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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5579248 No.5579248 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you run out of new retro videogames to play

>> No.5579251
File: 7 KB, 468x286, 2 out of 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, you probably haven't even exhausted your supply of NES games yet. Why are you shitposting?

>> No.5579256

That is impossible, even for a NEET playing every waking hour. The best new games are better though.

>> No.5579267 [DELETED] 

Reminder that Loco Bandito by Mike Matei is a thing.

Reminder that he tried his absolute HARDEST for YEARS to report, copyright claim and remove any trace of his cringy ass Elmo and Gadget videos from the internet, which only makes them more hilarious.

>> No.5579270

Reminder that Mike Matei fucking posted on /vr/ and spammed a thread with the lyrics of the AVGN theme song so it could reach bump limit because some people exposed the shit he was doing at Reddit as the cinemassacre subreddit moderator.
Also, the whole thing about Mike dating Erin, and Joe from Game Sack getting salty is too funny.

>> No.5579272 [DELETED] 



>> No.5579273


>> No.5579279



>> No.5579282 [DELETED] 

>that Elmo video
>"Damn, that guy has really bushy eyebrows. If his eyebrows are that bushy... can you imagine... what his ass crack looks like?"
How is that quote not a fucking meme? Not only is it fucking absurd, it's also coming from a 30 year old guy in his pajamas, alone in his married friend's house, watching a movie for toddlers and making childish jokes that not even a 10 year old would find funny.

>> No.5579284

Except I don't think anybody wants to be friends with fucking Matei. We're talking about him beause of the embarassing shit he did, and he is the one in contact with people on the internet, answering youtube comments, moderating Reddit, and even posting here on /vr/

>> No.5579290 [DELETED] 

I actually like Mike Matei and find him entertaining to watch. He seems like a cool dude. But his cringe repertoire is immense and it's just too tempting to make fun of him.

>> No.5579292

He did?

Is it in the archive?

>> No.5579296

Saw him at a con earlier this year. He thinks he's hot shit and runs around acting like a high school student with an inflated ego.

>> No.5579304 [DELETED] 

>ywn lick the shaved ass crack of James' wife

>> No.5579309

He did, I just checked but warosu doesn't seem to have the thread, you can find people talking about it though.
There was also a guy claiming to be Mike using a tripcode, but i doubt it was really him... who knows though.
The spammer guy who wanted to bump limit the thread was definitely him though, nobody else would be interested in covering his ass.

>> No.5579328

fuck e-celeb threads

>> No.5579337 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579341 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579343 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579345 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579347 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579349 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579352 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579356 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579357 [DELETED] 

I think you’ve made a mistake, this doesn’t appear to have anything to do with retro games! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579358 [DELETED] 

Based and redpilled! Please remember to sage and report off topic threads!

>> No.5579424
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bot is broken again

>> No.5579434

Why did you delete?

>> No.5579442

I don't think anyone could stand watching Elmo video for so long to hear that phrase. Minecraft with Gadget was more digestable than that

>> No.5579468

He has yet to learn that the mods aren't his friends.
They aren't ANYBODY'S friends.

>> No.5579504

You do realize that the guy posting about "Parasocial Interactions" IS Mike Matei though, right?

>> No.5579510

There's no way you can run out of retro games to play.

The issue is not that, it's oversaturation. Even removing first party games you still have a huge ass library of stuff you can play, but deciding is the hard part. You're less inclined to stick with something.

>> No.5579585

I bet you didn’t even look at the list of fan translated retro Roms.

>> No.5579617


>run out of retro games to play
>hair grows back

>> No.5579739 [SPOILER] 
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Mike, you okay big guy?

>> No.5579748

It's too try hard and not funny for humor or irony.

>> No.5579751
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>> No.5579773

Based and redpilled. Mike might be annoying and childish as fuck, but at least he know's whats up where it counts.

>> No.5579784
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>> No.5579786
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>> No.5579792

what artist is this

>> No.5579857

This is Mikes only redeeming quality...and the fact that hes actually pretty good at retro games. Hes not a bad dude, but he is a cringe-meister. Mike, can you drop an b-bomb during a livestream someday? Pretty please.

>> No.5579868

Jesus Christ what the fuck

>> No.5579883

It's like Crumb... but I don't think it's crumb. Why did the comic have to end just before it got good?

>> No.5579887

This is why PS2 and GBA should be retro.

>> No.5579913


>> No.5580009

>acknowledging that good modern games exist
Careful, there. That triggers the REEEES hardcore here on /vr/

>> No.5580142 [DELETED] 

reeeee zomers reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.5580287 [DELETED] 

That quote is fucking hilarious precisely because it falls flat and he says it in such an awkward way, with a completely straight face instead of playing it off as a dumb joke. It just highlights how stupid and unfunny that shit he just said was.

>> No.5580298 [DELETED] 

This is literally AVGN humor. Mike is the one who wrote the episodes. AVGN is Loco Bandito 2.0.

>> No.5580345

Someone should go to a convention and ask Mike about it, or even try to sign it

>> No.5580361

Agreed. We should ask gookmoot to amend the rules so that if a game is at least 18 years old it can be legal to discuss here.

>> No.5580362

I hear he'll sign it, but only if you call him your White Aryan Brother repeatedly.

>> No.5580396 [DELETED] 

This isn't even the best one.

>> No.5580440

>thinks age makes a game retro
Uhm, sweetie. PS2 era is when we ventured in to modern territory.

>> No.5580442

You sound insecure.

>> No.5580447

U mad, Mike?

>> No.5580450

For the first years of the PS2, its games were "PS1 games with better graphics".
Can you tell me of one single 3D game you use the D-pad to move in a modern title? Nowadays analog sticks are the norm but you could move with the D-pad in gta 3 and vice city, Jak And Daxter...
The right stick wasn't even used in a lot of games. In The Getaway the right stick doesn't control the camera (nothing does) but instead it controls the car throttle.
There were a lot of classic design sensibilities carried over from the PS1. It all depends on the game.

>> No.5580454

I love people like you. Trying to cope and apologize for some others made up rules about what makes something /vr/

Good thing every other place on the internet considers ps2/xbox/gamecube retro. Not everyone can be retarded aspies like you.

>> No.5580465 [DELETED] 

Nigga, the DS will be 18 this year.

>> No.5580467

No...just no, really. PS2 can just never be retro because it's the pinnacle of modern gaming. Everything that games could ever be peaked in this era and after this everything sucks.

Play something like Burnout 3 or Rumble Roses. It's almost exact same thing as the PS3 versions.

>> No.5580470

Burnout 3 has no equivalent on PS3, faggot.

>> No.5580538

>it's another "/vr/ argues over whether retro means a time period or an age limit" episode
simply epik

>> No.5580581 [DELETED] 

"Retro" means any game that isn't an emulation nighmare. So yeah, PS2 is NOT retro and will never be. The whole reason people like retro games is because they can be preserved for eternity without the need of rotting physical hardware.

>> No.5580585 [DELETED] 

PS3 games and beyond may as well not even exist, because they can't be emulated and will die with their console within the next 10 years. Especially games that will never have a rerelease, ever.

>> No.5580608

How desperate are you faggots?

>> No.5580634

>Good thing every other place on the internet considers ps2/xbox/gamecube retro.

Then why don't you go there to discuss it, faggot.

>> No.5580653

Does that mean we can discuss Gamecube and Wii here since emulation of those works like a charm?

>> No.5580667 [DELETED] 

Gamecube was the beginning of the end, but there are still good games there. Wii has like 10 good games and half of them are soulless casualized trash anyway.

>> No.5580670 [DELETED] 

>emulating the forced wiimote gimmicks
You need an actual wiimote. They won't be sold forever like keyboards and computers are sold forever everywhere. They will eventually stop existing and those games will be off-limits for a while/years/forever until someone starts illegally producing them.

>> No.5580674 [DELETED] 

Then why are retrofags the biggest hoarders/collectors of rotting plastic junk?

>> No.5580734
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>> No.5580902

>because they can't be emulated
? i know this is vr but you know rpcs3 is a thing right

>> No.5580905

>They will eventually stop existing
sorry but do you even know how well the wii sold? what sort of insane and ridiculous numbers it pulled? then to top that off with the fact that most families that had one would get 2, 3, or even 4 wiimotes if not more later when the wiimote pluses came out?

>> No.5580914
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Just go full Retrophile :-P

>> No.5580920 [DELETED] 

There is still a limited number of them in the world. At some point, it will become hard to get your hands on one of them. At some point, it will be hard to replace the broken ones.

It's not like with a regular game where you can just buy a random cheap Chinese controller any day of the week.

>> No.5580925 [DELETED] 

The only Wii game worth preserving is Another Code R, and that doesn't really require Wiimote shit.

Everything else is either shovelware or soulless Nintendo crap that pales in comparison to their old games.

>> No.5581035
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>forgetting the greatest Wii game of all time

>> No.5581082

So, no N64?
I guess that brings GBA since it's always been better than most.
Although, MAME still remains a large emulation nightmare, so arcade and handheld LCD games don't count, especially LCD games since no one dumped most of them. (Fact: if it's not dumped, it's not worth playing.)

>> No.5581085

Loco Bandido is unironically funny.

>> No.5581094

>jaw drops to the floor
>eyes pop out of head
>puts eyes back in
>fixes jaw
>slicks back hair
Well who is this honkin’ retro babe?

>> No.5581116 [DELETED] 

N64's two good games are perfectly playable with a computer and a keyboard. The shitty emulation is reserved for obscure shovelware shit.

>> No.5581130

Learn some self awareness zoomer, the minecraft generation will look back and see the xbone ps4 generation as the “downfall” of gaming and see the 360 and ps3 as “retro” in 20 or so years. It’s all about justifying wasting your time as a stupid little kid while pretending you aren’t a hypocrite when you criticize contemporary little kids for wasting their time

>> No.5581147

>shitty emulation is reserved for obscure shovelware shit
That's like those other non-retro things with terrible emulation like Dreamcast, CD-i & PowerPC.

>> No.5581149

>N64's two good games are perfectly playable with a computer and a keyboard
>playing Sin and Punishment and Bangai O with a keyboard

>> No.5581156

I can't in to moon runes. What gayme is this?

>> No.5581158

Artist is Johnny Ryan - he did Blecky Yuckarella

>> No.5581172

>still a limited number of them in the world

you're not wrong but by the time that's a concern we'll have motion controls/vr interfaces so commonly available that it'll be nothing to use a replacement style controller (even todays original vive wand would serve the purpose)

>> No.5581190

>literally says Sin and Punishment on the cover

>> No.5581334

I wonder how long until James and Mike dig into the trash-heap bad 1990s-early 2000s game mods?
Such as
>Poorly made Thief FMs.
>DOOM Terrywads
>mod maps that were better on paper

>> No.5581354

>Also, the whole thing about Mike dating Erin, and Joe from Game Sack getting salty is too funny.

>> No.5581638

Time to look for Prototypes and European Computer games!

>> No.5581660 [DELETED] 

>not canning into moonrunes
I bet your English is shit too.

>> No.5581762

tip top zozzle

>> No.5581784

based literal autist with actual IRL autism

>> No.5582701


>> No.5582873

Video game e-celeb threads should be allowed on /v/ and /vg/. GGate should be allowed on >>>/vg/.

>> No.5583889

by the time he's out of current retro games, several generations of gaming will have become retro

>> No.5583985

games don't become retro over time. it's a period of time from the 1st videogame up to the '90s only

>> No.5583986

Truth. But i do feel like 90-99 is the second half of retrogames. like 70s-89 is the golden age, and 90-99 is the silver age and 2000-today is the brown age. brown as in shit.

>> No.5584002

Nah, games were still ok up to about 2005. I'd say golden age to the early '90s, silver age from mid '90s to mid '00s, then brown age from seventh gen and beyond.

>> No.5584003

Jesus if this isn't true. I haven't even begun digging into the DreamCast catalog. Once PS2 happens I don't know what I'll do.

>> No.5584594
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This is the only one that's funny.

>> No.5584604


>> No.5584962 [DELETED] 


>> No.5584970

Actually, it's way sadder to know that your lifetime won't be enough to play all good retro games.

>> No.5584984


>> No.5585003
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if there are videogames constantly coming out, shouldn't also older games be constantly becoming retro?

>> No.5585020

how is that possible?
I think of all the stuff from the 70s/80s/90s/00s and how many games I have barely explored. I mean shit the tii99/4a and amstrad cpc are 2 systems I recently started exploring and playing games for. That's a decent pile of games and i'll most likely find a few on each system I enjoy playing. So far Parsec and Hunt the Wumpus for the ti99/4a have been goto's for me.
So idk when I read that topic I just think how is that possible I have thousands of games from so many systems and decades to explore i'll be gaming into my late 80s at this rate.

>> No.5587539

don't forget about japanese games and such.
you have alot to play

>> No.5587549


>> No.5587603

Yes, but people get really hung up on a definition posted to this board years ago and act as though it is this unimpeachable decree handed down from God himself.

>> No.5587612

Play romhacks and mods, pretty sure you can play nothing but Doom mods for a lifetime.

>> No.5587636

Kek this is electric retard tier

>> No.5587694

How can you have run out of games? You haven't even begun to explore the world of British home computer shovelware.

>> No.5587734

I'm so much like Mike its not even funny

>> No.5587786

I don't get it, that's not nintendo

>> No.5589083

somthing something mulatto dumpster baby.

>> No.5589085

go away Guru Larry.

>> No.5589101

Now it's time for indie freeware shit you can run on your toaster
Curse of Issyos
Treasure adventure game
Maldita castilla

>> No.5589107

This. That unemployed bum can fuck right off, he's everywhere.

>> No.5589108

Locomalito detected, good thing you are a nice guy

>> No.5590041

the only people who would care to suffer through shitty euro computer shovelware are the people who already suffered through it in their youth

>> No.5590141
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>the nerd as OP pic
>"wahhh muh e-celeb boogeyman"

>> No.5591046

I'm fairly certain that like, any VR controller can emulate them flawlessly

>> No.5593484

Do they NOT want to play all the shit they get requests for?

>> No.5593521

Whippersnapper pls, why back in my day, the NES and the Genesis were the new hip things on the block. They were the signs of modern gaming.

>> No.5593527
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>> No.5593820

Mike monitors all AVGN threads here. Coincidentally the threads that question his highly questionable gaming ability gets deleted. Mike, you are pretty good at older games, but you're not at the level of skill you think you're at.

>> No.5593825

Years ago I called him and James out for sucking at Ninja Gaiden, so he challenged me to do better and when I posted a video response blowing them out of the water, they changed their comment format, erasing all posts. Mike, who directly challenged me like a petulant child then ignored me.

>> No.5593826 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593830 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593835

Mike, you are mentally where I was at when I was 12.

>> No.5593838

...months old

>> No.5593840

Mike ran out of games that he's good at; James never really plays the games anymore and many of his old performances are just that. That's the thing, Mike doesn't get good at games, he's set where he's at and that's it, pure stagnation.

>> No.5593848 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593850 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593854

>be Mike
>be utterly in love with James
>go insane with jealousy when James gets married
>care a lot what people think of your gaming cred
>troll /vr/

>> No.5593884

So is he fuckin Erin or not? Can't blame him, she's pretty cute

>> No.5593892 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593894 [DELETED] 


>> No.5593906

ITT: Motherfucker Mike losing his shit

>> No.5594046

So I tried to watch MJM for the first time and what the fuck, did James seriously lose his shit and couldn't stop laughing because of that shitty MFF romhack? Always assumed that the whole potty """humor""" from AVGN was meant to be ironic, turns out that the guy was just a regular retard.

>> No.5594053

Outside of ResetEra and other hives of autistic pearl-clutching fags, is anybody honestly offended by that shit?

>> No.5594069

You just grew out of him. You'll be back when you turn 25 or whenever you grow out of your "2cool4u" phase, though.

>> No.5594079
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>> No.5594209 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594303 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594310 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594312 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594315 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594316 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594318 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594321 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594325 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594331 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594332 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594346 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594347 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594350 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594351 [DELETED] 


>> No.5594536

Oh yeah he’s a literal retard too.
He was send to special school and rode the short bus. Not even joking.

>> No.5594547

[citation needed]

>> No.5594615
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matei is an insufferable prick. you can tell just by watching his interactions with james on james and mike mondays. however, loco bandito is fucking hilarious.

>> No.5596284

I always thought he seems like a cool guy with just a bad sense of humor. I feel bad for him when people make fun of him.

>> No.5596293

If it isn't already it's going to be soon. I think the true retro cut-off is going to be 7th gen. I think when the internet took over console gaming completely is when video games truly changed.

>> No.5596296

And for the first few years of the xbox360 and ps3, the games were xbox and ps2 games with better graphics. Hell, the Wii had the same exact graphics as gamecube pretty much.

>> No.5596304

>implying ps1 and n64 emulation is not an emulation nightmare

Also the only reason ps2 emulation is hard is because most computers can't handle it

>> No.5596310

N64 is kinda fucked, sure, (even Saturn is starting to surpass it), but PS1 emulation is piss-easy and has been for years. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.5596313

I always thought it was funny how bad James is at games. Mike seems better but in the James and Mike mondays videos it looks like they aren't even trying most of the time. I don't think it's a bad thing though. In fact I think it adds a charm to it that it wouldn't otherwise have.

>> No.5596317

It's about as easy as ps2 emulation.

>> No.5596319

Not counting the official Sony emulators (WHICH MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE PCSX2 CODE IN THEM), there's only one PS2 emulator that actually plays any fucking games worth a damn.
Meanwhile, there's PS1 emulators out the ass, more than one of them being stupidly high-quality.
Again, what the fuck are you on about?

>> No.5596460

Because James is a film nerd that stopped giving a shit about games once he became an adult but has to pretend to care because of the nerd character. And Mike is a manchild.

>> No.5596465

The whole video is gold. The most hilarious thing is how uncomfortable Mike looks, like he has performance anxiety or something.

>> No.5596467

Just wait for the technology to get better. At one point ps1 emulation was just as hard. You're going to look really silly years from now when everyone is emulating ps2 games out the ass.

I'm sure there was some jackass somewhere saying the same thing about ps1 emulation 20 years ago.

>> No.5596483

This. Fucking watch some of his movie nerdery videos and see how much more enthusiastic he is about those.

>> No.5596641

I'm just utterly baffled at your "PS1 is an emulation nightmare" statement.

>> No.5596776

Hard to blame him. Games became shit right around the time James became an adult.

>> No.5596915

>Not when consoles could play DVD's for the very first time

The Dreamcast could connect to the internet and people often chose their PS2 to play DVD's. People could only afford either a DVD player or a video game console; they went for the PS2 which had games and a DVD player.

>> No.5597581

looks terrible.

>> No.5598871

I think Mike plays off that Bootsy guy better than James. The two of them seem a lot more enthusiastic about games and Mike tones down the toilet humor when James isn't around.

>> No.5598874

too bad bootsy is long gone now.

>> No.5598880

What happened to him?
I think he was the most tolerable of all those guys

>> No.5598885

the rumor is that he and mike had a huge falling out. A big twitter beef and then apologies and so on, but those 2 won't ever work together again sadly.

>> No.5598898
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Engaged in politics too much on Twooter

>> No.5598965

Twitter is actually the worst shit to happen to the internet

>> No.5600576

What shitty games have ya'll wiped your asses with before?

My favorite to use is Metal Gear Solid. Really cleans out the whole asscrack.

>> No.5601048

Yoshi's Island, but I don't think it counts because I had two copies and that one was broken.

>> No.5601051

Never wiped my ass with a game before, but I ran over an original Playstation with my car because that whole console sucked so much ass.

>> No.5601786
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>bootsy's a libtard

>> No.5601798
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Yeah that bummed me out a little bit too.

>> No.5601858

Good riddance

>> No.5602594
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You think he's gonna review it?

>> No.5602598

How many RPG's has he reviewed?

>> No.5602784
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Joe was all over her channel comment section last year. It's amazing that it took it so badly.

>> No.5602793

>It's amazing that it took it so badly.
What did he do?

>> No.5602823

does it bum you out that you're retarded?

>> No.5602824
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The guy who punched him ran away?

>> No.5602825

salty boi

>> No.5602842

Race traitors like Bootsy get the bullet too.

>> No.5602853
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>tfw you run out of new retro videogames to play, but have new retro movies to watch

>> No.5604060

James is basically your beta man child.
You see how upset he gets when he mentions "Sega does what nintendont" lol he has been bitter over that for 30 years.

Mike has such a punchable face and the personality of douche.

Haven't watched any of their shite for a few years as I don't want to give them views.

>> No.5604114

But he says he likes Sega and bought a Genesis back in the day because of Sonic 1.

>> No.5604156

Fucking this. Sensationalism (regardless of the quality of the content), especially in the early days of YT, stood out and easily gained views.

>> No.5605104



JFC...such idiocy.

>> No.5606002

Are people really trying hard to pretend this is funny

>> No.5606007 [DELETED] 

It's funny that Mike thought it was funny and then tried so hard to prevent people from knowing about its existence.

>> No.5606032

Yeah that's funny
People here are pretending that comics on their own on funny
They're not funny

>> No.5606038

He had his whole career to learn Japanese or learn about shit beyond home consoles.

>> No.5606058 [DELETED] 

>tfw Mike brings in some random mainstream romhack and they both act like it's the crazies shit they've ever seen

>> No.5606061 [DELETED] 

>People here are pretending that comics on their own on funny


>> No.5606084

People pretending THOSE comics one their own are funny. I'm sleep deprived.

>> No.5606108

People realize that the nerd is a character right? He doesn't actually give that much of a fuck about games. It sounds more like you're the one who got booty blasted.
Mike is punchable tho.

>> No.5606185

Mike writes for AVGN, so all the shit the nerd says is probably what Mike believes unironically

>> No.5606191

There's a endless supply of shitty games.

>> No.5606198
File: 49 KB, 480x853, 0v4rCm3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mike mattei for a while was posting this pic on pol

>> No.5606224

They are swingers
They both have tinder profiles
Open relationship type of thing.

>> No.5606240

The new pepsi man video is awesome you are only harming yourself by not watching it.

>> No.5607283

Justy had a cool Atari jaguar shirt on in the newest rental review for last action hero.

>> No.5607414

Had a real cool stain on it too

>> No.5607482

Mike Matei can go hang himself, but I'd still be buddies with James Rolfe.

>> No.5607505

He hasn’t written for AVGN in a really long time tho

>> No.5607516

Tfw you find out Mike wrote most of the classic avgn episodes like tmnt, sword quest,super pitfall..

>> No.5607520

James did not payBootsy for the board James DVD’s

>> No.5607552

Bootsy sucks anyways

>> No.5607553

Sword quest episode is awesome

>> No.5607629

Because you don't get views unless you act like a retard.

>> No.5608391

t. Mike "Threatened by Superior Skills" Matei

>> No.5608410

bootsy is a PR nightmare.
He got the boot because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about politics on social media.
Skills or no skills, alienating 50% of the audience based on personal opinion is not a smart business decision.
Check his twitter if you don't believe me.

>> No.5608505

>Check his twitter if you don't believe me.
Just looked through the first 100 tweets or so on his twitter. He made one passing comment about the idea of war with Iran, the rest is just typical Twitter pop culture jokes and baseball memes

>> No.5608527

this was during 2016. His hobby is politics unironically.
Chances are he cooled down a bit since everyone is sick of the right vs left dichotomy which permeates every facet of modern media and culture. Don't get me wrong, I like bootsy.

>> No.5608578

So you're telling me Bad Luck Bootsy is really Big Cuck Bootsy?

>> No.5608604

Mike is /ourguy/, like him or not. Personally I think he's a bit psycho (as evidenced by the Elmo video).

>> No.5610119

>thinking the wii is fun to play

>> No.5610140

i liked the board james episodes better than avgn episodes. i miss board james

>> No.5610154
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 1548301249606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it isn't

>> No.5612953

Bad comedy is the worst.

>> No.5612960

I haves followed Bootsy on Twitter for a long time. He is very political and is a huge Hillary Clinton supporting liberal.

>> No.5613150

it's not funny, it's funny as fuck. audibly laughed at this one rofl
stop having thin skin, kiddo

>> No.5613554
File: 164 KB, 640x851, u5s52xtwx0x21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate, atheists

>> No.5613571
File: 420 KB, 1024x960, castlevania_-_symphony_of_the_night-0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mike dating female version of himself
Closet homo

>> No.5613580

Are you sure you're over 18?

>> No.5613760

To be fair, fuck old people

>> No.5613875
File: 413 KB, 418x538, serval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I no longer believe in God

>> No.5614235

t. triggered about waycism

>> No.5614652

So her dick is as big as his?

>> No.5614670
File: 43 KB, 434x327, 1545408065616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoomers are unironically going to destroy this planet.

>> No.5614675 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 573x427, VOLTAIRE-ZION.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good riddance
i'd rather there be no earth than an earth controlled by j*ws

>> No.5614725 [DELETED] 

He's gonna rape you right in the ass
to the tune of Ryan's cash!
He's rather have, his wife get blacked
And then start li-cking Mike Matei's ball-sack
He's the most washed-up z-celeb you ever heard
He's the rekt vidya game nerd

>> No.5614726

>>5579248 (OP)
He's gonna rape you right in the ass
to the tune of Ryan's cash!
He'd rather have, his wife get blacked
And then start li-cking Mike Matei's ball-sack
He's the most washed-up z-celeb you ever heard
He's the rekt vidya game nerd
his only remaining jokes all involve turds

>> No.5615948
File: 34 KB, 377x297, 1507879598406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw played all of the retro Final Fantasy games on PS1
>Only one is left is VIII

Should I bother?

>> No.5615969

>only zoomer one-liner that exists
In 5-20 years, what will you be able to say?

>> No.5615973

>In 5-20 years, what will you be able to say?
"OH God, why am I fighting in the Middle East?"

>> No.5616035

He's got plenty of games, but no more ideas.

>> No.5616157

I think there was footage of Mike doing a line of coke on a stream.

>> No.5616190

giv vidyo

>> No.5616334

I've seen it. It's really a stretch to believe that's what he was doing. He gets mad at a game, his head leaves the frame for a few seconds. That's about it.

>> No.5616536
File: 34 KB, 560x560, 1556711177683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill a violent regime that sent young men to plunder through Europe and half of Africa, as well as aiding Japan's own plunder in Asian countries
>Regime murders people for being gay, Communist, and religious
>Upset when people have the freedom to be gay, Communist, and religious in Europe
Really made me think

>> No.5616546

James is also a cuck according to reddit and this site

>> No.5616561

I bet James would kill for a haircut like that these days

>> No.5617441

>run out of new retro videogames to play
I have about 50 Doom megawads yet to play.
And that's just Doom.

>> No.5618428

>entire thread is discussing e-celebs and demanding that ps2 and gamecube get added to /vr/
>wah, I played the top ten games the e-celebs recommended, I'm out of retro games to play!
A retarded argument only believed and spread by those who only know of retro games e-celebs talk about. Not one single person here has played every single game that came out before the year 2000. I highly doubt a single person here has even touched 10% of all the games before the year 2000.

Playing every arcade game that runs under MAME will get you about 2000 titles. Each major console has 200-300 titles worth playing. Calling it at roughly 500 console games a generation, that's 3500 games to play without even dipping into the massive fucking catalogue of DOS and other computer titles, or JP only releases. If you decided to play every retro game at least once for 10 minutes each, and played 8 hours every day, you would go through 48 games a day. With about three months of non-stop gaming without taking a day off, you still wouldn't have touched every retro console and arcade game, just the ones that work under MAME and the major consoles of three generations. And you still wouldn't have played any of these games for more than 10 minutes. Or any computer games, or JP exclusive games.

We will never run out of games to talk about even if the rules never change. Not enough people are willing to try games that haven't been approved or talked about by e-celebs. Hell, not enough people here willing to go try games period, look at all the threads of people asking for others to spoonfeed them recommendations. God forbid you play a game you don't like for 30 seconds.

>> No.5619946


>> No.5620170

Go to Romhacking.net, there are a lot of hacks/homebrews there as well as a ton of English translated games that never made it to the US. Download the .ips files and find the original roms for the Japanese or European games using Google then download Flips (Floating IPS, find links on Romhacking.net under utilities) from its original website to merge the .ips and the Rom into a new file. A little work but you will end up with an entire new library of great games to play that you never knew were out there.