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5597204 No.5597204 [Reply] [Original]

I love earthbound , mother 3 is my favorite game of all times but i don't like mother 1 and i can't finish it . What's wrong with me ? Am i the only one ?

>> No.5597209

Yes, you are the only one.
You, special snowflake, you.

>> No.5597249
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You're probably not used to older RPGs.
Random encounters can be tedious, but they're very quick without any flashy animations taking time out of them. It can be hard too, but the game gives you plenty tools to overcome challenges.

>> No.5597393

mother 1 was known for being difficult, especially at the Mt. Fuji area.

i never had an issue with it, but i did hate the random encounters.

>> No.5597414

>Mt Fuji

>> No.5597420
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>Holy Loly Mountain

>> No.5597427

Retarded names for towns

>> No.5597453

Well other than mother having random encounters, it is pretty much the same thing gameplay-wise as earthbound.
Same shitty inventory, same dragon quest battle system, same primitive graphics.

>> No.5597454

>NES era JRPGs
Nah, pretty much everyone hates them, at least Mother is only like 14 hours which is real short for the genre. If you force yourself to play it 2 hours a day then it's over in a week.

>> No.5597491
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can't imagine why you didn't enjoy it

>> No.5597531

The towns being thematically named after holidays (with the starting town called Mother's Day) was genius actually. It matches the caricature American parody vibe Itoi was going for.
No idea about Holy Loly though, but I somewhat like that such a cutesy name was chosen for the game's hardest, most hostile location.

>> No.5597547

mt. itoi or bust.
the game is notoriously hard but that doesn't mean its unbeatable. i can't imagine for the life of me why you would play a game you aren't enjoying, though.

>> No.5597597

It's gay and the localization rules

>> No.5597623

The localization names are generic.
Except for Mt. Itoi, that one is cool. I wonder if Itoi himself was aware of that change back then. I don't think he chosed that himself.
But again, I still like the gap between the cutesy Holy Loly name and the actual place. So both names are fine for me.
I'll take Mother's Day over Podnuk any day.

>> No.5597661
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Sometimes you just can't go back to earlier games after experiencing the awesome later ones.

E.g. I love the FUCK out of Fallout 3 and 4, but don't really care for 1 & 2. Same goes for Persona 3, 4, 5 and Persona 1 & 2. Can't really enjoy the old clunky shit if you didn't grow up with it.

>> No.5597698

No you're just an ADHD faggot. I started with Fallout 3 and nowadays I adore Fallout 1 & 2.

>> No.5597702

>stupid weebcuck prefers nu-games to the classics

>> No.5597716

>,fallout 3

Yeah if you're a zoomer

>> No.5597723

8/10 solid bait.

>> No.5597812

>holiday naming conventions isn't generic
Get real. At least podunk, ellay and spookane are decent puns.

>> No.5597823

Mother 1 doesn't really have as much "charm", for lack of a better term, as Mother 2. It doesn't have the wackiness and forward thinking M2 had that made it so interesting.
It's a great game but I would say it was simply done better in it's sequel, from music to the story to the visuals.

>> No.5597848

I'm real. Calling towns after american holidays isn't something you'd expect to find in a video game. Pun names for towns are plenty on vidya, nothing new.
I disagree, I think at times, Mother 1 can have more charm than the other 2 games, although they're all charming in their own ways.
M1's world feels more compact and connected too. You revisit Magicant during the game, and it functions as an ethereal, sort of quantic hub world on top of the main world map. There's nothing like that on 2 or 3, they have trippy parts like Ness' Magicant, or Tane Tane, but nothing quite like Magicant in M1. And speaking of that, the whole connection between Ninten, his grandparents, Queen Mary and Gyiyg makes the plot more solid (and mysterious) than Mother 2's "you're the chosen one, save the world" plot.
That's still fine though because M2 excels at small character sub-plots and dialogues rather than the actual main plot, but in M1 the main plot, the premise of the game's prologue pays off at the end. There is a real connection between Ninten and Gyiyg.
I like Mother 1 in a different way than the other 2. It isn't as over the top, but that's fine, it has its own style

>> No.5597939

fallout 3 is trash

>> No.5597945


>> No.5597949

Nailed it.
The Highs of M1 > M2 > M1 >>> M3

>> No.5597951

Imagine creating this image

>> No.5597993

It's not just you, most people give up on the first one. Make sure you're playing the GBA version with the easy ring mod.

>> No.5598173

I'm playing it on a translated mother 1+2 cartdrige but the problem isn't the difficulty , I just can't get into the game and I'm mad cause I want to love this game like I love mother 2 and 3 and I don't want to force myself to finish it

>> No.5598232
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Remember that it came out before M2 and 3.
Treat it like a Famicom RPG, not something that has to live up to your expectations of the sequels.

>> No.5598269

You need to basically need to appreciate mother 1 as its own game than try to play it because you like earthbound and mother 3.
It's quite different from the other two in certain regards and most people who play it purely because they like earthbound walk away from it due to various reasons.

>> No.5598652

I finished it but with double exp patch, makes things a bit easier.
There's an anniversary patch, but I would leave that one for a replay. Don't listen to autists who pretend they played the original because they saw a walkthrough.
The vocal soundtrack is amazing, be sure to check it out. I BELIEVE IN MORNING SKY

>> No.5598676

Nah, I bet most people who have played mother these days did so one the wii u virtual console, which didn't have easy mode patches.

>> No.5598687

>japanese mother fans play without difficulty patches, when even on 4chan you have people telling you to only play mother 1 with a patch
Why are western mother fans so pathetic?

>> No.5598703

t. watched a walkthrough

>> No.5598708

Because most of them are attention-seeking "fanart fans" (qf, gamergirls) that have learned about the entire series from the collective experiences of the folks that started Starmen.net

>> No.5598710

Why don't you just patch out all the gameplay, anon?

>> No.5598716

The gameplay was archaic by time it was out.

>> No.5598720

Do you patch earthbound too?
Mother 1 just earthbound with random encounters and no instant wins

>> No.5598727

Is this bait? Which 1989 RPG had no random battles or no a menu-based communication system?

>> No.5598741

>d-do you patch games h-haha that will show him even if I don't have any argument
Mother 1 has big random encounter ratio, not even DQ came close to it and not to mention you will be avoiding encounters at Mt. Itoi anyways, because that's the way the it was designed. The game is mainly driven by it's plot and charm, not by enduring two hours navigating the swamp or the factory while using 4th-D Slip to escape the random encounters just so you can brag on a north korean pastry forum how epic you are for beating a game like nips did 30 years ago.

>> No.5598742

Why do you think 4th d-slip is a necessity?

>> No.5598746

Good thing I played through Mother 1 first and don't sound like this embarrassed faggot >>5598741

>> No.5598759

>not even DQ came close to it
Yes it does.
You think Duncan's factory is bad? try the pyramid on DQIII.

>> No.5598762

the final set of enemies in mt. itoi are made to wreak your shit
>l-look at me, I'm a special eop

>> No.5598780

You're making me want to play this again. Duncan's Factory was unironically fun both times I played through this game (ie, without a patch). Elements like this still give off that pre-Internet (walkthrough) mystery/imaginative excitement that was common in childhoods of the 80s-90s (see also Guts Man's stage in MM1). The hard/long parts always added to the magic, and that has been permanently stripped away and replaced with easy-to-obtain porn-obsessions and predictable DLC.

>> No.5598787

>ana used pk freeze gamma, or pk beam gamma
>ninten used pk defense up beta, or shield beta
>ana used psi block
I fucking hate your casual ass. The game gives you all the tools you need to power through even the final stretch of mt itoi. You should be able to get up almost to the end with EVE, but by that point you should high enough level to fair well against any more enemies you might face.
And that's not even pointing out that the onyx hook exists. At literally any point in the game passed the first visit to magicant, you have an item that freely allows you to return there for free heals.

>> No.5598804

Once you get EVE's chip, you can return to Magicant to get healed, then back to magicant with the chip.
Also you can run around the map using Teleport, to avoid encounters, but don't tell anyone because then they will run out of PP and will be underleveled by the time they get to the final boss.

>> No.5598805

The chip is only in the gba version

>> No.5598813

>anything used pk beam gamma
>game over
lmao most players will end up at level 30 at max
enemies being rough is part of the plot because you are about to face an almighty malevolent entity, not so your retard ass can grind for hours to beat them
you can stop pretending anytime now

>> No.5598823

There's two Franklin badges in the game. PK beam gamma isn't that bad.

>> No.5598843

>mother 3 is my favorite game of all times

>> No.5598854

This is like hating on metal gear after playing MGS or MG2:SS
It’s more about appreciating the feel and concept than it is the final stand alone product. After all no one is demanding you to love it the way you love the sequels.

>> No.5598863

Not op but its one of my favorite gamea of all time too

>> No.5598938

Mother 3 is an amazing game, go fuck yourself. You probably play nothing but military shooters lmao.

>> No.5598984

Sad and telling that playing the first game in a good series out of order and needing a patch to play it is considered "normal"

>> No.5598990

>first boogeyman thought to cry over is military shooters
4chan isn't like Starmen.net. Please visit Reddit if you would prefer not to ever have your special feels subjected to criticism.

>> No.5598998

"Yikes" isn't any sort of criticism

>> No.5599260

I can't finish mother 1 because of existential dread

>> No.5599268

No crying until the end.

>> No.5599396
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>still samefagging and crying because of a patch that does nothing but increases exp from 1 point to 2

>> No.5599479

Thinking that people aren't real fans of MOTHER just because they prefer the game with an experience patch makes no sense. Who decides what the minute criteria for a ''fan'' is in this case? Are you a real fan of MOTHER if you don't read every box of dialogue in the game?

>> No.5599483

>crying about gatekeeping
Shouldn't you be watching a mother 3 let's play right now?

>> No.5599505

Maybe find something to define yourself instead of being a 'fan' of children's games and expecting the world to accomdate your obsession with meaningless shit. If you can't even beat a game that little Japanese children beat decades ago and have long since forgotten about, maybe just stick to Let's Plays and other ways to waste your life.

>> No.5599546

>>crying about gatekeeping
Nice strawman. I wasn't attacking the potential gatekeeping, i was attacking the reason for doing so. Why focus on something as insignificant to the game as the battles?
>Maybe find something to define yourself instead of being a 'fan' of children's games and expecting the world to accomdate your obsession with meaningless shit.
Aren't you agreeing with me here? I'm saying the same thing - the rigid use of the ''fan'' predicate is a waste of time, and attacking (not even discussing with) people for enjoying an old game with a patch seems meaningless.

>> No.5599554

>says the guy who defines himself for playing walkthroughs while pretending he played the original version in 1989

>> No.5599596

>Why focus on something as insignificant to the game as the battles?
>why focus on gameplay in a video game
gee i dunno

>> No.5599608

>all games rely equally on gameplay to achieve quality

>> No.5599615
File: 48 KB, 800x729, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the exp patch "ruins" the game?
It's the same plot, the same enemies, the same battles, the same sidequests, the same characters, the same soundtrack, etc? You are going to enjoy (if you played it for your own sake) the game no matter if it takes ten battles or five to go through the zoo.
Don't tell me it makes you overpowered because in the end exp gain is so insignificant that you still end up near level 30 (at max) and using 4th-D Slip to escape Suzy and Borgs, which happen to be resistant to everything and with high stats because that's the way developers intended.
But I guess it's better to have credibility for playing an "obscure" nip game.
It's ok anon. We get it, you played the game for gameplay and your own enjoyment like nips did in 1989, definitely not for points in a taiwase melon bread forum.

>> No.5600423

>seething zoomers
go take your non-retro games back to /v/

>> No.5600436

what version is best for MOTHER 1, including romhacks that aim to improve on the original?

>> No.5600478

MOTHER (original japanese):
Most challenging of all, has an open-ended ending that doesn't explain much, but has an iconic ending credits screen.
Earth Bound (NES prototype, aka "EB Zero" or "EB Beginnings" in virtual console):
Changed some of the dungeons and overworld layouts to make it less labyrinthic, has censorship, added a run button that also makes NPCs walk around faster around you, added an extended ending that explains things better, albeit it seems more generic than the original ending at the top of the mountain.
Mother 1+2 (GBA port):
Retains the changes applied to the Zero prototype (changed layouts, censorship, extended ending), but has the run button NPC glitch fixed (they now walk normally while you run), also includes a new item at the end of the game that makes things a bit easier.
Has worse screen ratio and sound obviously because GBA.
The GBA is the "best" one in terms of QoL, but you get worse screen ratio and sound, so it's your choice.
There is a patch that removes the censorship on GBA I believe.

>> No.5600524

>non-retro games are categorically inferior!
Not very nuanced thinking.

>> No.5600630

I love earthbound. I'm playing it for the first time this weekend.

>> No.5600643

He didn't say it was bad, faggot. He said it isn't retro. Cry more somewhere else, or learn the rules.

Have fun, anon. Just be aware that playing Earth Bound for NES (EB Zero/Beginnings) later might be boring or hard mode for you if you play it out of order. This should be obvious since that's the way with almost all game series, but a lot of EarthBound (SNES) fans still somehow miss this.

>> No.5600652

He called people defending a game from 'yikes' ''seething zoomers'' because it wasn't retro. There was no catalyst for discussion beyond someone replying 'yikes'.

>> No.5601371

lmao seething mongrel

>> No.5601505

>I love the FUCK out of Fallout 3 and 4
But not NV? That's the only actually good Fallout

>> No.5601978


>> No.5602034

NV is more of a Fallout 3 expansion pack, so I'd just file it under Fallout 3.

>> No.5602051

If you love earthbound , you're gonna love mother 3 too

>> No.5602062

Baiting won't hold back your tears, anon

>> No.5602426
File: 233 KB, 863x633, what a chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right anon.
I'm so devasted because (just like some people) I played earthbound first when I was a laddie because it was the first game out in america and mother 1 was only available in japan and the prototype rom wasn't available yet. It's almost as if someone out there got into the series because they had the cartridge, they knew someone who had it or they had a hacked console with some snes roms, and definitively not because they heard about in a vietnamese weaving forum and pretend they played a "obscure" secret japan only game.

>> No.5602440

All I did was warn anon to expect a harder game if he played them out of order so that he might avoid pissing his pants about it later, like many others do and have done. Continue being mad, spic.

>> No.5602448

also lmao that I live this rent-free in your head that you felt compelled to make OC

>> No.5602549

Sad that we consider this OC today.

>> No.5602554


not really

>> No.5602664

Please go back, newfriend.

>> No.5602920

I started with fallout 3 when it came out and played 1 and 2 for the first time last year. I'll never be able to play 3, nv, or 4 ever again after playing 1 and 2. The new ones are not fun in comparison.

>> No.5603102

aww did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.5603591
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>> No.5603801
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How's the remake coming along?

>> No.5603886

i genuinely like M1 more than M2. it's short, sweet, and to the point, with some fantastic moments, and there's never a shitty part that drags on and on. I've replayed M1 several times to completion, but I've only finished 2 once.

>> No.5604030
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>> No.5604394

Why do they always draw "Ninten" with forwards-facing (ie, tied from the back) bandana? Even in the Jap commercial where they've gotten that from, he has it tied from the front.

>> No.5604398

I had trouble finishing it too. I gave up before the factory near my itoi. I think knowing that there was a difficulty increase psyched me out but it was getting a bit much anyways.

I get massively triggered when people say they should skip it and go to 2 and 3 though. The story and everything is so good. Maybe I'm a hypocrite for not finishing but at least I tried you fucking pussies.

>> No.5604415

Don't cry and go beat that ayy lmao's ass.
The you are allowed to cry all you want

>> No.5604465

I dont want to dig my Wii U out :(

>> No.5604554
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>not having it on Famicom

>> No.5605232


>> No.5605236

Why? OP's questions were answered a long time ago.

>> No.5605496

we can still keep going about other wrong things about OP

>> No.5605749

that looks way too similar to earthbound

>> No.5606227

It’s literally an EarthBound romhack

>> No.5606263

>earthbound romhack
>in development for years

>> No.5607591


>> No.5608972


>> No.5611890


>> No.5612492

wow this anon is so cool for pointing this out. nice one anon you sure showed op

>> No.5614014


>> No.5614848

Just got 143 in 1, I'll be trying out "earthbound 1" very shortly >:v)))

>> No.5614856

The mother series only gets better with every release, with the first one being complete garbage. So no, you're not the only one.

>> No.5614873

The earthbound series only gets WORSE with each release

>> No.5614880

Earthbound is weaker in a lot of ways than mother.

>> No.5614947

>with the first one being complete garbage
It's actually pretty good, anon. :-)

>> No.5617795

Are there any other game devs out there like toby fox that are from the school of mother? who either have a past of mother/earthbound hacks or whose games are either very similar in style/gameplay or homages to mother/earthbound?

>> No.5617808

Yume Nikki has that map where you look exactly as Mother 1.

>> No.5617841
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>> No.5617909

Get good lol

>> No.5620169

Isn't there a romhack that fixes most of M1? Something something anniversary, with different graphics and shit?

>> No.5620183

I don't know about what'd need to be "fixed", but I've seen screenshots of a so-called anniversary edition or whatever, and it looked rather bad. I can see what they were trying to go for, they ditched Mother 1's charlie brown-esque designs for something more similar to Earthbound, I guess. I don't know, but it doesn't look good, you can tell it's an amateur work, the trees (which are everywhere in Mother 1) all have this weird blocky finish that looks like they didn't care to chisel the asset a bit, it just looks wrong and distracting.
Maybe it has some other aspects that make it interesting, I don't know, but for a first time playing the game I'd advise not to.

>> No.5620187

I know there's a version of the game that doesn't change the graphics, but changes other things (such as the translation)

>> No.5620195

Everytime I try Mother 1 I get completely lost somewhere.

>> No.5620473
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>> No.5620481

go back to /v/ loser

>> No.5620517
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holy shit this is pathetic

>> No.5621605

Do you talk to the NPCs?

>> No.5621608

The interiors of Animal Crossing were made by Itoi or something, and Pokemon Red and Green were made by some former Ape guys and has a lot of similarities to Mother 1. Then there's LISA and Yume Nikki.

>> No.5621615

mother 1 is not based and paulapilled

>> No.5621626
