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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 19 KB, 641x511, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5597251 No.5597251 [Reply] [Original]

Shameful retro faps

>> No.5597261

Anything with a cute anime face can be fuckable.

I remember having a crush on Chikorita, a literal dinosaur-shaped PEAR.

>> No.5597265
File: 2.63 MB, 480x360, femdom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't judge me.

>> No.5597278
File: 185 KB, 640x480, A712081B-6C73-4628-AB74-EDB57CE140BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chikorita was thirsty for Ash.

>> No.5597297

I fucking hate how realistic depictions of Chikorita make her look like some ugly ass green dinosaur. She's supposed to be made out of the same material pears are. She's a fucking pear with maybe some internal organs.

I also hated how kids called this starter "gay" and refused to choose it back in the day. Isn't it obvious that it's meant to be a girly female starter, rather than a gay ass male starter? Of course it looks "gay", it's supposed to resemble a girl!

I also never understood why a straight male would choose a tryhard edgelord like Typhlosion instead of a cute critter with an anime girl face. Aren't boys supposed to like girls and cute things? Why would you not choose the cutest starter? I get that Cyndaquil is cuter in the "pet animal" sense, but Chikorita is the "girl" kind of cute.

>> No.5597310

Is this a pasta?

>> No.5597316

>"Damn, Chikorita is hot as hell. I'm picking her!"

Lol at being attracted to a small green dinosaur.

>> No.5597323

>ywn take a bite out of Chikorita's ass and enjoy the refreshing taste of a delicious sweet pear
>ywn set up a vegan farm where Chikoritas and Bayleefs are regularly slaughtered for their "fruit-meat" and watch as their anime faces get bent out of shape in horror

>> No.5597545
File: 533 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-152Chikorita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never ever saw Chikorita as looking like a pear. It's clearly a little dinosaur-plant thing like bulbasaur and it grows into a big dinosaur-plant thing so it only makes sense.

>> No.5597552

It's always nintenfags, like pottery.

>> No.5597556

Any attraction to a non-humanoid character means you have autism

>> No.5597571
File: 1.54 MB, 1520x1080, chikabowwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5597704
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>> No.5597816

>gen 3 artwork of an older pokemon
Disgusting. DEES-GOOS-TEENG.

>> No.5597841
File: 288 KB, 402x438, 1502832519621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lol at being attracted to a small green dinosaur.

>> No.5597842

pure unfiltered autism

>> No.5598087
File: 502 KB, 468x406, doki doki arm desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.5598107

Meh it was the first result. Anyways it looks no more like a pear in the sprite. It's clearly a baby dinosaur thing.

>> No.5598109

I know, they are always the first result. I wonder why the beautiful gen 1 and gen 2 art is so hard to find while the gen 3 art is so wide spread.

>> No.5598114

It may not look like a pear, but it's canonically made of pear. It's not some scaly ass dinosaur with rough skin or blood flowing through its nonexistent veins.

>> No.5598127
File: 71 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mkwflji7ga1s3bc1no1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is it stated that it's made of a pear? This thing looks nothing at all like a pear. Is Meganium supposed a giant pear with legs, tail and a neck instead of clearly a dinosaur thing?

>> No.5598131
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 11855690_525792780918724_5918756248876830353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my gf hanging out

>> No.5598135

Take a round pear and mold it into the shape of a Chikorita. Then give it eyes, mouth, a few basic organs and a plant-brain. That would be a perfect recreation of Chikorita IRL. It's a dinosaur made of fruit meat, not meat-meat.

I bet Meganium's body is quite hard and cold to the touch compared to a fleshy human body, but a knife could easily cut through it.

Just imagine peeling Chikorita's skin with a knife and seeing her shiny, white, sticky pear flesh underneath.

I do prefer her Gold/Silver sprite to the Cystal one, though. She had a yellow-ish shade of green that made the design more colorful.

>> No.5598143

Really hope this is a pasta

>> No.5598176

>Take a round pear and mold it into the shape of a Chikorita.

Well fuck if you're molding something into something else then it's just as easily a cucumber or a giant pea or some shit. Man you're retarded.

>> No.5598186


what about Reshiram you sly dog?

>> No.5598191

A cucumber in the shape of a pear is not the same as a real pear. Are you retarded? A creature made of cucumber would have a totally different feeling, taste and DNA.

>> No.5598220

Not exactly game related (well, there ought to be some games with him), but I fapped to mowgil when I was like 8.
I didn't even know it was masturbation or what masturbation was until middle school. I rediscovered fapping when I was 15 or so.
I was totally in love with him back then. I even liked to undressed and run naked like him.
The thing is I'm 120% straight. I never had an ounce of homosex in me.

>> No.5598225

Chikorita is no more shaped like a pear than it is a pea or a cucumber. It doesn't actually look like any of those things, it looks like a baby dinosaur. I was mocking you.

>> No.5598228
File: 227 KB, 678x274, mowgil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picrel

>> No.5598268

It looks like a pear that grew legs and and sort of a body.

>> No.5598275 [DELETED] 

Were you attracted to the loli at the end of the movie? If so, I assume you still like her to this day. If you were, that probably means you are kind of gay for Mowgli too. It's not rare for """lolicons""" (avoiding the p-word purely because it triggers brainwashed moralcucks) to be attracted to cute boys, even when they are kids themselves, and have no real attraction towards adult men at any point in their lives.

I'm not sure if it qualifies as gay or not, though. I mean, it kinda does. Dicks are attractive, but hairy old adult dicks are not. Boys are cute like girls, so maybe that's an explanation... Or not, who knows.

>> No.5598278

>I rediscovered fapping when I was 15 or so.
Jesus Christ, how? I was jacking it to the most degenerate and obscure hentai when I was 11.

>> No.5598304
File: 57 KB, 258x258, Screenshot_2019-05-22 misty png (PNG Image, 56 × 56 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5598307

No it doesn't. A pear is wide at the bottom and pointed at the top. Chikorita is the opposite of that. Unless you're looking at it like it's face its the pearcs butt, but then the leaf us coming out the wrong side.

>> No.5598313

Chikorita is a deformed monster pear in the shape of a small dinosaur.

>> No.5598316

>a deformed monster pear in the shape of a small dinosaur
that's actually your mom

>> No.5598320 [DELETED] 

Chikorita is the first 2nd gen pokemon and marks the point when the series stopped being about enslaving monsters and making them fight.

Chikorita is a great design, but it's no a fucking pocket monster. And neither are most pokemon past the first gen.

Blaziken is so humanoid. It feels weird to treat this edgelord of a creature as a pet.

Chikorita is clearly feminine, understands a lot of things despite being unable to speak or think like a human, and has an anime girl face with anime girl moans included. It just feels WEIRD to treat this semi-intelligent (way more than a dog) creature like a pet and clean its poop. I mean, she almost has dignity, pride, a personality and a sense of self. What the fuck!

>> No.5598430

You're retarded.

>> No.5598474
File: 418 KB, 947x924, Screenshot_2019-05-22-21-06-18~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blaziken is so humanoid.

>> No.5598479

I see you're being more covert, shameful pooping loli anon.

>> No.5598487

This thing is a one-off weirdo nobody uses. It's meant to be a joke pokemon.

Blaziken, Lucario or Incineroar are all either starters or heavily shilled pokemon that show up everywhere. And they are way too fucking humanoid, have too much personality and ACT too much like they have human intelligence. They have fucking pride for god's sake.

The worst part is that many of them evolve from small critters that could easily be pets. Imagine your cute little Torchic turning into a literal chicken man with human intelligence, pride, an edgy attitude and a humanoid body. Your pet is dead. That shit is fucking disturbing and also awkward as hell, since you are still treating them like pets, picking up their shit and ordering them around. Even though they are literally anime edgelords who just lack the ability to speak.

See the problem here? They are too Digimon just don't work as pocket monsters. They should be fucking digimon pals, not your pets.

>> No.5598507

It's also stupid that Incineroar has such a defined personality. It's supposed to be an entire species, not a single character. If a species is capable of having such a human-like personality, pride and a desire to show off, how come they all develop the same exact personality as if they were robots?

It's just retarded. Pokemon shouldn't be anime edgelords. Mewtwo was supported to be an exception, not the norm. But his edgy copycats can't even speak or think for themselves. Having a Incineroar is like having your cat suddenly transform one day into a three foot tall tiger-man with the mind of a mentally retarded 40 year old man. It's fucking creepy. Imagine your cat turning into THAT.

>> No.5598535

Yeah, wouldn't it be weird if one day your cute little female Buneary bunny pet turned into a thick, flirty humanoid who walks around nude, its thighs and buttocks jiggling with every step? How gross and weird haha

>> No.5598543

If I had a humanoid rabbit with the mind of a loli that grows what seems to be popcorn around her ears... I would certainly not let her evolve.

>> No.5598547

>wanting to fuck the super hairy ass crack of a Lopunny
What's wrong with cha?

>> No.5598613
File: 636 KB, 1222x1144, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen 1 had these weird humanoid Pokemon that were never explained, and ultimately were kind of forgotten. Electabuzz and Magmar are about the only ones that got acknowledged in the future, but even so Elecvire and Magmortar are somewhat forgotten.

>> No.5598668

Not at all. Alakazam has an IQ of 5000, Pikachu shows a full range of emotions, Blaizken was hardly the first humanoid Pokemon. I think you're looney tunes crazy.

>> No.5598671
File: 113 KB, 625x469, tails and klonoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5598723

Jynx was cool when she was meant to be a formless psychic power controlling a bunch of clothes, gloves and a wig to appear to have a physical form. Notice how the hands are just gloves and have a different color from her "skin". Because it's not fucking skin and never was.

But somehow people interpreted the empty black void as blackface, so they ruined her design by making her have actual purple skin.

Same thing happened with Gastly and Cloyster. After the original artists left, the gen 3 team redesigned many pokemon and interpreted the black void of nothingess as a literal grey ball. Not even black, literally just grey.

>> No.5598728

Pikachu was more like an animal back then. You can't really compare the original Pikachu to the expressive, humanized hamtaro character he is now.

>> No.5598739

based lainposter

>> No.5598740

(You)ff in Hell

>> No.5598745

Lol I was talking about the old anime's Pikachu. I have no idea how they portray him now. I still think you're bonkers.

>> No.5599015

Is it shameful to kill hookers in Deus Ex, prop them up on staircases, and fap while peeking under their skirts?

>> No.5599020

I like to play as Peach in Super Smash Bros 64, jump and pause, rotate the camera to look under her dress and squeeze a goopy load out straight onto my CRT

>> No.5599073


>> No.5599087

I picked Chikorita as a kid. Really, I always picked grass.
but going back to Gold now, I remember that the Chikorita line is useless

Like, that doesn't matter quite that much in-game, but Cyndaquil is just so much better.

>> No.5599092

Gender ratio
87.5% male, 12.5% female.
The stuff you learn everyday.

>> No.5599279

I'd give her the Deku Nut.

>> No.5599709

I ship this.

>> No.5599719

>brainwashed moralcucks
ok pedo
have fun being mentally ill

>> No.5599721

Peach was not in the first Smash Bros.

>> No.5600295

you can see up her skirt in some frames

>> No.5600304

zoomer detected

>> No.5600307

i think all the starters have that ratio. kind of sexist if u ask me.

>> No.5600309

you can only do that in melee and brawl, in later games they just put a dark void under her skirt which is gay.

>> No.5600421

lol gae boi

>> No.5600602

hey Arin

>> No.5601862
File: 433 KB, 828x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Jynx was supposed to be something in between the invisible man and a poltergeist? That's honestly kinda creative, it does explain its relatively awful defense and HP stats.

>> No.5601870

>Alakazam has an IQ of 5000
>tfw to smart to use ice beam, thunderbolt, flamethrower, or any other special move

>> No.5601954

She literally disintegrates into a bunch of empty clothes when she faints in Stadium.

>> No.5601962
File: 9 KB, 202x249, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, I did it, but so did most of you muthafuckas at one point

>> No.5601964

Go to bed, Justin.

>> No.5601974

she is cis and if you disagree you are wrong

>> No.5602017
File: 6 KB, 64x64, 64px-Shuffle152Winking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5602178

It's pretty lewd that Chikorita has no human rights because she's a pokemon.

You could capture one and keep her as a buttslave, only letting her out of the pokeball to get a good ass fisting.

>> No.5602338

>two fingers
>zero fingers
>one finger
>five fingers
>2 0 1 5
>image says 2016

>> No.5602357

Klonoa has a boner, so add 1 more, 2016.

>> No.5603330

Don't worry, I also thought she was cute.

>> No.5603745
File: 8 KB, 226x310, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't feel too bad about it but might as well post since it's from the same game

>> No.5603764


>> No.5603834
File: 42 KB, 377x162, babes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when I was younger and didn't have an internet connection. You couldn't "fap" like we're used today (in all fairness it would've sucked anyway even if I did have it, for plenty of different, mundane reasons that I won't discuss for practicality); it was all fine and dandy but whenever you had the itch to unload the leathered rod's cargo, you knew shit would irremediably go south... You had to do it with whatever you had lying around, such as two clothed literal watermelons (or other spherical fruits) that after being positioned in a certain way and watched in a certain perspective, they might appear as a nice rack... But often it wasn't anything that drastic, simple imagination would do on times of famine; better else, sometimes you were so lucky you could find a porn magazine laying around the streets (those were most likely simple lingerie ads though, at least I never had such miracles)... Then you know, videogames came along being confidently more and more realistic (at least for the standards back in the day), and sometimes you got lots of legit possibilities regarding this serious matter. You start by being hesitant and by being embarassed in yourself for even thinking about it, but it was such a novelty that you had to try it at least once. So yeah, I said why not... I mean, it's not like clothed watermelons are better anyway; and so, at least in my case, it was Duke 3D's babes: that's when it all began. After the first time, everything changed. I have such nostalgia for this game and this thing I've just mentioned is probably the top reason for it; I mean.. Whenever I used to find one of those trapped sluts devoid of destiny I would quickly unzip my pants and rub it like a motherfucking German shepherd, then when I was near the climax I would press the use button and let them say "kill meee" so my imploding tree of life would finally scatter its seeds everywhere like if it was a festival of semen or something; finally, I would kill them for reasons

>> No.5603857

you post impa in every one of these threads. What is the attraction

>> No.5603878

i wanna fuck her tiddies and have her sit on my face. it's not rocket science

>> No.5603881

your waifu is ugly

>> No.5603887

not really. i say she beats most other impa's. certainly has a more appealing body than most other zelda girls as well

i'd fuck veran too though. don't get me wrong

>> No.5603910

ok fair enough, I apologize

>> No.5604096

I'm guessing just stadium 1, smoochum seems to have implied that they're supposed to be tangible creatures. It does explain why Jynx looks so odd.

>> No.5604356

Wow there are a lot of tree fuckers on this board

>> No.5604358

I think Bulbapedia had an archive of all the old art

>> No.5604365
File: 83 KB, 320x320, Angewomon_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont watch Digimon you may actually have a heart attack

>> No.5604373

only truth in this post, hoennzoomers need to leave this board

>> No.5605743
File: 1.54 MB, 1145x2408, Impa_Artwork_Ocarina_of_Time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beats most other impa's
why the fat one over the young impas??
>certainly has a more appealing body than most other zelda girls
anon... you have terrible taste

>> No.5605746

Digimon are not supposed to be pets.

Pokemon with defined human personalities are just awkward.

>> No.5605926
File: 85 KB, 388x570, DoFmhR1WsAANko6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think fat impa is supposed to be on the younger side too, certainly around the same age as (or maybe even younger than) ocarina impa

my problem with most other zelda girls isn't that they aren't as big as oracle impa, but rather that they all have curveless, underdeveloped, sixteen year old bodies. like i said, i'd smash veran. ocarina impa is smashable too, yeah.

>> No.5605962

My only complaint is that the official art of Oracle Impa you posted gives her that Oompa-Loompa looking body type. If the official art gave her more defined hips and a softer looking belly she'd look great

>> No.5605979

yeah i agree. i'm incessant about her partly because i want to see more fanart of her that evens her proportions out a bit but there's just about nothing of her online.

>> No.5606410

Pokemon also aren't pets though and since gen 1 have been shown to have distinct personalities. What are you even babbling about?

>> No.5606573
File: 71 KB, 567x994, 6b381e5e01e811940bdfbf277eeffa6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5606609

post more oracle impa

>> No.5606619

futa oot impa and nabooru spitroasting link is my fantasy. impa does him in the ass and nabooru the mouth

>> No.5606620

Nothing shameful here

>> No.5606626

least shameful so far. it's almost like you're supposed to find her sexy

>> No.5606652
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Iron Maiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just focus on the tiddies

>> No.5606681 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.74 MB, 2224x2172, 1558830931699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's about all there is right there, my dude

i guess there's this, but it's a bit fetishy despite still being kinda hot

>> No.5606695

this pic just made me realize that there are people with a gunt fetish *recoils in horror*

>> No.5606698
File: 318 KB, 585x4263, 1547170043428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a fat wife but nope

>> No.5606702

too fetishy for me, thanks tho

>> No.5606707

that looks fake

>> No.5606712

Theres like a subreddit for this shit. I bnb wouldn't be surprised. My favorite part is the stalin heart tho

>> No.5606715

well if you love your fat wife why are you sharing things like this over a drawing

>> No.5606717

not saying i don't agree with the general sentiment of the pic of course

>> No.5606724

I love cha good life!!!!!

>> No.5606729

Fat people make me genuinely sick. I went out with a chubby girl once and when we were back at her place I went to go down on her and it was like holding back huge slabs of meat just to get in there and it was clear from the smell that cleaning down there was a chore she wasn't up to. Nice girl but damn it's not worth it.

>> No.5606737

the cool thing about a drawing is that you don't have to smell its vagina to enjoy it

>> No.5606746

? Sharing what? Telling a bunch of mongolion throat singers that someone in the world married to a fat woman?

>> No.5606748
File: 2.74 MB, 520x377, tumblr_p1stv92SnV1qb5qxmo1_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fantasize about something that's disgusting to actually fuck though...

>> No.5606760

i'm saying it's weird you're judging someone for posting a drawing of a fat woman with a meme about an apparently spoiled, gluttonous girl whilst being married to a fat woman yourself. what are you implying, exactly?

>> No.5606763

who are you to say impa doesnt clean her snatch daily

plus having to lift a belly to get to it is kinda hot to me so eh

>> No.5606772

I'm still not sure how old Impa is supposed to be in OOT

>> No.5606780

probably in her 30s

>> No.5606789

The impa pictured is way too far and disgusting there, even for my tastes, while I can usually appreciate bbw and empathize my fellows.

The very next level of bbw though is so fat and gross though even I am like wtf are you doing nigger.

I see it in m porn searches because they creep in. Theres like a 150lb difference between bbw/pawg and like feeder bbw

>> No.5606796
File: 256 KB, 656x882, tumblr_muvgv0kC901rv4h3qo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm mostly into it for the cleavage, revealing gown and her thighs so whatever. it's just annoying that i spoilered it to avoid freakouts and immediately got them anyway. i was just trying to help an anon out with a super obscure waifu anyhow

have a much tamer impa to palette cleanse, i guess

>> No.5606861
File: 7 KB, 148x125, 68815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now if only there was a section in minish cap where you got to shrink between her tiddies

>> No.5607608

also link is completely naked while impa and nabooru are fully clothed with just their futa cocks out and they are lesbian kissing each other while spitroasting him

>> No.5607612

also their cocks are huge while link has a tiny little penis

>> No.5607623

and there farting uncontrollably

>> No.5607637

What's shamefull about fapping to a woman?

>> No.5607651

no that's pointless and kind of gross

>> No.5607656

yes, a cis woman with two x chromosomes and a vagina that she was born with and through which she is capable of giving birth

>> No.5608105

Sharee from Master of Magic.

>> No.5608403

Jynx is a Yamauba