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File: 6 KB, 96x96, higan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
555280 No.555280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Since the last thread ended on utter stupidity, let's try not to stoop down to that level again.

What are /vr/'s opinions on higan? Do you agree with the author's focus on cycle-accurate emulation? What do you think about his preservation project?

>> No.555297

It's fine. If you think otherwise you are an idiot. The end.

>> No.555345

"If our grandchildren can't play a cycle-accurate Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch: Make My Video then all of humanity will suffer." ~ Anonymous

This sums up the entire accurate emulation scene. The way they take themselves WAY too seriously, the autistic obsession over the most meaningless things in existence, and their inability to take a step back from all of this and look at the bigger picture.

>> No.555358

please don't turn this into a copypasta

>> No.555389

I think higan itself is fine, but it always seems like the project is in an eternal beta stage or something. Even if you have top of the line hardware, it never seems "ready" (for example, byuu did not expect people to complain about not being able to change the ~/Emulation directory for purified ROMs, and promised to make it an option in higan 093). Though at least the SNES emulation is 100% done as of a few versions ago

>> No.555430

I don't see why anyone should ever bitch about higan. Like MAME, its true purpose is about preserving the SNES hardware and software. I respect the fuck out of that. Despite his personal failings, byuu has done those of use who care about that kind of thing a service that will last. If you don't care about the preservation aspect and just want to play game, but you can't run the emulator well, there are still perfectly good, working alternatives, such as Snes9x, and a ton other emulators for the other systems it emulates. It's not like you're forced to use it.

All that said, I personally don't use it because I don't like the interface, the only thing it emulates truly well is SNES, and I'm not used to the game folders and importing stuff (but I recognize how they might be handy or more logical; I'm just old-fashioned, I guess). I just use its cores through RetroArch to get the accuracy without my personal gripes entering into the equation.

>> No.555443

>but you can't run the emulator well, there are still perfectly good, working alternatives, such as Snes9x

Hell, snes9x has even used bits and pieces of bsnes code to better itself.

>> No.555448

I've always found that odd... how come MAME never gets the amount of criticism and harassment that higan/bsnes gets, despite both projects working toward the same goal (preservation) and the same ideal ("playing games is just a side-effect")?

I imagine byuu's more controversial ideas such as Game Folders, as you mentioned, and purifying of ROMs angered some people, but there is still a ridiculous noise::signal ratio.

>> No.555470

>I'm not used to the game folders

To be fair, I don't think anyone is. They were introduced with bsnes 091, and they completely changed with higan 092, so they're brand new and we're all still getting used to them. I think it's a neat idea for what it's worth, and his emulator's built-in "purify" doesn't actually do anything to your original ROMs, so that's cool.

>> No.555471

Because for the most part, MAME has been basically the only thing out there for arcade emulation.

>> No.555480


Nice strawman

>> No.555517

Yeah, SNES emulator competition + controversy/drama + user un-friendliness + vocal fanbase = not a good reputation

That being said, higan/bsnes is great, and trying to apply the MAME philosophy to SNES emulation was a great idea, so props to byuu for that. I think it can get a good rap again, if its more vocal fans would stop trying to shove it down everyone's throats.

>> No.555526

Snes9x 1.54 will be especially awesome, as it will feature a speed-optimized sound core that byuu wrote, and will be even more accurate. I think it might be on par with old versions of bsnes-performance, but I'm not sure. Now if it would just come out already...

>> No.555542


We get it's accurate, that's good. As far as emulation itself goes, with adding user features, it's bad. Because it's focused on accuracy, which is good. But it's a pain to use, which is bad.

I do like the input setup he has available, though.

>> No.555553

Because no one ever talks about "muh accuracy" when people speak about MAME. It never seemed to matter before.

I love the emulator, but seriously, who gives a shit.

>> No.555609

byuu has admitted before that he just doesn't care for interface design, and that if he could just work on the emulation cores themselves and hand off the interface/GUI stuff to someone else he'd be happy. So far nobody wants to do that, though (correct me if I'm wrong).

>> No.555620


It's not a pain to use anymore, once you use "import game", it just works

>> No.555634

Oh god, when word got out that he would be adding code to snes9x for 1.54, there was a huge shitstorm in emulation forums. Hyperbole about snes9x now also needing a supercomputer EVERYWHERE.

Never mind that it'll most likely be faster than bsnes Performance while being about as accurate. And if you have trouble running performance... you're either behind the times, or are poor as shit. In any case, nothing should stop you from using Snes9x 1.53, which is quite good.

>> No.555642

Thank you for your opinion, I'll stick to the facts thank you.

>> No.555643

Agreed on the inputs. higan is the only emulator I've used that allows you to set multiple inputs for a single button, making it so that you can easily switch between Gamepad and Keyboard without having to re-assign keys.

Why isn't that available anywhere else? Donate to your emulator lobbyist today!

>> No.555674

>tfw post >>555555 is lost in time, like tears in rain

>> No.555701

That is pretty cool, but hotkeys are still only one button/key per hotkey, right? Or a bunch of buttons/keys all at the same time to activate the hotkey?

I kinda wish they worked the same way as the inputs, but it makes sense.

>> No.555713

Oh, and make no mistake, none of that hyperbole is founded in fact or reason. Some people just have an irrational hatred for byuu, causing them to go into a spastic tard rage every time his name is mentioned. Hell, they rage when the fucking word "accuracy" is mentioned, at which point people are accused of being one of byuu's buttbudies or something, even if they have never corresponded with or even heard of the guy. His enemies are literally obsessed with him, like they have a secret crush with him but will never admit it.

>> No.555737

What's the deal with the hatred? The guy seems like a total bro to me, his articles are good and he tries his best to improve the whole snes emulation scene. Who wants to run zsnes on their Windows 95 can still do so. I don't get it.

>> No.555756

>His enemies are literally obsessed with him, like they have a secret crush with him but will never admit it.

One of his stalkers even visits these threads from time to time and posts all his personal information. I don't get it. It's a fucking video game emulator.

Anyway, if you thought that was a shitstorm, I can just imagine all the hatred that is going to spring up when ZSNES 2.0 (re-written in C++) eventually gets released, which will no doubt be unforgiving to older systems and be more accurate than its previous incarnations.

>> No.555776

there are others of emulators that do that multiple inputs per button thing

mednafen emulates a lot of consoles and does that

fceux does it too

>> No.555792

The people in his fan (hate?) club are most certainly not bros, I'm afraid. They usually try to (intentionally) piss off users of other emulators so that they learn to hate him and higan. It's a bunch of senseless drama that's not even worth the time of day.

>> No.555807

Hmmm, you seem to be correct. Though FCEUX gives a max of 3 keys/buttons per input, while higan gives a (seemingly) infinite amount of inputs. Not that that's really necessary, but yeah.

>> No.555854

Have you seen this thread?


False accusations EVERYWHERE. Some of these people need to get a life.

>> No.555861

He's right though.

>> No.555871

Yeah, that thread is the tits. Absolutely hilarious.

Some more examples of the fascination byuu's secret fanboys have with him:


Note that these threads initially have absolutely nothing to do with byuu, but that doesn't stop the haters from finding an excuse to bitch about him, even though absolutely no one asked their opinion on him.

>> No.555874


No, he's not. That's just how he sees it because he doesn't understand the entire debate.

>> No.555883

...No, he really isn't. He's overreacting about the more vocal trolls at best, and at worst, he's the text form of the "STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE" image. There's no legitimate argument in there whatsoever.

>> No.555895

For any console thats capable of having full speed cycle accurate emulators, why would anyone be against it?

>> No.555913

For the longest time (and even today, to some extent) being able to use the cycle-accurate version of the emulator at full speed has been expensive and/or impossible. For example, cycle-accurate N64 emulation at full speed is not possible today. Naturally this is going to attract many critics who simply want to play the games and don't understand the preservation and research implications that arise from these projects.

>> No.555930

I'm not sure I understand what "cycle-accurate" refers to in these threads. CPU cycles? What does that have to do with emulators?

>> No.555943


It can be very performance intensive and some people don't think it's worth it if there are existing non-cycle accurate emulators with good enough compatiblity.

>> No.555950

This is his side of some stories:


Some of it was avoidable, like the DQ3 translation childish ruse.

>> No.555985


>The bsnes core is the only one worth using in Higan. The others are very early in development.

>Some recommend using bsnes core in RetroArch to get around some less-user friendly implementations of Higan.

>> No.555994

The others will probably always be "early in development", as they were only added to aid the development process of the SNES coprocessors (and learn more about them). The main goal of higan has been (and pretty much always will be) accurate SNES emulation.

>> No.555995

>Anyway, if you thought that was a shitstorm, I can just imagine all the hatred that is going to spring up when ZSNES 2.0 (re-written in C++) eventually gets released, which will no doubt be unforgiving to older systems and be more accurate than its previous incarnations.

Zsnes 2.0 is NEVEr going to happen.

>> No.556003


I don't get that.

>> No.556007

I never thought Project64 would ever get a release after 1.6, but lo and behold, 9 years later I was proven wrong. So you never know.

I would much rather have a choice between higan 092, Snes9x 1.54 and ZSNES 2.0 than the current state of things. People with older, outdated hardware always have older, outdated versions of the emulators to use.

>> No.556023

>implying a ton of people with newer, updated hardware don't use older, outdated emulators because The Emulator Zone and CoolROM tell them they're the best or because they've been using those emulators for years "without any problems"

>> No.556027

>What are /vr/'s opinions on higan?

Makes for a REALLY good libreto for Retroarch.

>> No.556028


That's what it means, it emulates everything down to the individual CPU cycles, timing and everything.
This is as opposed to "opcode accurate", which accurately implements each opcode but does not accurately emulate the timing.

>> No.556031

Essentially, the other emulation cores were added because the architecture of some of the SNES coprocessors were very similar to the architectures of the processors of the other systems. For example, the ST018 SNES coprocessor has an ARMv3 CPU core, while the GBA uses an ARMv4 CPU core. In order to learn more about the architectures used, as well as improve the emulation of the ST018 coprocessor, byuu added GBA emulation.

This is how (and why) all the other emulation cores got added.

>> No.556049

libretro core*

>> No.556079 [DELETED] 

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120509014421/http://byuu.org/


For a bit of backstory: this is basically a byproduct of SNES ST018 emulation. This processor ended up using an ARMv3 CPU core. And since the GBA uses an ARMv4 CPU core, it seemed like a good choice: we could improve the ARM emulation for the ST018, and emulate the final 2D-based Nintendo system.

>> No.556083

Source: http://web.archive.org/web/20120509014421/http://byuu.org/

>For a bit of backstory: this is basically a byproduct of SNES ST018 emulation. This processor ended up using an ARMv3 CPU core. And since the GBA uses an ARMv4 CPU core, it seemed like a good choice: we could improve the ARM emulation for the ST018, and emulate the final 2D-based Nintendo system.

>> No.556087

I appreciate byuu's efforts, and I'm glad he and people like him are going to the lengths they are for the sake of digitally preserving consoles. I'm looking forward to the release of Exodus, and CEN64 seems to be coming along nicely. MarathonMan posted today saying that he's close to loading his first commercial ROM.

>> No.556089

>Makes for a REALLY good libreto for Retroarch.

This is the beauty of open source. Don't like how something is being done? Fork it.

>> No.556091

I hate Higan. I tried to visit the forum to solve my issue but apparently I was already banned.

>> No.556097


Use Retroarch bsnes core.

>> No.556109


Someone else got your IP banned. They've had a problem with mudlord constantly ban evading and trolling.

>> No.556123

What's that guys problem anyway, why does he have such a raging hateboner for byuu? I thought he was an emulator developer himself.

>> No.556125
File: 339 KB, 1667x683, mudlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.556134

>why does he have such a raging hateboner for byuu?

He just does. Ignore him.

>> No.556135

I wonder if byuu visits 4chan

>> No.556140

If he does, he most likely goes to /a/. Guy is a major weaboo.

>> No.556141

>I wonder if byuu visits 4chan

Someone claiming to be him visited /vg/'s Emulation General once. Made a post telling us to brush our teeth and use accurate emulators, and then said he was going back to /a/.

>> No.556150

>Made a post telling us to brush our teeth and use accurate emulators, and then said he was going back to /a/.

Somehow I don't think that fits his personality. Oh well, not like we'll ever know.

>> No.556153


I don't know about 4chan but he does post on Reddit

>> No.556162

Isn't that the chucklefuck who was throwing a shit fit over the idea of an accuracy focused N64 emulator?

>> No.556170

One and the same.

>> No.556184
File: 358 KB, 768x672, RetroArch-0427-175936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damn so good, you simple go to the libreto core library and there is already 3 cores from bsnes to choose.

Also the last version 0.9.9-wip1 let's me use all my roms.

>> No.556201


Now what Retroarch needs is a good GUI. Phoenix is kind of a mess. And the guys don't even like making it, and prefer to stick to coding.

>> No.556203

I hate the fact that stretching SNES games in higan doesn't take up my entire screen, at least vertically. There's 8px black bars on the top and bottom, and it's annoying as shit. byuu said he might implement a filter in higan 093 to stretch the image to these points, and I hope he does - can't stand black bars.

in before aspect ratio purists start hating

>> No.556206


Yeah, that's him. He has a raging boner for performance and optimization. In fact, he used to get into arguments over code clarity vs code optimization with byuu back on the ZSNES forum back in the day

>> No.556210

RetroArch has an option to crop the overscan, which eliminates those bars.

>> No.556213

Man, have you seen the GUI for OpenEmu? Completely wipes the floor with RetroArch, despite (in my opinion) being inferior to RetroArch. Needs some graphic designers and dedicated GUI programmers badly.

>> No.556216

I don't really know much about the author's philosophy but I do know that it looks a lot better than other SNES emulators I have used

>> No.556218

Shit, really? Now I'm gonna have to check it out, thanks

>> No.556237

dem stalkers

>> No.556240


Read this:

>> No.556249


Not really a stalker, I just saw a thread about his US SNES collection sale where he showed up and answered some questions about it.

>> No.556269

I have a lot of respect for byuu.
Emulator dev's aren't nearly as autistic as I wish they were.

>> No.556270


The only thing I'd change about the RetroArch-Phoenix launcher is move the BSV and ffmpeg recording stuff to Settings>Recording and the netplay stuff to Settings>Netplay. That will just leave you with the important stuff : Rom path, Config file path, RetroArch.exe path, and libretro path.

>> No.556273

So, I've been wanting to use bsnes/higan recently. I downloaded it and followed the setup guide on the site, but I still get really choppy/slow audio/video. Like 20 FPS in LttP. My PC is a few years old, but it was pretty damn powerful. Q6600, 8gb of RAM, HD 6770.

Anyone have any idea as to why it might be so choppy still? I want to go for accuracy since I want to learn to do speed running for LttP.

>> No.556275
File: 38 KB, 763x553, Retroarch mock up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I did something similar. This is a mock up I made.

>> No.556285


Use Retroarch, bsnes balanced core. Runs better than Higan itself.

>> No.556291

The only emulator with good UI design was ZSNES. Who designed it?

>> No.556295

>not hosting a separate website with the latest version of MediaWiki on it

Full on pleb.

>> No.556298

If you were using the accuracy profile, you're gonna need a more powerful computer than that. A high-end Core i7, overclocked @ 4.4 GHz, is a great choice for higan-accuracy. Emulating cycle-accurate emulators is just intensive, I'm afraid.

higan-performance and higan-balanced are much better suited for your hardware (in fact, higan-balanced sounds like a perfect fit). It's not as accurate obviously, but still more accurate than the other emulators if you don't want to use them.

>> No.556302

Blame the /vg/ emulation community for that, bro. Not my fault.

>> No.556309

Balanced is pretty much exactly the same as Accuracy. AFAIK Accuracy is only needed for like one or two games.

>> No.556316


The RetroArch updater needs to stay where it's at, because it's meant for downloading libretro updates and requires an internet connection to work. It's kind of redundant when the open file dialogue works just as well for selecting a libretro core anyway.

>> No.556321

RetroArch does this.

>> No.556326

>The RetroArch updater needs to stay where it's at,

I was thinking of that just being a core selector, NOT the updater. To update you'd go to the same thing.

>> No.556331

Erm... why would anyone wish for that?

>> No.556337


Are you sure about that?
Balanced runs about 100fps when frame limiting is disabled on either one for me.

>> No.556341

I haven't really used it much, but I have a pretty low end, yet modern, computer (too lazy to look up my actual stats) and when I tried out the accuracy build it worked fine for the most part, a couple of more graphically intense games lagged a tiny bit though... but yeah, balanced is more practical, accuracy is only needed if you want to go hardcore autist

>> No.556342

He means more developers should actually care about getting shit right, instead of settling for "eh, good enough, it runs the most popular games ok".

>> No.556349

>(too lazy to look up my actual stats)

Speccy you nigger.

>> No.556363
File: 10 KB, 335x118, project64_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"eh, good enough, it runs the most popular games ok".

>> No.556379

Even though that's not even the case. Have you seen the way it struggles with popular games like Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo-Tooie?

Not really saying it's their fault (the N64 was really cryptic and there's not much documentation), but they haven't done much to change that.

>> No.556386

Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Pentium G620 @ 2.60GHz 37 °C
Sandy Bridge 32nm Technology
6.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 532MHz (7-7-7-20)
Generic Non-PnP Monitor (1360x768@60Hz)
Intel HD Graphics (HP)
Hard Drives
932GB Hitachi HDE721010SLA330 (SATA) 36 °C
Optical Drives
Realtek High Definition Audio

told yah it was shit

>> No.556409

To be fair, there is some genuine progress on the way. There's an LLE RSP plugin in the works that can play some of the games considered to be difficult to emulate, and there's a new version of Glide64 also being worked on for the PJ64 2.1 release.

>> No.556414

>Intel Pentium G620 @ 2.60GHz 37 °C

Mine is 2.0 ghz.

>> No.556416

I've seen it struggle with everything. I wasted hours of my life trying to get the sky to appear in Goldeneye, the pause menu background to work properly in OoT, the everything to work in Paper Mario... Yes, the most popular games on the system, running with glaring issues, unfixed for 14 years.

I've been reduced to buying N64 games on Wii on account of this shit. I hear 2.0 is out now, but I doubt it helps much. It pisses me off hard when I hear people defending P64 and saying it's "good enough"

>> No.556417


If there's going to be a selector, then "libretro core path" should be changed to "libretro directory" and the launcher searches that directory for libretro .dll/.so files and displays each libretro file with the information from it's header like shown in your shot.

>> No.556427

>A high-end Core i7, overclocked @ 4.4 GHz
I haven't done much SNES emulation recently, but last time I used bsnes's accuracy build, my (then) stock 2500k had no troubles.

Saying you need an i7 is a bit ridiculous.

>> No.556432

that, not really that much of a difference, is it?
anyhow, for the most part I'm satisfied with this computer, I bought it with the intention to upgrade later anyhow

>> No.556449

>Saying you need an i7 is a bit ridiculous.
Saying you need an i7 for ANYTHING makes you an Intel shill.
I was gonna call him on it but didn't feel like it. Your 2500k will get nearly identical performance to a 2600k if you clock it up.

>> No.556450

Core i7 @ 4.4 GHz is what byuu uses, and even with it, he gets only 65 FPS on the worst parts of Mega Man X3. By no means am I saying you need that kind of hardware, but it guarantees that you'll have at least 60 FPS on every game.

>> No.556456
File: 540 KB, 720x528, 1366937345205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least 60 FPS
>Super Nintendo games

>> No.556465
File: 139 KB, 761x494, 1351570779387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not entirely related, but I just felt like posting it anyway.

>> No.556467

So... Byuu plays Mega Man on fast-forward?

>> No.556471

If you have nothing to contribute, nor have any clue what you're talking about, please do not waste anyone's time here. If you think you don't need 60 FPS in a Super Nintendo game, fire up higan-accuracy on a computer from a decade ago and try playing Super Mario World.

>> No.556472


You don't need more than that unless you want to fast forward

>> No.556475

>that, not really that much of a difference, is it?

It's a more modern processor architecture, with .60 difference in Mhz. So yeah, probably 1/3 better.

>> No.556485

>If you have nothing to contribute, nor have any clue what you're talking about
If I had nothing to contribute and no idea what I was talking about, I'd be telling people they need to run Super Nintendo games more than 60 fps.

But you already took care of that for me.

>> No.556487

Why would framerate not apply to 2D games? Of course it does...

>> No.556494


Turning off frame limiting lets you see the actual performance of the emulator

>> No.556497

ah, you never specified that it was an older architecture, jut that it was 2ghz

>> No.556502

The point I was trying to make was that byuu gets 200+ FPS using higan-performance and higan-balanced on his hardware, but ONLY 65 FPS on the worst parts of Mega Man X3 using higan-accuracy in comparison. I should have probably stated that in the original post, so I apologize for that, but my point stands.

>> No.556508

And yes, for those confused, these are the framerates of the emulator when you turn frame limiting off; he's not fast-forwarding.

>> No.556510

On my i7 860, Mega Man X3 using Accuracy sometimes dips into around 40-45 fps. Balanced runs at full speed.

>> No.556519

So how do I turn off frame limiting in higan 092? I don't see the option for it anywhere.

>> No.556525


Disable both Synchronize Video and Synchronize Audio

>> No.556535

If ZSNES is open-source then how come nobody has made a more accurate fork of it?

>> No.556545

Because it's a gigantic clusterfuck and there are far better places for people to put their time and effort. Why bother?

>> No.556556


Because the code base is a trainwreck of unmaintainable x86 assembly code. There's a reason it hasn't been updated for 6+ years, and it's because they're totally rewriting it into C++ that's actually portable and maintainable.

>> No.556558

>If ZSNES is open-source then how come nobody has made a more accurate fork of it?

It's coded in ASM x86. Can only work in 32 bit systems, like Linux and Windows. That kind of coding is a pain in the ass to update, so I don't blame them. Using that kind of code made sense in 1998, since they had to focus on speed to get it to work.

Also, Snes9x has overtaken it pretty much so there's no need to fork or improve it.

>> No.556559

ZSNES is written in x86 Assembly, so if someone were to fork it to make it more accurate their work would be obsolete as soon as Windows dropped 32-bit compatibility. If they wanted it to last, they'd have to re-write the project from scratch, and good luck finding someone who's willing to do that.

>> No.556563

>and it's because they're totally rewriting it into C++ that's actually portable and maintainable.

I dont' believe we'll ever see Zsnes 2.0 ever. Ever. EVER. I'll be an old man, and it won't happen.

>> No.556567
File: 19 KB, 1920x1080, ZSNES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only emulator with good UI design was ZSNES

The only thing I can say about it is that it's "archaic"

>> No.556570
File: 381 KB, 784x711, retro accuracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell Byuu that retroarch got his back. i5 750 @4.0Ghz here.

>> No.556571

Project64 2.0 came out, and it was in development longer than ZSNES 2.0. So there's hope.

>> No.556581

>Project64 2.0 came out,

Wasn't that a step down in any case? Hardly an "upgrade".

>> No.556589

It remind me of the bad old days of stuff like Nesticle and Genecyst. How anyone can stand that non-standard UI shit now DOS is a distant memory is beyond me.

>> No.556591

>implying Project64 2.0 took anywhere near the amount of effort that re-writing an entire emulator from scratch in a different programming language will take

Seriously, I'm glad it finally came out, but it hasn't improved upon much at all. Hell, the best part about it is that they GPL'd the source code, and that's about it. ZSNES 2.0 will take substantially more work.

>> No.556603


How about. Just take Snes9x, slap Zsnes GUI on it, and call it Zsnes 2.0. Everyone would benefit. Fools who don't know better would use it instead of older zsnes, and we can finally phase old zsnes out.

>> No.556614

>Nesticle and Genecyst

>bad in any way

Why do i even bother.

>> No.556616

You must not be familiar with the romhack community... I can already hear the cries of millions that their ROMs (which only work on ZSNES) don't work.

>> No.556620

I believe he was referring to their GUIs, not the emulators themselves.

>> No.556623

By the way, if you hate the way Wikia looks:

>make account
>go to "my preferences"
>go to "Layout" and choose "MonoBook"
Lo and behold, it doesn't look like shit anymore.

>> No.556624

>emulators themselves.
The emulator themselves are not up to today's standards.

>> No.556625

I liked the GUI of ZSNES because it looked SNES like

>> No.556626

It has personality. I like that.

>> No.556630

Why don't you go install MS-DOS as your operating system then. You'll be rolling in personality.

>> No.556635


They're greatly inferior to any modern emulators. They were cool back in the 90s when they emulated stuff full speed on a Pentium 2 but these days sacrificing that much accuracy for performance is very much not necessary.

>> No.556638

>The emulator themselves are not up to today's standards

No shit, a emulator release on 1997!?

More at 11.

>> No.556639

higan's got plenty of personality - probably the most minimalistic GUI out of any emulator. Previous versions of bsnes even allowed you to delete .dll files in bsnes' directory, and their corresponding menu items in bsnes would disappear, as if they were never part of the GUI. So nice.

>> No.556643

And RetroArch has a worse GUI than fucking Higan.

>> No.556647

>And RetroArch has a worse GUI than fucking Higan.

Agreed, but it's a better emulator. It has "Programmer GUI" as they themselves admit.

>> No.556650

>implying there is something wrong with DOS
>on /vr/

didn't take long for this board to go to shit.

>> No.556653


This is the kind of shit that fuck the community people that have no idea of what they are talking about.

>hey were cool back in the 90s when they emulated stuff full speed on a Pentium 2

That's the entire point, they were create for that and you could run every megadrive game on genecyst on a freaking pentium 2 it was a miracle at the time.

>> No.556654
File: 467 KB, 831x577, openemu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Windows and (GNU/)Linux users will never experience good UX design

>> No.556658
File: 29 KB, 708x388, jontron4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh... please stop
going down this road is pointless

>> No.556662

Thanks, that made things run a lot smoother once I got it set up.

>> No.556665
File: 6 KB, 239x258, 1329181121921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>make factual, non-controversial statement
>This is the kind of shit that fuck the community people that have no idea of what they are talking about.
Yeah, buddy.

>> No.556672

No need. We have bZSNES now.

>> No.556675

Once you get everything set up, RetroArch should look like this. OpenEmu designers need to get in touch with them.

>> No.556680

Yes indeedy :)


>> No.556681

Boot up Nesticle on DOSBox one of these days. If you are at all familiar with how games are supposed to sound like, you will be disgusted.

Those emulators were good... in 1999.

>> No.556686

No such implications were made. But "personality" doesn't generally win out over modern features and modern design. I don't use ZSNES for the same reason I don't use Netscape Navigator.

>> No.556695


XBMC is getting it's own implementation of RetroArch called RetroPlayer so that may not be far off.


>> No.556701

>No Scrollbar
>Play button just floating around the bottom bar
>Not even using real game names
>>(E) [!] instead of an emblem to show it's an English, verified dump
>"Arcade" is now one system, and a console.

What next, wood veneer and embossed text? Get the fuck out.

>> No.556703

Are you sure it could run every mega drive game?

I'm genuinely curious. I doubt such an early emulator could have had 100% compatibility, not to even bring up issues with the games.

>> No.556704

Shame I don't want it to look like that, I just want it to have logical menus and to auto select preferred cores and configs.

>> No.556710

no one was saying that people should use ZSNES for it's personality, they just said they liked the GUI for it, how dense are you?

>> No.556713


If we can have enough blind nostalgia to find games from that era good (good enough to have a whole board dedicated to discussing them) why can't we enjoy emulators from that era as well?

>> No.556718

>scrollbar will be there if you have more than a screen's worth of games
>you can double click the game
>using rom names
>rom names
>you can create your own categories

>> No.556727


So you are a mac user, huh?

>> No.556732

(E) means it's the european version, not that's in english you dumb fuck... also you are so god damn ignorant, do you even emulate?

>> No.556734

I used a Macintosh Performa ~15 years ago
Does that count

>> No.556738

Same reason we don't use windows 3.11 anymore.

>> No.556742

Nobody said it was perfect. But it certainly has better GUI design than RetroArch, and at least tries to make things more pleasing to the eye.

The scrollbar might only appear when you hover your mouse over it. Double-clicking opens the game, so the play button isn't even an issue. Real game names are an issue with the user, not the emulator. Your last two complaints are legitimate constructive criticism, so if you would like them to hear it, tell them yourself instead of bitching about it on /vr/.

>> No.556748

>implying that the only reason people like these games is "blind nostalgia"

why are you even here?

>> No.556756

honestly, anything has a better GUI than retroarch

>> No.556758



Links are dead. Download links at the Wikia.

>> No.556760

They're good for a chuckle, nothing more. I grew up playing games on the consoles, and while I did also use these old emulators back during their heyday, I always knew they were far from perfect, and always wished they were more accurate to the real thing.

I do have a little bit of nostalgia for those emulators, so I actually do have some of them on my DOSBox folder, but I basically bring them up just to remind myself how far we've come since then, and to have a laugh at how hilariously shitty the music sounded.

>> No.556762

I respect what bsnes does, and I don't really have problems with it's interface, but I use hand-me-down computers, and as such, I use SNES9x.

>> No.556763


Outdated software gets replaced by new, improved software after which it's hard to go back to the old? That's what I keep saying about games, but the nostalgiafags always disagree.

>> No.556765


RetroArch doesn't have a GUI at all (aside from the recently added in game menu-based RGUI that's like the GUI for the Wii port of RetroArch), it's a command-line driven program. The GUI is simply a launcher that uses byuu's minimal Phoenix library, and can be easily replaced with a nicer-looking native interface if someone wants to make one. The RetroArch developers don't want to deal with anymore GUIs because they're too busy working on RetroArch and it's various libretro cores and because UI code can be hell to maintain.

>> No.556769

RetroArch doesn't HAVE a fucking GUI, you uneducated mongrel. It's a command-line program.

What you are referring to is Phoenix, which is a FRONTEND to RetroArch. Which means, YOU (yes, YOU!) can make your own fucking frontend.

>> No.556779

I agre, man. Entertainment media is exactly the same as software, in every respect.
Seriously, these nostalgiafags. My friend was watching The Godfather the other day, I almost slapped him for not watching new and improved movies like The Avengers

>> No.556780


Yes it does. If you start it without any options it loads into a GUI now.

>> No.556783

>implying that I didn't know that

stop being so anal, jeez, everyone here fucking knows this, do I really need to say "the retroarch gui that is not really retroarch but a frontend" every single fucking time I talk about it?

>> No.556785

It's not actually the same thing.
There are objective measures to compare emulators: accuracy, features, etc. Both old and new emulators attempt to do the same thing and modern emulators are objectively better at doing it.
Modern games and retro games are different things. They don't attempt to do exactly the same thing. You could try to make a casa about modern remakes but even that isn't the same thing at all.

>> No.556787

Yeah, a console GUI. I personally don't like it much, although I appreciate the runtime options, such as Snes9x-Next's on-the-fly Super FX chip overclock.

>> No.556791

You know what you should call it? Its name.


>> No.556795

I still watch movies on real player one because I feel nostalgia about it

I reduce the quality of BD rips to something as close to VHS quality as possible

I also use sonique to listen to music

>> No.556798

why are you even getting angry about this? jeez

>> No.556802

Totally agree man! My mate was watching some really faggot-ass movie called "Rear Window" by some dud named "hutchcocks". I told him to stop what he was doing immediately and watch the new and improved remake "Disturbia" starring Shia Labeouf, and to stop living in the past. I felt like a goddamn hero.

please note the sarcasm

>> No.556805
File: 11 KB, 449x287, 1354583362534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.556806


Holy shit, now THAT is a blast from the past. Those fucking visual effects, man. Shit blew my 12 year-old mind at the time.

>> No.556808

I hope you run something that adds a small chance of the tape becoming tangled and emulates it properly.

>> No.556809

Why play on an SNES when you can play on a PS3 with RetroArch?

>> No.556810


You now what YOU should do?


>> No.556817

No, it literally loads the RGUI if you open retroarch.exe with no options in 0.9.9-wip1

>> No.556819

>(aside from the recently added in game menu-based RGUI that's like the GUI for the Wii port of RetroArch)

It's still not a GUI in the traditional window toolkit sense, it's more of an in game menu.

>> No.556820

Is there any progress on downgrading/installing CFW without using a hardware flasher?

>> No.556821

wait what, Disturbia was supposed to be a modern Rear Window?

what the fuck really?

>> No.556824


>> No.556825


Yeah, have 3.55 firmware and you can install CFW

>> No.556828

Since we're talking about GUI stuff, it annoys me how the RetroArch updater doesn't tell you much about the core builds it has for download. Sometimes they get updated, but you never fucking know unless you're familiar with the version numbers, if they even have them stated (many do not). They should add a build date tab so users know if their cores need an update or not.

>> No.556835

That has been true for quite a long time. I was asking about progress, that is to say, more recent versions of the console and OFW.

>> No.556836
File: 71 KB, 976x759, retro console GUI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here a picture of it, i didn't even know that lol.

>> No.556841

Nothing new on that front. You still need a downgrader. Sage for non-retro post.

>> No.556851

Looks ZSNES-y

>> No.556875
File: 242 KB, 784x759, batman from a whatever rom pack i could get my hands on it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really liking this new version, i can use all my ghetto roms with it.

And and i can cod many regular emulator stuff with it now.

Was out there seeking a xml cheat database for it, anybody knows where i can found it.

I don't have any idea how it even work after i got one tough.

>> No.556889

>i can cod many

wut? It was do* many regular stuff.

Anyone know were i can see the shortcut key list for it?

>> No.556891

Should be under input, then Misc.

>> No.556893



>> No.556895


The XML cheat database only works for bsnes, the other libretro cores don't have cheat functionality.

Input settings shows all bindings for all controllers and for hotkeys.

>> No.556982


I agree with that.

For now, you can go to http://themaister.net/retroarch-dl/<wbr> to see the build date (or at least the date modified)

>> No.557034

Been fucking around with associations for RetroArch. Been using this set up:
Is there any way to hide the cmd window after launching?

This is really helpful, thanks.

>> No.557052


Does it save core options or do you have to change that each time?

>> No.558773

Nah, it saves the options.

>> No.560258

Add the -D flag to your command.

>> No.560297

RetroArch IS a GUI. It doesn't run anything on its own, it's basically a graphical batch file that opens emulators you already have.

>> No.560314

>third post is someone quoting me
I don't know how I should feel about this.

In any case, I don't really care one way or the other about Higan or byuu's preservation project. It's the same sort of driven obsessiveness that results in people collecting and preserving every issue of TV Guide or some other weird pop culture artifact. It's admirable in a way but I can't help but feel most SNES games simply aren't worth preserving.

>> No.560691

ZSNES is about playing games, higan is about being autistic.

>> No.560965

Is there any reason why it's not using more of my dual core processor? task manager has it at ~30% when there's ~40% available.

>> No.560973

Eh, it plays the more intensive stuff like starfox better, but other than that, yeah. It's a way too fucking much.

>> No.560992


ZSNES does a poor job with certain titles.

I think you really meant SNES9x, and there's nothing wrong with using higan to play games either.

>> No.561050

Yeah, fuck you too.
ZSNES is a buggy mess, and the fact that everyone seems to forget: IT DOESN'T HAVE WIN7 SUPPORT. Snes9x is lagging behind but hopefully it will get better.

>> No.561065

really now? because i'm on win 8 right now, and was on win 7 for a couple of years and i never had a problem with it.

>> No.561071


Never had a problem with it despite all of the well documented bugs?


>> No.561085

Yeah, pretty much. The only odd thing i noticed was the music in Pac man 2 was pretty bad, and some timing issues in some games, other than that, no.

>> No.561129

ZSNES is only good because of it low-cpu usage, but it's a fucking mess otherwise.
Are there any others low-end emulators I can use, I just want to play jrpgs without overheating my emulator, don't care about accuracy in that genre.

>> No.561132

overheating my laptop*

>> No.561139



>> No.561145

I have problems with that one, it runs slower than higan/perfomance. Something with my computer, can't find out what.

>> No.561148


Try it with RetroArch

>> No.561153


Oh and there's two SNES9x cores, one is the regular SNES9x 1.53 and the other SNES9x-Next, a fork of SNES9x 1.52 optimized for speed on low powered devices like consoles and smartphones.

>> No.561202
File: 127 KB, 913x699, pic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used Retroarch, but this core seems to run very well. Thanks! I'll try out other emulators on it that I had trouble with.

>> No.562928



>> No.562972

If the discussion has died down there's no point bumping a dying thread.

>> No.563173


why ?

>> No.563179


If your computer can handle it, use Snes9x core. Snes9x-Next is their speedhack vesrion for low end computers.

>> No.563701


So apparently CEN64 is making progress.

>> No.563784

Did everyone really get butthurt over the game folders thing? I thought it was a great idea that made sense and I wonder why every other emulator isn't at least compatible with it.

>> No.563889


Wait, they can actually pay you money if you fix a bug?

Where do i sign?

>> No.563919

zsnes is assembly shit

>> No.563939

So how is it better than other N64 emulators?

>> No.564048


>> No.564064

That's what I wanted since my laptop is kinda fucked. Didn't see any problems.

>> No.564092

Starting it cycle accurate ensures 100% compatibility.

>> No.564802

Why was my RetroArch thread deleted but this Higan thread is still up?

>> No.564815

Because shitfest

>> No.565098

>Do you agree with the author's focus on cycle-accurate emulation?
Yes. Obviously accuracy is the ultimate goal to strive for if it is achievable while still remaining usable on reasonably up to date hardware.

>> No.565137

>all the hatred that is going to spring up when ZSNES 2.0 (re-written in C++) eventually gets released
Which will almost certainly not happen in our lifetime, if at all.

>which will no doubt be unforgiving to older systems
I'm sure all the people currently running ZSNES on their Pentium IIIs will whip up a shitstorm.

>more accurate than its previous incarnations
Perhaps then it will actually be worth using again.

>> No.565171

>zsnes in C++

Oh hey, it's snes9x, only years behind.

>which will no doubt be unforgiving to older systems
>lel assembly makes it automagically faster and better

If it is written in the shitty way that zsnes currently is, that is full of game-specific speed and compatibility hacks, It'll likely be just as fast as the original, and just as shitty, but the upside is that the code will be much more maintainable and readable.

>more accurate than its previous incarnations

This has to do with the aim of the developers, not in which language it was written in. If the developers are still stuck in zsnesfaggot mode, they'll never leave their shit hole.

There's a reason I say byuu is years ahead of most people in the emulation community.