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File: 5 KB, 256x240, Dragon_Quest_IV_church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5590663 No.5590663 [Reply] [Original]

It's a commonly accepted fact that Dragon Quest IV is the worst of the NES quartet, I hope. This game is pure dog shit.

>> No.5590668

I liked it.

>> No.5590673

best game

>> No.5590678

torneko was fun

>> No.5590682

It's actually commonly accepted that II is the worst given the amount of grinding and poor balance in i's lategame. IV's biggest flaw is that you can't control your party, which was fixed in the remakes.

>> No.5590736

first was worst

>> No.5590741

This. Usually fans of III and IV are waring with each other over which one is the best. IV is

>> No.5590772

How could anyone feel this way?

>> No.5590779

>collect 3 objects
>collect 3 objects
>slay dragon
>slay dragonlord
great game

>> No.5590786

Yeah the first DQ didn't age well

>> No.5590798

They spent an entire fucking year working on the AI in DQ4. Imagine how much easier their lives would have been without this unnecessary feature.

>> No.5590835

3 and 4 are best. 3 slightly beats it out

>> No.5590847

There seems to be people talking more about DQ in general now though here, so that's cool I guess?

>> No.5590934

I wish there was a good English version of IV
>NES has AI-controlled party members and probably influenced Persona 3 to do the same thing, fuck you Enix
>DS has an illegible translation and no party chat
>Android still has an illegible translation, as well as touch controls which shouldn't matter for a JRPG but they do they feel like shit

>> No.5590941

4-6 are great, just like Final Fantasy

>> No.5590949

FF4 sucks
FF5 is the best FF
FF6 is the best FF

>> No.5591095

The AI is good.

You can use a cheat code to manually control them if you want. Stop pretending emulators don't exist.

>> No.5591142

The AI is quite advanced for the time and actually better than AIs in later games of the series. I don't think the AI held it back. The Japanese still consider DQ3 the best of the series and it sold better than its predecessors.

>> No.5591151

Actually no, you'd be wrong. DQ2 was the huge hit. The first game didn't sell that well. DQ2 sold 2.4 million copies in Japan while combined sales of the first three Final Fantasies were 2.7 million.

DQ3 sold 3.8 million copies and 4 was a little bit of a slump with sales of 3.1 million copies. DQ5 sold much less at 2.8 million copies with 6 rebounding to 3.2 million. DQ7 managed to beat out 3's sales possibly because it was the only game in the series on the PS1.

The reason 4 fell off a little was that it was a 1990 release and around the SFC's launch, which would have definitely affected sales. The lower sales of DQ5 had more to do with it being an early SFC game that didn't really utilize the system's capabilities that much while 6 was a late release when programmers really understood it well.

It's a bit surprising that 7 sold so well considering the PS2 was on its way, although not as close as the SFC's launch was when 4 came out.

>> No.5591185
File: 25 KB, 276x368, 1506717784523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5591196

>It's a bit surprising that 7 sold so well considering the PS2 was on its way, although not as close as the SFC's launch was when 4 came out.

Backwards compatibility probably helped.

>> No.5591212

I'll never understand why people fight over these things. Both games are great and you would be seriously missing out if you don't play either of them. I don't really understand why some people see these things as a competition, they both bring unique things to the table and compliment each other extremely well in my opinion.

>> No.5591228

I hate rpg's in general.

>> No.5591230
File: 15 KB, 250x250, thats-nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5591234

Numales like you are so obnoxious. You sound like a middle aged mother.
What's occurring here is human nature, quit getting caught up in the extremism of the language you ruptured raisin.

>> No.5591237

>DQ2 was the huge hit. The first game didn't sell that well. DQ2 sold 2.4 million copies
>DQ3 sold 3.8 million copies

What did he mean by this? How did the huge hit rank 3rd in sales?