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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 55 KB, 1024x584, 1_1jdVO5P3i_5djq34kuKxAw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5550391 No.5550391 [Reply] [Original]

Any other Chad boomers out there? What are you guys playing lately? NTSC only, and no weeb shit.

>> No.5550395

Just played all of the Strike Series on Genesis and Air strike patrol on SNES.

>> No.5550415
File: 954 KB, 1600x1200, 20190505_045511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Chadstlevania IV
Beat it twice in a row including 2nd loop

>> No.5550470

cringe post

>> No.5550517

Enjoy your interlacing, retard.

>> No.5550519

PAL or bust, pal.

>> No.5550521

Enjoy your 50hz slow games for retards, retard

>> No.5550525

Are you confusing a colour standard with a frequency? What a retard.

>> No.5550536

imagine calling yourself a "chad boomer"
what are you like
25 at best?
if you don't lift to the Castlevania 4 simon theme get the fuck out of my face

>> No.5550569

Cunt my SNES has a 60hz switch, it’s chad AF

>> No.5550576

You can take that switch, turn it sideways, and shove it up your ass. Even needing a switch for superior 60hz is anti chad, you euroscum.

>> No.5550584

>Castlevania 4
I like your style anon, but get your timeline straight

>> No.5550587


I played Contra 3 today

the yuropleb b8 worked

>> No.5550603
File: 300 KB, 1536x1536, 11083752_1424707831164847_8082648436033104315_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think that every single PAL game is slower than its NTSC counterpart then phew boy.

>> No.5550607
File: 1.26 MB, 920x575, kotr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been getting destroyed in this game

>> No.5550614

it's perfectly justifiable for me to say this because i see 20 year old acquaintances with a monster sippy calling each other boomers wearing sunglasses, when they still get bossed around by their girlfriends
people will LARP as anything these days

>> No.5550641

These days, Quake Live. I know it's not /vr/ but it's alright.

>> No.5550675

It's not our fault that Nintendo, SEGA and other companies were lazy fucks who didn't not want to put any effort into optimizing games for the PAL region. They just wanted to cash in.

>> No.5550795

I'm going to have to ask you to play against the two dozen psychotic BRs and vodkas who still play quake 3 or gtfo.

>> No.5550817

you think PAL isn't interlaced?

>> No.5550819

Weeb shit is NTSC too.

>> No.5550826

I've been playing Tales of Vesperia. on my Switch.

>> No.5550838

No, why do you think I said that?

>> No.5550841


This post implies that NTSC means interlacing. That is wrong

>> No.5550845

If you want 60 fields per second it needs to be.

>> No.5550846


>> Modifies his console to play glorious 60hz.

Why would one have to do this if PAL is superior like europoors like to shill?

>> No.5550851

Recently played through Shinobi 3, the best in its series. Some prefer the first Genesis title, and it is a more challenging game, but to me the joy of gaming isn't just challenge but also flow. Shinobi 3 has more flow than the vast majority of the 16-bit library, it feels sooo good to play.

>> No.5551195
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Last thing I played was Twisted Metal 2 with my boy. He has never played it before. Needless to say it went over big.

>> No.5551212
File: 15 KB, 320x224, gradius2-arcade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an old millennial in my mid 30s. I really have no business still posting on 4chan, but I find it hard to believe that anyone here is really a boomer. Unless you're intellectually and emotionally stunted.

You should check out Shadow Dancer if you haven't already.

>> No.5551213

Nip games are ntsc you fucking brainlet

>> No.5551296

>I really have no business still posting on 4chan
what makes you think that? where else is there to go? Facebook?
Zoomers use other social media, 4chan is rather old.

>> No.5551346

Haven't been playing much recently.

I played minecraft after the new update for a bit, but got bored.
I'm waiting for underrail's expedition expansion to drop (SOON).
I tried playing fallout nevada this week, I don't like it.
I played new vegas for the first time a couple months ago, played it for two weeks and haven't touched it since.
Downloaded horn of the abyss to try it out; it's fine but I'm not into it right now.
Replayed bg1 as an unoptimized solo character; it was fun but it always drags after getting to the city, especially since you hit exp cap by then.
I had a bg2 run I stopped at suldanesselar last year, so I finished bg2 and got just past gromnir before quitting it again.

Really I'm just dying for expedition.

>> No.5551416
File: 505 KB, 1500x1500, boomers-adventure-in-asmik-world-338053.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5551495

How many chicks have you banged?

>> No.5551523

played metal slug with my nephew a few days ago

>> No.5551525
File: 15 KB, 512x448, Boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5551575
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Lately been replaying doom. Just beat the four episodes of doom 1, next stop doom 2. Then, TNT followed by plutonia and finally the master levels.

Meanwhile also playing the diablo 1 HD mod called belzebub.

>> No.5551583

P.T.O 2 and Final Fight CD.

>> No.5551585

I love yoomers. Their larping is so endearing and adorable.

>> No.5551792

>what makes you think that?
Seriously? Intelligent discourse is few and far between on this board, much less this site. /vr/ is no more safe from it than any other board. Lately we have no less than half a dozen threads hijacked by /v/pol/ shitters every day.

>> No.5551813

>enjoy your good thing

>> No.5552591

How is such limited bandwidth a good thing?

>> No.5552615

Not the best beat em up ever, but I have a soft spot for it.
I swear I have that game, one sec.

>> No.5552617

Nope, I might be remembering it because it was the ONE GAME I ever rented for Game Boy.

>> No.5552701
File: 3.15 MB, 1400x1039, 1554425635207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So based on your main childhood era here, are you Gen X, Millennial, or Zoomer?

>> No.5552708

Late millenial, but because I lived in Moldova until 15, I've consumed entertainment from Le TV box such as Inspector Gadget, TMNT, DuckTales, Space Jam, etc when i was 5-10 or so
I mean Moldova kinda invented electricity in 1988

>> No.5552715

God, shut the fuck up
Your post is the only thing /pol/ related I've seen on /vr/ today.
Just because you get triggered easily doesn't mean 4chan doesn't have the most honest discussion out there.

>> No.5552717

Core millennial, the best time to be a kid.

>> No.5552787

Early Gen X here. Can't wait to boot up the ol' Odyssey and play some space invaders or whatever later.

>> No.5553032
File: 390 KB, 1024x1365, kotr-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the best beat em up ever, but I have a soft spot for it.
Not the best but it's right up there with the best. Tough as nails but really rewarding to play.

>> No.5553093

Get lost, punk

>> No.5553343

Typical european. Just let the rest of the world fix all your problems while you literally contribute nothing.

>> No.5553428

You mean American? If you didn't enforce Japan to put up with your shit systems the whole entertainment world wouldn't have to suffer.

>> No.5554334

I think we had the most magical formative years, but I envy core gen x overall for experiencing the 16 bit transition to the fullest. Being young in early 2000s was great, but seeing the downfall of gaming so young probably made me much too jaded. That said, what a moment it was when you finally move on from handmedowns and get your own cutting edge 3D enabled console.

>> No.5554347

Notice how less crammed and detailed it gets as you go further back? You can tell a zoomer made this.

>> No.5554367

Nope, people who grew up with the N64 marks the creation of a generation of people that couldn't hande arcade gameplay and needed easy hand holdy games.

>> No.5554372

There was objectively less stuff back then though.

>> No.5554379

>not lifting to the Castlevania 1 ost

>> No.5554452


Other anon here. Will give it a try, but currently I'm lifting to Doom soundtrack.

>> No.5554630
File: 36 KB, 200x200, wa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worms Armageddon Online.

>> No.5554761

based, chadpilled

>> No.5554796

bad game go play cv3
fuck off smashfaggot baby
this but kind of unironically
why not lift to the quake soundtrack, jim?

>> No.5554840

Madden 95 and some miller lite.

>> No.5554883

I played CV3 just yesterday actually, Trevor-only.

>> No.5554890

also, IV is not a bad game, you just have meme e-celeb taste.

>> No.5554963

Has anyone actually seen a zoomer cosplaying as a 30 year old boomer?

>> No.5554993

Born in 88, but in terms of what I associate with childhood, a bit of "Late Gen X" (NES, Inspector Gadget, and Oregon Trail, thought to be fair Oregon Trail probably extends well beyond that block for many people since I was playing it on elementary school computers in the mid-90s), then primarily the top right plus the bottom left, and maybe a potion of the next square.

>> No.5555003

Master of Orion and Master of Magic are great games to play on mobile.

Any similar games to play on a cellphone? I tried Darklands and that was a huge mistake.

>> No.5555272

I think the pic's referring mostly to the apple ii version of oregon trail, not the later ones with fancy graphics

>> No.5555274

*cracks open and pours some white monster for his homies*

>> No.5555615

>Sad zoomer

>> No.5556592

I can't remember which version I first played in school, but it was definitely one of the simpler ones. In 5th grade I think we got either Oregon Trail 2 or Yukon Trail on the school computers, which did have fancier graphics.

>> No.5556607

actually n64 was very arcade-centric, had many racing titles, one of the major partners was Williams.
Also very few rpgs.

>> No.5556681

I give your mom the slow dicking to Hill Top Zone on loop every third Saturday.

>> No.5556687

based, boomerpilled

>> No.5558260
File: 235 KB, 400x505, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Castlevania chad reporting in. I am playing Castlevania Bloodlines at the moment. /m\

>> No.5558425
File: 43 KB, 561x661, 25399097_179787246090826_8515920752462389898_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never touched smash
what were you trying to do there?

>> No.5559184


That chart is bullshit. Early Gen X here. And i didn't play console games till Early Millennnial/ 16-bit era.

>> No.5559204

Am I the only one who finds the boomer meme on /vr/ redundant?

>> No.5559756

>Early Gen X here
>Early Millennnial/ 16-bit era
So you use millennialspeak because you got into gaming late and totally not because you're a millennial who believes millennials that at 1990?

>> No.5560304

That's the thing. Make your own goddamn entertainment and stop leaching off of us and japan. Lazy cunts

>> No.5560375

Late Gen X/Early Millennial
Born in ‘85. First console was the NES. Still remember renting TLoZ from the video store and eating Nintendo cereal.

>> No.5560498
File: 495 KB, 793x880, B5A3B6EA-6D10-4BC7-9884-B12C75B8B3BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NTSC only, and no weeb shit.
guess you’re not a chad, then

>> No.5560507

chads aren't even aware that japan is a country

>> No.5560551

>100% millennial by any standard
Just saying

>> No.5560554

i got some new psx games on the modded box like frontmission3 and afew others i might play soon

>> No.5560560
File: 298 KB, 1280x1024, Konachan.com - 10586 paladin ragnarok_online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this,

>> No.5562189

>Late gen x
>Born 85
Come on, you were 1-4 years old in that era and shitting your diapers and probably don't have many conscious memories from it.

>> No.5562310

In fairness, there was some more bleedover than that would suggest with something like the NES, given the lifespan of the console. I'm sure many mid/late 80s kids were gifted new NES games and rented them from the video store despite stuff like the SNES releasing relatively early in their childhoods.

>> No.5562964
File: 483 KB, 500x436, 4F2B9CCD-8BB7-4B92-A20B-78C6F87F3DDE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoomer here. I can’t wait for the day that all of the boomers are gone from this board. :^)

>> No.5562986

There are no boomber here ya dumb shit

>> No.5564705

True but someone born in 85 probably won't remember the other shit like Reagan and 80s culture

>> No.5564813

They don't need to remember. Youtube can tell them what to think about anything.

>> No.5565368

cringe and zoomerpilled

>> No.5565481

Lol, you're gay.

>> No.5565690
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>> No.5565782

discord iz leet haxor shit mang even muh llennials not gi dat shit

>> No.5565786

Beaten Comix Zone for the first time, feels good man.

>> No.5565790

"chad boomer" is a dumb meme

>> No.5565793

>mid 30s
choose one

>> No.5566378

A lot of pc engine shit, mostly nextzr

>> No.5566414

Genuinely based. I was emulating Desert Strike on my Wii the other day.

>> No.5566508
File: 260 KB, 731x310, 2004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So was 2004 the year where the 90s (culturally) ended? I know people say 9/11, but 2002-2003 pop culture still felt THE SAME as 1998-2001 pop culture despite being post-9/11.

2004 had changes that screamed "the 00s culture is here" and the late 90s influences were fully dead:

>Nick and Cartoon Network cancelled all the 90s shows
>The re election of Bush
>Approval ratings of Iraq began to dip
>Movies like Team America began to come out that were disillusioned with the American Dream
>People began to get over 9/11 and the "Bush is stupid" schtick began
>The Rock retired and WWE begun transitioning to Cena and Batista
>Emo overtaking nu metal
>Crunk rap overtaking glam rap
>Myspace getting popular
>Web 2.0 coined
>Friends finale
>Laguna Beach started
>Release of Nintendo DS
>Broadband overtook dial up for the first time
>Eminem fell off
>Green Day changed their sound with American Idiot
>Last full year of 6th gen gaming, before 360 came out next year

If Bush never took his second term, would the late 90s stuff have lasted past 2004?

>> No.5566674

millennials + reality + math = lol

>> No.5566689

nope it was 2001, first the bullshit election when bush got elected, then ecw and wcw dying, then finally 9/11

>> No.5566694

kys faggot

>> No.5566756

Brutal Doom with random wads

>> No.5566757

and before that Diablo 2 and 1

>> No.5566849

it's weird that I also think of 2004 as the last of those years, but for literally none of those reasons
we're probably seeing different sides of the same thing though