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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5554218 No.5554218 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on retro GTA?

>> No.5554221

Absolutely love GTA2. Russian hot-dogs and RC taxis FTW.

>> No.5554265
File: 96 KB, 800x1012, 12363-grand-theft-auto-2-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And remember, respect is everything!

>> No.5554296

2 had one of the coolest settings I've seen

>> No.5554303

Damn. Is that just a promo or did the game really come with a free Rockstar pager?

>> No.5554304

First one was great, I only played a demo of the second one on the school computers though.

>> No.5554320
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Honestly not that good. It was only ever relevant because even back then it was pretty edgy for its time. A way better game done in this style that even started out development as a unofficial GTA game is Retro City Rampage. In fact RCR is a pretty fun game and it is also getting a sequel that doesn't seem to really be getting much attention at all. The thing about retro GTA I didn't like the most was its controls didn't feel great and pic related fixed that well and is much more charming on top of that.

>> No.5554332

It was the coolest shit ever now is just crap

>> No.5554339

Salty because Nintendon't fags never got a taste?

>> No.5554340

Yes it did. But only so they could get you on a contract where they charged you per page.

>> No.5554341

>pseudo-pixel art

>> No.5554348

I played it on pc the console version is trash

>> No.5554350

Retro city rampage sucks, some of the platforming segments are obnoxious as hell, gunplay feels limp, and there's a bit too much of an indie game dev weird circle jerk going on. It also relies too much on "us pop culture fans huh?" shtick.
Melee combat and driving feel good though, and some of the power ups are great, RCR2 needs to ditch the cover based shooting and make the guns feel like they're out of contra.

>> No.5554358

Well I thought it was way better than the retro GTA games and was how retro GTA should have played like. Also apparently Shakedown Hawaii comes out tomorrow and I had no idea. Unlike RCR though Shakedown is attempting a 16bit style GTA type of game.

>> No.5554414

Meta game in 1st GTA was the best. You could not retry the mission after failing it, carrying on instead.

>> No.5554464

GTA2 has the best setting, but I don't really like how the difficulty jumps from piss easy straight into hell as soon as you reach second district, it's a great game for mental arcade fun, but honestly a few touches to carve it into a more smooth experience would be nice.

>> No.5554539

git gud faggot

>> No.5554697

I had GTA for Game Boy, and I played it on my Super Game Boy. Pretty comfy.

>> No.5554729


>> No.5554852

This post reads like a literal advertisement.

>> No.5554860
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>got phenomenal ratings.

>> No.5554872

RCR is clunky as hell, it's pretty impressive for a one man project, but beyond that it's a fairly mediocre game with metric ton of references.
Dont at me, dumbfuck.

>> No.5554907

GTA2 has some really schizophrenic difficulty
>green phones are supposed to signify easier missions but they're harder than red phones
>fucking armored cars clash in the first district

>> No.5554936
File: 49 KB, 686x600, 6808_5a7218dd241df1.90978895_PS1_20-_20Grand_20Theft_20Auto_20-_20Collector_27s_20Edition_large_76605c0c-cfad-4ea3-8f9c-e59aaabcdb77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this at goodwill and I still play it a few times a year. Once you adjust to the controls they are all a blast to play.

>> No.5554958
File: 151 KB, 1351x720, image_67161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gta London

>> No.5555002

Really? Didn't mean it that way at all geez. I just wanted to give my thoughts on retro GTA and felt that comparing it to what was originally even going to be an actual GTA fan game at one point made a lot of sense to me. Not trying to shill the game. I just seriously think it is better than retro GTA. If I remember correct the old GTA games didn't even have lock on right? RCR at least does.
I don't see how it is clunky. Compared to retro GTA the controls are way better.

>> No.5555010

I remember the GTA2 camera giving me major motion sickness, the constant zooming in and out while in a car.

>> No.5555053

wtf. Were you playing on a movie theater screen?

>> No.5555061

>Spent like 10 hours looking for the tank on the demo version

>> No.5555073


>> No.5555164

Thanks for this. Got any more?

>> No.5555205

I didn't much care for the early games desu but I think its partly because the first one in the series I played was GTA 3

>> No.5555241

I liked GTA 1 for a while - up until I realized how repetitive and grindy this game gets later on. I guess causing havoc on the streets for no reason gets boring very quickly.
It doesn't help that most of my buddies were obssessed with this game and kept talking about it exclusively long after I stopped giving a fuck about the game.

>> No.5555419

GTA 2 is one of those games I reinstall and play every few years. Great atmosphere and insane missions. Also the rampages never clicked with me in 3D GTAs but are fun in 2D.

>> No.5555437
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>> No.5555492

2 was my first GTA but the top down games never clicked with me, except for Advance and Chinatown Wars. I liked their structure a hell of a lot more.

>> No.5555826

the combat just sucks in 3 and VC, that's why

>> No.5556140

>green phones are supposed to signify easier missions but they're harder than red phones
It never happened. Difficulty is on the spot the whole game.
>fucking armored cars clash in the first district
Completed it several times but I can't remember what mission are you referring too.

>> No.5556278

GTA London has a pretty noice theme song.

>> No.5556346

Loved the top down ones, when it switched to 3d I quit playing. Never really liked it that way.

>> No.5556745


>> No.5556792


>> No.5557392
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GTA was for GBC. Nice lie.

>> No.5557489


"A game that was based on a game made 15 years ago is better than the game it was based on. Also, you've probably never heard of it, it's quite literally retro and super fun"

Fucking zoomer autistic dumb piece of shit

>> No.5558130

more like

Aaaaaaannnnnd remember! Respect is - everything !

>> No.5558169


Had missing content but a controller is the most comfy way to play. I mean, you can use controller on dosbox but is a huge pain in the ass to setup.

>> No.5558183
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>> No.5558308
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Game Boy compatible. Black cart.

>> No.5558816

some of the dearest memories I have of my childhood. Playing this shit in my living room, saturday morning, while mom made breakfast

>> No.5560815

This was one of those games growing up that really took you by surprise. There was nothing else quite like it. Just pure violence for violence sake. It was a neat title, but it has aged horribly and I cant stomach to play it these days.

>> No.5560879

I like both games, but Heist Almighty has to be one of the worst levels I ever played in any videogame, fuck that shit.

>> No.5560880

I want to enjoy them, but the camera is too close for it to be comfortable.

>> No.5560882

That was probably gta 1. gta 2 camera vastly improved

>> No.5560884

You can literaly win the level by just doing the missions. Not grindy at all, unless you want it to be

>> No.5560901

>literally starts with a time limit
what were they thinking

>> No.5560913

>There is another mission which is basically the same as the intro.
>Too much rigged cars.
>Two missions to escape max wanted level where you have to travel to the complete opposite island.
>That rigged 4x4.
>Protect Pablo.
>Relatively hard missions which have a really boring, easy, and pointless start (you pick up a car, lose wanted level, but still have to respray it on the opposite island, a really slow car, for no fucking reason).
>Kill the guys doing the drug deal, but don't need to kill them all, and they don't disappear at the end of the mission, which can seriously screw up the rigged 4x4 and protect pablo missions, since they'll be forever shooting at you.
>As soon as you go pick up the mayoress, and she willingly enters the car, her bodyguards somehow start shooting at you, endangering her, for no fucking reason. Those guys also don't disappear.
>Oh yeah, the rigged 4x4 never blows up the offices, which is not satisfying at all considering what you just went through.

>> No.5560914

Protip: GTA was always 3D.

>> No.5560916

Yeah, some of the GTA1 missions were of "fuck you player" variety. It's not fun replaying missions with arbitrary failstates. I remember that one of the missions I think in GTA1 was " deliver a car from point A to point B. You are on a timer. Oh, and the car has to arrive in a pristine condition. Have fun." Or the mission that was ripping off "Speed". You can't stop, slow down or get out while in a bus - otherwise it explodes. There is constant traffic that blocks your path and slows you down EVERYWHERE. I hated some of those missions.

>> No.5560930

Get a firetruck in san andreas. You don't even know it's timed until you get the messages telling you to hurry up and you eventually fail the mission because all the explosions you caused were not enough to call one of the rarest vehicles of the game in time.
Also, London 1961 is a nightmare. It depends on really tight timers, which rely on your ability to drive to the destination as quick as possible, which in turn relies on traffic. You'd think I'd be common sense to not rely so much on driving in a game where you can't predict what's in front of you, and where, most of the times you can't dodge what's in front of you.

>> No.5561520

get tae fuck

>> No.5561529

>It was only ever relevant because even back then it was pretty edgy for its time
I disagree, I think it's regarded as more edgy today than it used to be. I feel like over the top violent and gory games were everywhere then. Carmeggedon came out the same year

>> No.5561662

Wasn't there literally a mission where you're supposed to suicide bomb a train and the only way you can accomplish this is by losing a life (and all of your guns and other goodies)? Or am I remembering it wrong?

>> No.5561682
File: 2.16 MB, 800x600, pre-nine-eleven game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5561687

wow. GTA is twisted as fuck.

>> No.5561695
File: 2.92 MB, 320x240, san andreas (3).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA1 is excellent

the way above average difficulty makes it all the more satisfying to nail each mission

>> No.5561783

there was one that was exactly the same except you had to leave before it blew up

>> No.5561790

i love how demented the early games are, especially with the announcer.

both games are in dire need of a reverse engineering effort or sourceports

>> No.5561830

Am I the only one seeing some blue and yellow artifacts at a few points at the beginning of the webm?

>> No.5561850
File: 2.82 MB, 800x600, vice city.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that webm is fucked up
rotational velocidensity or something, idk

>> No.5561861

how did he not die in the explosion?

>> No.5561949

Main theme for GTA 1 was badass, I guess.
So badass, they brought it back for GTA 3.

>> No.5561961

it was actually all over most if not all GTA games
>ice cream tune in GTA2, GTA3, GTAVC, ...
>pager tone in GTA3
>commodore music in GTAVC intro video
>"Pager" ringtone in GTAIV
and probably a few more instances

>> No.5561969

gta1 and 2 have the most underrated /vr/ soundtracks

>> No.5561970
File: 2.99 MB, 400x300, mission failed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

person doesn't die while in the animation of exiting the vehicle

you can see it happen all the time if you machinegun a car with a driver inside, he will exit right at the point your bullets blow up the car and will run away

>> No.5561974
File: 2.94 MB, 400x300, 4 heads.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eternally a favorite


>> No.5561979

And people wonder why the US is totally fucked with niggers, criminals, and school shooters.

>> No.5561982

That's a good mission in my opinion though, since there's really not a way to fail. Just leave it for the end of the level.

>> No.5561983

There is a mission in Vice City where you kill the president, if I'm not mistaken

>> No.5562008

2 felt like a proper grungy 90s/00s cyberpunk city setting. It kept it really "near future" without going too "cutting edge" like laser beams, hex grids, and glowing neon TRON stripes everywhere. Cyberpunk is different from sci-fi in that cyberpunk is supposed to be nestled right into the uncanny valley: Everything should look immediately familiar at first, until that peak of ground-level future tech makes you go "hey, wait a minute... this is actually a weird perverted facsimile of what I'm familiar with!", like the classic scene of a waifish stripper who removes her clothing to reveal metal plates, wires, tubes, or open circuitry embedded in her flesh. You are reminded that it's only the near future but things have already changed so much.

>> No.5562364



>> No.5562371


>> No.5562379

gta2 feels a lot like 80s sci-fi movies

it reminds me of a paul verhoeven movie.

>> No.5562385

>when you push cars off that open highway bridge in san andreas and they spin before exploding

>> No.5562630

I used to lan party with GTA2. It was tons of fun. Funny that it lagged over ethernet though.

>> No.5562671

I am amazed I made this many of you mad. I don't get it. Well the ship has sailed for these style of GTA games to become a thing long ago anyways so its not like you have to worry about some retro games stealing your precious GTA's thunder or anything lol. I'll keep enjoying my better GTA clones instead.

>> No.5563042

RCR isn't retro. Maybe you should stop being a faggot and just git gud at the original games instead of playing a gay knockoff that doesn't even belong on this board. Otherwise >>>/v/

>> No.5563070

lel this

>> No.5564654

You are mistaken, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.5564675

Don't see this posted yet, what a travesty: https://gtaforums.com/topic/860039-grand-theft-auto-max-pack-a-complete-pack-ala-gog/

>> No.5564689

Checking it out, although that Steam bug for GTA 1 might have been fixed because it doesn't crash anymore for me on Windows 10. Although the radio is still fucked for some reason.

>> No.5565716

This thread made me check out GTA2 on pc and I’m loving it but does anyone have any suggestions on setting controls or do I just have to get used to it? I’m using WASD to move and it’s alright most of the time but once I start driving from the top down it completely throws me off

>> No.5566059



>> No.5566369

You could get joy2key and reconfigure the keys like that cause I don't remember keyboard options for GTA2 on PC. It's definitely nice to play it with a controller so I would recommend J2K anyway.

>> No.5566526

Use the debug menu, NumPad + and - lets you adjust camera height.

>> No.5566543




>> No.5566548

controller+xpadder - native PS1 controlls are best.
on pc I use wsad, space-handbrake, alt-alt, ctrl-fire, f-vehicle, q,e-scroll weps.

>> No.5566601

>fucking armored cars clash in the first district
>Completed it several times but I can't remember what mission are you referring too.
One of the last downtown jobs where you have to blow up a few Yakuza cars with bomb rigged cars, they wouldn't blow up otherwise.
Actually a very easy mission when you know about the car bombs.

>> No.5566605

literally the only difficult thing, in hindsight, is the 3rd tier enemy weapons of SRS scientists and Hare Krishna - the flamethrower. And even then there's one simple trick they'll hate you for knowning - jumping.

Of course dumbass me 10 years old playing the Temple Massacre on PS1 couldn't handle that.

>> No.5566617

I always kept Krishna respect up with their car crusher because of those flamethrower fucks.

>> No.5566925

GTA 2 config lets you adjust controls, it's a separate application that comes with the game.

>> No.5566945

I was just looking at the files again and you're right, there's an application where you can change settings like controls, language and internet play (I don't know how many people could run the windows version of GTA2 online nowadays but that's a different matter).

>> No.5567018

theres a whole active community playing gta2
gta2 gamehunter or something
it's fucking competitive though, you'll get rocketlauncher'd from half off screen like a gitgud noob
from what I remember

>> No.5567726






>> No.5567735

genuinely really fucking difficult to get as a bonus

all the elvis impersonators just run off as soon as you get on the sidewalk with your car

>> No.5567746

it is. without Furore GT or similar, they'll bail like chicken

best fun is to get them all with flamethrower or rocket launcher when they're bunched up. Hard, but extra satisfying.

>> No.5567751

I remember trying out 2 at a friend's house and the low draw distance made it unplayable to me, >git gud

>> No.5568145

GTA 2 is really good. A lot of people also don't understand that gta 2 was almost as much as a leap from gta as gta III was a leap from gta 2, and that it added a lot of elements which make up modern gta

>> No.5568916
File: 58 KB, 517x389, 1234931504682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the last mission for heist almighty, ready to go finally finish the level. Then I accidentally pressed the windows key. The game crashed when you alt tab or press the windows key and then go back, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5568932
File: 284 KB, 1098x667, gta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5569704


>> No.5569708

Incidentally, I loved Carmageddon and thought GTA sucked. I loved GTA3 because it brought the best elements of Carmageddon to the GTA series.

>> No.5569732

Hit the nail on the head.

>> No.5569771

A lot of films and games that rely too much on reference end up without own identity.

Kung Fury *cough*

>> No.5569886

It's literally GBC cart you cockgobbling mongoloid

>> No.5570234

have a little brother that's been playing this game on a old computer and been playing for it that feels like a year at this point. me included because gta 2 is my first gta.

>> No.5570265

Black cart Gameboy Color titles can be played on GB and GBC. See: Wario Land 2

>> No.5570359

Has anyone fixed the bug where the cutscenes get dumped as raw TGA files and slow your comp down to a crawl?

>> No.5570526


>> No.5570529

I love how the German version removed all female portraits among other things

>> No.5570531


>> No.5570536

Controls like ass

>> No.5570676

They would be fantastic if the controls worked like Hotline Miami

>> No.5570841

What? The controls are perfect

>> No.5570850


>> No.5570852

one of the composers released higher quality versions of some of the songs on soundcloud
wish we could get all of them to do it

>> No.5571732

Wow, I thought it was specifically made for the game, does that mean the music for 2 and 3 licensed?

>> No.5572465

there's like 4 licensed tracks in 2

everything in 3 except lips and head radio is licensed but its rather obscure

>> No.5572639
File: 76 KB, 800x600, GTA_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked the classics more than when they started having a perspective behind the character.
There was something about that aesthetic of top down view in a city with geometrically perfect streets that I loved.

>> No.5572703

Anon come on, the game is great but don't lie like this

>> No.5572705

they're only awful in 1 with how the cars handle

>> No.5572903
File: 311 KB, 963x1375, Residential.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GTA2 was the first one I've played. Too much to write of how I love to play this game from time to time. And that's the problem, because when I had opportunity to try GTA1 later I was seriously turned off by clunky control and frame rates.
- As for GTA1 is there any way to make this game more fluid?

As for GTA 2, let me tell you about one thing anons:
Residential District
Oh boy, the pinnacle of map design which features a couple great stuff:
- A lots of rooftops, some to be accessed with car jumping
- Wang Cars - a secret cars hidden in variety of places
- A street passage above Redneck's land allowing to access Zaibatsu land.
- Tank stealing mission
- That prison mission
- That RC Taxi mission
- That Firefighter with flamethrower
- That Zaibatsu mission infiltrating Scientist through unused railroad track.
I kinda hated how the rest of the maps did not manage to reach that level. The only exception is the "Crazy part" of map three.

>> No.5572941

i thought they were okay but 3 was pretty much where the series began.

probably because it felt like a news chopper following you if you were in a police chase.

>> No.5573091

they literally call it the "OJ cam" in the manual IIRC

>> No.5573105
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>giphy (19).gif

>> No.5573108

Pls respond

>> No.5573153

>- As for GTA1 is there any way to make this game more fluid?
you could try playing with frame limiter off and then locking the framerate at 40-60 by some other means (e.g. setting cycles in DOSBox)

but it will speed up the game

>> No.5573231
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This game.

>> No.5573493


>> No.5573512
File: 11 KB, 480x269, GTA_3_-_Rise_FM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love rise fm

>> No.5573585

Not retro, not released yet, not good

>> No.5573881

Well, that's true. But gta 2 fixed it.

>> No.5573886

That's already out, it's called Shakedown Hawaii.