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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5595330 No.5595330 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best western-developed scotformer?

>> No.5595430


>> No.5595434

Are you talking about hop and bops or belt sliders?

>> No.5595438

some gay trendy dysphemism meaning "mascot platformer"

>> No.5595447

You mean portmanteau.

>> No.5595452

also true, though I was saying that it was (likely) created to convey a negative meaning

>> No.5595460 [SPOILER] 
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It's not retro.

>> No.5595471

is it really THAT good? I thought it was just notable for its specific genre-fusion, at the time

>> No.5595528

Just say Mascot Platformer, you fucking idiot. Scotformer sounds like a platform game in Scotland.

>> No.5595532

nah they're 1/3D cartoonvanias

>> No.5595558
File: 621 KB, 380x251, tumblr_o94lwvAIbu1roqda3o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say so. The genre-fusion might just seem like a gimmick, but the two halves are so deeply-integrated and work so well together, it's like platforming on crack. You can't just be good at jumping and combat, you have to git gud at puzzling, too. Not many people played it, but all of my friends and I loved it. There's a big difficulty spike at a certain point, but never obscenely frustrating because the puzzle integration gives you a lot more flexibility in how you tackle things. Every time you fail, you immediately realize exactly what you did wrong and how to do better next time. You get bonuses and charge your abilities with attack combos and juggling enemies, so there's a lot of risk/reward, and it encourages you to not just mash buttons which keeps combat fresh. The puzzles and abilities add layers of strategy to even the most simple obstacles so your mind is always 100% engaged, and it's one of the only games I can think of that absolutely needed the dual screen setup to work. It's pretty sublime.

I loved it so much I actually wrote the developers and got a really grateful letter back from them. They're really a bunch of bros who were just out to make crazy games that they wished existed when they were kids. Their other game, Monster Tale, was not quite on the same level as Hatsworth, but it was still pretty cool.

>> No.5595569


>He calls mariolikes cartoonvanias

>> No.5595575

they're obviously alex-kiddvanias

>> No.5595596

I wish I had tried it, then. Nintendo Power was always bringing it up, but I thought they were exaggerating. How long is the main game + extras?

>> No.5595601

>What's the best western-developed scotformer of all time you should play BEFORE YOU FUCKING DIE!!!?


>> No.5595624
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No bloody contest.

>> No.5595642

Pretty much.
Rare also did the best western fighting game.

>> No.5595643

I thought scotformer meant Eurojank Platformers.

>> No.5595651

>Pretty much.
Rare also did the best western fighting game of all time.


>> No.5595661

Eh, I liked Eternal Champions for Sega CD more than the Killer Instincts.

>> No.5595662

One desperate troll trying to force a meme. Don't even acknowledge it.

>> No.5595665

It's not even comparable gameplay-wise.
KI uses stuff like airblocks straight from Vampire Savior/SF Alpha.
No other western fighting game came close to KI in terms of gameplay and mechanics.
But if you prefer EC because of character design or whatever, that's cool.

>> No.5595673 [DELETED] 

>Eh, I liked Eternal Champions for Sega CD more than the Killer Instincts.


>> No.5595675

I got a solid 20+ hours out of it. Then it unlocks a hard mode/new game+ called "Gentleman's Mode" which I could not beat for the life of me.

>> No.5595682

>Eh, I liked Eternal Champions for Sega CD more than the Killer Instincts before I died.


>> No.5595794

This thread is fun. What other genre names are there?

>> No.5595807

>What's the best western-developed scotformer?

They all suck. The west doesn't know how to make good platformers, only strategy and simulators.

>> No.5595817

Spoken like a true weeb.

>> No.5595859

Are you going to pull this shit on every thread?

>> No.5596303


It's basically a platformer staring a Scotsman.

>> No.5596690

I thought it was a Scottish version of populous?

>> No.5596738

Came here to commend you taste. This is definitely one of the best DS games.


>> No.5596749
File: 16 KB, 1002x786, 1375712828-Superfrog-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt, Superfrog.

>> No.5596764

I loved this as a kid! Shame the HD remake was a bit of a disappointment.

>> No.5596768

Imagine you're this autistic person that gets so mad at the mention of the term "metroidvania" that he starts making up random fucking genres

>> No.5596772

both are objectively AIDS

>> No.5596780

What would you suggest we call games like SoTN

>> No.5596784


>> No.5596787

Metroid-likes or Metroid-esques. If you want to say something directly inspired by the gameplay of SoTN: SoTN-like or SoTN-esque. It's not this hard. Metroid invented/popularized the genre.

>> No.5596802


>> No.5596807
File: 62 KB, 680x529, 1234567890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hey! Shhht! My asshole is THIS big."

>> No.5596834


Gundam Wing Endless Duel > TMNTTF > Power Rangers Megazord Fighting >
Mortal Kombat > Eternal Champions > Killer Instinct

>> No.5596841

Ugh. None. Western developers didn’t get good at making games until 3D came around.

>> No.5596867

By that premise, anything can be called a platformer. Half Life 2, for instance.

>SoTN-like or SoTN-esque
That sounds stupid in a way "metroidvania" can never match it's stupidity. I'd rather memorize this shit >>5596784.

>> No.5596883
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I would make the argument that the vania in metroidvania is earned by the fact that Symphony of the Night represents the other half of the coin of the genre, that being a focus on stats and items and distinctly different level design ethos to Metroid. The game itself was more directly inspired by Zelda according to Igarashi.

>> No.5596891

Spoken like a true weeb.

>> No.5596903

Granted, but not for games that don't do stats/levels/items and ONLY do Metroid level design. The former was done way before SoTN, anyway, for example Zelda 2, Castlevania 2, Ys III, Faxanadu, etc. So, again, if it's a a game DIRECTLY inspired by SoTN's (or one of its derivatives') design, use a specific term for this. Metroidvania works if it has attributes of both games, not just of one or the other.

>> No.5596937

I think that's splitting hairs and getting hung up over semantics to be honest. You're being overly anal about it.

>> No.5596946

>Western developers didn’t get good at making games until 3D came around.

Sim City, Populous.

Tetris, technically.

>> No.5596957

2d platformer? Or 2d platform adventure?

>> No.5597256

You forgot Treasure's Yu Yu Hakusho game, the most based console fighting game.

>> No.5597296

Came here to post this

>> No.5597419

Not a mascot

>> No.5597424

any good scotroidvanias?

>> No.5597426

Thanks for reminding me that I actually need to watch that show. That game is great.

>> No.5597430

Try posting again without made up words.

>> No.5597672



>> No.5598358

it's cool how unlike other fighting games, it was designed to be perfectly playable with only 3 buttons so you didn't need to get 4 six button controllers.

>> No.5599381

Whether you like it or not, a portmanteau of mascot platformer makes perfect sense.

>> No.5599395

It doesn't work, because everyone assumes you're talking about Scottish games for the Zed-Ex Speculum.

>> No.5601340

Rougelike is a shit name.

>> No.5601420

seriously, the games aren't even about makeup

>> No.5601438

I like how music can have multiples of genre names, but bideo garms maintain nonsense.

>> No.5601492


Game to hard at 30, should build a time machine to beat it again at 8 years old.

>> No.5601770

No that's just the retards and the darkies

>> No.5603657

>not a mascot
>his very character is the name of the game

>> No.5603664

they really cant. all music boils down to 99 percent of all peoples is rap, country, electro or metal there is no inbetween. and even then many will outright say there is only one genre of music and thats good music. and yes people consider acdc metal

>> No.5605351

Wild Woody

>> No.5608345


Adventures of Lomax in Lemmingland

>> No.5608526 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5610717

Why does /vr/ prefer Kazooiebands over Tooiebands?

>> No.5610756
File: 171 KB, 1200x675, DcmP_BPXkAEEtv-.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does jazz jackrabbit 2 pass as retro ?

>> No.5612035

It was made in 1998 with Windows 95 in mind, so yeah.

>> No.5612626

scottish people in disguise

>> No.5612706
File: 52 KB, 768x432, databank_jarjarbinks_01_169_c70767ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're just trolling in an attempt to force your weird lingo to spread, but let's imagine that it's a real term for a moment...

Can you name any major platformers that don't have a main character that can be described as a mascot? Or even a brief list of "normal" platfomers compared to "scotformers". Is there any meat to this bait at all?

>> No.5613045

Prince of Persia.

>> No.5613142

Rocket Knight Adventures

>> No.5613195

He's a prince.

>> No.5613889

so like, do orchid and fulgore fight in a hotel room?

>> No.5613931

It was a cute game. And the music was pure tits. I still like to listen to an Ancient theme once in a while. Too bad last Moon levels has a number of "fuck you player" traps. One fuck-up costs you entire progress because you can't proceed without a powerup that you lose upon dying. Hope you have those level codes.

>> No.5613935

Rayman 1 is pretty high on that list

>> No.5614360


>> No.5614465

>the virgin scotformer vs. the chad chadformer

>> No.5616104


I think if your character's name is in the title, it's a scotformer. So something like Pitfall is not a scotformer. We call them notformers.

>> No.5616136

Rayman is the best yourmomisacuntformervania imho.