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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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5560935 No.5560935 [Reply] [Original]

What's the proper way of playing this? I tried dosbox but it's too fast and fixes don't work.

>> No.5560938

Works on my machine ;)

>> No.5560940

GOG version works great.

Did you try to play with the cycle count or different core type?

>> No.5560947

But Anon, I AM playing the GOG version. I even looked up the guide for high cycles there.
What do you mean by "different core type"? I'm not wery knowledgable in PC stuff.

>> No.5560950

Then why are you using a PC? If you don't know how to use a Computer than you should be on a Mac.

>> No.5560956

It's the only thing I have. I've just never bothered with learning it deeper, and now it's biting me in the ass.

>> No.5561060

put clock speed lower

>> No.5561068

Got it. Theres a new port:

>> No.5561167

You can change dosbox's speed. It that isn't working you're likely doing it wrong.

>> No.5561174

Literally dosbox, I don't understand what problem you're having with it

>> No.5561178

Was a while ago, but I recall you could play around with DOSBox's CPU cycles to get it to (mostly) behave.

GOG version lacks the foreign languages, doesn't matter to most people, but it matters to me.

Like a sourceport?

>> No.5561249

Yeah. It can use either the original CD data or from installed GOG version with 0 dosbox fuckery.

>> No.5561270

Do you have a link to its homepage or something? I want to look at its documentation and features first.

>> No.5561292

I don't know if it has a home page, I found it on GOG forums:

>> No.5561671


>> No.5563829


>> No.5564393

It's not a great fix, but the original game actually has a built in speed control if you press the + and - keys on the main keyboard while in a mission. Of course that means you will still have the start of each mission running at insane speeds as well as the menu screens, but hey, it does work!

>> No.5564421


PM'd you the fix ;)

>> No.5564424

It's playable on dosBox, source: Myself. You just have to decrease the "cycles", how much power is given to emulating the game (something like that). It's something like CTRL+F12 or F11

>> No.5566707
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1462894219214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>swedish language pack

>> No.5566729

Next on the line to 404 is Sweden itself.

>> No.5566735
File: 80 KB, 600x607, smoke-duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, anon, I know.

>> No.5566801


>> No.5566982


>> No.5568871

I ain't clickin that shit neggah.