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5566734 No.5566734 [Reply] [Original]

Did kids really watch this shit? More importantly, did it ruin the games at all for you in any way

>> No.5566752

I only watched it for the Mario cartoon. All the live action stuff was absolutely stupid, but it didn't ruin the games at all.

>> No.5566761

You have to understand that before the 2000s there were tons of bizarre spin-offs for everything and they obviously shared very little common with their original source most of the time and most people understood this on some level. I know you're a zoomer because you have to ask stuff like this. The answer is: we just saw it as a strange novelty and not really serious. Have you heard of the Mario movie by any chance?

>> No.5566769


Better than the Sonic cartoon and the Zelda segments were less embarrassing then the cdi games

>> No.5566784

>I only watched it for the Mario cartoon
pretty sure that's most of us

>> No.5566793

I watched it but I didn't like it as much as later Mario cartoons. it was still better than the stupid movie that I saw on the theater though. I had no idea what the hell that thing was.

>> No.5566803

You better have meant weekday Sonic. SatAM is excellent.

>> No.5566807

I never watched the movie and never will. I got all I ever wanted to know about it just looking at commercials.

>> No.5566812

10yo at the time. Watched it and fucking loved it. We weren't over stimulated with vast quantities of entertainment options, smartphones or the Internet. I understand that this is a foreign concept to kids your age. Additionally there were like 5 channels on the over the air antenna so you better believe any kid liking Nintendo fucking ate that shit up. We had no concept of cannon, 4th wall, etc. This was mario on our tv.

Also we didn't obsess over TV shows because we played outside with our friends without parental guidance.

>> No.5566814

You're missing out, ignore the haters, it's actually a fun movie.

>> No.5566815

The movie is fucking kino you bitch

>> No.5566819

If you're not going to watch it, at least read up on its production. That's probably worth a movie in its own right.

>> No.5566832

I fucking loved it as a kid.

>> No.5566834

I've heard that, including recently from a friend when talking about the Sonic movie. But I'd be ok doing without, I think.

That, I wouldn't mind doing at all. Thanks.

>> No.5566838


>> No.5566882

Based accurate conservative programming. Bad drug experiences can quite literally feel like hell on Earth.

>> No.5567173
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I did, remember watching it before going to school in the morning, very comfy memories.
As a kid, I preferred the cartoon parts of course, it didn't ruin the games at all for me, on the contrary it was very cool to see stuff from the games on a cartoon. The interactions between King Koopa and his koopalings were hilarious, and they included many sound effects from the games (like the jump sound).
Nowadays, I prefer to watch the live action sequences with based Lou Albano.
Also I know I'm mixing up seasons since the one with the koopalings was the SMB3 cartoon, which I believe didn't have live action sequences. But still, the cartoon episodes that encompassed SMB1, 2 and 3 were all pretty nice IMO, at least from what you'd expect from a BIC cartoon show.
The SMW cartoon was sadly a disappointment IIRC.
I went to see the SMB movie to the theatre in 1993 as well. I didn't hate it, but it was very weird. I didn't know what to make of it. I enjoyed it a lot more as an adult though, I really like the fucked up dystopian Mushroom Kingdom and Hopper as King Koopa. I re-watched the movie recently and enjoyed it unironically.

>> No.5567205

I watched it and loved it because I was only like 8 when it came out. No, it didn't ruin the games for me at all. It enhanced them. The more Mario in my life, the better.

>> No.5567237
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Absolutely this fpbp. I love Captain Lou and all but this type of incongruous filler was a bad practice. I'm glad modern cartoon channels aren't afraid to schedule quarter hour programming blocks

>> No.5567256

>not liking the live action parts

>> No.5567257

Too bad all modern cartoons are shit.

>> No.5567272

>this triggers /co/

>> No.5567281

Nothing is worse than 80s cartoons.

>> No.5567285

Modern cartoons are.
It's really awful to see digital animation most of the times.

>> No.5567289

Cheap cel animation >>>>> cheap digital animation

>> No.5567295

I torrented it when i was 12, i thought it was pretty cool, despite not being like the games. Like a AU, or a spinoff.

>> No.5567298

I enjoyed it.

>> No.5567302

Well, modern cartoons. 80's cartoons were generally pretty bad but nothing is worse than modern cartoons. Today's cartoons have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Even the voices are awful.

>> No.5567309

I only got to watch it a couple times on The Family Channel. Now I can just grab whatever whenever. The future is great.

>> No.5567316

The new Ducktales is alright.

>> No.5567319
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I hope you're just pretending to be a cranky old man

>> No.5567324

Woah, is that a... video game reference!? OMG! such quirky and geeky like me!

>> No.5567325

Is that Family Guy? It looks like Family Guy.

Just like every cartoon made in the past 15 years.

>> No.5567332
File: 19 KB, 480x360, wendy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mario 3 cartoon was pretty good. I liked how they actually used the video game's art direction as reference (look at these blocks on this picture, they look like the blocks on the game's castles assets).

>> No.5567337
File: 6 KB, 320x224, Winners_Dont_Use_Drugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every show back then had a live action section with an anti-drug message

>> No.5567340
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The entire episode is about father whooping son's ass at a retro 2D fighting game and the son seeking out extra (authentic) skills from one of the older kids that still hands out at "the creek" the setting for the show. It's a really good show and it's a shame you seem insistent on refusing to enjoy it or anything else new.

It doesn't look anything like Family Guy. Perhaps your eyes are broken.

>> No.5567341

Different cranky old man here. Are there any recent cartoons that don't look like they were drawn using an Etch-a-Sketch?

>> No.5567345

Even Simpsons looks like Family Guy nowadays.

>> No.5567346
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Yeah, I prefer older cartoons with vidya references.

>> No.5567351
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>every episode is a lame movie parody starring mario characters, 2/3 segments are live action """comedy"""
>22 minutes of batshit insanity featuring Based Robotnik + Sonic Sez

>> No.5567353

Modern cartoons are like shitty old Hanna-Barbera cartoons but with much worse voice acting, poor art direction, and instead of talking animals wearing ties, it's loud, obnoxious children with 'tude.

>> No.5567357
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>> No.5567362

I'm almost 40, it's a moot point. There's no chance I'm watching something meant for children anyway. Especially if it looks cheap.

>> No.5567376
File: 69 KB, 825x464, the-simpsons-season-30-episode-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New Simpsons does have soulless Family Guy animation though
Tracy Ulman Show: shit
Season 1: ugly
Season 2 - ??(post-season 9, sometime in the early Zomie Simpsons years): SOUL
Last 10-15 seasons: soulless

>> No.5567425

Whew lad.

>> No.5567428

>Still watching cartoons as an adult for reasons beyond nostalgia or watching them with your actual child

wew lad

>> No.5567450

,he posted on 4chan

>> No.5567452

They were entertaining, although I felt a bit embarrased by some of these shows, especially if my parents watched some bits of them, because I felt they made the games seem dumber that they actually were, especially the Sonic cartoon, which I hated back then as a Sonic fan.

>> No.5567453

I enjoy looking at skilled and unique looking animation as much as the next person. Animation is just art after all. But we're talking about content designed, marketed, and directly catered towards 8-12 year olds. And it's done as quickly and cheaply as possible. There is literally nothing in them that would appeal to an adult whatsover. Even as an adult, I can go back and watch an old Bugs Bunny cartoon. And I'll probably still enjoy classic Disney films in 20 years. But there's no chance you're going to get me to watch whatever's on Nickelodeon right now. Sorry.

>> No.5567454

I can tell you don't watch any modern cartoons

>> No.5567461

Be glad it's not those awful "Club Mario" segments they ran in the 90s syndication. They were so bad, even DiC was ashamed of them and never re-released them on thr DVDs.

>> No.5567462

The last time I watched cartoons meant for kids was in the mid-90s. And even at that time I was probably too old for them. But I did anyway because they were more sophisticated and better made than the shitty cartoons I had when I was a child (like the one that's the subject of this thread). But then cartoons stopped being well made and so I stopped watching them.

And don't get me wrong, I like the Mario Super Show. For purely nostalgic reasons. But you have to admit it's a pile of garbage. No different from what's on TV for kids today. The only difference being, I don't have nostalgia for that stuff so there is zero reason for me to bother watching it.

>> No.5567470

I agree.
The thing about old cel animation was that all elements were physical: the cel paint, the backgrounds, the actual animation, etc. Even the special effects like the sun light you can see in a lot of animes was real light instead of a posproduction After Effects trick.

It's a damm shame some companies like Disney are removing all the film grain and changing colors to make the movies and shorts look more modern and digital. Even Pixar has done it to their early movies like Toy Story, which now looks horribly dated in the blu-rays.

>> No.5567474

There's a mountain of cartoons aimed exclusively at (young) adults and literally every single major cartoon made for 8+ year olds is absolutely seeded with subtle (and not so subtle) adult humor to the point I don't even let my son watch Steven Universe for example. It's 1000% the modern standard for animation. If you're too mature for adult swim you're demographically assumed to have kids of your own that you want to enjoy animated content with. The time for a show like Futurama is passed. You might enjoy Disenchantment but I think it sort of misses the mark. I'll reserve my judgements for when the second part comes out though

>> No.5567517
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>> No.5567546
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>> No.5567552

what the fuck is that?

>> No.5567554

nope I watched it and enjoyed it and it didnt ruin the games for me cuz im not a autistic virgin that hates fun.

>> No.5567568

>More importantly, did it ruin the games at all for you in any way
You really are too far gone if you do not understand why this is a stupid question.

>> No.5567572

Super jail but you won't like its humor.

Adventure time is unironically based. Starts out neat and kind of casual and turns into a real mindfuck.

>> No.5567621

Red vs Blue, a cartoon using the Halo engine that started out as hell-damn-fart edginess and "matured" into astonishing emoness and is the longest running "internet cartoon" of all time.

This guy gets it

>> No.5567729

I watched it when I was a kid. You're not a burgerland 80s kid if you don't remember LEGEND OF ZELDA FRIDAYS

>> No.5567758

> Half the cast is black so I like it

Riveting show there, I'll get right on it

>> No.5567786

The Sonic cartoon was actually pretty good.

>> No.5567810

I think Babbages gramps here needs to stop ban evading and also stop namefagging

>> No.5567827

This is pretty much how I feel about it. The live action segments were so bad, they were funny.

>> No.5567828

I watched it once and instantly recognised it as being garbage and never watched it again.

>> No.5567860

I would add that kids were (and probably still are) not that worried about being accurate to the source material. It was all just additional lore and you made up rationalizations for the discrepancy in your head. So many franchises had bizarre differences from installment to the next that it didn't seem strange anyway.

See also
>Highlander 1 and 2

>> No.5567865

Mario as i remember him with a mans voice not some castrated gays voice

>> No.5567915

I watched it. I was a huge fan of everything Mario as a kid. I remember the Zelda cartoon being really cool.

>> No.5567917
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Babbage's Gramps? Never heard of him

>> No.5567942

Only the main character's family and this one girl that I think is destined to be his love interest are black and the creator is black so it's not like it's some "fuck honkies" show lol. It's just a regular non-urban black person in normal kid culture. It's fine to hate urban culture. I'm right there with you but you don't need to be RACIST about it

>> No.5567946
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>> No.5567975

Yeah, I watched it, lots of kids did. It was cool and exciting just to see video game media at the time. The late 80's and early 90's had a bunch of video game shows and movies, it was an interesting period to live in. I only wished there had been more toy tie-ins back then.

The movie's fucking great! It's a crazy adaptation, but a great movie.




>> No.5567987

>posting halo fan-fiction fan art on /vr/
Get the hell out of here.

>> No.5568018

>Fuck you, Luigi!
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5568063

>Nothing is worse than 80s cartoons.
70s cartoons.

>> No.5568163


>> No.5568169

>Ralph was in the e-sports team but i never will

>> No.5568182

I was criticizing it, dumbshit

>> No.5568194

That's Martin

>> No.5568209

I only slightly remember this. The thing to understand when looking at this without contemporary memories is that video game characters weren’t really as well defined then as they are now; meaning there wasn’t really a perception of how Mario should be portrayed because you really only knew his in-game sprite and character artwork from boxes and magazines. I remember thinking at the time that the Mario movie didn’t necessarily get the character wrong but it just had a weird setting. Now you look at it and everything is wrong.

>> No.5568217

I watched it as a kid, now I sometimes watch it with my kid

>> No.5568224

Luigi was being a faggot, who cares about a spaghetti on your shirt?

>> No.5568231

cartoons were never good

>> No.5568236

At least they had soul

More Cal Arts dog shit

>> No.5568245

80s cartoons were straight up toy ads, newly allowed by the Reagan administration's FCC.

>> No.5568250

And here's why that's a good thing

>> No.5568267

Kids will watch anything if it's interesting enough. There was alot of shit I watched as a kid that I couldn't believe I ever did...

>> No.5568269

Good thing we reeled in content producers to prevent dangerous wrongthink.

>> No.5568296

I hate modern cartoons but this one doesn't really look like Family Guy.

>> No.5568314

It's picking your poison

'80s cartoons
>Plodding sincerity
>Wobbly Korean animation
>No sense of comedic timing
>At the mercy of the PTA

Modern cartoons
>Forced irony
>Stiff Indian animation
>Too hyperactive and loud
>At the mercy of Tumblr

>> No.5568362
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The 90s and 00s were a peak so...

>> No.5568621

I only watched it for the live action segments.

>> No.5568694

Nothing redeeming about the 00s. I stopped watching TV then, realizing it was all garbage.

>> No.5568702
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>he didn't pop little boy boners to Cyndi Lauper
Fag. I also thought Zelda wasn't wearing pants and was just walking around with her cunt exposed.

>> No.5568710
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In early 2004 the RvB guys helped me out when I had a serious problem, so I've always kinda tried to go to bat for them. But they ain't the same dudes they were 15 years ago. Which makes sense, no one stays the same for 15 years, but I think hanging out in Austin too much ruined them.

>> No.5568720

>kid culture was only good when I was a kid
Oh. Carry on.

>> No.5568728

I was about 5 years ago when this was on television and there was nothing like this on television. For afternoon viewing, it was a choice between this or daytime television or a repeat of a sitcom from the '60s.

Even the inclusion of the Mario rap is quaint today but extremely modern for the time.

>> No.5568747

Yes we did, no it didn't, now zoom along

>> No.5568752

It was my first exposure to the Super Mario Bros. franchise, living in a Sega country. It was a laugh and I liked it.
>, did it ruin the games at all for you in any way
I don't see how it possibly could.

>> No.5568779

>kid culture
All TV, anon.

>> No.5568978

I watched this obsessively. Anything Mario was my world. I was ok with Captain Lou Albano being Mario because I liked Cyndi Lauper and wrestling was still cool at the time.

>> No.5568980

Oh, and the guy who played Luigi looked exactly like my next door neighbor's dad.

>> No.5568992

Most disturbing was when the Princess (not Peach) stabbed "Yoshi".

>> No.5568997

The soundtrack is easily the best part about the Super Show, shame we'll never get full versions of the Mario remixes.


>> No.5569002

I didn't mind the Mario cartoon. It wascloserto canon than Captain N

Fuck Captain N that shit shat all over the games I liked

>> No.5569016

I only watched it for the Zelda cartoon.

>> No.5569020

I knew about and watched this show before I knew about the games. But I was raised in a weird household.

>> No.5569021

Out of the three Sonic cartoons from that era I'd say SatAM is the weakest and I grew up watching it, didn't even know the others existed until the mid 00s when we got internet.

>> No.5569051

that looks like stephen universe style dogshit

>> No.5569060

SatAM was essentially an Americanized version of The Raccoons that had Sonic shoehorned into it at the last second.

>> No.5569279

I don't care if you praise it or not, it does not belong here. Talk about retro games instead of blogging about what cartoon you prefer to another.

>> No.5569289

>The SMW cartoon was sadly a disappointment IIRC.

I saw one episode and that was it. It was really weird. For years I tried to find more. As a bit SMW fan, I would have totally been into that, but they barely showed that show. In contrast, Super Mario Super Show got endless repeats on YTV.

>> No.5569328

Looks like rebecca sugar diarrhea, how can the creators stand making this ADHD tryhard animation.

>> No.5569336

>dating pauline in the movie
>brooklyn accent
ah yes
based mario father of mario jr not to be mistaken for mario the III

>> No.5569383

I'm not even sure whether they broadcasted the SMW cartoon here in Europe cause I only got to know it existed around a decade and a half ago because I encountered it on the internet. There's a good reason why it's only mentioned with youtube poop edits.

On the other hand, the Super Show got a ton of re-runs here as well on channels like Fox Kids (I remember it having had a run around 1999 when the N64 had already become close to obsolete). SMB3 got airtime as well but I don't think that got a re-run unfortunately. Even if I wasn't as big as a fan of it as my brother was I have to admit it had an awesome OP, something I can't say for many DiC cartoon themes except for maybe the two Sonic cartoons they produced sometime later. Also, in regards to the sonic cartoons AOSTH was shown regularly in the early 90s but I can't remember if SatAM aired here because there already an abundance of cartoons they aired back in the 90s ...

Anyway, back to the SMW cartoon: it's a shame to me because I like Super Mario World the most as a game but except for some small fan service stuff like some arranged songs and a scene based on the bowser fight from the game it has little to nothing to offer, ESPECIALLY if you don't like SMW.

>> No.5569397

Imagine if faggots had to develop a personality outside of their sexuality. They'd be so lost lol.

>> No.5569464

World was never going to stand a chance with NBC cutting off its legs like that, but even in a perfect world where the budget wasn't pulled out from under them, the show would still have probably went "Dinosaur Land = FLINTSTONES"

>> No.5569476

This. How you have sex isn't a personality. I think it's borderline mental disorder but idgaf what you do in the bedroom, just realize I don't think your interesting for your "lifestyle". Queers associating with their sexuality so strong is as cringe as the hetero dude always talking about the trim he gets. It's creepy, and uninteresting, but it's fun to see the freak show at times.

>> No.5569538

Honestly to hell with LGBT. It's been a disaster.

>> No.5569574

I'm sure there are a lot of artists that work on both shows but it is very very different. Small stories about the small things kids' perception of the world make big

>> No.5569838

no I did to >>5567332

>> No.5569879


>> No.5569960

That sounds like the plot of every cartoon made in the past 20 years

>> No.5570017

>Did kids really watch this shit?
>More importantly, did it ruin the games at all for you in any way
No. It was Super Fucking Mario on TV, that was awesome when you're 6.

>> No.5570046

And Rugrats

>> No.5570063 [DELETED] 

It's mostly an issue in the US, where gays flock together in these "LBGT alliance" communities and have no social circle outside of these. In other countries these things don't really exist, so gays just kinda hang out with non-gays and do normal stuff, the end result being that nobody cares whether they fuck dudes or chicks in their bedrooms and just treat them like any other person.

>> No.5570076

I was in an alumni group and a guy joined who was turbogay but had gotten a masters from my school despite going to our sports rival for undergrad. He could dish it out but couldn't take it, in regards to banter, so he wrote to our alumni association and complained about homophobia. Club president wrote back and sent some video clips of him gleefully joining in whenever we would shit on somebody for getting into weird shit, sexually, but we still got in trouble.

We just stopped using the facebook page to set shit up and moved to google hangouts.

>> No.5570450

2000s was the best time for TV cartoons
Most of Ed, Edd n Eddy(which is objectively the best TV cartoon) aired then.

90s is overrated. Only got good in 1996 when Dexter's Lab started airing.
Before then only Batman TAS was good. Shit like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons were cringeworthy garbage.

>> No.5570480

There were a bunch of great 90s cartoons. Ren & Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life were amazing. Besides Dexter, Cartoon Network had Johnny Bravo and Courage. Even Spongebob technically started in the 90s (99), but it's more of early 2000s thing - still going but its golden age was up until after the movie. Early to mid 00s was fucking great though, tons of good shows. I'm glad Ed, Edd, and Eddy is still getting the respect it deserves, definitely one of the best.

>> No.5570483

Also for the Spielberg cartoons, Freakazoid > Animaniacs and Tiny Toons.

>> No.5570620

Well at least the cartoon is animated frame by frame. Flash tween animation always looks so jarring and artificial, especially when the animators decide to make the characters "bounce" for doing something as simple as blinking their eyes.

>> No.5570636

Cyndi Lauper was in the SMBSS, she also did the theme song to Goonies. Goonies had two video game adaptations for the NES. Does that mean that Goonies and Mario are potentially in the same universe?

>> No.5570651

It's a common trope but not one that Steven Universe uses. It is also not extremely Sapphic like Steven Universe.

>> No.5570669

they were all pretty good for the most part. 90s was the golden age.

>> No.5570679

This post reeks of hivemind meme shit from late millennials/early gen Z who overrate their own childhood shit and underrate older stuff they didn't see first hand.
EEE is just ok, it was CN doing nickelodeon style stuff. Not better than something like Ren & Stimpy, not to mention stuff like Aeon Flux. You just don't know a lot about 90s cartoons. No matter how many youtube videos you see about them, you weren't there.

>> No.5570778

I loved Capt. Lou's wrestling stuff, but those live action segments were so awkward.

>> No.5570923

I watched all these video game cartoons. I remember being excited watching Bubsy on Thanksgiving. According to my mom, I would get pissed off When Super Show came on instead of Mario World.

>> No.5570931


>> No.5571385

The Mario 3 show was the best one. Like you said, had the best visuals and shit, and the plots were way better than Super Show's. Super Show's were just always a halfassed parody of something, the Mario 3 one at least had original plots, some of which resemble stuff that could actually happen in a game.

>> No.5571687

Agreed, I liked all three of them.

>> No.5571697

There were 2, the one with "freedom fighters" was garbage and the one that's basically Loony Tunes with Sonic characters is top tier

>> No.5571721

I watched the FUCK out of Mario Bros Super Show and Captain N. It was so cool.

>> No.5571723
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>> No.5571724

This is peak contrarianism but I don't disagree

>> No.5571727

making kids think or wonder about drugs every time they played a video game was probably a bad idea

>> No.5571767
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>> No.5571824

Of course kids watched it. It was Nintendo games but as a cartoon, what kid would not have watched it.

>> No.5571945

Really? I thought the live action bits were pretty neat. I liked the idea of Luigi being the competent one in the real world while Mario is a bit of a fuck-up, with the roles reversed in the Mushroom Kingdom. I absolutely loved Sgt. Slaughter's guest appearance.

>> No.5572009

I used to hope it would be a zelda episode every time but was always let down when it was a mario cartoon. I still watched the mario eps and loved them. This was a nice little bonus whenever you would catch it on tv. It made you want to play your games some more.

Gaming related tv shows were very rare back in those days so you would take what was given with a smile on your face. I actually bought a box set of these episodes for the lulz like 5 years ago and still havent watched it. I probably shouldnt watch it, keep those memories in my past where they belong.

>> No.5572078

What show is this?

>> No.5572149

>I absolutely loved Sgt. Slaughter's guest appearance.
I didn't watch G.I. Joe until many years later but I still loved the hell out of that episode where he showed up as a drill sergeant and it was mindblowing to me how I missed out on such an obvious cameo. I'd never call Super Show some artistic high point or anything but I'd be lying if I said I don't at least enjoy how silly it was.

>> No.5572319

Craig of the Creek

>> No.5572356

>Captain Lou Albano visits the Bros. for the day's live-action segment
>Coincidentally, Mario does not get to meet him as he stepped out

>> No.5574272

That kind of shit was SOUL

>> No.5574294

It's weird because some of my older memories are me being a little shit and watching that show, specifically this episode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3FQSQS7VTY but I don't remember the live action segments at all.

Based Euro tv cutting the crap

>> No.5574908

I noticed a lot of Flash cartoons make the characters move sluggishly, savoring every motion tween. My guess is some producer thinks the high framerate makes it look better and more expensive, but it destroys any sense of weight.

>> No.5574965

This is appalling. I get that this was probably made with budgets and deadlines so tight it's a miracle they didn't forget someone's face again but I don't know how apathetic the networks had to be to take a look and thing "yes, this is quality programming, I want the world to see this."

>> No.5576468

They didn't want quality programming, they wanted syndication. Super Show was made from the get go with syndication in mind, so it (combined with Zelda) was 65 episodes, meant to be played every weekday. Though it only had a single season, it was on-air in reruns for 5 years.

>> No.5576993

Wrong, the awful live action filler is what gave it soul

>> No.5576995

>Shit like Animaniacs and Tiny Toons were cringeworthy garbage.
Tiny Toons was great, go fuck yourself

>> No.5576996

I'm down with the brothers

>> No.5577009

Of course it didn't ruin the games, I was around 3-4 maybe even 5 Canada got by that show a little later... But a show that did ruin it was video and arcade top ten or something it was a gaming show that was some sort of shitty contest.

>> No.5577267
File: 321 KB, 336x422, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This show here was peak-fucking lame. None of the characters or settings resembled the actual games at all, and its choice of characters were extremely questionable. Mega Man and Simon were pretty alright choices, but fucking Pit? Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo as main villains? Mother Brain but no Samus in sight? No Mario in sight either, which seems the most obvious choice?

>> No.5577332

Hey what's up guys

>> No.5577338

Animaniacs was good, tiny toons fucking sucked.

>> No.5577348
File: 60 KB, 709x479, darkstalkerstv-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it has to be either great or shit.
What the fuck. I clearly remember loving Tiny Toon and Animaniacs.
Taz-Mania was also good.
You know what sucked? Darkstalkers.

>> No.5578386

>that time Luigi made a stone

>> No.5578427


>> No.5578531


>> No.5578549
File: 9 KB, 266x190, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The opening alone sold the Zelda part. Long before the internet, this is our only source of "orchestral" version of the game's theme. I actually like the show's version of Link, sort of like Deadpool's younger brother.


>> No.5578620

I watched it and loved it, i assumed most people did. It may be one of those things that people dont understand, i dont know. Im not really concerned with the opinions of people that get triggered over shit.. Because its ignorance. I dont hate them and would help them to understand something or be nice to them in any way...

People liked that show because their heads were paced slower, same with the games.. all the retro games.. most people do horrible at them because their attention span is different.

I gaurantee that if you were happy and understood things that trigger you (and im talk talking about agreeing with them but understanding the truth of them) you would like them because a lot of things have a lot to like, unlike that triggered person who is hurt inside and shuts everything down to go out and destroy shit.. Shit thats good and has a lot to like. Thats destructive and will cause us to live in a boring slum where any kind of creativity, positivity, innovation or initiative is taboo.

>> No.5579196

I really love the lower-pitched version of the main theme. It just sounds so much more adventurous.

>> No.5579556


>> No.5579573

I watched it as a kid, but I knew deep in my heart of hearts it was terrible.

Watched King Koopa's Kool Kartoons too.

>> No.5579613

Most of this, my parents not getting a Nintendo soon glamorized the thing I couldn't have to me and Rescue Rangers was horribly advertised and hating all the Disney characters in bomber-jacket type shit on the merchandise up to that point didn't help it's case to me. Just as well since they wound up rerunning the shit out of Rescue Rangers by the time I quit watching the Mario Bros show. 1 thing good that you can say about Super Mario Bros Super Show is they had a decent number of new episodes instead of jumping to reruns because they could, like a lot of shows.

>> No.5579624

Too bad they spoiled the shit out of that the rest of the week.

>> No.5579652

based and redpilled i thought i was the only one who prefered the funny sonic over the edgy shit

>> No.5579723

You fucking suck.

>> No.5580227

I had the dvds and watched them all the time