

>tfw knowing kickstarter shipping, probably gonna have to wait like 2 weeks for my copy to arrive
You should be able to download it on Steam immediately.

>> No.5623481

I got the physical PC copy though. Unless they email me the code on launch day I'm fucked.

>> No.5623489

>Do you prefer I or II?
I love S1, but I enjoyed S2 a lot more. Better story, more varied gameplay. It’s just a better Shenmue game.

Also, S2 is the only game I ever imported (from UK to USA), and I needed to mod my Dreamcast to play it.

Just playing it came with a sense of accomplishment for 12yo me.

>> No.5623498

Nigger do you really think you’re getting a disc? You’re getting a box with a Steam code inside, which will likely be emailed to you before release.

>> No.5623507

I know that dummy, that's why I said if they don't email me the code on launch day I'm fucked.

>> No.5623515

No, Sony has provided funding for “production and marketing.” How far that went, no one can say. But this game has Sony money in it.

>> No.5623523

>that's why I said if they don't email me the code on launch day I'm fucked.
Do you think I read more than your first sentence? The fucking narcissism is mind-blowing.

>> No.5623526

Sorry that was very entitled of me.

>> No.5623845

How much did you put in? If you backed the jacket, wear it for him in rememberance.

>> No.5623856

He could get photos from the era I imagine. Internet and all.
best you can hope for.

>> No.5623901
File: 344 KB, 2048x1536, 20190531_145237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already made my preorder. Hope they don't gimp me on the medallian.

>> No.5623915

So he died waiting?

>> No.5623920

Better yet, post the get on Reddit for maximum semen-inducing upcummies

>> No.5623950
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Seems like the big reveal of gameplay will be soon at E3. Being how Deep Silver is hawking Shenmue all of a sudden.

>> No.5623985
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>tfw maining Dyo in Sega Allstars Racing Transformed