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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 157 KB, 363x508, cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5586338 No.5586338 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5586341


>> No.5586347

That's great and all, but can you elaborate on your position or are you just trolling?

>> No.5586350


>> No.5586374


>> No.5586380


>> No.5586383

Argument your position.

>> No.5586398

Dude SMW was probably the best Super Mario game of all time

>> No.5586404

You're right. SMB3 does have more flaws than SMW.

>> No.5586406


>> No.5586412

Nevermind the SMB vs SMW trolling (both are great), why the fuck is that pic of the SMB3 cover have a darker shade of yellow on the bottom part?

>> No.5586425
File: 402 KB, 750x926, 1510861471498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SMW is literal shit compared to the masterpiece that is SMB3

>> No.5586581

I like Mario 3 more. I feel Mario world could have been better than 3 if a couple things were different, the base is really good. I think my main thing is that it's piss easy. no levels are particularly hard, and the reserve item takes any challenge out of the game. the reserve item seems cool at first, but really, how often do you not have a reserve item? it makes an easy game even easier.

>> No.5586603

>no levels are particularly hard

Not even the Special world?

>> No.5586608


>> No.5586626

MB > SMB > SMB2 > SMB3

>> No.5586781
File: 410 KB, 2108x944, mario3xworld_cave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario 3 looks better, has more variety, better level design.

World is ugly and rushed. And its very repetitive

>> No.5586816
File: 42 KB, 500x409, SMWProto_Racoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want the SMW beta with SMB 3 stuff in it.

>> No.5586824

Reminder to report and ignore any and all x is better than y, x is shit type bait threads that fail to to make an argument or contribute to the board anyway

>> No.5586825

They're moderate at best. Compare them to some stages in 3 and they're laughably easy, especially with shit like yoshi and the cape.

>> No.5586827

Mee to.

>> No.5586834

People like you are genuinely fucking brainless. A thread does not need to begin with an argument in order to produce discussion. The thread opens with a topic, one game being better than the other, and allows the people of the board to then discuss the topic among themselves. It's no different than literally saying "which do you think is better?", although retards like you would suddenly think that would be better.

>> No.5586837

you're boring with you cherrypicks and your hyperbole.

>> No.5586843
File: 496 KB, 498x377, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wario's games > Mario's games

>> No.5586854

why did they have to make marios skin red in SMW its just gay and also letting you fly over the special world stages defeats the challenge, sure you cant fly over every level in the main game but wtf why would they let you fly over the special world stages

>> No.5586875

These games are for babbys. When someone compliments air control in platformers you bet your ass these kind of fags just jump for jumping sake doing last second adjustments and then complain about other games being "stiff" because in those games jumping is a decision you make that you have to commit. Poor coordination and decision making skills, I'd be surprised if this kind of person can even fry an egg without messing up.

>> No.5586880


>> No.5586881

Fuck you, games like Mario series and Shinobi have air control and they're great.
If you think video games are for "babbys" maybe you should find a more "adult" hobby, like stamp collection.

>> No.5586887

Next time I'll insert poor reading as well

>> No.5586941

Mario 3 is great, but only thing it has over SMW is difficulty.

>> No.5586947

ok, find a new hobby.

>> No.5586957

And a greater range of power-ups, a more involved overworld, an expanded inventory system.

>> No.5586968

>And a greater range of power-ups
I think it's even. SMB3 has hammer bros, SMW has yoshi (and all its variants). SMB3 has kuribo, SMW has lakitu cloud, etc.
Anyway I'm really tired of the cherrypicking autist that can't shut up about his absolute love for 3 and absolute hatred for World.
Find a middle ground, dude.

>> No.5586970

The SMAS version has better graphics than SMW

>> No.5586987

weebs need to fucking die

>> No.5586996
File: 9 KB, 600x600, 08B04C58-6373-4FF8-8E05-0D3D4DBD1A38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5587002

Rev 1 fixed it, stop being a snowflake

>> No.5587008

I'm not an american anyway. I grew up with more japanese media than with american media. Rather be a weebo than an ameriboo.

>> No.5587027
File: 466 KB, 919x321, E11FCB92-9095-4A37-8123-731F5942A085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kuribo's Goomba
>Found only in stage 5-3, he wears Kuribo's Shoe, a high-stepping item Mario can use, too!

Blame Nintendo and their dumb ass "tanooki" bullshit. Super Mario Bros. 3 was probably rushed in translation. The first version of the game had them use "your out" instead of "you're out."

>> No.5587040


We already call them "pitiyanqui" in Spanish speaking countries.

>> No.5587056

We need a word for them in my language cuz there are some fuckers here who are like that. It's no coincidence when people say mouth openers look alike worldwide these dudes just consume american media, sometimes even say stuff like oh my god out loud.

>> No.5587062

What is your language?

>> No.5587067

My asshole has opened.
Prepare for the storm.

>> No.5587070

Asians that want to be white are also called bananas here. They are yellow outside, but white inside.

>> No.5587083

If SMB3 had a map system where you can go back to levels and nab powerups, it would be criticism for being easier but it would be known to be more fun. Both games are good but just remember the pros and cons of both games

>> No.5587095

It's interesting that you bring up things like the lakitu cloud and kuribo shoe as I was thinking of it purely in a "you can have it in your inventory" thing. When you look at it that way, there is a greater balance.
Anyway, I'd really work on that anger of yours, not everyone is out to blindly bash things.

>> No.5587163

>Anyway, I'd really work on that anger of yours, not everyone is out to blindly bash things.
What anger? I'm not the one feeling hatred for a video game.
I love both 3 and World.

>> No.5587179

okay listen buddy, this is the last warning. lost the attitude before you lose your fucking teeth

>> No.5587306

Tubular is the only level in the game that gives me trouble.
As another point. You may not be making this specific argument, but it reminded me of it. Having one level, or a handful of levels post game that are really difficult does not automatically make a game difficult. It's such a bullshit argument. You say 3d world, or galaxy, whatever the fuck were too easy, you get fags who say "but champion's road bro". it's one fucking level, that isn't even part of the main game. fuck off.

>> No.5587348

yes but I really love both

>> No.5587761

Mario 3 is definitely better, but both are great

>> No.5588317

disagree. SMW is better, but it's so close. If SMW was a 100, SMB3 would be a 99.

>> No.5588336

SMB3 is more focused on arcadey gameplay and straight-forward action. SMW is more focused on exploring and finding secrets. The former is always going to hold up better upon replays because once you've memorized every secret location in an exploration-based game, they become pretty dull to play.

>> No.5588345

but the physics in mario world are fun

>> No.5588357

I actually hate the way Mario jumps in that game. And it feels slower than other Mario titles. The only fun physics in that game are flying with the cape.

>> No.5588373

that is a correct statement can't argue with that

>> No.5588508


>> No.5588948

Wish they made hard levels like this

>> No.5588952

Dude has hyper autism

>> No.5588986

If that's what he has, I want it too. Never see anyone play mario like that.

>> No.5588989

What's the definitive way to play SMB3? The original NES version or the SNES All-Star version?

>> No.5589015

NES version.

>> No.5589017

How is this even a question? The NES version graphics are awful, The controller is clumsy because its a square block. No way to save so either leave your NES turned on or use the gimmic-y whistles. Plus its on the NES, which probably doesn't have a working 72 pin slot, and outputs shitty RF or RCA video.

>> No.5589041

nes version with save states to beat in in two or three settings instead of marathoning all 8 worlds in one like they expect you to do.

>> No.5589160

Are you just mad cause you couldn't get the seasons to change?

>> No.5589221

Is he playing rain sounds directly into his stream? What the fuck?

>> No.5589254

Allstar's does an awful job at recreating the original art assets of the originial
>What's a warp whistle

>> No.5589306
File: 32 KB, 480x360, permanent flying hammer bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First NES, then SNES so you can be offended by the steel drums, weird backgrounds, and weird renditions of the music, then NES with Game Genie codes

>> No.5589378
File: 246 KB, 618x470, smb3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only fun physics in that game are flying with the cape.
I like being able to throw shells and other objects in upward arcs.
Also I felt it's actually the fastest Mario.
Original NES, then All-Stars.
Don't listen to this autist >>5589306 although I agree that the drums aren't as good as SMB3's drums, and some changes were weird, it's still not bad of a remake and has more detail overall, worth playing but only as a 2nd play, first play the original.

>> No.5589407

>And it feels slower than other Mario titles
The SNES is a slug, dude.

>> No.5589410

Yeah, it didn't have the Blast Processor that SoA invented.
Even the Apple-II was faster!!

>> No.5589476

>No way to save so
SMB3 was already an expensive as fuck game, it cost something like $70 at the time. Expecting a battery save was too much unless you wanted to pay closer to $100 for it.

>> No.5589525

You can get hit 3 times with full powerups in SMB3 and you can get hit 3 times with full powerups including the reserve item in SMW. I don’t understand how that’s easier, especially when you consider that you have to catch the reserve item, whereas staying big mario in 3 is automatic after the first hit.

>> No.5589527

In the original Japanese, you shrink down to small Mario so the game was harder still.

>> No.5589531

You can skip most of the hard levels in SMB3 with the whistle whenever you want. Content being optional shouldn’t remove it from your opinion of the game.

>> No.5589536

And how many people here primarily played the japanese version, if at all?

>> No.5589538

I did, because I grew up with a Famiclone and a bootleg copy of SMB3.
Thing is, this bootleg copy has a built-in cheat that allows you to have access to ALL items in the game on the menu from the get go.

>> No.5589540

Damn. Do you still have it?

>> No.5589543

Sadly, no, but I think it's not uncommon. Every kid in my country had that version back then.

>> No.5589549

Is it blasphemous that I think SMB2 was the best Mario game? It just holds a special place in my heart.

>> No.5589550

No, blasphemous would be something like CD-i mario or something.

>> No.5589551

I also had that one. I found out by luck when I pressed select on the item box. At first, I thought it was just mushrooms, then I figured you can cycle your items.

>> No.5589557

Yeah I didn't find out right away either.
When I did, I started exploring every single inch of every level using the P-wing. I had a lot of fun.

>> No.5589608
File: 946 KB, 1472x2792, remake_SMB3_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5590031

imagine thinking just because the cave in nes was a cool crystal aesthetic that the entire snes version is irrefutable waste. ah, what a time to be on /vr/!

>> No.5590059

give it a rest, at least 1 day dude.

>> No.5590071

I see one thing, then the caption says something totally opposite to what I'm thinking. All that graphic tells me is that the person who made it is retarded

>> No.5590436

Allstars is ugliest
World is ugly
3 is good

>> No.5590449

This is garbage. I am convinced a bitter child made this

>> No.5590465

>Don't listen to this autist even though I agree with all his points and I'm basically re-iterating what he said in the first place
kek, All-Stars SMB3 has it's pluses (saving) and its a good game but the original is better

>> No.5590621

Worst post ITT

>> No.5590638

Levels are way too short. Overworld nonsense is just fluff.

>> No.5590649

>Levels are way too short

They did have 90 of them. SMW on the other hand has 70 levels.

>> No.5590716

>SMB3 released in west well over a fucking YEAR after it came out in japan
I genuinely scratch my head at the unbelievable levels of incompetence displayed in bringing games over back in those days.

>> No.5590731

Nintendo delayed it because Zelda II was their planned big AAA release for 1989.

>> No.5590735
File: 475 KB, 842x1128, 23B02AEA-5166-4940-B093-66973EA98168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has it's pluses (saving) and its a good game

It’s is a contraction for it is or it has.
Its indicates possessive.

>> No.5590748

The US release of SMB3 was in February 1990. Wouldn't it have made more sense to put it out during the 89 Christmas season?

>> No.5590763

They wouldn't have released SMB3 in the first half of 89 because SMB2 and Zelda II came out in late 88 and obviously Nintendo wanted to take a pause for a bit between AAA releases. Why it didn't come out between October and December 89 is puzzling though.

>> No.5590767

I know it was delayed due to cart supply shortages, but the fact that the translation was rushed and fucked up DESPITE that is what baffles me.

>> No.5590773

From what I understand, Nintendo had every intention of SMB3 coming out for the 89 Christmas seasons, but shortages of ROM chips meant that they had an insufficient number of cartridges manufactured. Most ROM manufacturers in Japan were running at near capacity especially since plenty of other electronic devices needed them as well.

>> No.5590775

based and redpilled

>> No.5590794

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.5590797

no fucking way that isn't tool assisted

>> No.5590806
File: 61 KB, 295x319, that_speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5590807

And nearly all of those levels are twice as long as 3’s.

>> No.5590903
File: 24 KB, 500x390, heh-i-was-almost-forced-to-face-the-fact-that-28040405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5590910

The SNES has 4MB of ROM space and 128k of WRAM. Why would you be surprised that its games could have longer levels than NES games which had 40k of ROM space and 2k of WRAM?

>> No.5591001

I agree with this, but the way it's presented makes me annoyed that I agree with this.

>> No.5591004

>blocks are no longer squared
Do people actually care about this shit?

>> No.5591642

There is a difference between a typo like a misspelling and using wrong grammar.

>> No.5592210

SMB3 has more variety, but SMW's gameplay is so much better it makes up for it.

>> No.5592602

I would say SMW has more variation in its levels simply because there was just so much more you could do with the SNES hardware compared to the NES.

>> No.5592626

Disagreed. The shortness of the levels is part of what makes the game so replayable. SMW isn't too bad in this regard outside of a couple of auto-scrolling stages that move reallllllly slowly, but games like Yoshi's Island and the various NSMB games have stages that go on for far too long and not enough engaging challenge to justify them.

>> No.5592704

Clearly he was struggling to find arguments since 3 isn't better than World.

>> No.5592908

yeah but in Mario 3, you're just left as super Mario when getting hit powered up, and you have to wait for a block to get your power up back. In Mario world, if you got hit with a cape and shrunk, chances are you have another cape or flower lined up to get fully powered back up immediately.

>> No.5592914

That doesn't change the fact that the hard levels in Mario 3 are dispersed throughout the entire game, and the one singular hard level of 3d world and galaxy is placed at the very end after you have already defeated the final boss and "beat" the game.

>> No.5592918

It's tied with 3 as my favorite out of 1-3 plus world.

>> No.5593469

I think they look way worse.

>> No.5594074

one of the best 2d platformers too

>> No.5594090

it would have been fucking awesome

>> No.5594094

Whoever made this image is definitely on the spectrum. I don’t even care for the All Stars version, but this is pure autism.

>> No.5594306

GBA version.

>> No.5594326

It's my favorite of the NES games.

>> No.5594334

I meant the world themes, but your statement is also correct.

>> No.5594473

He's been posting it for years, I remember seeing it on /v/ before /vr/ existed.