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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 256x223, 35912-castlevania-dracula-x-snes-screenshot-in-game.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5576340 No.5576340 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5576373
File: 214 KB, 256x224, draculax1433931567646.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long did it take you to realize the "it's a bad rondo port" memes were bullshit and that it's actually one of the best classic games?

>> No.5576376
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>Rondo of Blood
Tell me how Richter isn't the most kino protag in Castlevania.

>> No.5576382


>> No.5576385

Never hated both. Think they should had called it Super Castlevania: Dracula X though.

>> No.5576392
File: 1.64 MB, 1440x1080, 1553378827263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been putting off playing through Castlevania for years, played around 3-4 hours of SOTN, 10 minutes of 1 and Rondo but never completed any.

Where is the best place to start? I was thinking of going all the way back and playing from 1 and going from there but has the game been remade in an appropriate form? Should I play that instead? What games should I skip?

As far as I know,I was probably going to play them like 1, 2, 3, Rondo, IV, SOTN but I'm not sure what to play after and what I should play inbetween. Any advice?

>> No.5576404

>playing from 1 and going from there but has the game been remade in an appropriate form?
Never. Castlevania IV and X68000 are re-imaginings but completely different games than the original.
I think CV 1, the NES original, is the best place to start really.
III, IV, Rondo, XX, X68000, Belmont's Revenge and Bloodlines are all good too. 2 is a weird one because it's an adventure game with RPG-ish elements, you can try it, personally I never finished it, got bored of wandering places not really knowing where to go, I'm sure it's not as bad as people make it out to be though. But yeah as far as classicvanias, the ones I mentioned are all good.

>> No.5576413
File: 1.08 MB, 2314x3513, retrovania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first, and I later got Sympathy for a Knight. Am I missing much by not playing the earlier games?

>> No.5576419
File: 249 KB, 600x600, are you a carnivorous?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sympathy for a Knight.

>> No.5576428

Not very. They didn't add an extra X to its Japanese title because it needed one, after all

>> No.5576445

Jancel never recognizes this as something to delete because he wasn't of age the first time around.

>> No.5576456
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>> No.5576460

these guys look tough but they're very easy to kill.

>> No.5576475
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>> No.5576489
File: 54 KB, 480x272, Peketitle-X-Chronicles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5576493
File: 151 KB, 640x480, castlevania_rebirth_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remake of the gameboy game. 2009.

There's bloodstained 8 bit and the new 2d.5 soon.

>> No.5576513
File: 172 KB, 480x272, castlevania-the-dracula-x-chronicles-psp-screenshot-shot-from.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Castlevania game right here, lads.

>> No.5576526

How come Konami couldn't make another CV that surpassed 3?

Perhaps that's what they deserve for shafting based Akamatsu.

>> No.5576594
File: 266 KB, 1780x916, bcotm-h-e1527355877729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5576625


skip all the nes/snes/genesis/tv console castlevanias and go through the GBA games, circle of the moon, harmony of dissonance, and aria of sorrow, if you like those, do the DS games, dawn of sorrow, portrait of ruin, and order of ecclesia.

i grew up with the nes/snes games and while they're worth the time, they don't hold a candle to those gba/ds games, which are all masterpieces.

>> No.5576648

can't tell if b8 or shite taste

>> No.5576704
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>> No.5576716
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>> No.5576724

This is the correct answer. This has so much more soul than the Ritual of the Night will have.

>> No.5576725
File: 39 KB, 1021x480, 67940270_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of dumb memes that surround Castlevania that end up not really being that true for the people who decided not to fall for them. Legacy of Darkness was a decent game, Castlevania in 3d is actually a great idea and the 3dvania games while not perfect were not NEARLY as bad as people made them out to be(mostly spread because of AVGN and shit). Just enjoy Castlevania games.

>> No.5576735

You make me wanna puke

>> No.5576856

There's already an all-purpose Castlevania thread here: >>5564961

>> No.5576859

No it isnt.

>> No.5576874 [DELETED] 

Read past the first ten posts. It became an all-purpose Castlevania thread.

>> No.5576881

Read past the first ten posts. It became an all-purpose Castlevania thread.

>> No.5576889

Good game. Two jumping options.
Hard but fair.

>> No.5576951

I hate that it doesn't output 240p and has some sort of nasty blur filter, sound effects are also comically bad, but otherwise it's not bad.

>> No.5577005

I’ve always judged Dracula X as it’s own thing. And I still think it’s level design is garbage. At least the music conversion is nice

>> No.5577025

What about the level design is garbage?
It's action-packed and challenging from level 1.

>> No.5577041

Dracula X is way too hard to purchase for a reasonable price

>> No.5577427

Does this even count as a remake? It feels like an entirely different game. It has some elements from the adventure gameboy game but that's about it.

>> No.5577437 [DELETED] 

Castlevania 3 is overrated

>> No.5577445

No it's not. It's the closest to perfection CV has ever gotten.

IV, Rondo, and SotN are the overrated ones.

>> No.5577446 [DELETED] 

lmao keep parroting memes.

>> No.5577447

Dracula X > Castlevania IV

>> No.5577456

wow, you guys provide such convincing arguments.

>> No.5577461

it's not an argument, it's the truth

>> No.5577463


>> No.5577464 [DELETED] 

>please circlejerk the same specific castlevania games.

>> No.5577470

I mean i would need to really break it down but at the end of the day what I said is truth.

>> No.5577501


>> No.5577506 [DELETED] 

Castlevania 3 is overrated

>> No.5577521

fucking your mother is overrated

>> No.5577546
File: 126 KB, 550x520, __ralph_c_belmondo_and_sypha_belnades_castlevania_iii_dracula_s_curse_and_etc_drawn_by_nessie_kska__02df4e504fa72446f40eebb5623d7fe0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania 3 is fucking awesome.

>> No.5577551
File: 225 KB, 1202x960, 35ACC8FA-EA12-48AF-A8D5-A101BD3C2998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you’re a big fan of hot, sloppy garbage

>> No.5577563

>No it's not. It's the closest to perfection CV has ever gotten.
No, that's unironically Dracula X SNES. I don't care how contrarian that is. Fuck you guys.

>> No.5577573

Was Syphia trying to cover up her femininity or was that just a translation error

>> No.5577582

There was some Japanese interview talking about this but I think it was because either they wouldn't let her fight because she was a woman or she disguised herself as a man as to not come off as a Witch.

>> No.5577587

My favorite is 2. It’s the only one I’ve ever beaten. I know the translation is shit, but for some reason the non-linear play and different way of approaching weapon upgrades is closer to the type of game I like to play, since it’s not a straightforward platformer. Then again, I’m more of a Zelda 2 guy also.
Not trying to be contrarian, or the “I have an unpopular opinion” guy, there’s just something comfy for me about it.

>> No.5577593 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1536x1097, BEC3FE78-9F61-439B-935B-EB45B4678101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went outside and filmed people without their permission. I made a channel with the footage. Any tips?


>> No.5577623

Wrong thread?...

>> No.5577624

Definitely an intentional effort to hide her gender, as the ending makes a scene out of her removing her hood after going the whole game hiding as a gender-ambiguous sprite.

>> No.5577628

>Any advice?
SOTN is a very long game if you get all the items, and a lot more fun.

>> No.5577641

man, i totally loved games magazines, own one a gorillion years ago and i dreamt about playing those amazing pieces, now i can have all those games on my PC, but something is lost forever, no hype for the 16 bit anymore, i will never be a 8yo kid discovering castlevanis on my nes/snes/gba/ whatever the fuck, i`m sad guys, i`m sad.

>> No.5577653
File: 392 KB, 638x443, 1557367052724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sympathy for a Knight

>> No.5577824

>it's a bad rondo port
As a rondofag myself I would never say that. Different doesn't mean bad. Dracula X is a wonderful game in its own ways and has a polish Super Castlevania 4 lacks completely.

>> No.5577881
File: 106 KB, 731x385, akumajo densetsu confirmed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be getting the collection?

>> No.5578312

I'd say all 4th gen Castlevania games are very polished

>> No.5578316


All the non-RPG Castlevanias are shit. There I said it.

>> No.5578329
File: 78 KB, 512x385, 060621_dawn[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5578331


>> No.5578345

>never played the series so decide to check it out
>fire up CV1 for the first time
>can't even beat the first bat boss
I guess it's not for me

>> No.5578738

Bait, right?...
That boss is incredibly easy.

>> No.5578767

Maybe he didn't use the axe.
Yes, it's possible to kill him with just the whip, or the knife too, but the game is designed to use axe there, stop watch on medusa, and from there on either cross or, better yet, holy water.
The Akamatsu interview/comments posted in another thread talked about it.
Don't give up, it's normal to die if it's your very first time playing the game.
Use the axe to hit the bat. Soon enough you will find that first level very easy. But level 2 has medusa heads, which will fuck you up, until you learn their timing.
CV is a really short game, so you will be playing stages over and over.

>> No.5578878


aight what's your list then, tough guy? huh? huh? huh>

>> No.5578946

Castlevania threads are the best way to make the subhumans out themselves. SoTN should be banned forever here.

>> No.5578950

I like that game, but you're very right

>> No.5578958

>SoTN should be banned forever here.
Cry more.

>> No.5579192

Do the opposite of this>>5576625 and you're golden.

>> No.5579274

Super Castlevania 4, then Bloodlines, Rondo, 1, and 3 in that order. That's how you get IGA fans into classicvania. Ease them into it.

>> No.5579278

I'd argue Rondo would be a better start than IV, since it stays easy the whole game, IV is only really easy at the beginning.
Plus, Rondo has cutscenes, which might appeal to IGAfags.

>> No.5579283

New meme?

>> No.5579286

Rondo has a lot of hard bosses that you'll die a bunch to before you "get" them, though, compared to IV's at least.

That's discouraging for noobs.

>> No.5579287

He's not Simon. That's how.

>> No.5579312

Yeah but they can get to the boss again easily, IV has some really hard levels later on. Anyway I think any of the big 3 of 16-bit is fine as a first CV game, especially Rondo or IV, each have their own difficulty spikes but still noob-friendly.
Although personally, I think everyone should just start with Castlevania 1.

>> No.5579520

>Soma: I use banishment seals when I fight bosses that literally can't be destroyed
>Julius: Hold my beer

>> No.5579527

I don't know how he performs gameplay-wise in RoB but PSP Richter controls are awful and he's just Drac's and Shaft's bitch in SotN.

Simon seems to be more satisfying to play as in Chronicles and Super CV IV. Juste, Trevor and Julius are alright. Although Trevor almost got killed in CoD and can't finish the job.

>> No.5579569
File: 1.17 MB, 1620x1080, aaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which retro Castlevania is this?

>> No.5579571

not retro

>> No.5579578

Curse of the Portrait

>> No.5579583

You're right, you outed yourself.

>> No.5579592

>he doesn't know about that one rom hack
It lets you destroy ice blocks with your weapons too, just like in the Julius mode

>> No.5579594

Curse of the Moon on GBA, it's basically Richter's mode from SOTN except a whole new game. It's pretty fun, a decent compromise between metroidvania elements and classic challenge.

>> No.5579753

Agreed. I wanted more SoTN, but in the end I really enjoyed CoTM for what it was.

>> No.5580369

I wish it didn't had that dumb card system, I know if you play as a Magician you get all the cards. But the card glitch makes it useless.