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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 13 KB, 273x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5555576 No.5555576 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about controllers, /vr/.

-What's your favorite retro controller (or controller designed for retro games, even if they are recent) and why?
-Would you change anything about it, and what exactly?
-What is your least favorite controller?

>> No.5555584

The right one for the game I'm playing

>> No.5555601

I just use my Xbox 360 controller for everything lmao

>> No.5555608

I don't know what you mean by "or controller designed for retro games". I will say "original xbox controller" fits well with any conventional game 2d or 3d.

>> No.5555625

I use console-appropriate controllers for every system and game. SNES and Saturn are my favorites. Dual Shock 3-4 are nice for being modern controllers that maintain a suitable form factor to feel "right" for older PS games.

>> No.5555627

I mean 8bitdo controllers for instance. Things like the SN30 Pro are not platform specific.

>> No.5555631

same but the xbox one controller instead

>> No.5555643
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pic related plus a mayflash dongle(part # w009) to mimic a 360 / xinput controller.

>xinput so across the board compatability
>great dpad
>proper 'nintendo' abxy layout
>triggers are digital-perfect for retro games where analog is a detriment
>no 'missing' buttons; has everything needed to cover almost any game console -2 sticks, dpad, 2 shoulder buttons, 2 triggers, 4 face buttons, start, select, l3 + r3 + wildcard 'home' can be assigned as hotkey or macro or whatever you want
>absolutely absurdly long battery life
>nice sticks
>classic nintendo build quality
>aethestically pleasing, no gawdy colours, no 'fisher price' kids toy look

find a flaw

>> No.5555648

What about input lag? I know there's basically none with the classic controller for the wii, which kinda surprised me.

>> No.5555892
File: 387 KB, 1000x834, Konix Speedking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will fucking love this piece of hardware 'til the day I die.

>> No.5555921

Saturn Virtua Stick second model
Model 2 Saturn pad
Genesis 6 button pad
SNES Ascii Pad

>> No.5555928

>SNES Ascii Pad
delicate shoulder buttons, too easily broken compared to the originals

>> No.5555943

I have suddenly gotten much better at any platformer by just using the SNES gamepad, due to how quickly I can push the buttons without getting tired/having to push further than needed.

>> No.5555957

The PS4 and PS2 controllers are my absolute favourite ever, they always feel so comfortable in the hands.
For both controllers i wish they'd have the same kind of d-pad as the PS Vita, with the PS4 specifically i wish they could bring back the start and select buttons.
N64 and OG Xbox / Xbox 360 are up there, not because the Duke controller was big (i honestly can tolerate any size of controllers as long as everything's well designed), but because for the xbox controllers the face buttons literally murder your thumb, the d-pad is a joke, and the asymmetrical analog sticks just feel so offputting, for the N64 controller the general layout of it all is just complete ass, since you don't have all of the buttons readily available to use (specially if you're playing games like Goldeneye, Turok, and Duke Nukem Zero Hour), not to mention how the analog stick can just murder your thumb after hours of use.

>> No.5556076

I wanted to buy a model 2 saturn pad from retrobit, but I heard the first batch had cheap plastic that would easily break inside.

>> No.5556098

Mine has been in use for several years and I've yet to encounter any problems with the shoulder buttons, but I'll keep that in mind.

I use the originals from Sega, can't say anything about third party ones.

>> No.5556101

How's the genesis pad in comparison to the saturn? Last time I used a genesis was about 20 years ago.

>> No.5556128

Saturn. That retrobit one is 99% the feels of the original. Only discernable difference is the shoulder buttons.

>> No.5556142
File: 262 KB, 1500x805, 5579396_sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically the standard brick NES controller. The only thing I'd change is adjust the button layout to mimic the GBA's A and B buttons but flipped upside down. Like pic related
>ten thousand years in ms paint.
I wish the SNES controller was slightly tilted so the angle wouldn't be so sharp.

>> No.5556274

Best 2600 controller. I've only found one I liked better and it's only due to having leaf switches, but requires cleaning said switches.

>> No.5556309

How am I supposed to play Super Metroid with this?

>> No.5556325

Excuse me but this is a blue board sir.

>> No.5556464

Um, you can't. How are you supposed to play some ColecoVision games with the typical modern pad? Ya can't. Of course, you can with a certain 360 pad, and with a GC ASCII keyboard pad (and a similar PS2 pad). Mini keyboards should be standard when it comes to modern controllers, in my opinion.

>> No.5556562
File: 23 KB, 700x500, 8BitDo-M30-wireless-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using this a lot for my raspberry pi, seems to do its job well. And it seems to have less input lag than my (aging) ps3 controller for some reason.

>> No.5556594

I like the Wii U Pro Controller and Wii Pro/Classic
My ideal controller would be the Switch Pro's chassis but with the d-pad and symmetrical layout of the Wii's
where did you hear that from? It plugs into the Wii controller so it inherently has some input lag because it's wireless

>> No.5556613

I didn't "hear it", I tested it in comparison with other wired controllers, mainly the SNES controller through a mayflash USB PC adapter because I was trying to mod the classic controller. I'm picky enough with that shit.

>> No.5556621

>through a mayflash USB PC adapter
ah, that explains it.
If you use a regular non-usb controller natively on its console you might be able to notice more lag with the Wii controller.

>> No.5556661

Nothing beats original hardware on CRT, but that's not the comparison being made.

>> No.5556739

Saturn controller. Coz it has the best dpad even to this day. I wouldn't change anything about it.
Least fave? I dunno there are a lot of bad ones. The Xbox 360 controller has possibly the worst dpad in existence.

>> No.5557378

>i "tested" it against another known laggy turd

>> No.5557383

Overrated. Had two M30s, both didn't last. The new licensed Sega controllers feel better.

>> No.5557405

A bit smaller and slightly less comfortable in the hands, but they're pretty much the same.

>> No.5557416

>fightstick for fighting games
>ps2 controller for psx games
>snes controller for snes, nes, sega genesis and other similar consoles' games

>> No.5557432
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>> No.5557471 [DELETED] 

everytime i look at a snes controller i get the urge to bite the buttons because they look like spree and it makes my tongue taste good thinking about it

>> No.5557472

The snes controller
and N64

>> No.5557530

what? it IS a controller, right?

>> No.5557736

>using a fightstick for fighting games
>this confounds the zoomer

>> No.5557793

It's an arcade stick, fightstick is the name of a line of products from Madcatz. Fucking tards.

>> No.5557834


>> No.5557859


>> No.5557972
File: 56 KB, 590x590, 201201101007099155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it laggy? I have tested this thing against a Logitech precision, wired 360 controller, wired/wireless PS3 controller, xbone controller, pretty much anything that can be plugged to a PC without using converters. I do play ps2/ps1 games from time to time on a PSTwo, on a CRT with a DS2, are you gonna call that laggy shit? Because I can't perceive much of a difference there. Maybe you do and you're bothered about 95% of setups, and force yourself to buy real software and hardware. That's kinda pitiful.

>> No.5558225

>It's an arcade stick
What's is? Do you magically know anon wasn't talking about what you call a fightstick? Do you think being wrong and trying to prove it with autism makes you look clever? Protip: It has the exact opposite effect.

>> No.5558241

I'm planning to grab one of those. Just waiting for a bit because of this:


I don't know if they're still selling the same first batch over my country or what exactly.

>> No.5558265

I always like circular d-pads, I wish Nintendo had them too, much better at hitting diagonals.

>> No.5558591

>How is it laggy?
There's a delay between when signals going in and when they go out. derp. The "perception" of a casual isn't exactly the scientific method sport. I'm not at all bothered that 95% of casual zoomers like you have setups with lag.

>> No.5558604

Can't be calling someone a casual when you're using the crutch that is near lagless input, just sayin

>> No.5558650

———-(the joke)———->

>> No.5558738

Controllers are bad
Use your mind

>> No.5558748

I only have an Xbox 360 controller and a Logitech F310.

I'm still on the fence as to which one I prefer.

Also have a Hori RAP V3SA for some fighting game goodness, great for SSF2 and for games I used to play in the arcades, like the D&D beat em ups.

>> No.5559174

Xbone controller
SF30 Pro
A hypothetical 8bitdo Saturn pro pad with xbox dpad if it could exist
Switch Pro isn't terrible either

>> No.5559181

I have an 8bitdo SN30pro, and it's worked great for me playing platform games like Yoshi's Island and Popful Mail. It has convex X and Y buttons like the American SNES controller, but they also sell a version that has all four convex face buttons. :)

>> No.5559198

Honestly if not using a keyboard, I use an Xbone controller and that’s because I lose track of all the buttons I do need to use and which ones i’ve Programmed
Looking and you ePSX

I have an NES controller with usb and i’ll Use it when playing NES games

>> No.5559209

Does the SN30 Pro still require that mod that fixes diagonals?

>> No.5559443

D-Pad feels a bit off out of the box.

>> No.5559461

Actually I looked this up and apparently newer versions with horizontal start/select buttons (instead of tilted) have a d-pad that works alright, while older versions have an oversensitive one that needs a fix. I guess I'll be avoiding the old ones.

>> No.5559468
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>> No.5559506

Not on the revised model. The old, bad models are easy to spot as they have diagonal start and select buttons. I've also heard a rumor the gameboy styled one (called "g classic edition") has an even more improved dpad but can't confirm it myself.

>> No.5559523

I was thinking of grabbing that one. Maybe I'll buy the bullet.

>> No.5559527

Bite*, always thinking of buying shit.

>> No.5559758

True. And I just called you a casual so I must not be using any crutch. You're gonna have to do much better than that kiddo.

>> No.5559763
File: 65 KB, 1001x1001, 61O8NZuAdsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use this ibuffalo snes controller a lot.
>the turbo stuff sometimes comes in handy

i have an old saturn model 2 i wouldn't mind putting a usb end on if thats easy and theres drivers for it

>> No.5559820

There's a saturn pad re-release that has USB.
You could also look at the Raphnet Saturn -> USB adapter.

>> No.5559954

Generic answer: depends on the game I'm playing and how much MAXIMUM NOSTALGIA I want to feel.

But majority of the time I use DS4 for pretty much everything except for fighting games.

>> No.5560035

Honestly? I think it's YMMV. My boyfriend has been having some trouble with the D-pad. I had a -little- bit of trouble with the top-down segments in Blaster Master (accidentally moving diagonally when trying to move vertically) but for my it was just realizing I need to be a little more precise with my thumb movements, and within about five minutes it was muscle memory. My bf has also been trying to use it as a Switch controller, while I've been using it with Retroarch on my laptop so that could be a factor as well.

>> No.5560343

Is it possible to play PS1 games with that thing effectively?

>> No.5560704

I mean, if you look at the picture it has 12 buttons. All it lacks is analog sticks.

>> No.5561284
File: 18 KB, 600x336, gen_arcade_power_stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sumbitch right here. Yes I know that there's six button versions. I don't have one. I don't know how those ones feel.

This version feels like a fucking tank. It's got a metal base I could probably cave a man's skull in with. as tacky as it sounds using it is a big reason of why i prefer genesis games on original hardware. it adds a certain something to the experience that i'm too lazy and cheap to get a usb adapter to replicate on pc

>> No.5561296
File: 213 KB, 1200x1200, 29B813C9-0EED-40B4-B5DD-DDD03411CE25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truth. This and a pair of headphones absolutely completes the experience.

>> No.5561418


>> No.5563078
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>> No.5563317

Not wrong. The neogeo one is not as good as people mention. Fucking had a neogeo ps2 gamepad and that thing wasn't as pleasant to use as everyone said it was.

>> No.5563728
File: 13 KB, 227x222, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom fighting stick for nes and snes

>> No.5563730

>Saturn 3d pad in low tier
Almost had it right anon.

>> No.5563778
File: 435 KB, 932x1116, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fully recommend both the Astro City & Virtua Stick. It just feels right for everything arcade.

>> No.5564595
File: 236 KB, 1000x646, hori-fighting-commander-ps4-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5564873

The 0130 might be the best 1st party arcade stick. The 0136 not so much.

>> No.5565054

I like a standard gamepad. The extra sticks and buttons are useful for controlling Miles Prower and some emulator functions :-)

>> No.5566969

What's /vr/s take on wireless ps2 controllers? Which one is the best? I'm looking at this one but I'm still on the fence:


>> No.5567029

He's full of shit, these adapters work fine. He's just a fag, look at his posts and pity him.

>> No.5567123

D-pad always felt weird, the whole controller felt light and cheap, also the obvious fuckup of the controller cord on the bottom.

>> No.5567130

I love that stick and everything about it.

>> No.5567721

They are what they are. Perfectly fine for casual play. Don't know about that one but I use chinkshit that looks identical and probably comes from the same factory.

Casuals. lol

>> No.5568283
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Doesn't get ant better than this.

>> No.5568391
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>> No.5568403

I'm sorry you imagine a lag where there isn't one, that must be hard for you to deal with every day.

>> No.5568474 [DELETED] 


>> No.5568509

How could someone spend so much time making a chart that was so fundamentally wrong?

>> No.5568552

The US version has rubber membrane buttons and stick, the Japanese one is microswitch. No shit, 3 days ago I padhacked an xbox arcade stick so I could play genesis with it. I was missing diagonals on the sega stick (even after cleaning) while playing Gain Ground and I couldn't deal with it anymore. I decided to buy a better stick. The favorite thing I read when looking up "best genesis arcade sticks" was someone saying the US sega stick felt like stirring a bowl of oatmeal. It's true, it does.

Basically the japanese 6 button stick is like $200, and the other sticks have varying reviews. I decided to get old school and do a pad hack on that xbox stick as it had sanwa stuff in it. I had $20 in the xbox stick and it's a sega pad that goes for $6 on ebay. So for $26 and about 30 min of work I have a sega genesis arcade stick that's very likely better than any official or third party stick from the era.

>> No.5568698

I'm sorry you're a casual underage denier of facts. jk. I mostly come to 4chan to laugh at fucktards like you.

Unemployable dweebs have a lot of spare time

>> No.5568716

lol it took like 5 minutes

>> No.5568729
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>> No.5568792

Well, I'm bored so...

S: Saturn, SNES, Model 3 Genesis 6 button controller, Neogeo Pocket Color (yeah it's handheld but so good it gets honorary position)

A: PCE, NES, MS, Neogeo CD, Saturn 3d, PS analog, Wii Pro with grips (wii is good emu box for retro).

B: NES dogbone (comfy shape, but angle of buttons is shit), FC (cord in side of controller and cable too short, also SFC for short cable) Genesis 3 and 6, PS (non analog), Jaguar (good and comfy but numpad is kind of iffy).

C: N64 (for durability, would rank in A if was durable)

D: Dreamcast (bad ergo), Atari (durability), Misc Intellivision clones because shit.

Atari is one of the few systems that have some better aftermarket controllers.

>> No.5568828

There simply is no picture to describe my satisfaction in having buttblasted a casual weeb this much

>> No.5568868
File: 73 KB, 1280x720, tank stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virgin "fightstick"
The Chad arcade stick

>> No.5569195

It's so overkill... but that trackball makes me want...
If it had a spinner too, I would be yelling "Take my money!"

>> No.5569214
File: 98 KB, 1000x664, PS1 Ultra Racer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best controller for racing games ever created.

>> No.5569217
File: 284 KB, 2126x1266, sega-genesis-arcade-power-stick-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is my number 1. You could probably kill someone with this tank. I love it.

>> No.5569218
File: 53 KB, 524x600, 524px-Saturn_MK-80314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the NiGHTS Saturn controller any good and ergonomic or is it just a gimmick? I don't recall any other round shaped pads on the market.

>> No.5569427

/diy/ here. What makes a good d-pad? Can you provide pictures of good d-pads? I'm especially interested in the back side, how its held in place and what movements are possible (e.g. can you press up and down at the same time? How about down and left/right).

>> No.5569438

From what I remember the large amount of controller below the buttons on the right make it so your right hand grips the controller rather unnaturally to use them.

>> No.5569445

No D-pad I know of allows you to press up and down at the same time because they pivot on the center. The most you could do is one direction on the Y axis and one direction on the X axis to allow for diagonals.

>> No.5569573

In general, the most highly regarded D-pads are the implementations on the original NES, SNES, and GameBoy for Nintendo-style cross-shaped pads and the Saturn Japanese (aka model 2) controller for Sega-style circular pads. You could look up breakdowns and reviews of those specific controllers to learn more, but you'll really only see for yourself by holding and using them yourself, along with examples of bad d-pads (of which there are innumerable examples, including attempts to clone good ones) for comparison.

>> No.5569791
File: 40 KB, 2320x3408, Nintendo_dpad_patent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not a universal design.
There is a few problems:
-Material need to be good. There is a lot of controllers with good mechanism, but the material isn't good. So its too mushy or it takes a lot of effort to press down
-Either you can press down the center, or you can't. If you can't, its generally better because you can only input directions while applying force to the sides

>> No.5571240

Do you guys prefer the model of the Wii classic controller with or without grips?

>> No.5571269

sega 6 button
dualshock 2

>> No.5572462

This is beautiful

>> No.5573562

My favorite retro controller in general would be the SNES controller. I use an SN30/SF30 pro for emulation. I like it a lot, but I can't figure out how to get the star or logo button to bring up the retroarch menu.

>> No.5573876

Maybe anon didn't get it because jokes are supposed to be funny. Comedy is also completely subjective, invalidating the need for your post.

>> No.5573880

why is it that retroarch is obviously centered emulators for retro games, but their fucking menus are ripped straight outta ps4. ruins the mood for me man

>> No.5573884

As a zoomer, I know at least 4 people who own fightsticks and use them to play their baby shit Arcsys games

>> No.5573904

Imo the switch pro controler is really good for retro gaming , the clicking d pad is perfect

>> No.5573950

There's like 4 different GUIs for RetroArch now, not just XMB. rgui is fast and now it's pretty customizable.

Dunno if it would be the same thing, but I have an 8bitdo m30 and unfortunately the star button has no other function than turbo (which for some reason doesn't work for me even after a firmware update). However, the home button (which in your controller has a different logo) does bring up the menu with default settings as long as it's using xinput.

With dinput the home button is just an extra button and I had no issues (after some initial setup, because it wouldn't recognize it) binding it on Settings > Input > Hotkey Binds > Menu toggle.

>> No.5573964
File: 82 KB, 1080x697, 55729581_128001451650144_2674467793918055140_n.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the subject of the m30. I got it yesterday and, used to the SNES pad for everything retro it is a suitable replacement with a few things to keep in mind.
-Input lag wise, no problems there. I have quite a few controllers here and even though I use them mostly wired, this one on wireless performs the about the same. Maybe I'm blessed by not being able to tell lag there but the important thing is that when jumping around the character never feels heavy and I don't have to plan my movements. SMB3 is a fucking breeze on this.
-Pretty damn comfortable to hold, but I have small hands
-The d-pad is really, really responsive and accurate, but doesn't need a lot of mashing. It creaks if you push it too hard, but it doesn't require that amount of strength. I recall someone say that's easily fixed with a drop of sewing machine oil but I'm not sure I want to do this on a new controller.
-Shoulder buttons are better than SNES, but that's because I like them to give me some feedback. I feel the snes ones have barely any. These click a bit.
-The opposite though with the face buttons. They are great compared to most controllers, but I like the SNES ones better. These are soft but still a bit on the clicky side. You can push 2 buttons at once quite easily. This might be good or bad. Start button is kinda hard.
-Xinput and dinput work both pretty decent without a difference other than the home button being just a button on dinput mode.
-Pretty easy to switch between d-pad as d-pad, left or right stick
-Weird initial setup. It took a while for retroarch to recognize the controller in both dinput and xinput modes and when it did, it didn't let me bind shit. After reconnecting other controllers all problems were gone. After using the xbone controller, I had to pair it again. Then I turned them both on and off and the problem is gone. Confusing.

Overall I love it, but I guess people who loved the saturn one would tell me to fuck off, never tried that pad.

>> No.5573996

If that is your metric for a good controller, you should use the X1. Nothing about the Switch pro is as good as the X1.

>> No.5574000

PS3/PSP/PSX XMB is efficient for controller users. You can't figure that out?

>> No.5574034

*click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click* *click*

>> No.5574037

the stick feel as good as a woman's nipple.

>> No.5574784
File: 303 KB, 557x967, FA8DAC38-6457-4616-AB74-A0D0D825C990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mostly come to 4chan to laugh at fucktards like you.
Me too, anon

>> No.5574905
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, sn30 pro g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just thought I'd follow up on this: I had only had my SN30 pro (diagonal start/select buttons) for about a month, and it was still in basically new condition, so I decided to return it and buy an SN30 pro G (pic related) since it was the same price, and I can confirm the D-pad on the newer model is WAY better. If you were planning on buying an 8bitdo controller, this is the one you want to buy.

>> No.5574993

Yeah, those got fixed. The previous ones were discontinued too. I would have liked it if there were new ones with the PAL SNES design, but eh, I'll take the gameboy one.

>> No.5577580
File: 385 KB, 1920x1300, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought one of these back in December, and the d-pad is still shit.

>> No.5577585
File: 673 KB, 892x539, pokken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfiest controller I've ever used, one of the few designed to fit adult hands. In terms of functionality it has the same button layout as an SNES pad but with the back triggers next to start/select. It's my main emulation controller, and also works well for neo geo/genesis games directly on switch.

>> No.5577605

At least that's what I heard, might be wrong. I mean, I heard the m30 was shite and no, no the fuck it ain't. I'm almost convinced there's some countershilling there.

>> No.5577615

-What is your least favorite controller?

PS1, by far marge coz that awful D-pad.

>> No.5577616

I've heard the M30 fixes the d-pad issue, but I'm still going to give it some time to see if they fix the creaking issue.
This one is really nice. I got one when they first came out. I just wish it had a slightly shorter cable since I just use it on my PC.

>> No.5577660

The creaking thing happens only if you push the d-pad at the very least twice as hard as you would normally. That is, if you definitely notice that you have fully pressed the d-pad and decide that that's just not enough and you must punish the little fucker. Which is stupid, physically tiresome, and doesn't register inputs any better. I guess on a very angry day with big strong caveman hands it'd be a problem.

If there's a flaw with the pad is definitely not the d-pad, but rather the turbo button, which makes the controller stop working in Xinput mode until you turn it off and turn it back on forcefully. Or at least it does on mine.

>> No.5577672

I wasn't even aware it had turbo functionality.

>> No.5577696

The star button supposedly has that feature, but the gamepad is mostly marketed for the genesis and the switch and apparently any other platform is an afterthought. It's still quite fine (on PC as a xinput pad everything else works quite fine, and surprisingly I can't notice any lag over bluetooth compared to any controllers I own that can be plugged to PC directly) but even after a firmware upgrade it ain't working on mine. What's weird is that I haven't seen anyone else complain about this. I don't mind but it's something that should work at least, as advertised. It does list turbo as a function in the list of xinput buttons.

In any case, if you're bothered about the creaking thing, I'm going to guess it's an older batch that was creakier, because really it takes quite a bit of strength to get the d-pad to actually do that on the one I got. There's a fix that involves pouring a little bit of sewing machine oil under the d-pad and letting that thing work its way between the d-pad and the piece of plastic it's touching but I honestly don't see the need. I guess as a preventive measure? I dunno.

>> No.5577708

Analog sticks disgust me.

>> No.5577884

Those look disgusting. Doesn't surprise me about the quality considering my m30 didn't last all but a few months.

>> No.5577889

The red one looks alright in person, but I like red.

>> No.5579130

what the fuck is this monstrosity

>> No.5579182
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>> No.5579983

So is there some sort of frontend or small program that lists and lets you manage all controller connections easily? Basically I just want to be able to see how many controllers are connected, what kind of input they have and so forth. On a given day, I might have anywhere from 2 to 6 game controllers connected to my desktop, ranging from USB-C Xinput to a DDR pad that uses USB-A to B. The shuffling around causes me to need to remap controller buttons more often than I would like.

>> No.5580023

>maybe “that other guy” didn’t get it

>> No.5581669
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>What's your favorite retro controller (or controller designed for retro games, even if they are recent) and why?
Sega Saturn controller. I am very used to them for fighting games and can execute at an acceptable level with them. They are adaptable in emulating old games as I can use YZBC for the diamond formation like on SNES pads and they work great in MAME emulation.

>Would you change anything about it, and what exactly?
I wish the XYZ buttons were the same size as the ABC buttons.

>What is your least favorite controller?
Of what I have tried, a toss up between bootleg cheap imitation controllers and the Atari 2600 joysticks. They are very inaccurate to inputs and feel bad to me.

>> No.5581745

That white Playstation one is really nice looking.

>> No.5581776
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For 2D = md 6 button pad
For 3D = ds2

>> No.5581812

I would love an 8bitdo controller that was based on the atomic purple Game Boy Color. I don't know if I'd want to sacrifice the convex XY buttons for it though...

>> No.5581931
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Those were the colors Sega used for the Macintosh editions of the Saturn pads. I also like the colors of the Sonic blue and Puyo Puyo orange-white.

>> No.5581942

That orange/white is also really nice too.

>> No.5581947

Is there a trusted adapter lagless (or almost) like that but with one end being for a genesis controller input and the other a usb one in order to be used with a pc?

>> No.5582041

-What's your favorite retro controller (or controller designed for retro games, even if they are recent) and why?
Like many it's the Model 2 Sega Saturn pad. It just feels good in the hands and all the buttons are placed just right.
-Would you change anything about it, and what exactly?
Give it a select button but that's it.
-What is your least favorite controller?
Probably the 2600 controller but I don't think it's so bad.

>> No.5582256

What I would give for that orange and white one I cannot describe. That's my favorite color combination for accessories/consoles.

>> No.5583035

can't connect it to my PC or switch without a large dongle

great for 2d games, sucks for 3D

other than that i like it

>> No.5583227

loved the console and games, but tha controlles was ass, especially as a kid

>> No.5583228

>slipping an APFT in with your Saturn controllers
top jej

>> No.5583235

So I went and fixed the creaking because it was doing that shit and it wasn't pleasant. Problem is, I don't know if sewing machine oil is a long term solution or even a good solution applied on plastic. The results are good though, so the problem is definitely there. Thankfully the controller is easy to disassemble.

>> No.5583372
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>large dongle

>> No.5584948

>Dreamcast version is the only one with XYZ with same size buttons as ABC
Why. Why arent there more versions like that?

>> No.5585000

hey that looks beautiful

>> No.5586810

read the filename and also >>5583228

>> No.5586893

Just want to say you have good fucking taste, anon.

Also flaw
>I got mine 2nd hand when switch was coming out so getting a new one was near impossible, I still regret not looking harder and paying more than full price

Assuming you're using a decent wireless adapter, it should perform about the same as (or potentially better than) any usb controller.

>> No.5587536

>Sega PlayStation

>> No.5588128
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There are. Nubytech, PDP, and Hori made some that also had similar sized XYZ buttons, It is just the unfortuate part that the rubber membrane may not hold up on the Ascii pads, but if they do hold up, they are better for SF3 blocks/parries than standard Saturn pads.

Crossing timelines.

That one came with Puyo Puyo Fever. However, I could only think of the Dreamcast which had an orange-white color scheme. What other pad had that color combination?

>> No.5588212

What would the best controller be for emulating Gameboy Advance? My first thought is a SNES gamepad, but then you end up with useless X and Y buttons.

>> No.5588884

How much benefit does a "retro" controller actually give you?
I have a DS4 which seems to work nicely for emulation in general, what difference would switching to something console-specific make?

>> No.5589374

Well, for one you won't have a controller with such a shitty battery life, probably. Aside from that, really depends on which genre do you usually play. You might find it more beneficial to have 6 face buttons instead of 4 or a d-pad that lets you deal with fighting games and platformers better. Saturn and SNES gamepads are more suitable for those genres, because they provide very responsive buttons and accurate d-pads.

I would rather choose those than the DS4 since for instance, I can stand harder games with them without fucking my left thumb and I can mash quicker. I also worry less about missing inputs. I can't tell you how many missing inputs I have on an xbone gamepad that I won't ever have on an SNES pad because of how a fucking silicone pad works.

>> No.5589412
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I want to use my Wii U Pro controller but I tried using WiinUSoft, I can connect the thing as an Xinput device and it shows up in Device Manager as a 360 controller as well as a Nintendo device, but the four controller ID lights won't stop flashing and it doesn't register any input. It will vibrate if you click the ID button but nothing else works.
Anyone else have this problem? Is it because I have a shit USB adapter? Should I just fork out 18 bongbucks for the Mayflash dongle?

>> No.5589416

Honestly it -is- the SNES pad. I recently played Aria of Sorrow again with it and goddamn it's fucking perfect. You could bind X/Y to turbo A and B or just face L and R buttons.

>> No.5589419

I would go with the mayflash dongle, I found WiinUSoft to be pretty wonky.

>> No.5589424

The mayflash w009 is just-werks tier, only complaint is it has an ugly always-on red LED but you can tape over that if it bothers you.

There's also the magic-ns if that's easier to justify shelling out for.

>> No.5589558

You seem like you enjoy variety, why didn't you pick up a Capcom APFT while you were at it?

>> No.5592363

When are we supposed to get the bluetooth Saturn ones?