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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 252 KB, 500x400, PC98.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5614203 No.5614203 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any old games that could be categorized as "weebshit" or at least be considered weebshit ancestor? I know about PC-98 eroge but these are really just VNs rather than fully fleged games.

>> No.5614209


>> No.5614227

>I know about PC-98 eroge but these are really just VNs rather than fully fleged games.
Clearly you don't really know anything about them.

>> No.5614241

Most games developed at this time period were Japanese, but since the Genesis and accelerating further with each subsequent Playstation console, a larger number of western developed games started making up the libraries lifeblood. Games that we know as weebshit were born simply as a marketing tool to advertise games as being distinctly Japanese; for example people think Dark Souls and Resident Evil are western games despite being made by the Japanese. I'm sure these existed in the /vr/ ages but they weren't as obvious or abundant as they are now.

>> No.5614246

Give a definition of your buzzword first if you want this answered. Or better yet fuck off back to wherever you came from.

>> No.5614249

Kendo Rage

>> No.5614273

People keep forgetting how big Japanese culture was in the 80s through the early 2000s. People like Japanese shit now, but back then everyone fucking loved it.

>> No.5614328
File: 24 KB, 304x224, fatalfuryspecial1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, back in the 80s and 90s, there was no "weebshit" in the way we mean nowadays.
Japanese media in the west was seen as weird, alternative and cool. The notion of someone who "obsess over japanese culture" was more tied to martial artist guys like Steven Seagal than comic or animation fans, I guess.
For video games, it wasn't even a question. Unless you were a PC guy who played mostly FPSs and RTSs, you knew the best shit was coming from Japan. And nobody accused others of being "weebs" or whatever because everyone was playing japanese games.
Pre-internet/social media was a simpler time I guess.

>> No.5614336
File: 266 KB, 900x1200, duo poster auction SAMPLE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the definition of "weebshit" changes daily but here's a PC Engine ad poster you might like, OP.

>You can meet the girl you like, on DUO.

>> No.5614348

The difference was that people liked giant robots, ninjas and crazy strong dudes beating the shit out of each other.

Nowadays liking japanese shit means spamming old memes, watching flavor of the month cute girls anime and playing neptunia. Bonus points for being confused about owns sexuality and being a discord regular.

>> No.5614365
File: 265 KB, 316x576, 2246190-c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gokinjou Boukentai, I'm translating it and every character is a typical anime stereotype. Very weeb

>> No.5614490

From what I've seen it's the opposite. Modern westerners like anime because it's "masculine", even though that's not the intent nor strength of Japanese media.

>> No.5614709


Let's not forget the TG16. That's the impression I got of it at the time, anyway

>> No.5614716
File: 147 KB, 800x736, team17worldrallyfever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a actual weeb game. A western game that apes Japanese style.

If you're going to use that fucking buzzword, least use it correctly. Stop using "weebshit", or "weeb" to describe basic ass otakubait games.

>> No.5614735

nah that's being an ironic weeb. Normalfags like shonenshit like dbz or my hero academia and other shit like Jojo or Attack on Titan.

>> No.5614741

>Games that we know as weebshit were born simply as a marketing tool to advertise games as being distinctly Japanese

This game is probably the best /vr/ example of a western game being marketed as 'Japanese'

You started seeing a lot more of it post-2000 with games like Oni

>> No.5614746
File: 56 KB, 640x480, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.5614753

It still pisses me off that that game wasn't more polished. I feel like it's one of the few retro games that really does need a remake since it had so many ambitious ideas that they just couldn't pull off at the time.

>> No.5614791 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 197x205, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5614814 [DELETED] 

>Modern westerners like anime because it's "masculine"
Holy shit please tell me this isn't what weebs actually believe

>> No.5614823

You talking artstyle specifically? Because if so anything with the 90s anime aesthetic works. Otherwise I'll need a clearer definition.

>> No.5614828

Most anime nowadays is cutesy and basic looking.

>> No.5614838

>Most anime nowadays is cutesy and basic looking.
very sad and true
A major reason I come to /vr/ is to see Japanese art before it went to shit.

>> No.5615306



>> No.5615647

Long story short, I'd say the '80s were more of an ignorant time when it came to Japanese stuff; people knew that plenty of cool things were Japanese in origin but generally didn't know too much yet about how broad and varied their pop culture was. (I originally started composing this post with a list, but it made the post too long.) The early '90s sharp rise of anime's popularity in the West was the real catalyst.

>> No.5615687

Zoomers can't remember shit that happened before they were born

>> No.5615696


>> No.5616208

Anything exclusive to 80s Japan, right?

>> No.5616297
File: 27 KB, 225x317, 225px-Windows_(UK)_box_art_-_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5616298

Well it's important to keep in mind that Japan was taking as much if not more inspiration from western media at the time as well. Shit was just seen as cool either way. So the anime aesthetic was a lot less weeb and more genre specific.

>> No.5616365

anime back in the 80s and 90s was so fuckin awesome. it had a distinctive look but wasn't overly polished or glossy looking... what happened?

>> No.5616372
File: 67 KB, 704x480, Genmu Senki Leda.mkv_snapshot_00.08.35_[2017.10.17_22.54.20].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most anime nowadays is cutesy and basic looking
Okay so just like the eighties and nineties then once you remove your nostalgia goggles.

>> No.5616391


yeah but this stuff had a sense that it was 'real'. cutesy anime now is all glossy and flash animation looking. I would way rather watch sailor moon than any cutesy magical girl shit now.

>> No.5616421

>that it was 'real'
It's the lack of copious details and handdrawn touches, right? Good times

>> No.5616487

Most of my non-weeb friends like One Punch Man, Hunter X Hunter and Dragonball. What do you think regular people like about anime?

>> No.5616490
File: 1.03 MB, 530x486, 1555651654840.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Computers happened. Why animate when you can 'animate' for a fraction of the cost?

>> No.5616609

I dont blame them for using computers, I'm just saying something was lost when they switched over. lost some soul, I guess.

exactly. mostly the handdrawn aspect. for some reason its just more pleasing to my eyes, and I feel like a lot of people feel the same way.

>> No.5616947
File: 73 KB, 687x771, animenow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny how Sailor Moon was once accused of killing the true classic anime. Every decade we have the same shit.

>> No.5616956
File: 63 KB, 394x512, __ayanokouji_rem_dream_hunter_rem__2db12a3442dc5eb440b71571bcc66ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me back when there's a modern moe series like Dream Hunter Rem.

>> No.5617008


Anime otaku games have always been around, so yes.

There are a lot of j-rpgs, ecchi, life sim, etc games like this.

>> No.5617014
File: 49 KB, 640x480, img-7[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The thing is, back in the 80s and 90s, there was no "weebshit" in the way we mean nowadays.

There absolutely was. There was "normal" Japanese games meant for a broad audience, but there was also niche titles for moe loving otakus too. Most of these never left glorious Nippon.

Mostly visual novel type games. Princess Maker, the Tokimeki Memorial series, etc.

Tokimeki Memorial is probably the most notable, but it spawned so many immitators. That game was also written by Igarashi, who hints that his wife co-wrote much of it.

>> No.5617031

>lost some soul, I guess
That's literally what happened. Older anime was drawn and animated almost exclusively by people, but as time went on the human element became smaller and smaller. Before we know it the characters will be designed by machines programmed to adhere to a carefully constructed baseline for maximum appeal.

>> No.5617041

Weeb is short for weeaboo, a word filter put on /a/ to stop the use of the word "wapanese" or "wanna be japanese"

So you're asking what old games could be classified as western games trying to be japanese?

>> No.5617049

We're at the point where it already seems like most anime characters are designed by an AI. There's not sort of personal touch. just a bunch of appealing elements mashed together to pander to an audience that throws away their money on worthless PVC figures.

>> No.5617062

>my gay cringy shit is better than your gay cringy shit

>> No.5617064

Most of the thread is talking about art style when in reality it's really the scripts that are (have always been) terrible. Japanese can't write stories worth a damn

>> No.5617071

Go back to /a/

>> No.5617073 [DELETED] 

Go burn in hell, affeminated tranny

>> No.5617075

Ok faggot

>> No.5617080

By the dream whore rem is shit.

>> No.5617090

is this an /a/ thread? is this an alternate timeline?

>> No.5617427
File: 307 KB, 640x569, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw even the biggest otakubait from the 80's and 90's had pure SOUL.

>> No.5617469

Art changes. From ancient cave paintings in somalia to modern cartoons in france. All around the world, the standard for art changes, improving or regressing depending on your views. I don’t see why you guys would think anime is anything special. Grow up and move on.

>> No.5617850

She's way too close to that television.

>> No.5617989

it's so different now and really why there should be an /ar/ board. I'd post there as often as I do in /vr/.

>> No.5618009

*opens can of monster*
Ah yes,
*fills up glass*
80s were the best time for pedophile cartoons. They've missed out. They've missed out.

>> No.5618170
File: 101 KB, 1080x1080, DrbbhNIXgAkYuaO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618224


aw yee nigga, bubblegum crisis

>> No.5618385

Ah ye very masculine cartoon, definitely not moeshit at all

>> No.5618406

You know, it already exists and it's called /m/
There are also youtube channels and reddit subs dedicated to old anime, you don't have to be tied to 4chan for over 2 decades of your life.

>> No.5618408

You got that right.

>> No.5618446

Is this the point in the thread where I sing Konya wa Hurricane and yell "ROVING YOU!" Because as a BOOMER*, I'll do it.

* FUCK YOU and GTFO if you don't get this

>> No.5618480


People who use weeb as a derogatory on 4chan are always funny to me.

>> No.5618516

No, they like it because they're manchildren who play it to regress bcause they can't handle their own myopic existance.
Found the pedoweeb.
Contain the wapanese.

>> No.5618572
File: 131 KB, 500x432, game center crown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5618574
File: 47 KB, 944x403, ranma old net.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these.

>> No.5618582
File: 44 KB, 621x387, grrr anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5618596

That Gologo 13 clip looks ridiculous now but goddamn, it was fucking NINETEEN EIGHTY THREE. That's insane, the very definition of pushing boundaries and SOUL in anime. Hell it was still two years before 'Money for Nothing' made primitive CG cool. Rock Me Nora on the other hand is just laughably bad.

>> No.5618601

Anime wasn’t popular until the Pokémon cartoon show

>> No.5618604

>Modern westerners like anime because it's "masculine"
If by “modern” you mean “back 25 years ago”

>> No.5618606

>youtube channels
I watch a lot of good stuff on those, yes.
>reddit subs
Fuck no, I hate the way reddit works.

>> No.5618614

I remember seeing Sailor Moon on UPN all the time, and maybe DBZ was starting to become popular on Cartoon Network in 1997 (can't confirm because can't remember). I had also a copy of Superbook and rented Fushigi Yugi prior to 1998. All that said, I think you're right. There was no Japanese cartoon that entered mainstream before Pokemon was on Kids WB (or before it was on there, maybe).

>> No.5618615

>25 years ago”
That's about right, Maybe a little less than 25. There was a point of time when stuff like Ninja Scroll was popular and anime was seen as "Cartoons, but now with tits and bloody violence!"

>> No.5618626

We're too old to still be playing online turf wars, anon. Most channers are also on reddit.

>> No.5618627

To be fair cosmic fantasy is the most generic DQ clone I've ever seen.

>> No.5618637

It's not about any factionalism, reddit has a shit layout and the system discourages discussion in favor of popularity-hunting.

>> No.5618638

This video is unedited by the way.

>> No.5618645
File: 22 KB, 624x433, 2019-05-29 23_35_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah my favorite part is how the american dub actually dubbed over the vocal songs, which are a huge part of Bubblegum Faggotry. And old weebs will defend this atrocity with all their might.

>> No.5618648

Sorry man, I'm too old for this oldfag garbage. There's nothing good about getting old anyway you just become jaded, you start to need glasses to be able to read and your back and knees start to hurt.

>> No.5618683



>> No.5618710

Most likely you're at most 30 something years "old", your eyes are bad from playing WoW in a dark basement and your knees and back hurt because they have to support 300+ lbs of blubber.

>> No.5618718

I"m past 30 and Reddit might actually enjoy weebshit more than 4chan does at this point. This site now defends the opposite values it used to have.

>> No.5618720

Watch this and explain how is this not garbage?

>> No.5618910

>You know, it already exists and it's called /m/

Can you talk about non mecha manga and anime over there?

>> No.5619131

As long as a washing machine or whatever appears in whatever you're talking about or you go "did you know that famous mecha designer Obari did the character designs for (non-M Anime)?" you can get away with just about anything

>> No.5619174

Look another stupid fucking kid.

Speed Racer,Astroboy and Robotech were all popular animes before the shit that is Pokemon started.

>> No.5619197

Sailor Moon was somewhat big in America in the mid 90s. Dunno if it quite reached "mainstream" though. I remember that and Ronin Warriors on tv on weekday afternoons.

>> No.5619259

Looks exactly like Power drift too

>> No.5619272

Good luck in your project, anon!

>> No.5619428


I'm not a pedo you're just projecting, faggot

>> No.5619651

I did watch speed racer as a kid, it was very slow paced and cliché with silly characters. 90% of the show was close ups of people talking and only 10% had good animation. A lot of obviously reused animation among episodes too.

>> No.5619774

So I nailed it on the age, how'd I do on the rest?

>> No.5619793

>getting upset that women are exercising

>> No.5619794

People are not as good mind readers as they think they are. I wish I were the underage communist faggot you think I am, it would have been a huge improvement from my current situation.

>> No.5619802

It's still moeshit.

>> No.5619817

Keep telling yourself that, hambeast.

>> No.5619858
File: 91 KB, 640x640, 149604-Advanced_Variable_Geo_(NTSC-J)-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variable Geo may be considered weeb shit

>> No.5619862

According to OP it's a "VN" and not a game.

>> No.5620010
File: 156 KB, 956x720, 1490280446384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lizzie Shinkicker
I see you are an anon of taste

>> No.5620030

your nostalgia is blinding you. The eyes on the left were in every anime of the time, only Pokemon comes to mind as an exception. The eyes on the right only really appear in moeblob shows, with other shows having their own styles.

>> No.5620056

Final Fantasy

>> No.5620065

>every 20 years anime goes mainstream in the west and then dies
can't wait for it to die and go underground again so that the non-tikthot weebs can go back to having their comfy little group therapy communities. The current state of legal streaming might be the beginning of the end for the current wave

>> No.5620091

It did. Remember the Barenaked Ladies song?

>> No.5620092

Just embrace the fact you're a cringy 30 year boomer who gets off to pedophile cartoons.

>> No.5620093


Canadian band. Sailor Moon for whatever reason did better in Canada than USA.

>> No.5620095

So basically you've outed yourself as a hipster?
Thankfully the creepy shit I'm into is so reprimandable it will never ever be mainstream.

>> No.5620107
File: 51 KB, 383x615, 1546727862298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedo shitslinging already
It's some women doing dumb 80s aerobics like literally every show on the air back then, even here. What's your actual damage?

>> No.5620114

Yes I did watch bubblegum shit, it's fucking garbage. I would have watched LotGH but it's over 100 episodes long, maybe someday I'll eventually get to it.
I don't seem to understand what you losers expect from pedophile cartoons though, it's like you expect it to be high art instead of an adolescent guilty pleasure. It's sad and pathetic that you can't let go of your teenage years when your social life peaked.

>> No.5620121

DB/Z, Yuyu Hakusho, Initial D, etc didn't have eyes anywhere close to the left.

>> No.5620131

It's silly that you get hung up on minute details like eye shapes when the godawful scripts are the giant elephant in the room.

>> No.5620137
File: 164 KB, 645x729, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>your nostalgia is blinding you. The eyes on the left were in every anime of the time
>DB/Z, Yuyu Hakusho, Initial D, etc didn't have eyes anywhere close to the left.
>It's silly that you get hung up on minute details like eye shapes

>> No.5620152

Why does eye shapes matter though, Toryama draws since the 80s of course he's going to have a different style. Why are eye shapes important if everything else about weeabo culture is trash? What Japan needs is a cultural revolution, like the one from the 70s.

>> No.5620167

Japan should make anime apologizing for nanking and unit 731

>> No.5620318

It was just as big throughout the US. I didn't think you'd take my reference to BNL as some kind of regional limiter.

>> No.5620326

Hey OP, are you enjoying your really great thread, with such really great posts and posters in it?

>> No.5620345

Fuck you and fuck weebshit.

>> No.5620396

What creepy shit.

>> No.5620460
File: 668 KB, 1420x1600, Cybernetic Hi-School Part 3 Gunbuster - Box Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5620468
File: 1.25 MB, 480x360, ezgif-1607252608.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Stop masturbating to lolis.

>> No.5620472

Imagine being 30 and thinking this looks good.

>> No.5620480

Good thing I'm not 30.
>being insecure about what you enjoy

>> No.5620492

>Fuck you and fuck western shit that wants to be japanese

>> No.5620549

Same goes for western music. Long story short pc internet SNS and such destroyed everything

>> No.5620565 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck out of here, little kid. You're a pathetic limp wristed faggot.

>> No.5620572

They were never good to begin with.

>> No.5620576

After you, gramps. Don't tell me what I should like.

>> No.5620585 [DELETED] 

God you're more effeminated than I thought. Do you take onions saline injections up your dick you little passive faggot

>> No.5621304

>shit that happened before i was born didn't happen
zoomers. lol

>> No.5621583

Even after the poke craze it was never that popular. Japan is too gay for Americans. The pokemon craze lasted what, 1 year, 2 tops?

>> No.5621681

Right looks better. Left is derivative of 90s character design fads.

But in general I prefer stuff that was hand painted on celluloid to anything digital.

>> No.5621702

20 and counting.

>> No.5621707

When laughably-talentless Gen Z gets old, they will have no rhetorical ammo at all.

>> No.5621718

Are you the same kid that tried to argue "no one liked jrpgs before FFVII"?

>> No.5621742

I wonder why anime internationally became "mainstream action cartoons" eventually. Outside of 3D-cartoon movies (like from Pixar and Dreamworks), what happened to the non-Japanese cartoonists? The only non-Japanese action cartoon show that I can think that was popular in the past two decades is Samurai Jack.

>> No.5621750

Zoomer detected. You may have played some of the later games with your friends, but you will never know 1998-2000 Pokemon Everything(TM)

>> No.5621776
File: 37 KB, 640x480, Drolin_4d0f7f2ce7c55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5622023

I hope that's ironic

>> No.5622024

He's not wrong, just look at sales numbers. Nintendo even gave up publishing Dragon Warrior games in the west during 4th gen.

>> No.5622035
File: 7 KB, 256x224, 22562_d62f0ca173c618753465d16a9e7aafb3bafbffcd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5622103

thanks for the game name, loser

>> No.5622104

Have you tried Google?

>> No.5622105

>i need the name of hentai garbage and am too dumb to find it myself

>> No.5622158

Tried reverse image search but still couldn't find it, name please? Doesn't look like anything on vndb

>> No.5622162


>> No.5622167

Legend of Happy Girl 5

>> No.5622169

Choukyoushi Hitomi - Bangai Hen
So it's an obviously unlincensed tokimeki memorial knockoff

>> No.5622292

Sales compared to what? Fucking Madden? Literally no one said it wasn't niche but to imply the whole genre was this super obscure underground thing before 1997 is just flat out wrong

>> No.5622298

read this guy's entire twitter.


>> No.5622321

why does she only have one leg

>> No.5622323

Anon are you blind ? Check top of the pic ! Behind the text !

>> No.5622402


>> No.5622636

right and anon's point is that NOW, in 2019, anime fandom seems dominated by waifufags and moe not mechas and violence.

>> No.5622708

Not shocking though. These days 4chan is all outsider normies coming here to shitpost because they want to feel cool.

>> No.5622786


I remember when anime was seen as edgy and cool, thinking like the Manga entertainment days and when the Scifi channel had the anime block.

Now its all manchildren hugging waifu pillows and masturbating to little girls. I'm sure that was around back then, but it wasn't the face of anime. Anime was cool, deep, violent, dangerous.

Now its trash.

At least we still have the classics.

>> No.5622810

That kind of anime still exists. Letting a fanbase chase you away from something you like is the height of foolishness in my eye. Unless you were never watching because you actually liked it and just wanted to seem edgy and cool for being into something unpopular.

>> No.5622828


It didn't chase me away, I still like some series, but the majority of anime released today is garbage compared to even the worst things back in the day.

I still watch some series, but find myself more and more just diving deep into the classics.

>> No.5622856

Shogo mobile armor devision by monolith studios

>> No.5622972

Final Fantasy sold so poorly we didn't get half the series in the west because it never sold particularly well. They even made Mystic Quest in an attempt to teach dumb HDHD american kids how to grind in repetitive jarpigs. Why are you revising history?

>> No.5622975

Yeah that vision that americans had of cartoons was completely fucking off and I'm glad it corrected itself. Now if only we could do something about lolicon.

>> No.5623215

I confess that Cowboy Bebop was the last series I watched, but I think it was more that I was burnt out on anime rather than the medium changing since I was equally disinterested in old stuff as well. I have some friends who are still into it and seem to like the stuff they watch.

>> No.5623228

I don't think you've watched the worst stuff from the past lmao. By the way you should play this game it has all of the best moments of the shows but none of the filler.

>> No.5623231

Easy there, tough guy.

>> No.5623232

>Final Fantasy sold so poorly we didn't get half the series in the west because it never sold particularly well.

We most likely did not get II and III due to rom space and carts with that much memory and battery being expensive to make in the early '90s. We would have got V as Final Fantasy Xtreme (eeee) if they have had time to iron the bugs.

>> No.5623450

Or maybe the games were just never very good. The Nintendo boss said only recluse losers play jarpigs.

>> No.5623496

[citation needed]

>> No.5623591

That's a well known quote though;

>[People who play RPGs are] "depressed gamers who like to sit alone in their dark rooms and play slow games."

>> No.5623616

There you have it, basedboys, the very man you idolize rubbing some harsh truths right in your face.

>> No.5623679
File: 1.11 MB, 1372x1049, 4a3dfebdf6ca456092db42977f57498a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question.
What is WoH?

>> No.5623921

And he is right.

>> No.5623936

He was butthurt that most 3rd party studios who made RPGs jumped ship for discs in 5th gen. It's more like the reaction of a spurned lover than anything

>> No.5623989

>look at sales numbers
>seven jrpgs in the top 25 in worldwide sales for the SNES
>beaten almost exclusively by Mario, Zelda, DKC, and Street Fighter
I'd say they did pretty well, considering Nintendo's bread and butter.

>> No.5623990

>m-maybe i can rationalize it!

>> No.5624021

72-year-old man quoted in '99 at the height of the JRPG, the N64 totalling under a third of PSX sales and catering to a younger audience. The guy was a little out of touch on what other devs wanted. Nintendo had great established IPs that carried them through, but it's no secret that there were some bitter feelings over losing a lot of the 3rd-party publishers, some of the big defectors going on to have massive sales figures for JRPGs the same year as this quote.

>> No.5624046

I don't think you're an underage communist faggot. You're only mentally underage, sexually insecure, and don't even understand what a "communist" is. I guess I nailed it on the other parts because you ignored them. You might as well get that off your chest while your /r9k/ing.

>> No.5624048

Wings of Honnêamise

>> No.5624102

You figured all that from 2 short posts on an weebbait thread. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5624103

Goes to show what a piece of shit the SNES was. In fact the Sega CD had better actual rpgs than it.
Fucking basedboys

>> No.5624107


>> No.5624118

Yup, and still no sequel, only some vague fan service alluding to one as easter eggs in other games.
Really liked that game though, Treeid to make some extra levels for it back in the day but didn't get that far, only ever completed two, and then the hard drive crashed on me.

>> No.5624123

Still better than what the Wachowski's made.

>> No.5624130
File: 94 KB, 1432x803, Warau_Salesman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movie had much better pacing than the cartoon. Have you guys watched 70s anime? Nothing fucking happens for 15 minutes then they blow all their animation load in a few action scenes and every episode follows the exact same formula.
It's hard to stay invested when you already know what's going to happen next.

>> No.5624146

I have yet to see Speed Racer, but feel like the only person on earth who thought Jupiter Ascending was great. matrix 2 and 3 suck donkey balls though

>> No.5624184

I've watched lots of 70's anime. I grew up watching a good amount of it on TV. Battle of the Planets (Gatchaman) and Starblazers (Space Battleship Yamato) were my jam. Tranzor Z (Mazinger Z) was way more formulaic than Speed Racer. Not every episode of Speed Racer had the same formula. Tranzor Z literally did.
It was a kids show, how deep did you want it to get? BTW, Mach Go Go Go was made in the 60's, not the 70's. I can forgive it because I loved it as a kid.

>> No.5624192

I enjoyed Jupiter Ascending as well.
I also liked John Carter, but I was a fan of the Edgar Rice Burroughs books way before that one came out.

>> No.5624217 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 665x342, visual_eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bashing Tatsunoko at all, I just prefer longer stories that develop a bit each episode rather than follow the exact same formula of monster of the week that is easily defeated by a giant laser of friendship or whatever.

>> No.5624221
File: 373 KB, 665x342, visual_eng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not bashing Tatsunoko at all, I just prefer longer stories that develop a bit each episode rather than every episode following the exact same formula of monster of the week that is easily defeated by a giant laser of friendship or whatever.

>> No.5624272

Doronjo is life, Doronjo is wife

>> No.5624373

I didn't think John Carter was as terrible as the general consensus, but Jupiter Ascending really caught me off guardas being kind of great if I ignored the clumsy acting. I lovedcthe first Matrix and then felt horribly let down I expected JA to be garbage. I really should see Speed Racer...

>> No.5624396

It was worse than that, he said the west didn't care about RPGs until ffvii
JRPG wouldn't exist in the first place if japs weren't obsessed with wizardry and ultima in the 80s. The entire genre was born from the west. You'd have to be blindingly retarded to think final fantasy was some immaculate conception as America's introduction to rpgs

>> No.5624408

>It was worse than that, he said the west didn't care about RPGs until ffvii
That's correct though. Did you get your "facts" from an Youtube celeb?

>> No.5624423

>It was worse than that, he said the west didn't care about RPGs until ffvii

I haven't been following this discussion closely, but I would actually say that's pretty accurate.

>> No.5624454

He means popular as in sheer volume i.e pop culture iconic. A recent example would be Elder Scrolls, they were always very popular but Skyrim pushed the series into the cultural limelight, much like DBZ and Pokemon did for Anime in the West.

>> No.5624620

>i know nothing that wasn't in those 2 short posts

>> No.5624638

People are awful mind readers

>> No.5624647

Speed Racer (the film) wasn't that bad, the Wachowski's took a lot of liberties with the source material. Some moments were true to the original show, but a lot of it was way off. The VFX will give you seizures. Casting was pretty good. It's over the top campy. I think it was mostly to try to pay homage to the original western dub of the show, but it just comes off as wierd. I own a copy, rarely watch it; I watch the original series box set more often, But it's at least worth a viewing, especially if you liked the original series.

>> No.5624786

Fuck, that's funny.

>dissing Ys 1 and 2
Kevin sounds like a fag.

That Golgo clip was literally state of the art at the time. Probably was kinda ugly even then, but it was actually high-end.

>pedophile cartoons
Ah yes, Golgo 13, now that was for kid-fuckers.
Come on now, you can do better than that.

Speed Racer is fun. It's really, really out there, and a lot of people fucking hate it for that (and I can't even blame them), but it's got plenty to love. I really liked it.

>> No.5624820

That helicopter clip really hurt you weebs didn't it?
How does it feel knowing you wouldn't be welcome in the very country you idolize.

>> No.5624829

Speed Racer was a conceptual trainwreck. It was a movie without an audience. It's a kid's movie but no 2000s kid recognized or liked the character. It's intended for nostalgic boomers but most boomers who watched the old cartoon back then care or even remembered it when the movie came out.
The wachoski sisters made a whole movie only for themselves.

>> No.5624849

>kids are awful readingcomprehensioners

>> No.5624932

It's not the first time I've seen channers doing this, they look at one of your posts and immediately go, you must be a commie zionist bisexual feminist tranny jew who is plotting to destabilize western society with communism. And you're supposed to have figured all of this out by a few words in written text.
Just let it go, you'll never guess what my age or current situation is.

>> No.5625195

You don't even need a degree in psychology to understand what kind of cringelord is behind posts like yours. Anyone who's spent even a few years reading the repetitive drivel your kind shits onto the board knows what you are. You're a pathetic stereotype. The only thing someone with only the most basic understating of (sub)human nature can't glean from a couple of your shitposts is exactly which cartoons you like and dislike. But you've shitposted more than a couple times so anyone who has that information, and how to use it, knows a lot more about you. Even more than you know about yourself.

>> No.5625279

You're both clinically retarded zoomers that have no frame of reference for times before you were born and can only repeat
what you've heard from god knows where. Here's your last (you)

>> No.5625438

I'm in my 40s and remember well when no one gave any fucks about RPGs.

>> No.5625474

I think you're all arguing pointlessly because you're talking about different things.
Before FFVII console rpg's weren't too big in the west.
But since always there has been a cRPG market for adult nerds in the west.
You still could say there wasn't anything massive like Dragon Quest in Japan.

>> No.5625479
File: 217 KB, 1360x952, IMG_5299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time Gal is the first "anime" game i remember seeing. Shes cute and even had her own anime store in weeb land.

>> No.5625529

>i'm in my 40s in dog years and have the memory of a goldfish

>> No.5625532

I remember it all very well. RPGs were very niche before FFVII.

>> No.5626146

What is she playing?

>> No.5626275

Looks like gals panic

>> No.5626283

When you judge people based on only a few lines of text it tells more about you than the other person. You sound humorously arrogant and act like everyone else is below you.

>> No.5626815

This is literally a boomer!

>> No.5626872

>So I nailed it on the age,

Not him, just someone following the reply chain back to see what you idiots are griping about and you're not even right lol.

>> No.5626876

Final Fantasy 7 8 9

>> No.5627070


>just someone following the reply chain back
>cound't follow it

>> No.5627123

He's not wrong.

T. JRPG lover who basically fits that quote to a t

>> No.5627183

Say clairvoyant anon, what color between 0 and 10 am I thinking right now?

>> No.5627356
File: 195 KB, 300x300, shenmue 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that QTE title in the corner

>> No.5627394

Potato. Nailed it again.

>> No.5627476

>couldn't follow

>Most likely you're at most 30 something years "old"

>I"m past 30

>So I nailed it on the age

Lol you sure nailed it alright. Sorry I didn't bother going back further, you're both a pair of idiots.

>> No.5627957

30 something means past 30 kiddo. A pair of idiots id >9k times smarter than you.

>> No.5629812

She's going to damage her eyesight if she keeps sitting that close to the TV

>> No.5630012

I'm 33 and I think it looks pretty cool.

>> No.5630130

>you're at most 30
>I'm past 30
>so I nailed it on the age

Come on man.

>> No.5630623

>i can't reading comprehension
>i can't quote
Come on kiddo

>> No.5630753

Okay, screenshot where I was wrong lol.

>> No.5630759

pretty cool game

>> No.5631057

I don’t have to imagine :^)

>> No.5631083

Anime has always been manchildren hugging waifu pillows. The only reason why you remember anime being "cool, deep, violent, dangerous" is that only the most shocking stuff was worth localizing to western audiences because it was the 90's and well, the 90's also gave us Vampire the Masquerade and other cringe inducing grimdark nonsense. Your memories of anime come not from the source, but western Gen X ideas about what was cool.

>> No.5631091

Literally your last post dingus. This is some really low quality shitposting.