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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5546718 No.5546718 [Reply] [Original]

We're finally seeing the demand for retro games drop and the bubble finally showing signs of inflation.

>> No.5546728
File: 62 KB, 400x400, BREAKINGNEWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brah, we've been noticing this trend for at least a year now.

>> No.5546746
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>implying that's a good thing

>> No.5546752

who cares lol

>> No.5546760

whats been happening? just price drops?
I stopped buying games since it's been such a sperg fest

>> No.5546773

t. reseller

>> No.5546780

Is "bubble" the single most invariably incorrectly used word on 4chan? This entire site thinks EVERYTHING is a "bubble".

>> No.5546786

Nah, that'd be "decimate," the single most misused word in the English language.

>> No.5546787 [DELETED] 

I've been noticing it with N64 games, lots of CIB games going for around 40-50 Canadian now, used to be just carts going for that much!
But at the same time I've been noticing gamecube going up in price and some rarer PS2 games have skyrocketed compared to a couple of years ago

>> No.5546790

Flash carts. (^:

>> No.5546801 [DELETED] 

>Fag carts

>> No.5546812

ps2 is going up
xbox has gone up compared to where it was a few years ago
7th gen will probably go start going up in 2-3 years
8th gen will do nothing since it's mostly digital
the nostalgia wave is just moving

>> No.5546815

>the nostalgia wave is just moving
This is such a Reddit answer.

>> No.5546817

This lol

You live in a bubble!

>> No.5546818 [DELETED] 

I remember back in the early 2000's Atari 2600 was HUGE, seeing a CIB Atari game was awesome they were always kept behind the counter.
Now? They're gathering dust on the shelf, nobody cares about Atari shit anymore. NES is gonna be the next victim of this cycle, zoomers who grew up playing gamecube are old enough to have the disposable income to collect now, I see it at my retro a lot, kids coming in screaming OH MY GOD THEY HAVE GAMECUBE

>> No.5546821


I doubt if casuals even understand how to set up Flash carts, let alone obtain ROMs. The more likely cause would be the frequent re-releasing of retro games through services like Steam and Virtual Console, not to mention the sudden insurgence of dedicated micro consoles like the NES Classic Edition.

>> No.5546825 [DELETED] 

He's not wrong though,
Atari was crazy back in the day, now it's cheap as chips
NES, SNES and N64 all seemed to come at once for some reason now I'm noticing prices go down a lot. I've seen big games at the retro that used to go for $60 plus are $30 now.
I remember in school the preppy kids playing on emulators on their MacBook in class, emulators to me will always be normie shit

>> No.5546831

Atari stuff was never valuable because those games are only fun for about 5 minutes.

>> No.5546834

why? I've seen nes go down and n64 go up over the past few years, it's pretty evident that this shit is going to trend with younger generations aging.
Snes seems to be an exception

>> No.5546839 [DELETED] 

Nah, I can remember back then from 2005-2010 they were pretty expensive, especially since you could get N64 games for like $15 and NES for $10.
compared to how ridiculous game prices are today, Atari seemed cheap but back then it was pricy, at least to me as a student since I only got $10 for lunch and a pack of smokes already took $5 out of that

>> No.5546840 [DELETED] 

I've actually seen N64 go down, but N64 always seemed ridiculously cheap in the states compared to Canada to me.

>> No.5546843

>Snes seems to be an exception

SNES was such a complicated situation outside of Japan. Although the console could be found in many households, games seem to have been sparsely printed, and retailed at ridiculous prices with few if ever any price drops. I believe I owned approximately 3 games in the 15+ years I had an SNES. One of those games was the pack-in Super Mario World. Most of my experience with SNES games was through rental stores, because the games were just too fucking expensive the entire time.

The N64 was a similar ordeal. The only way I was able to score one was buying a used console from a pawn shop several years after it was released. And I still wasn't able to afford very many games for it.

>> No.5546850

Honestly if just one big retard on youtube makes a video gloating about his retro game collection, the demand will skyrocket once more. Gen Z is so manipulable, they will do and say whatever their idol does.

>> No.5546852
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>> No.5546854

Your entire life exists in a bubble, fatass.

>> No.5546857

>xbox has gone up compared to where it was a few years ago
As it should, the OG Xbox is awesome and I hope its audience keeps growing. It's some of the best of what that generation had to offer. I never owned one back when it was new because I was 12 and had PS2 like everyone else, but I picked one up a few weeks ago to softmod and drop a larger HDD in and it's been awesome. Playing the hell out of games like Stubbs and Otogi.
But I better shut the fuck up about it cause not /vr/.

>> No.5546858

You could be right, I have everything I want for it so I stopped checking eBay.
I've just noticed it getting more expensive at my local game stores and flea markets

>> No.5546859
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>> No.5546865

sega does what nintendont

>> No.5546868 [DELETED] 

It's just my observation, but I've noticed things are priced differently in Canada and the states, Panzer dragon Saga typically goes here for the same price as in the states, except in CAD so if you're an American buying it from Canada you save money because of the exchange rate.
Consoles are dirt cheap in the states compared to here though

>> No.5546871

What's great about that is that the Super Nintendo version of that game is terrible and the Genesis version is passable.

>> No.5546872

The people who played vintage games as kids and lost them, or always wanted them, grew up and got jobs and were finally able to buy them. Now that they have, most of the demand there will ever be has been quenched. Nintendo tapes are going the way of Atari carts.

>> No.5546873

The Genesis Boogerman is better anyway.

>> No.5546874

It sounds cool :-)

>> No.5546878

>time doesn't pass
Not even going to give you a brainlet image.

>> No.5546881


This shit gets on my nerves. I'm content just to stick with SNES emulation and say fuck it to resellers.

The SNES is overrated anyway. NoA's content policies fucked up overseas releases so severely that you'd need to use ROM hacks or retranslations to get a more authentic experience.

>> No.5546886

I quite honestly think the Genesis had a more interesting library especially in terms of arcade ports.

>> No.5546890
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>> No.5546892

>The SNES is overrated anyway.
Its library definitely is. So much garbage on SNES. I always felt that NES and Genesis on average had more games actually worth playing compared to SNES, but I can't deny the SNES library's high points.

>> No.5546893

its my favorite console to collect for. I found phantom crash at a yard sale for $1 in 2015 and went from there. There's some real good and really weird shit in that library.

>> No.5546894
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Surprisingly not a big difference but maybe they produced a lot of these.

>> No.5546897

SNES first party blows away Genesis first party, but I'd never argue that for third party releases.

>> No.5546904
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I'd give you $5 for it.

>> No.5546905

Literally every phrase /v/ latches onto is misused. I assume it's all children & ESL.

>> No.5546913
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Considering this is an inferior port of a PC game...

>> No.5546916

In my collection, I have 22 NES games and three SNES ones. Yeah.

>> No.5546917

It's not for playing. It's for putting on a shelf.

>> No.5546923

>It's for putting on a shelf.

Battery corosion will kill the PCB

>> No.5546925

The sticker will remain intact.

>> No.5546930

Licensed games tend to be cranked out like sausages so they're not rare most of the time.

>> No.5546940

Every new game competes with all games that already exist. With everyone playing video games now, the pie is eating itself.

>> No.5546950
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In my area NES and SNES has really slowed down. A game store near me has the most NES games they've had in years, and it's not moving. There's even rare/uncommon stuff in there, Action 52, Dusty Diamonds, Power Blade, Kickmaster, Mega mans, and they've been there for months now. 2 or maybe 3 years ago though? Those games would have sold in only a day or two tops.

I was selling a bunch of snes doubles I got in a lot, stuff like Contra III, Mario Kart, Turtles in Time, some shooters, sports too etc. You want to know what the very last games that I still had left over at the end of the day that didn't sell? No, it wasn't the cheap sports games, it wasn't the more pricier rare/uncommon games, it wasn't weird $5-$10 games, no. It was the fucking Mario titles. Mario Kart, Mario All stars, Mario world. Nobody wanted them. Weird how the classic, sought after, must have games on the system were the ones people didn't seem to want. Considering how common those are I guess you could only sell Super Mario World only so many times before eventually everyone who wants it probably has it. This was already last year but I still found that very interesting. I think with the NES/SNES classics out normies realize there's other way to play these games besides tracking down old carts and paying out the ass for them. Emulater boxes like raspberry pi or whatever probably contribute to that too. Sellers probably have a harder time convincing people to buy original hardware and original games; why would a normie want to pay $100+ for just a snes and mario world, and then have to find and pay at least $20-$50 for EACH of the other worthwhile games (and worry about aging hardware dying) when they could just buy a cute lil emulator box that has 30 games in one, and they can easily hook it up to their HDTV in their living room? I think for most people that's probably good enough.

>> No.5546953

Also N64 is still pretty hot right now. People seem to really want those same 20~ games; Mario kart, Mario party, zelda, smash, dk64, banjo kazooie, goldeneye etc. I imagine if an N64 classic were to come out, it would decimate the sales or prices of N64 stuff. It already seems to have happened with Nes and snes, at least in my opinion.

>> No.5546976

I've noticed two things in my area lately. people try to sell their entire collection at once for a few hundred and Wii Us going up like crazy, probably because people bought into the "Wii u is the next Saturn" meme

>> No.5546978

forgot to mention that those whole collection sales sit for months without selling

>> No.5546979

Wii U is a very good buy because it also plays Wii and GameCube

>> No.5546990


I wouldn't see reddit as "completely true and accurate" but each his own,

>> No.5546998

Probably because they're someone who got into it in the last couple of years, spends tons of money just buying everything at inflated prices and then they realize they don't want it anymore. So they go to sell it an even higher markup cause they know games are valuable and they think they will keep going up in value and they don't sell. Also it's hard to sell an entire collection at once in bulk, at that point the only other people who would want to buy a giant collection of games would be a reseller so they wouldn't want to pay close to full value for it. They're probably asking way too much for what it's worth.

>> No.5547002

that plus emulators and you can add GBA and n64 roms with VC injection AND it can all be played in handheld mode.
It's not quite all in one but it covers a lot of shit

>> No.5547015
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it's that or shit like this

>> No.5547023

You're supposed to haggle.

>> No.5547046

>finally showing signs of inflation
You mean deflation

>> No.5547074

t. bubble boy

>> No.5547267

Probably has more to do with the fact that the general consensus of people on the internet is that the Genesis version is better, so people shy away from the SNES version thinking it's a pile of crap, when really they're both good games and it really comes down to preference.

>> No.5547280

Less retro games? Not actualy they Just went from pixel to doom /ps1 era

>> No.5547283

let him be, dont break his illusion

>> No.5547286

>xbox has gone up compared to where it was a few years ago
can confirm
it's scary to think about
I better hurry up and form my collection now

>> No.5547293

or maybe just maybe those must-haves are what people already own and have no need to repurchase

>> No.5547302

People keep saying the retro game market bubble is about to pop and it never does.

>> No.5547785

Man I never got this mentality. I am a big of an original hardware fag, but I like to actually play my carts. Like I get the appeal of having the real cart and all, but doesn't most of that appeal come from actually playing on the thign?

>> No.5547819

You can still find them dirt cheap. Check mom and pop shops or comic book stores.

>> No.5547825

This. All the kiddies breaking their Switches over it not having Virtual Console suddenly realized that they could have just bought a Wii U for cheaper and gotten all the retro gzmes they wanted.

>> No.5547830

but VC on Wii U sucks the big dick, the Wii is superior

>> No.5547834

Goal posts keep getting moved. What's considered "retro" is slowly changing, so people keep changing what they mean by "retro". 10 years ago, no one would have considered ANY of the 90s disk consoles retro, but now they are. We're less than a year away from the PS2's 20th anniversary and you'd better fucking believe people are going to treat it as a shot in the arm of the "retro collection scene."

>> No.5547837

You could have had both, is the thing. Wii U's VC added GBA, DS, and Wii to the Wii's Nes, SNES, Genesis, Master System, N64, PC Engine, Arcade, MSX, and C64.

>> No.5547838

>10 years ago, no one would have considered ANY of the 90s disk consoles retro, but now they are.
Yes they would have. It's not 2014 anymore you crusty old fuck. Playstation and Saturn were definitely retro in 2009.

>> No.5547841

Yeah I noticed. I think with the release of the NES/SNES Classic, cheap pi setups etc, the original re-adopters from 2007-2015ish are finding that it just isn't as remarkable to own the original cartridge anymore.

>> No.5547849

>He sold? POMP eet!

>> No.5547857

People keep bringing up Pi, but Pi has been available for over half a decade now. I don't think it has anything to do with a Pi but rather that people are satisfied with what the NES/SNES classics are capable of doing, especially if they figure out how to add games to them. The fact that it's an official Nintendo release really does help a lot more than people on /vr/ expecting it to. Yes, a RasPi can do everything better, but this is not only simpler to set up, but it's also an official Nintendo product. We might not care about that, but the people who were spending $300 on a fucking Earthbound cartridge do. Especially when they could instead just drop $80 on an SNES classic and get the whole system.

>> No.5547861

>Wii U's VC added GBA, DS, and Wii
And they were all dark, performed poorly, and couldn't do 240p

>> No.5547871

Why does my local brick and motar shoo charge twicecas much as my trusted flea market vendor. It never fails, ill ho looking at stuff and get tempted. Then the weekend comes and i find what im looking for at half price with a discount fir buying bulk? Am i just lucky?

>> No.5547881

>all those classic consoles released (NES, SNES, SEGA, PSX, etc)
>billions of improved ports of retro games on Steam

Gee I wonder why

>> No.5547882

RasPi has cancerous input delay

>> No.5547913

It's also the only computer capable of running any kind of emulator. I have one on my desk, connected to my gaming monitor. It's in a cute little case I bought for it. I love buying things :-) My gaming PC can't run emulators because it's not a Raspberry Pi.

>> No.5547926

too clever to follow back even just one more post, eh

>> No.5547936

Maybe a few years ago it did. With what emulator are you having trouble? How many milliseconds of input delay? That's right, you're just clueless and trolling.

>> No.5547942

>Rapsberry Pi
All possibility of rational discussion ended here.

>> No.5547950
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If you don't share our enthusiasm and care for the vision of the Pi, get out

>> No.5547963

>samefag has to reply to the post four times

>> No.5547965
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>> No.5548009
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>> No.5548042

The original Pi obviously wasn't on par with the 3, not to mention you can now buy preconfigured retro packages (with 8 controllers etc) for like a hundred bucks

>> No.5548047
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you caught me

>> No.5548048 [DELETED] 

N64 emulation is shit outside like Mario Kart.

>> No.5548051

Instead now we're seeing a large influx of early 3D, late 90s/early 2000s inspired games and there is literally nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5548053


>> No.5548056

I have noticed SNES carts always seem to be less abundant than Genesis ones. I also don't know why Nintendo appears to have printed games in such low numbers compared with NES games.

>> No.5548059

N64 emulation is shit outside like Mario Kart. Prices have probably gone up because you can't play many games without a real N64.

>> No.5548064

Given the price of SNES games, one can guess its user base was wealthier than the typical Genesis owner. The Genesis definitely had a more white trash/dudebro following.

>> No.5548076

>The SNES is overrated anyway. NoA's content policies fucked up overseas releases so severely that you'd need to use ROM hacks or retranslations to get a more authentic experience.

Practically all RPGs on the SNES were utterly mutilated.

>> No.5548090

how about this though

>> No.5548105

The Saturn is said to be the most complex, which it is. Yet SSF is almost perfect (with the two exceptions being that Rayman doesn't work and Nights is unplayable due to no 3D analog support) as is the most popular PS1 emulator, while every N64 emulator I've tried sucks big time. And I've tried all of them with every graphics and RSP plug-in.

The funny thing is that the N64 only has two processors and all of the emulators for it crash, and have serious graphics errors.

How many total microcodes are there? Is that why it's so hard to emulate? Apparently, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine uses a unique one and isn't compatible with any of them.

>> No.5548109

Project 64 doesn't suck, it's very good.

>> No.5548113

The "microcodes" are entire programs for the N64's GPU, so there's theoretically an unlimited number of them. It's hard to emulate for two reasons, one is that it's all essentially undocumented, so the emulator writers just don't know what all the individual microcode instructions are supposed to do. The second is that it's designed to be run on a GPU with specialized hardware, and emulated interpretation or recompilation of the microcode on the CPU, like is done for the main N64 CPU, would probably end up being way too slow. The only practical solution is to figure out what each microcode program is supposed to do and use the PC's GPU to perform the equivalent operation.

Since most N64 games use one of two different microcode programs, ones whose behavior, if not implementation, was well-documented by Nintendo, emulating the N64 GPU for these games is easy. The rest use custom microcode programs whose behavior was never documented, and since the documentation for the GPU is poor, it's very hard to reverse engineer what they were supposed do.

Also while the Saturn was a ridiculously complex machine it was also a less powerful and more primitive machine. It's more easy to emulate it through slower but more accurate "brute force" methods.

>> No.5548197

^This. There's no need to play any OG translation of SNES RPGs, although realistically that means Square RPGs since they were the only dev who hadn't given up on US releases of JRPGs.

>> No.5548225

>they were the only dev who hadn't given up on US releases of JRPGs

>> No.5548241

>games seem to have been sparsely printed
In fact the minimum number of cartridges a third party dev could order from Nintendo was 50,000 units. But many third party devs never bothered with more than a single printing since it cost an additional half a million bucks to do so along with several months of wait time for the cartridges to be manufactured and shipped, and most wanted to move on to their next game even if the game was still popular and there was demand for it.

If you didn't get your copy of Sqoon or Mega Man 1 in 1987, that was it. There was only a single printing and by 1990 you wouldn't see them in stores anymore.

>> No.5548249

Here are the 1994 North American Releases for NES:
>Alfred Chicken
>Bonk's Adventure
>Chip 'N Dale: Rescue Rangers 2
>Disney's The Jungle Book
>The Flintstones: Surprise At Dinosaur Peak
>The Incredible Crash Dummies
>Mario's Time Machine
>Mega Man 6
>Mickey's Adventure In Numberland
>Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
>Wario's Woods
>Startropics II

The first party releases are way more common and significantly outnumber the third party ones.

>> No.5548252

Flintstones is more desirable because it's a Taito game. Bonk has the TG-16 connection and Rescue Rangers 2 is Capcom. Jungle Book is Disney, but it was made by Virgin, a dev whose name carries less prestige than Capcom. Alfred Chicken and Crash Test Dummies were also made by lesser devs.

>> No.5548256

Alfred Chicken, CTD, and Jungle Book were inferior ports of SNES games. That's probably why they're not as valuable, not because they weren't made by Capcom.

>> No.5548257

Great, informative post. Thanks, man !

>> No.5548258

NES Crash Test Dummies is a completely different game from the 16-bit ones though.

>> No.5548260

Just get a flash cart if you actually want to play.

>> No.5548261

>games like Stubbs and Otogi.
I fucking love Stubbs. That game deserves so much more praise.

>> No.5548264

>contradicting yourself in a mere 17 word in a sad attempt to convince yourself a poorfag like you will ever be able to afford old toys

>> No.5548286

>game store that pays rent, utilities, employees charges more then some guy in a parking lot
yeah it's a mystery

>> No.5548297

The price peak for a certain console is the interval between the time when people who grew up playing it to have a job and the time when they are married with kids and they end up selling their old games to clear room or whatever.

>> No.5548309

Anyone that has self respect wouldn't start collecting right now and would only purchase games for consoles that are not so good to emulate, like the N64 or the PS2.

>> No.5548312

People who are into this hobby don't generally tend to marry/have sex/reproduce.

>> No.5548313

Further proof everyone saying N64 emulation is bad, just has outdated information. http://gliden64.blogspot.com/2018/05/hle-implementation-of-microcodes-for.html

>> No.5548314

WW was the only NES game featured as part of the Play It Loud campaign.

>> No.5548405

or get a gc-compatible wii (wii u without its many downsides) and a switch for the wii-u-ports.

>> No.5548408

>tfw making 25k profit after selling off your entire collection

>> No.5548410

Too bad you can't take a time machine back to 1995 when they were selling Earthbound on the discount rack at Toys'R'Us for $5 and it hadn't yet acquired status as the SNES Tengen Tetris. The game is so rare and sought after because it barely sold anything and Nintendo only did a single run of it.

>> No.5548416

Pity it bombed, the game honestly deserved better.

>> No.5548420

1. Earthbound was a late SNES release
2. The ad campaign for the game was weird and off-putting
3. It was expensive--the thing came in a big box with a map and strategy guide

>> No.5548423

Space Megaforce used to sell for $5 on Ebay. Now...

>> No.5548425

Most buyers aren't making a hobby of it. They just want the one thing from when they were young and not fat and miserable and stuck at a desk without even a cubicle now.

>> No.5548426

Any reason in particular why the price would spike?

>> No.5548439

There's casual nostalgiafags, they're usually normies who have families and yadda yadda yadda. The permavirgins who have sex without the participation of other life forms and look like the World of Warcraft nerd in South Park are usually the guys who know every single SNES chipset/board revision and nitpick how inaccurate the SNES Mini is.

>> No.5548442

AVGN most likely. Felix the Cat on the NES was hardly worth anything until he did a video on it.

>> No.5548443

That is so gay, I had that game

>> No.5548445

Conker's Bad Fur Day is stupidly expensive but I don't think it did all that well at the time.

>> No.5548447

Conker sold about 300,000 copies, it's not that rare. It's more likely that everyone wants it due to the shit state of N64 emulation.

>> No.5548452

NES Donkey Kong (the standalone cartridge not Donkey Kong Classics) is surprisingly more expensive than you'd think.

>> No.5548459

It only got one printing and wasn't sold after 1986.

>> No.5548463

Is not retro but Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii seems to bring good money.

>> No.5548476

1. Xenoblade Chronicles has meme status because it wasn't originally in the pipeline for a US localization, but Nintendo relented after a huge Internet petition campaign.
2. It was only sold at Gamestop
3. It's a jarpig
4. It was one of the last AAA Wii exclusives
5. There was only one printing

>> No.5548483

Also it's actually a game worth playing and not shovelware.

>> No.5548486

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on the SNES is worth more than you expect.

>> No.5548491

That game is. The other two PR games are worth less than $10.

>> No.5548507

I walked into a comic book store the other day that had MMPR The Movie on SNES priced at $100. I remember thinking that was weird at the time, I didn't think it was a rare or sought after game but just figured oh well, it might be. But clearly it's not and I have no clue why it was priced so high.

>> No.5548508

>retro game market bubble is about to pop
is to /v/, what "this is the year of Linux" is to /g/

>> No.5548510

It's also a "black box" game which means more collectors are going for it.

>> No.5548523

>RasPi has cancerous input delay
Indeed. I just gave mine away and went back to emulating on my desktop.

Even loading emulators onto my GameCube produces less lag.

>Maybe a few years ago it did. With what emulator are you having trouble?
It always has and continues to have input lag because there's only one method of emulating on a Pi, and that's through libretro ports, which are utter garbage. All of the cores have significant issues with this. Some aren't as bad as others, but it's still bad enough that it's pointless to load up games where timing is important, like say Tetris or R-Type.

These e-celebs and retro editorials that keep insisting everybody buy a Pi haven't actually spent a significant amount of time playing on one. Either that or they're simply too retarded to recognize what is input lag is.

>> No.5548526

>5. There was only one printing
There were two. GS commissioned a reprint and unsealed them to sell them new at used price.

>> No.5548528

It's also malware now.

>> No.5548540

As long as it's not an overpriced one like an ED. In some cases, there are other much more reasonably priced brands with at least 99% compatibility. But for what you'd have to pay for an ED, it might in fact be cheaper just to buy the handful or so of games you want to play for that particular system, especially if you pay less for import versions. I got my entire Game Boy collection for less than what a GB ED costs.

>> No.5548541

Another program bites the dust, damn it

>> No.5548543

>Earthbound on the discount rack at Toys'R'Us for $5

This never happened. Cartridges rarely went on sale, and when they did, it was shitty overprinted sports titles.

>> No.5548554

Not him, but it's more than plausible. Based just on the kinds of deals I've been able to find at the discretion of individual store managers and the popularity of the different systems at the time, I'm more ready to believe it happened than didn't.

>> No.5548563

Mega Man 1 went onto the discount rack a few months after it came out because it was a pretty poor seller.

>> No.5548567
File: 490 KB, 771x1398, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prices going down
No idea what you're fucking talking about. Delusional retard.

>> No.5548568

The only black box carts I haven't seen IRL are Clu-Clu Land and Stack-Up, the two rarest ones. I've seen standalone DK and DKjr before and even DKjr Math once.

>> No.5548579 [DELETED] 

There's plenty of chink Everdrive clones which are fine for Gameboy or N64 stuff. For the NES though you run the risk of them not having as full or complete emulation of the many dozens of mappers.

>> No.5548580

Nah most gamers are normie tier as fuck even the le retro vintage ones and even the fuck ugly bearded slugs still manage to find spouses somehow.

>> No.5548592 [DELETED] 

Clint, you and I know both know you never got to hit that fat Goth chick.

>> No.5548601

There's plenty of chink Everdrive clones which are fine for Gameboy or N64 stuff. For the NES though you run the risk of them not having as full or complete emulation of the many dozens of mappers. They're probably fine as far as emulating the basic bitch Nintendo mappers like MMC1 but I wouldn't bet the farm on VRC6 emulation.

Also maybe there's a little concern that chink flash carts don't have proper pullups for 5V -> 3.3V conversion. Not a problem with N64 and GBA of course but anything with 5V components may be a problem.

>> No.5548603

Clint, you and I both know you never actually got to hit that fat Goth chick.

>> No.5548613

The point about PS2 being considered retro in a couple of years still stands, though. I can't wait for people sperging over semantics refer to everything after 2000 as "vintage" or some such shit to protect the "purity" of retro games.

>> No.5548617

You think any of the kiddies mad about no Switch VC give a shit? They're fumb enough to believe that Nintendo can just have every precious VC game available at the same time.

>> No.5548626

The only time Earthbound went on sale was when Funcoland and Kay Bee Toys were dying. The only reason why Earthbound is "rare" is that Americans didn't give a shit about it until Smash 64 came out and wholesalers realized they could con people out of thier money by asking for the original MSRP.

>> No.5548642

Rare Replay already does a good job covering most of their n64 greats. All thats missing is diddy kong racing.

>> No.5548643

Should I start selling my shitty Xbox games soon?

>> No.5548646


>> No.5548647

Both of those stores shut down/switched over to their new formats years after Earthbound disappeared from shelves.

>> No.5548675

I'd say it depends on teh system.

Nintendo stuff ws overhyped for several years now so it seems to start cooling down.

Neo Geo AES on the other hand is getting out of control...

>> No.5548692

The Starfox and Donkey Kong competition cartridges can make at least 400 euros.

>> No.5548698

Harvest Moon is the SNES game I've wanted for years, I don't think I've ever seen it cheaper than $120. Fucking A.

>> No.5548701

It was fucking $10 at Walmart when it went red tag. I saw it with my own eyes even though I don't want to remember.

>> No.5548709

Mountain Bike Rally/Speed Racer is probably the most expensive non-Powerfest '94 SNES game.

>> No.5548739

Funcoland didn't die until well after the Dreamcast was out, which was post Smash 64, and Kay Bee Toys didn't shut down until 2012.

Fucking moron.

>> No.5548746
File: 47 KB, 428x500, tAFcaQP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds great, I got a Metroid Prime/Wind Waker combo that could go up even more in price that I want to sell.

>> No.5548752

>Gamecube going up in price
Thank god I got the stupidly rare games out of the way first. Some of them have no right being +$300, but sure enough they are.

>> No.5548757

maybe I should sell my CIB shantae I bought in high school

>> No.5548763

There's nothing on the Gamecube outside first party worth bothering with.

>> No.5548767

Wtf did you think was going to happen to increasingly harder to find 20+ year-old video game stuff that, whether you acknowledge it or not, is cool with outcasts and normies alike? For the prices to remain stable or even go down and stay there? lol Everything does this. Comics (even though the '90s comics are fucked), cars, radios, stamps, baseball cards, train sets;etc. Everything that's cool will be unaffordable one day for most people because just how it works.

>> No.5548809

the prices are going down, idiot

>> No.5548814

Not really, moron. Overall they're going up and going to stay up, for all the good stuff. Everything you guys mention that is "going down" was overrated trash from the beginning, but the good games are just going to keep going up, but it's amusing to see all the denial.

>> No.5548825

hello time traveller.
how was 2011?

>> No.5548835

First, you are mixing 93 titles.

Second, I bought CIB Alfred Chicken for like 8 USD in Mexico around 2011, back when the USD wasn't fucked bloated.

>> No.5548951 [DELETED] 

except you have to pay more for shipping

>> No.5548995

words evolve over time, it has other meanings than the specific Roman term

>> No.5549007

t. revisionists still trying to push the "EARTHBOUND IS RARE! $300 FOR CART ONLY PLS" shill.

>> No.5549009

It's not rare, nobody you linked says it was rare. It just was on clearance because nobody fucking wanted it.

>> No.5549014

Anyone trying to pull the "uh, actually" about decimate is a pedantic teenager. If they have that much of a problem about a Latin word, they ought to be mad about us not still speaking Middle English.

>> No.5549031

Saturn is likely never going to drop in price, because it was so niche. With Nintendo systems, scarcity generally isn't an issue and their price is tied entirely to demand.

>> No.5549054

You're right that A-list games rarely went on sale, but anything less than that ended up in the bargain bin eventually. Earthbound wasn't exactly popular enough to stay out of it.

>> No.5549063 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 575x1024, 552D320F-788D-4476-B995-FE890E56FFC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it’s 2035
>the 360 is retro

>> No.5549090 [DELETED] 

speak for yourself, /vr/gin

>> No.5549098


My collection isn't nearly that big, but at least I have wife and kids, /v/irgin.

>> No.5549556

>2035 is only 16 years away...

>> No.5549575

Uh no?
My best buy had a wall of them in 97 at xmas for dirt cheap.

>> No.5549580

I picked up manuals including that and tmnt4 for free because someone tossed them in the garbage.

>> No.5549796

>denying the years certain stores closed down
Talk about revisionist.

>> No.5550212

Well, SNES isn't dropping either. In fact, everything got higher. So, again - deluded.

>> No.5550225

Baseball cards from the 90s are fucking worthless lmao

>> No.5550253

It's a good thing for people that truly value these games and want the full experience of what it felt like to play them the way they were intended. Why the fuck is it so hard for /vr/ to understand that?

>> No.5550686

Nah. It's either 'cuck' or 'incel'.

Or arguably, 'fag' and 'nigger' since we don't actually use those to refer to what they literally should mean.

>> No.5550693

Nobody wants to remember 90s MLB because of cancelled World Series and steroids.

>> No.5550704

Kay-Bee filed for bankruptcy in, like, 2009. That's quite a while after the SNES's time.

>> No.5550706

>There were two. GS commissioned a reprint and unsealed them to sell them new at used price.

jej that's scummy as fuck

glad they went under

>> No.5550812

>realized that they could have just bought a Wii U for cheaper and gotten all the retro gzmes they wanted.
And many Switch games as well kek.

>> No.5550815

No one cares hoarder

>> No.5550835

>xbox has gone up
Aw shit I gotta hustle now. I only want like 8ish games for the system over what I have now. Here I was sitting around being a cheap bastard thinking it would go down

>> No.5550862

The thing is, I've heard this opinion on the Internet so many times in regards to different collections.

>the prices for 60s muscle cars went up because boomer wants to relive his high school days
>the bubble will burst when boomers are all dead
>antique radios were collectable in the 80s until most of the WWII generation were dead and then they stopped being worth anything and they just wanted to relive their childhood
And so forth. After a while, it seemed like such a cliche/normie/Reddit explanation for why some things go up in price that I stopped believing it.

>> No.5550876

Cars and radios don't reissued on Steam or VC for $10.

>> No.5551027

The most glaring counter example is the SNES console. That thing was selling for over 50 dollars for the longest time, but now it's not too difficult to find one for under 30.

>> No.5551032

Comics are fucking worthless unless it's a very, very notable issue (like the first appearance of a character who would later go on to be an A-lister). You can find nearly anything else for a couple of bucks at any given comic shop.

>> No.5551471


>> No.5551510
File: 21 KB, 342x321, 51G86WRRSYL._SX342_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, desu. The prices one some old games is fucking ludicrous, especially considering that emulation exists.

Rationally speaking, the only games that should be expensive are ones like pic related. They come with unique hardware that is exclusive to playing and experiencing the game.

>> No.5551514
File: 604 KB, 1024x971, saturnsammlung1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay salty, miserable pleb.

>> No.5551536

I'll give you $1 for the piece of silicon with a copy of the ROM I already have on my HDD.

>> No.5551540

Yeah my bad.
So you don't make typing errors? Is your pretty little asshole to perfect for your shit to come out of?

>> No.5551625

Nobody makes typing errors except for you, you stupid, dumb, idiot faglord.

>> No.5551708

I have all of that in my hard drive.

>> No.5551756
File: 76 KB, 804x828, 1556001060147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>play them the way they were intended
You'll never be 8 again.

>> No.5551790
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>> No.5551791

>You'll never be 8 again.
Genuinely irrelevant.

>> No.5551796
File: 487 KB, 260x195, giphy (13).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not what you're playing, it's how you're playing it.

>> No.5551818

I don't think that choice should make any more than $10 of a difference, desu.

>> No.5551824

Who cares about how I play it if I have the game? Oh right, resellers.

>> No.5551829

To each his own dude.

>> No.5551834

Like I said >>5551829

>> No.5551839
File: 321 KB, 2518x1024, chadpirate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares
paypigs and buyer's remorse fags

>> No.5551843

I wish this image wasn't satire

>> No.5552614

>Delusional retard
Top kek, I'm a broker in NYC. I wipe my ass with $2,000 a day. Paying those prices is like buying those 50cent toys from the coin machine to me. Autistic broke man-child. Have some respect for your mom and stop spending her SSI checks on video games and grow up.

>> No.5552630

They were right in all cases. Just because you read something several times or several people have similar opinions doesn't make it incorrect.

>> No.5552665

>i'm a LARPer in 4channel

>> No.5552668

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.5552704

t. Delusional retard

>> No.5552764

This post would be more pathetic if it were true.

>> No.5553490
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>> No.5554583

What if he has a modded Saturn to play it? Then there's no difference.

>> No.5554598
File: 21 KB, 361x358, 1f8594e79e7e6c755c7a4b809ecfd500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao jesus christ

Imagine being so butthurt you have to lie on the internet to puff up your chest

>> No.5554876

180 in 1 carts
And flashcarts keep prices low which is a good thing.