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File: 372 KB, 948x1041, Ff8-selphie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5584845 No.5584845 [Reply] [Original]

I love trains.

>> No.5585524 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 504 KB, 759x1075, 1558171054633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best girl

>> No.5585776
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>> No.5585781

Fuck you and your silly haircut

>> No.5585787

Was it autism? Was it otaku-pandering?

>> No.5585801

stop making these fucking threads trainy discord

>> No.5585803

I don't care. you should into hair-straighteners btw.

>> No.5585846

I think it was the latter, densha otaku are big in Japan.
It’s why there’s like a million different train emojis

>> No.5585849
File: 315 KB, 1000x1502, don't keep her waiting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5585851

Only Japanese can ever hope to fully understand the Japanese

>> No.5585860

Besides Laguna she was my favorite character in that game.

>> No.5585864

she grins like fucking Frodo in this image

>> No.5585874

Does her bush look this stupid too?

>> No.5586534

She needs my Selphie Stick

>> No.5586537

I love Selphie!

>> No.5586548


>> No.5586558
File: 54 KB, 200x150, 200px-E1M3_-_Phantom_Express.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get off my train!

>> No.5586616

Hated Selphie the 1st time I played FF8, then I replayed it and she grew to be #3 behind Zell and Laguna.

She's a dumbass, but a self aware dumbass. She knows the awful world of FF8 is full of stupid shit dumbasses and she wishes to chaos, havok and destruction across the land. Purging the blight that is FF8's world in fire and brimstone. What a good girl.

She, much like Zell, also showed she is one of the few oddly competent people in the world since she instantly and naturally knows how to fly your airship.

>> No.5586690
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>> No.5586715
File: 281 KB, 1150x850, Yamaha_ymf744b_v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth building a Yamaha XG-compatible machine for FF7/8?

>> No.5586980

No, fuck you. She has cute hair.

>> No.5586984

Bran is not /vr/. Fuck off with this normie shit.

>> No.5586989

That is Selphie from Final Fantasy VIII.

>> No.5586994

>Besides Lasagna she was my favorite character in that game.

>> No.5587086 [DELETED] 

Why is she such a shit-ass whore? Why does she shit from her ass?

>> No.5587109

FF7/FF8 are Sound Canvas turf, kiddo.

>> No.5587150
File: 455 KB, 2219x2508, ff8xg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the box itself says XG support..?

>> No.5587164

Oh I got a train here alright

>> No.5587181

The game ships with an XG compatible driver, very small quality difference between real hardware.

>> No.5587193

That's clearly a boy. >>>/tv/ is that way.

>> No.5587220
File: 2 KB, 357x23, ff8synth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The XG Softsynth is even more of a pain in the ass to set up than the real thing.
I have access to both, just wondering if it's worth doing either. Or if my regular Win98 soundcard does a decent enough job.

>> No.5587223


>> No.5587226

Selphia a cute. Best character in the game.

>> No.5587236

I'd rape her.

>> No.5587248

I never wanted to use magic to heal because of the way magic works in FF8, and I'm not one to use items to heal, so whenever I needed healing I'd just hit Selphie so she'd get her limit and use it to cast a healing spell

>> No.5587256

Now now, let's not overexagerate how we feel about our waifus.

>> No.5587273

You're asking me what sounds better for you? I don't know. Try both and see what you like better. Fom what I remember, the software XG installs a configurator in the control panel which lets you increase the quality above the default settings.

>> No.5587337

Was mostly asking if anyone here remembers there being a major difference between any of them. Seems the answer is no.
I'll upload files comparing, but it'll take quite a while. And I'm talking weeks, not days. Takes a while to make meself an YMF7XX computer. And takes even longer to setup the software crap.

>> No.5587346
File: 686 KB, 1638x683, all aboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love trains.
Good to know!

>> No.5587532
File: 106 KB, 600x550, quistis_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn use forbidden technology to live thousands of years to repopulate the Earth with Quistis, making her pregnant tens of thousands of times over an eon and establishing the 12 Tribes of Quisits and writing a scriptural book about it that stupid non-Quistisean gentiles will rewrite and get wrong over the millennia
>die knowing that you've done good in the world by filling up the Earth with a future of faces that look like you're waifu

Fuck this existence

>> No.5587659

The XG renditions obviously sound a lot different from the standard MIDI ones.

>> No.5587663
File: 204 KB, 520x1000, 1357993116264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexiest character in the game
>is basically irrelevant to the story so much that she could be cut from the game entirely and nothing would change

>> No.5587669
File: 51 KB, 462x600, 1436148986549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sir have fine taste.

>> No.5587670
File: 29 KB, 640x480, Quistis_FF8_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexiest character in the game
>is basically irrelevant to the story so much that she could be cut from the game entirely and nothing would change

Oops, you posted a pic of Selphie, not Quistis.

>> No.5587681

>Final Fantasy VII had Red XIII and Cait Sith
>Final Fantasy IX had Quina and Freya

Final Fantasy VIII had an all human main character party.

Really makes you think.

>> No.5587685
File: 568 KB, 1654x2126, 1545523754197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Quistis gets out of the shower and finishes drying herself and is wearing just a towel
>Quistis comes home from a long day of teaching
>"Nooooooooo Anon I look so gross, I'm all sweaty, I-"
>Quistis and Selphie are having a chat over coffee
>"Ooooohmygoooood Anon stop, Selphie is here!"
>"What do you mean her watching turns you on, you're crazy!"
>At night before you go to bed
>Limit Break into her weak spot for 9999 damage
>fall asleep together under your phoenix down duvet
>wake up revived the next day ready to do some more grinding

>> No.5587753

The word "woman" fits her more than the word "girl". She can't possibly be the sexiest. She's an old ass late 20s teacher.

>> No.5587775


She's 18. Did you even play the game?

>> No.5587795

That's just a number. She's clearly designed to be older. A 18 year old is supposed to be awkward and cute or dumb and slutty. Like Rebecca Chambers for example. She couldn't possibly be a teacher, she's practically a kid herself.

>> No.5587801

Ah, the old "queen" vs "princess" debate.

All girls want to be princesses and all guys want to marry princesses, but nobody wants a fucking queen. That's why princess Peach is still a princess somehow.

Not only is the word itself ugly, the mental image your mind conjures when you hear "queen" is some old, fat, stuck up 40 year old granny.

>> No.5587804

Okay, you would know more about the game than the people who designed it, after all.

>> No.5587813 [DELETED] 

It's impossible for her hair to be cute. It's impossible for any part of her to be cute. Wanna know why? She's human. She's a human girl. Humans poop and fart. She's a disgusting ass human just like every other human, even though her "cuteness" makes it seem like she's some holy being made of light. She poops. Selphie should be ashamed of herself. She has no dignity, no grace, no pride. Only a shitting, farting, stupid-looking human ass that makes her look silly as hell when naked. Even her sexy bush looks dumb as hell, reminding you that she's just an evolved animal whose ancestors were apes. Just like all humans. The word human itself should be considered an insult. Lewd ass human. Selphie is pathetic. She has no shame. She shits.

>> No.5587817

wtf I hate selfie now

>> No.5587821 [DELETED] 

No matter how cool a human girl may be. No matter what feats she achieves. No matter how edgy her attitude is. No matter how adorable and kind she is. All human girls look pathetic naked. They have two fat ass cheeks with a sweaty butt crack in the middle.

At least cats look elegant and dignified. Humans look ridiculous naked, your vidya waifu included. Even though only humans can understand the concept of dignity, which is itself a fake concept created in their minds, they are well aware of the fact that their "dignity" could crumble any second. As soon as anyone is reminded of the fact that Selphie's got a puckered asshole between her cheeks, an asshole that shits, she is immediately pathetic as hell in that person's mind. She has no dignity, she just pretends to.

>> No.5587826 [DELETED] 

The fact that human girls are pathetic and their very existence is humiliating is lewd as hell. It's like they are being humiliated 24/7 just from existing and pretending to have dignity so they can function in society. Lewd!

The fact that girls are pathetic ass, shitting humans only makes them more attractive! Even the most unattainable, perfect girl in the world is just human! And she does things that degrade her human dignity every day in the bathroom! Even your crush! Pathetic!

>> No.5587827


>> No.5587831

"Ephraim sauntered, wiggling his buttock-augmentation. Life couldn't get any better. This, he knew, was due to an incontrovertible fact:

Naked asses are the final equalizer. Everyone's got an ass and, if honestly appraised, they all look ridiculous.

Imagine Saddam naked, awkwardly bending for the soap. Or Osama squatting in a humid cave. Don't seem so threatening now do they?

The ass has equalized.

But Ephraim thought he had the system beat. His logic; if all asses are ridiculous, then mine will be the most ridiculous of them all.

I will be King of all Asses.

A difficult point to argue."

>> No.5587835

>ywn confront Selphie with these facts and watch her look away in shame of her own human condition

>> No.5587845

Bullshit. Even if I saw Hitler taking a shit, I would still be scared of him.

>> No.5587891

>She's human

No, she's not. She's just pixels on the screen.

>> No.5587919 [DELETED] 

She's human in-universe. You may never be able to smell her human ass, but the in-universe characters are physically capable of doing so.

>> No.5587924

I'd strip her naked, lock her up, chain her face first to a wall and let the entire galbadian prison run a bang train on her. I'd even set up a whistle to sound every time someone came inside her.

>> No.5587927

They're people, but just because they look human doesn't mean they are. Did they ever mention being able to smell anything?

>> No.5587929

>not stripping her naked in front of every person she's ever known and forcing her to shit out an enema while singing about how fucking pathetic she is while she spanks her own ass and farts like the disgusting living creature she is

>> No.5587940 [DELETED] 

It can be assumed that humans in FF games are just as pathetic as IRL humans. Fantasy races and creatures may or may not shit depending on the wishes of the people who wrote the story. But human characters are assumed to be based on regular ass, real life humans, with absolutely no weird "they have no anus and absorb 100% of the food they eat" bullshit unless otherwise stated.

It's not like the FF games take place in a politically correct Disney universe for toddlers in which the concept of pooping isn't even canon because the show is so squeaky clean and safe (see: Winnie the Pooh, there are human characters but the universe of the series is so innocent I bet Christopher Robin's parents didn't even fuck to create him in canon, he just got there via stork).

FF is meant to be realistic in that sense. As in, it's targeted to older kids and teenagers. Human characters can be assumed to be pathetic ass real life humans unless otherwise stated by the story.

>> No.5587947

The argument was that just because they look like featherless bipeds, it doesn't mean they're actually human.

>> No.5587957 [DELETED] 

I've seen characters use the word "ass" in many FF games. Things like "let's kick their asses" or "kiss my ass!". Not only do these expressions imply that they have asses under their pants, the second one is meant to be an insult and alludes to the fact that asses are something the other person does NOT want to kiss. They are something undesirable. They shit.

Which is pretty ironic, because an otherwise prideful and dignified female character saying "kiss my ass" is actually humiliating herself by acknowledging and bringing up the fact that she's got one of THOSE and that kissing it is supposed to be something unpleasant or at least degrading. She's humiliating herself by alluding to her smelly human ass.

>> No.5587965

Garnet literally walks around with her ass on display the whole game. We see toilets in FF6 and 7. It's implied that people take baths too, which means they sweat and get dirty, which means that Garnet's butt cheeks gather sweat and that's something embarrassing she wouldn't want anyone to see. She's ashamed of her human condition, ashamed of her degrading asshole that forces her to do something as humiliating as taking a shit.

>> No.5587978


>> No.5587989 [DELETED] 

They are fictional characters and the canon doesn't especify anything about that, although it's heavily implied that their bodies function just like those of real humans.

Since they are fictional characters and only exist in the minds of the people perceiving them, the fan perception of those characters may as well be the real truth. Everyone who plays FF7 immediately assumes that Yuffie has a hairy teenage asian pussy and a smelly human ass that shits. And they also assume that she wears clothes even inside a hot volcano because she's ashamed of her nudity. She has dignity she doesn't want to lose. Her naked body is humiliating.

Those are all things ANY player assumes. So that's the truth. Fictional characters live in the minds of the people who perceive them, and not a single person in the world perceives Yuffie as a non-shitting humanlike creature. And even if someone somehow did, the overwhelming majority of the world perceives her as a regular ass pathetic human with a spooky skeleton inside and a bunch of nasty, slimy organs under her flesh. Even though she's so cute!

She's also perceived that way by every single artist that makes fanart of her. She basically exists through fanart (both innocent and pornographic) once the game is over, so she IS human because she's depicted as a real ass normal human everywhere.

>> No.5588026 [DELETED] 

That anime bitch just destroyed the fragile foundation that her so-called, made up "human dignity" was built upon. Just by saying those three words. She indirectly exposed herself as a biological creature, an evolved animal, a walking poop factory. Not that anyone didn't know, but she literally brought it up, She made everyone consciously aware of it. It can't be ignored anymore for the sake of her human dignity, since she just brought it up like that. Not only did she humiliate herself in front of that silver-haired Americunt, she also meta-humiliated herself in front of the entire audience watching her anime from a higher place of existence.

>> No.5588041 [DELETED] 

Is this anime good? This shit is better than a rape scene. She just exposed her own dirty human condition like it was nothing. It may as well be a hentai. Watching the whole anime knowing that at some point she will utter those earth shattering words will be perfect for edging!

>> No.5588058

quistis is literally our sensei though but she's a close second.
selphie doesnt do anything in the story, unless you count "yo you have to evacuate" and "yo lemme borrow your ring lmao"

>> No.5588094 [DELETED] 

She walks around with her smelly human ass. And since she's human, she's part of the species that is killing and polluting the planet. She's disgusting!

Selphie is a villain because she's one of those damn humans.

>> No.5588187

This. Dumb ass-having whore.

>> No.5588221
File: 327 KB, 1100x990, 8939654972729a03cd31a90f70f74225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5588242

What is going on with this thread? Is it just one guy having a conversation with himself?

>> No.5588289

>cait sith

what the fuck

>> No.5588292

He's so irrelevant that he dies and it doesn't even matter

>> No.5588315

>Final Fantasy VIII had an all human main character party.
So many stinky human asses. No wonder it's the worst FF.

>> No.5588318 [DELETED] 

Human shaming is my fetish. I want to humiliate my waifu and force her to acknowledge the fact that humans are pathetic creatures that deserve to go extinct!

>> No.5588330

peak degenerate shut-in inceldom

>> No.5588338

about 80 percent of 4chan is this shit. Have an anonymous board anyone can post on and loads of people use at as a hugbox.

>> No.5588341

well whoever made the thread necro bumped it a couple times before the replies started so yeah it's probably just one weirdo

>> No.5588372

I went to sleep after I made the thread

>> No.5588816

u know u can just ignore them instead of being a cunt

>> No.5589069

I'm still mad Squall picked Rinoa. Don't even dislike Rinoa actually but I just wanted Quistis more. I felt the same in X with Lulu.

>> No.5591138 [DELETED] 

This. Yuffie is fucking pathetic, holy shit.

>> No.5591159

Quisits gave up too easy, she didn't deserve him

>> No.5591260

>It's a let's have a bunch of cute girls like the player character but either don't give him the chance to reciprocate or force him with a shitty girl nobody likes game

I know Japan likes there harems but if you're not gonna fully commit you're just gonna make people angry when you try and railroad them

>> No.5591365

DLS has nothing to do with XG support, it's only saying the included soundfont is based off XG, but FF8 for the PS1 used what are pretty straightforward SC-55/88 patches.

>> No.5591724 [DELETED] 

There's nothing shameful about Yuffie being human. Yeah, it's kind of humiliating that she has to degrade herself and shit everyday, but PLEASE let's ignore it for the sake of her honor and dignity. Please. Don't humiliate my waifu.

>> No.5591772
File: 727 KB, 948x1041, its_offical.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back from the labs and I'm very sad to inform you...the analysis results are in, lads :(

>> No.5591785

selfie fags BTFO

>> No.5591804

She looks like she's got a wild hairy pussy.

>> No.5591805

>so badass, she becomes youngest instructor (I think)
>doesn't fight for for squall-D when Xena the Warrior-Princess gets pump'n'dumped from ma boy Seifer before Squall's feet

>> No.5592130 [DELETED] 

There is. Yuffie is fucking disgusting and should walk around with her head down in shame.

Not only does she have an ass that shits and farts, not only does she grow armpit hair, she also belongs to the human species. The same species that is canonically hurting the planet in FFVII. Just by wearing clothes to hide her shameful human body, just by eating modern food, just by using electricity, she is hurting the planet. She is disgusting! Kill yourself, Yuffie.

>> No.5592419


never seen a fake character who made me want to punch them as much as quistis. that bitch's whole getup is cringey and annoying.

tl;dr shes not my type

>> No.5592423 [DELETED] 

She also has an ass and shits from it. She's the worst.

>> No.5592487 [DELETED] 

Are you the same person who posts about Satoko's ass in the /jp/ 07th expansion threads? Just curious.
Either way, keep it up!

>> No.5592509

I know we call each other autists all the time in here, but this is the first time I've seen a true autist, cwc level and all. Have a nice day.

>> No.5592515

>honor and dignity

>> No.5592519 [DELETED] 

Would Yuffie still be a wretched creature even if she decided to live in the wild, completely naked and eating from the trees?

>> No.5592542

This smelly ass shitposter is the worst I've ever seen. Almost makes me wish for Gramps of DUAL ORB 2 to come back.

>> No.5592548

Who's that?

>> No.5592550 [DELETED] 

It's not shitposting, it's the actual canon truth about a character. Talking about Sephiroth's life history, how materias work or the fact that Yuffie poops because she's human and has an asshole... They are all the same thing. It's all information about the universe the game takes place in.

>> No.5593146 [DELETED] 

It's pretty lewd that Yuffie has a hairier pussy than Tifa, since she's asian, not a slut and so young that she wouldn't even think of shaving anyway. She also has no time or place to do it because she's always camping outside on the overworld.

Tifa may be an experienced 20-something year old woman, but I bet she shaves her pussy like a typical white slut. Booooring. A kid more than seven years younger, not even old enough to have finished her growth spurt, has a more hairy and mature pussy than she does. Tifa is so pathetic. She is also really shy and probably a virgin, unlike Yuffie. Tifa is a loser.

>> No.5593468

maybe if you live in some american hick shithole where everyone craps out a baby the moment they hit 15

>> No.5593497

Just report him

>> No.5593503 [DELETED] 

How about we report you, brainwashed puritan eunuch anon?

>> No.5593506

Go ahead, see what happens you faggot.

>> No.5593587


>> No.5593603


>gf causes brain disease

based and gaypilled

>> No.5593630

>yo lemme borrow your ring lmao
That was Zell.
Selphie leads the missile base team and messes up the homing accuracy, then the concert scene is thanks to her. Plus she has a diary that recaps the story and gives more info on Laguna's life.

>> No.5593931 [DELETED] 

Come on mods do your fucking job you lazy cunts.

>> No.5595130

OMG they have to remake this game. I want to play it for the first time again.

>> No.5595293
File: 684 KB, 624x2464, balamb garden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5595294

does anyone have a screen cap of that anon?

>> No.5595858
File: 619 KB, 680x656, 1557714553931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not how life works, no matter how much you want it to

>> No.5595872

i had a YMF740 gimped chip on my Win98 machine but it blew my mind that I could listen to MIDI with something other than Microsoft GS which sounded like ass then

>> No.5596804

t. has never interacted with a girl

>> No.5596905

what anon?

>> No.5597024

There was one anon who had reoccurring dreams where he was attending balamb garden. In his dream he met selfie or Quistis or something and they told him that he could live in balamb garden forever if he killed himself.irl. He said he was thinking of actually doing it.