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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5597676 No.5597676 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any official manga/comic/anime/show/film of your favourite game?

>> No.5597720

Breath of Fire 4 has a pretty good manga.

>> No.5597736
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Shotaro Ishinimori did a comic of ALttP for Nintendo Power, the comic is pretty good, also there was Dragon Quest: Dai no Bouken in Shounen Jump in the early 90s, the manga is the most basic shounen manga out there (power of friendship, super moves, fan service, "gotta use [that] attack", characters die and later come back, pervy old master, you name a cliche and the manga has it) but it does a great job keeping you entertained.
Also there is Pokemon Special, i read all of the first gen which is OK but is nothing to write home about.

>> No.5597754
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Streets of Rage had one in Sonic the Comic.

>> No.5598475
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The Tactics Ogre manga seems to be alright, it captures pretty much the same story elements, however I can't really seem to find a better English translation of it anywhere.
Also this fan once did a Tactics Ogre Anime intro which makes me long for adaption of some kind.

>> No.5598489
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Castlevania got a Netflix show... Guess I'll accept it, but it's not how I imagined it would be...

>> No.5598627

Earthbound has some bretty gud 4komas and side novels which delve more into the game world.

>> No.5599080
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>Shotaro Ishinimori did a comic of ALttP for Nintendo Power
That one is really comfy, though it takes all kinds of liberties with the story and setting. Still way better than the aggressively bland adaptations that came later 2bh

>> No.5599093
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It's not quite my favorite game, but I still love the Benimaru Itoh Star Fox comic. It's fun.

As a kid, I'd also read the shit out of the short F-Zero comic that came with the game, and F-Zero was my favorite game back then.

>> No.5599140
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Was just about to post this. As far as game manga adaptations go BoFIV's is ridiculous. It's so much higher quality then just about any other I've seen, really a great adaption.

>> No.5599421
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Earthworm Jim had a pretty cool show and a comic series also iirc. Btw, the character's creator has an already funded Indiegogo campaign for a new graphic novel

>> No.5599436
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>> No.5600363

it's also cool how he hates gay people

>> No.5600384

He doesn't hate gay people, he just hates you

>> No.5600393

All the main protags are white, and Sypha getting confused for a boy was more a nod to the US mistranslation than for SJW pandering.

>> No.5600397

The Resident Evil novels are surprisingly good reads.

>> No.5600736
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>tfw they included it with the game
Probably the first /vr/comic in existence.

>> No.5600768
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Suikoden 3 had a good mango. So did Star Ocean :Blue Sphere. I didn't actually play them.

>> No.5600792

>Star Ocean EX was cancelled after 26 episodes out the 52 planned

>> No.5600836

>26 episodes
I didn't even know it had 26 eps. I remember watching a VCD set up to ep 7 or whatever. Started promising but turned non-canon with some cutesy shit.

>> No.5601153
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Written by Mark Millar. The art's still really nice, apart from that one cover where Axel looks like an old lady in disguise.

>> No.5601176
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I don't know if it was an Alpha 2 or 3 adaptation, but Sakura Ganbaru is a genuinely good manga - it's funny, Dan and Karin are well written, and the fights are surprisingly dramatic. There's also quite an effective emotional payoff, despite it being pretty obvious what the end will be.

>> No.5601421

>Dragon Quest: Dai no Bouken
It barely has anything to do with the plot of the games, but it was pretty damn good battle shonen. Introduced me to the whole "nakama" nonsense, with how they murder their enemies only to have them survive and come back as allies.

>> No.5601423

I only remember the hentai doujins.

>> No.5601468

There's the Doom comic, and the movie. They're both bad but the comic is at least the funny kind of bad. The movie was just awful.

>> No.5602140

He doesn't hate them; he just refuses to force himself to love them, which, granted, is equally as problematic in 2019

>> No.5602491

There's a manga of Suikoden 2, but it's hard as fuck to find raw, let alone translated, let alone translated well.
There's also a Salamander(Life Force) OVA.

>> No.5602876

do hentai doujins count?

>> No.5603028

Isn't there one of Popful Mail? I didn't think to d/l it when it was posted here a while back and one of my best friends would love to see it.

>> No.5603192
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There is, though it's gone in an odd direction

>> No.5603413
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>Isaac is literally black now
>used to be a pretty interesting ginger villain character

.they butchered and ruined Hector as well but at least he still looks similar albeit more like TR James from Pokemon now.

>> No.5603461

>Made one of the VILLAINS black
I don't see how this is a bad thing. Especially when his old design made him look like an emo fag.

>> No.5603658
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>> No.5605396

This remains one of the worst covers of all time bar none

>> No.5605992

Just because you didn't like the design, and I'm guessing neither did the coward show producers did either doesn't mean they should just flipping change his race. They're suppose to be adapting Castlevania, not change things to be unrecognizable, and there's literally no reason they had to change Isaac's race.

>> No.5606113

At least they made him less faggy

>> No.5606119

I love Goemon but the anime fucking sucks and the mangaka only cared about jerking off to Yae. The series is a pachinko whore now so I doubt we'll get anything from it anymore

>> No.5606127

Isaac is literally supposed to be a fag.

>> No.5606176

I don't know if I was lied to, but I think shit like Sakura, Karin, and/or evil Ryu both started in manga and then later appeared in the games
Retro doujin are peak cozy

>> No.5606180

The he shouldn't exist

>> No.5606590

>>Made one of the VILLAINS black
What unwoken anime. Must watch.

>> No.5606797
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Easily one of the best game adaptations I've read. The BOF1 manga was pretty okay too, though very truncated and I could only ever find it in pretty shit quality.

>> No.5606816

Wizardry has an OVA that's pretty decent.

>> No.5606849
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Ys was pretty alright

>> No.5607074
File: 1.46 MB, 704x2400, The cast of Tower of Druaga plays Tower of Druaga the arcade game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of. It's framed as a sequel to the arcade and is a mix of goofing around and being serious due to being written by the FMP guy. There's a whole episode dedicated to reenacting the arcade game while indulging in 80s Japanese candy store nostalgia.

>> No.5607153

Race switching characters isn't an "improvement" but to racist SJWs, and even they would screech if it was done the other way around. It's worthy of mockery whenever it happens (like Persona 1)

Besides shitting all over the source material (Isaac and Hector both had existing backstories that went untold and replaced with these imposter namesakes) the show is the SJW version of Christian cartoons that have to have a "moral" to teach "children" watching it.

>all of the Church is evil
>the concept of religion is evil
>religion drags humanity back, is incompatible with science
>let's redo this for another whole episode, didn't talk enough about religion = bad
>a belmont
>hates the Church too
>my clan is an allegory for the persecuted religious diaspora
>their reliance on their traditions brought their cultural downfall though, traditions are bad
>actually i'm a satanist too, isn't that so cool, i'm so hot let's fuck

(which poses a lore problem -an understatement-, since the Belmont clan is clearly very pro-religion even in the NES games, fights with holy accessories, some of the church got their shit together and hired the belmont + belnades + THE alucard, repeatedly, and it's dracula who's supposed to be the "satanist side" or "gods of darkness")

>of the horrors of slavery
>black, of course, because slavery
>actually a gay slut too, my unrequited feelings is true opression
>some gratuitous self harm scenes with the whip (granted, this was hilarious) because slavery
>more slave trade scenes AFTER that, and better make it work somehow with teleportation or shit
>with Euro slavers in the Sahara somehow

>womenz rise up from your traditional rules, let's smash the patriarchy

SJWania was obnoxious because the ratio of preaching to actual story was laughable. We're talking entire episodes of an 8 ep series. It has no respect for the old lore, and tries to to wear an IP corpse to tell their own edutainemnt show.

>> No.5607202

>womenz rise up from your traditional rules, let's smash the patriarchy
Carmilla's meant to be a bitchy slimy asshole. You missed the point because you saw somebody deliberately written to be an unlikable asshole and assumed you were supposed to like her because it fit your narrative.

>> No.5607209

You mean the guy who was excommunicated from the church at the time of Castlevania 3 and in Netflixvania says he only dislikes the church and not the religion itself? The guy who specifically calls for a "real" priest to held defend the town? Are you such a sensitive snowflake that you can't handle a fictional church being corrupt while it absolves the actual religion/god involved on multiple occasions? Then when Sypha does her "my religion says your god is bad" both Trevor and Alucard give her a "really?" look.

>> No.5607236

>It's a funny series
>Until something horrifically bad happens

Man I liked Druaga but the tone was all over the place

>> No.5607292

>a fictional church being corrupt

>His Clan had been driven out of the land centuries ago, because the people feared their strong supernatural powers.
The backstory of CV3 (the game, not your netflix-addled headcanon) goes that the Belmont clan were feared for their powers after defeating dracula so they withdrew, then THE POPE himself went out of his way to track down Trevor Belmont and beg him to drive away the menace of the reborn Dracula, and so Trevor answered the "call of duty", and is seen praying in the intro as he prepares to go and fight Dracula.
The game used an entire bank of data on the NES to store graphics for a cutscene where he prays. That's significant enough to count.

In the actual SJWvania show, there's exactly zero positive church representative. None whatsoever. Even the commoners healed by Maria snitch on her because of their religious alignment. And in fact, the Church excommunicated Trevor's family, himself included. Then Trevor organizes an uprising against said evil church.

It's not about what you and I think about the real life Church (that Adi Shankar is more concerned with talking about than adapting an existing work), it's about why a series of games that were so pro-religion the nintendo censors and christian fundies gave it a pass, now did a 180° turn on that for the adaptation. Makes one wonder.

>> No.5607297

The thing is that the only people who give a fuck about this are butthurt christians like you who come out of the woodwork to get offended under the pretense of giving a fuck about Castlevania.

>> No.5607313

what the hell? is the only thing you care about is whether or not all the cast is black? That anime is literally one of the best things on Netflix, and towers above every other video game adaptation.

I am glad that shallow people like you get pissed off at tiny shit like that. people as trivial and closed minded as you deserve to be miserable.

>> No.5607384

do you think it's... them?

>> No.5607395

If it's tiny shit, why bother changing it at all?
It's the pushing of shitty political agendas that gets in my nerves. If they want a black servant of Dracula, there's no need to subvert already established characters. They should write their own stories about how we wuz serventz n' shiet. Then I'm 200% on board, as long as it's good entertainment and not some stupid pushing of some damn sjw agenda. Or even just add a black character, for fucks sake. I'd consider that acceptable enough if coming up with new stories is too hard for sjw brain damaged "writers". Would you consider a white John Shaft to be a tiny, shallow, trivial matter? It's not about race until THEY make it about race by forcing changes of identities to fit their own narratives.

>> No.5607971

Not him, but the interesting part of your comment is how little you care about the media's motivations when they are given the opportunity to influence public opinion actively. I don't give a rat's ass about the show for other reasons (I avoid most game-to-other-media adaptations), but knowing that it's manipulating the original storyline and themes into some completely different edgelord superslice of politics is better than not being aware of it. Maybe you're of the opinion that it's better to be ignorant about what people are trying to make you think, so just forgive those of us who aren't and go back to enjoying your cartoon.

>> No.5609757

Karin certainly was - she was an author insert who was popular enough to be included in Alpha 3.

Sakura was designed for Alpha 2, most of the promotion for the game revolved around her.

Evil Ryu, I'm actually not sure. I guess as an idea he was pretty inevitable, though.

I totally agree about retro doujin!

>> No.5609771

I liked the series and didn't mind Isaac's character but only because I didn't know he was white before. Changing him to being black for PC points is retarded for all the reasons mentioned by >>5607395

>> No.5610051

What's Maria doing in a Castlevania 3 show?

>> No.5610068

I'm pretty sure Dracula didn't start using that name til AFTER Lisa was burnt at the stake in the video game canon. They changed too much in the Netflix series for my liking.

>> No.5610075

Castlevania reminds me of that Spawn animated series. Edgelord dogshit.

>> No.5610089

holy autism

>> No.5610098

Not even a christian, but not a fan of your new sacred cows either. Propaganda under any pretenses is worthy of scorn, moreso when it doesn't even hide it that much. I fucking knew your logic's next step was an ad hominem.

Since my opinions interest you that much, I'm also not a fan of the new captain america who's now a villain and not very concerned about america, because that new version isn't true to the original, and i feel watching it is a waste of time as i'd be just reading an ultra-politicized propaganda fanfiction by some professional "subverter" who's not that concerned about the property (and then, why should I).
I also hated Toei's Future Boy Conan 2, an anime sequel that didn't actually have a Conan and wasn't actually a sequel but a completely different cashgrab. I don't also have much love for Alundra 2, another "sequel" without an actual Alundra and not even the same game.

>> No.5611681

I really like the Suikoden 3 manga. I think it's better than the game in a lot of ways since it streamlines things quite a bit. Great art too.

>> No.5611987
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i want the Bonk's manga so bad

>> No.5612084

Forgive me if I'm wrong but where was it ever stated in canon that the Church kicked the Belmonts out and not just that people in general were a little afraid of them for fucking up Dracula?

I also feel like if you were going to have a couple scenes criticizing the downsides of organized religion you'd do it in an adaptation of Symphony of the Night

>> No.5612767

>it follows the law route
Nice. Would have expected it to do chaos.

Reminds me of the radiata stories manga that followed the human path.
But then it was dumb and tried to have it both ways and so Ridley lived and so did Ganz and it was dumb