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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5555891 No.5555891 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever pirated a game and then called the developers to rub it in their faces?


>> No.5555914

totally rebel based

>> No.5555924
File: 1.12 MB, 809x1244, mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5555965

neat, would also belong here if it were just a little older

>> No.5555968

I'd send them some dogshit or maybe a letter bomb.

>> No.5555973
File: 2.15 MB, 1700x2200, Bill_Gates_Letter_to_Hobbyists_1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5555995

look at this stupid motherfucker who doesn't know anything that can be shared for free is just fucking free period

>> No.5556058

I was gonna posted there too but I realized it's not an 80's video game.

>> No.5556064

Lee Felsenstein said that the main reason Microsoft BASIC became the industry standard was everyone pirating it, even though it wasn't the only or even the best microcomputer BASIC around at that time.

>> No.5556071

>I'd send the FBI a letter bomb

>> No.5557690

A true artist would be happy to hear somebody is enjoying their work whether they paid for it or not. And if they view it as a commercial product rather than art then it's probably not worth paying for in the first place.

>> No.5557704

That’s actually really funny.
Chances are though that the person with the pirated ROM was just a dumb fan with no self-awareness, not someone trying to stick it in the craw of the developer.

>> No.5557746

The game was published by Pony Canyon/FCI, and to my knowledge they were never behind anything good.

>> No.5557759

Pirates are nigger tied.

>> No.5557761

You forget to start your post with
>In my head,

>> No.5557763

Nigger tied? You need to work on your English, Pablo.

>> No.5557783

based. theres a good screen cap of some 14 year old telling xseed they are going to pirate their game.

>> No.5557820

Not intentionally. I had a modchipped PSX thanks to my uncle being a hardcore pirate since the mid 90's. Everytime I went to visit he had another stack of PSX games for me. One day in October 2001, Syphon Filter 3 was in the stack. I started playing and my dumb ass got stuck on the second level. Costa Rica rainforest, shooting people in a jungle. There's a minefield, and you need a mine detector to get through. I had ran right by it and couldn't find it. So what do I do? Hop online and head to the official forums to ask for assistance.
"Hay, I'm stuck on lvl 2, where's the mine detector?"
"What mine detector? Where are you?"
"The jungle, there's this minefield."
"There's nothing like that in Syphon Filter 2."
"No, this is 3."
"3 hasn't been released yet."
At that point I realized my stupid ass had just admitted to piracy on official forums. I left and never went back. I had no idea my uncle had been getting the occasional release before it was out. After that, I checked the release date BEFORE asking for assistance online.

>> No.5557821


>prevent good software from being written
He had a point there. They never did make any good software. But the fact that he made squillions selling shit software despite all that piracy basically proves the "muh piracy costs sales" canard to be a lie.

>> No.5557826

Yeah, these devs can fuck off with their entitlement. They should be grateful anyone bothered to play their kusoge.

>> No.5557830

>give me more royalties!

>> No.5557882

Everyone probably just thought you were a troll and forgot about it. Some might actually remember your post when 3 came out and think you were a cool insider. But probably not a pirate. Even then, there's always the MY UNCLE WORKS AT SONY excuse.

>> No.5557970

I remember reading this story before. Are you the same guy who wrote the original post or has this become copypasta (considering it's the internet I suppose it's the latter)?

>> No.5557981

What a smug dickhead. The game looks like total shit aside from the Japanese art.

>> No.5558061

Reported to FBI

>> No.5558067

Pirates are cancer

Death to all anal buccaneers

>> No.5558068

I as a pirate still exist whereas most of the companies I've stolen from over the years don't.

>> No.5558069

People like you put my small company out of business because why code when there is no return.

I wish for modern copy protection that actually can damage hardware or data if triggered.

>> No.5558073

Falseflaggers, please. As if piracy is that detrimental for developers nowadays or that pirates only pirate. Maybe you should spend less time in agonizing threads on this site and talk more to people who don't LARP about this.

>> No.5558074

Nobody would ever buy a game with such protection for the small chance that it will have a false positive and ruin a rig.

And after all that crack scene will still crack it since they are in it not for games or "free spirit", but for a challenge, releases are just for cred outside of the scene.

The company that does it will end up with shitton of negative PR, next to no sales, and their game still being played by pirates.

>> No.5558081

I don't do games, I develop plugins and graphics software. I didn't get degree for this. I want all pirates to burn.

>> No.5558083

I bet you pirated music or graphics at some point, even if unknowingly.
Burn yourself.
Preferably in public place.

>> No.5558097

The real reason Nintendo hates piracy so much is because I've been terrorizing Miyamoto for years with taunts on his voicemail about how much I've stolen from them. He changes his number constantly but I always find him.

>> No.5558105

Here's a short read from a cracker who has fun circumventing copy protection


>> No.5558115

>muh anarchy
Choke to death on a cock.

>> No.5558117
File: 12 KB, 560x203, 1495753960166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how clueless they were. Gaben made history when he called piracy a "service problem". Software isn't a product. It's not a good. It's information. Expecting software to follow the same economics as goods is stupid and futile.
Humans will never identify copying with stealing, because when you copy something you know you don't own it. You own the physical media of the copy, not the information you copied. You instinctively know that information has no physical value. It's worth ZERO physical goods in exchange.
The correct way to get money in exchange for information is something like Patreon. Because then you're selling the service of producing the information directly, rather than the information itself. Instead of paying per-copy, you're paying a service provider. Patreon and Steam are big because they're a better economic model for the digital age.

>> No.5558159

Assuming this isn't copypasta like the other guy said, don't remember the name of the forum do ya?

>> No.5558197

Never. Burn all pirates.

Burn. Criminal.

>> No.5558198

>i accidentally teh entire leet haxor

>> No.5558201

Software is a good. Pirates must receive death penalty.

>> No.5558226

Goods can be intangible. It's definitely something like a service problem though.

With the advent of streaming lots of kids don't know how to pirate media anymore. They're used to being spoonfed by subscription services, aside from the occasional hacker kid that uses 123movies and sits through ads every 10 minutes.

>> No.5558294

So naive.

What's your social security #, anon? What's your credit card info? Go ahead and retain all this information for yourself, just share it with me because to you information has no value.

>> No.5559870

Same guy.

No fucking clue, it was back in 2001 and I wasn't really a regular, I just joined to ask the question. I can't even remember the name of the forum I actually did hang out at back then. I spent more time in Direct Connect hubs than forums.