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5572340 No.5572340 [Reply] [Original]

Setzer is useless, completely and utterly useless.
>gamble rarely works
>stats suck
>rabbit barely heals you
>good for god damn nothing

>> No.5572341

yes, he's a retarded gambleman of course he sucks

>> No.5572343

wow he looks like the kind of guy id want inside me

if you catch my drift

>> No.5572351

you can change his gamble stuff for a coin attack that targets all enemies at no MP cost

>> No.5572358

For best results on Setzer use fixed dice and offering.
("Master's Scroll" if you're a fruitcup zoomer playing the retranslation)

>> No.5572541

Everyone just spams Ultima in the end so it doesn’t even matter

>> No.5572564

>correct translation is for zoomers
t. assmad grandpa pulling his willie to Ted Woolsey's photo

>> No.5572617

God Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit Tier:

>> No.5572689

Holy shit pleb central ITT. Setzer is bar none the best damage dealer with offering and fixed dice, and essential for gaming the Coliseum

>> No.5572702

Item names never needed """correction.""" It's just a game and changing the already-translated name of some arbitrary gameplay object for """accuracy""" is something only obsessive faggots do. If you care that much, put the correct item names on a website somewhere for the curious. Meanwhile, leave the already-translated shit alone so that you don't Tower of Babel the fanbase.

I don't give a shit if you want to re-translate the script for accuracy (although good luck not making that more retarded also). But leave the names alone. If you screw up item translation the first time around, fucking deal with it.

>> No.5572712

>Grinding to make Gau playable in an already easy game

>> No.5572725

catscratch is easy to get

>> No.5572726

>whatever I'm spoonfed is automatically correct
Not the same guy you replied to, but even retranslations can make non-literal, creative decisions (eg, Karateka more literally translates to "Black Belt", not at all to "Monk"; "Magician" and "Wizard" are literal translations of the Japanese, while "Mage" is not, despite being the official naming convention for the post-2000 versions)

>> No.5572734
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>Original Character Do Not Steal

>> No.5572741

But he looks cool.

>> No.5572746

fucking kek

>> No.5572756

The whole game is so easy, the only "use" you need from any character is "attack" and "magic." Therefore, he's useful.

>> No.5572764

My cringe collection isn't big enough for this post

>> No.5574283

relm is the worst character in the entire thing. she is just there for the girl power tween audience

>> No.5574295

Usual excuses for everything, really. "I don't know how to use it" becomes "It sucks!", "I can't find it" becomes "Who stole it?", etc.

>> No.5574314

I always used some combination of:


Mog and Sabin are alright but suck for certain things. Setzer is really good late game with the right items but sucks early on and by the time he's good you can easily have finished the game.

>> No.5574334

fixed dice+offering is pretty good without feeling like total OP, and his hax weapons before that aren't bad either, he's honestly fairly good at using FIGHT

>> No.5574335

the point is that gau is good without grinding you just need a bit of luck to pick up one of the dozens of powerful rages

>> No.5574403

Relm is good relatively speaking if you don't autistically boost MagPower at every level up for other characters. She has the best starting Magic rating.

>> No.5574412

>eg, Karateka more literally translates to "Black Belt"
Karateka translates to "practitioner of karate", you dumb bastard. Judoka. Kendoka. What's more, the game was based off of ADnD, where the class that was focused on being a practitioner of martial arts, such as karate, was called the Monk.

>> No.5574416

Did you seriously have to bring ageism into this?

>> No.5574423

Raising Sabins' Mag Power turns almost all of his Blitzs into game breaking skills of mass destruction though.
The only Blitzs that depend of his strength stat are Pummel and Suplex, and the only one that doesn't depend of any stat is Chakra, which frankly sucks.

>> No.5574428

Uh oh. A zoomer with hurt feelings.

>> No.5574430

Okay man you need to go. This is not the board for that kind of attitude.
Pick your poison but please leave until you grow up a little more.

>> No.5574435

Raising anybody's magic power turns them into an unstoppable beast, even if it isn't so direct as Sabin. It's the only useful stat in the entire game, due to shit coding, which is why I like the rebalancing of Brave New World so much better even though they decided for some inane reason to shove Red Bulls and Slim Jims into it.

FF6 is probably the best FF game, and one of my favorites, but it's a broken mess.

>> No.5574436

Chakra is based on his HP and Pummel might honestly be the best blitz if you're going to grind stats.

>> No.5574443
File: 925 KB, 700x478, reddit-circle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, it's a joke. lighten up or go back to that very popular site where the humor is safe, inoffensive and not funny.

>> No.5574446

if you grind mgpwr though, Bum Rush will be doing max damage every time by the mid-30s (or earlier possibly, I forget)

>> No.5574453

Sabin and Gogo both spamming bum rush was the patricians choice

>> No.5574458

It's not a joke it's straight up discrimination over a group because they had the *gasp* audacity to be born a few years before you. It's disgusting and you need to stop immediately.

>> No.5574464

+best magic stat (and yes I boost her magic +2 each level)
+can control enemies
+can wear most rare equipments (women only, +small size only, cat hood, memento ring)
+cute af
-bad weapon choice, but she doesn't need weapons. it's ultima+economizer for her.

>> No.5574467

You can raise Sabin's Strength stat and equip him with 2 Earrings to raise his Mag Power, then use Pummel and Aurabolt (2 defense-ignoring skills) for the entire World of Balance.
I never bothering teaching too much magic to him besides of the obvious cure, esuna and Ultima because isn't as if you are going to use him as a magic caster in the first place, but once you get to the World of Ruin, you NEED to upgrade his Blitzs since he only can get 2 new weapons there and that's all.

>> No.5574469

dude are you autistic or what?
this is 4chan and we dont care about snowflake's feelings here. adapt or leave, that's your choice.

>> No.5574473

Wow now you're bringing ableism into the mix. What is your problem dude? Why are you so mean to everyone who doesn't fit under your criteria of a perfect human?

>> No.5574478

theres a reason why during ancient times disabled people were killed after being born
modern times allow them to live just to be an useless burden to others and that makes zero sense

>> No.5574485

You did not just justify eugenics right now... Please tell me you didn't do what I think you did.

>> No.5574491

are you against eugenics, son?
because that sounds like something a disabled, useless person would say
dont lie to me son, i know you like to watch the pony show and spend all day long lying in bed eating and posting on the internet, thats not useful or productive at all

>> No.5574494

Aren't you just salty because nobody individually wants you no matter how "useful" you are? Maybe you should join Islam so your social contract rewards you with a suicidal wife for you to hold prisoner.

>> No.5574495

just drop it he's clearly just trolling

>> No.5574519

it makes sense to find an npc in a rpg discussion thread lol
son, im 38 years old and married

>> No.5574529

Relm is pretty bad because while having the highest MG potential, you have to spend a lot of time with her to make her actually learn some spells. So I would put her in mid-tier.

>> No.5574574

Okay kid now I know for a fact you're from /pol/ and guess what, using their racist memes outside of their board is AGAINST THE RULES!

>> No.5574639

Also try >>>/m/
One of the most autistic boards of our times

>> No.5574656

>she thinks she's more useful than stephen hawking

>> No.5575184

>not playing the BNW version where Setzer is the ultimate tank healer.

>> No.5575752

Gau is a powerhouse but grinding for rages is tiresome and the list gets too long over time. I still used him a lot.

Terra and Celes are both pretty great characters and Mog was great in the WOB. I enjoyed Gogo though I never used him for lores, as most people seem to do. I had him use Blitz, Magic and sometimes steal, besides mimic.

Though I used Strago I never found much use for Lore. Relm was a pretty powerful mage on my playthrough, and learning magic is usually pretty easy and quick anyway.

I enjoyed using Umaro from time to time. I took him to the Cult of Kefka Tower where otherwise I could only use magic.

Cyan I never used, though I tend to like Samurai classes in FF. He, as a gameplay character, is just not that good

Edgar and Shadow were one of my favourites, design wise and for their versatility. I guess Edgar was my overall favourite. I always like dragoons and his tools were powerful in the WOB and still useful in the WOR.

Setzer becomes useable once you get the Fixed Dice, but at this point it's pretty much too late.

I just finished the game. I ended up ultima-spaming my way to the last part and beating Kefka with Terra, Shadow, Edgar and Gau.

>> No.5575768

I like Locke

>> No.5575817

Sabin is the best character because he adds a skill that you, the player, have to perform.

>> No.5576713

eat a shit covered dick.

>> No.5576742

It's not coding errors that cause other stats to be garbage, it's game design errors.

>> No.5576807

You remind me of the Working Designs fanboys who were attacking a modder. Doing difficulty+uncensor patches with no text changes.
Fearing he might get cocky and retranslate them.
And that those retranslations show on youtube when they look up the game.
Or that perfect strangers online might play those non existent retranslations rather than muh official lolcalization, bugs and cuts and grinding and all.

>> No.5576919

Except I never "attack" modders, because people only use unofficial translations if they want to and they know they're doing it. It doesn't lead to confusion about what things should be called except in rare cases when people really want to argue about it like Aeris in FF7.

You on the other hand are a tard that can only think in terms of "muh localization" or "muh accuracy" when there's more at stake than that.

>> No.5576924

>imagine thinking Blitzes actually take skill
>imagine thinking this gimmick actually improves a turn-based game

>> No.5577001

I always found him to be a solid, middle of the road fighter/mage. once you get to world of ruin you can get real mileage out of your Espers' stat bonuses and do whatever you want with the characters. my last playthrough Setzer ended up with 75 strength and 75 magic.

>> No.5577010

I always stayed on the veldt until I got the Templar rage, as it allows Gau to cast Fire 2 very early in the game.
what other really good rages are there?

>> No.5577049

Depends on the stage of the game, really. At some point you will get the elemental spells at their tiers and there are some defensive rages that are worthwhile.

I used Wooly (Ice3) and Io (Flare) a lot. Toe Cutter is good for non elemental damage and Ninja is great (water damage) because it's fast to pick. For defence I used Magic Urn. It is said that Nightshade is great as well, but it never showed up for me on the Veldt. I didn't bother to leave Kefka's Tower to get the rages of the enemies encountered there.

>> No.5577062

>God Tier:

Based anon.. gau is still one of my favorites to use. I still love using rhinox rage for some bosses. useful AF if weak

>> No.5577095

>not dualcasting 1 mp max damage Ultimas

>> No.5577512

never ever understood Locke. He just seems so normal. Why do you consider him high tier?

>> No.5577625
File: 209 KB, 1152x744, flare-star.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Io (Flare)
Io has Flare Star (one of the coolest effects in the game imo)
PowerDemon has regular Flare
(PowerDemon is CloudWraith if you're a translation fag).

>> No.5577647

Locke has access to some good weapons. Early game (when he's forced in your party a lot) his selection isn't great, but he does get the Hawkeye which has a higher crit rate (and does triple damage against flying enemies when it crits).
End Game he has the brokenly powerful Valiant Knife which can eventually outclass the fixed dice in terms of multi-hit melee output. Plus Locke can also use the Atma Weapon. With the offering, Atma Weapon, and Valiant Knife Locke can clear 60k damage in one attack

>> No.5578106

In ff3 any character can be good. Literally any character. With the right relics and esper equipped you can make any character good tier w about 10 levels of grinding towards the end which isn't that ardous bc you just go to where the Dino's are and kill them. Any attack oriented character can be a magic user any magic user can be turned into a attack character. This thread is worthless. Btw thou shalt not deny the greatness of Sir Cyan

>> No.5578340


Realm has the highest magic stat, however the game is easy enough that this doesn't matter very much

>> No.5578346

also you pick her up later in the game and by that point you might have boosted stats on other characters

>> No.5578352

I said "more literally", dumbass. It doesn't translate to Monk, your non-sequiturs aside

>> No.5578556

Yeah maybe for World of Balance, but it's a whole other ball game when it comes to World of Ruin.

>> No.5580042

Everyone is useless. Apply Brave New World.

>> No.5580058

Brave New World is basically an entirely different game that just rips the engine, assets, and some ideas from FF6.

>> No.5580075

I feel like it's what FF6 should have been. Espers (and magic) are restricted to certain characters which basically binds everyone to a limited number of specific class routes. Magic is powerful but so costly in MP that it isn't always the go-to option for any and everybody, which gives you reason to use their unique skills.

I hate to sound like a shill, but it really made me enjoy FF6 and appreciate previously unused characters like never before. Setzer and Shadow in particular.

It's funny how it's basically FF6 with a refined/simplified version of FF8's gameplay though.

>> No.5580138

>I feel like it's what FF6 should have been
Maybe. The problem is there are many different visions for what FF6 could have been, BNW is just one take on it. OK, so you're going to limit espers by character. How do you decide which character gets which Esper? That's a creative decision. You're going to "rebalance" the items? More creative decisions. Here's an example (from the readme) of a completely arbitrary change that isn't solving any obvious problem, just tweaking something this particular hacker didn't like:

> Weapons with the "randomly throws" property (renamed to "strong against
> floating enemies" to avoid confusion with weapons that can be used with
> the "Throw" command) originally received a damage boost of 50% against
> non-floating enemies and 200% (triple damage) on floating ones when they
> were randomly "thrown". This large discrepancy rendered them a bit *too*
> powerful in the situations where they were useful and a bit too useless
> otherwise, and so the damage boost for grounded enemies has been raised
> to 100% and their battle powers have been re-balanced accordingly.

I'm not saying this is bad or anything, but contrast this with a hack like Final Fantasy 4: Free Enterprise, which strives to preserve original FF4 gameplay elements whenever possible.

>> No.5580196

Try performing a flawless Bum Rush and then we can talk.

>> No.5580217

you mean like, using my feet or something?
I've played this game a dozen times and success rate for executing it is like 98%. It's very easy even if you don't exploit the fact that you can take as long as you want for the inputs (unlike in a real fighting game). I've done it using real SNES controllers (easiest), PC and laptop keyboards, an X-Box controller, and some off-brand garbage controller I had for awhile.

The only one I ever remember screwing up was the Fire Dance because I'd forget and do the circle in the wrong direction.

>> No.5580219

isn't it just ^^>>VV<<^?

>> No.5580639


>> No.5581716
File: 52 KB, 1000x1000, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha this

>> No.5582384

Free Enterprise suffers because it is doing exactly that.

>> No.5582652

lol no if you want to hack up your own game that isn't FF4 go ahead. Feel free to not fuck it up (guarantee you will) and find a passionate audience for it (guarantee you won't). Free Enterprise is easily one of the best hacks there is.

Unlike FF6, FF4 doesn't have so many fundamental design flaws that need fixing. Playing FE the way it is helps you realize that. The big complaints about FF4 have always been

1. Can't choose your party (FE fixes this).
2. QoL issues due to the game being so old (walk speed, inventory, etc).
3. Linearity and fixed progression limited the expression of content (fixes this).
4. Dummied items (fixes this).

The main outstanding issue now is just balancing some of the classes but that only matters for the really competitive speedrunners.

>> No.5582854

> How do you decide which character gets which Esper? That's a creative decision. You're going to "rebalance" the items? More creative decisions.
Lol. The same way the developers of the game did? You look at the character, you look at their stats, and you discern what the character was "meant" to be and you assign them espers that would be appropriate. I do agree with you though, it's hard when you have an amateur team with members who may not share a collective vision I regularly work on open-source projects, leading to changes like your example which seem needlessly fussy.

Honestly, I really wish they would release the esper restriction and esper level in a separate module/hack. I wish I had the know-who to do it myself.

>> No.5584316

>Lol. The same way the developers of the game did?
Not only is that impossible it's quite obviously not what happened. The developer of Brave New World clearly has a great deal of contempt for the original developers, and believes that his designs are superior to theirs.
>you discern what the character was "meant" to be
This is highly subjective. There's no evidence in the game pointing to which spells should go on which character or which espers belong with which character. You have the default spells for Terra and Celes and for espers you have Phoenix for Locke, Maduin for Terra, and Alexander for Cyan. Everything else is just pure guessing. It looks to me like they just used the most trivial excuses they could find.

How is it obvious that only Celes should get Crusader and only Terra should get Ragnarok? It's not obvious at all, it's a purely arbitrary decision. Why not Ragnarok for Edgar or Locke and then Terra can learn Ultima naturally? Why Mog for Shoat (Poison/Bio/Doom) why not Shadow?

The point is not that these are bad choices. The point is that they are obviously debatable choices requiring a creative/design decision that may result in a cascade of additional changes. The more this happens, the more you deviate from the original vision for the game (one which happened to be enormously popular despite all its issues).

>it's hard when you have an amateur team with members who may not share a collective vision
My point is really just to recognize that there is a vision that is different from the original. FFT 1.3 sold itself as a rebalancing+difficulty mod on FFT, and while opinionated it never tried to sell it as the definitive version of the game.

>> No.5584580
File: 397 KB, 809x1200, 1556294321135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of FF6 T-Edition?