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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5547281 No.5547281 [Reply] [Original]

No one else can stop the crazy prices, it's all up to you. Boycott the oversaturated and overblown market leeching off people's nostalgia and childhood issues. Only the lack of demand will drive the prices down. I repeat: DO NOT buy used retro games. HALT your bidding IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.5547284

>Stop buying used games NOW.
I agree. Download roms instead.

>> No.5547290
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I totally agree. Stop buying shit till the prices come down.

>> No.5547295

Some of the prices on saturn games I wanted have actually come down since I was last buying saturn games like 5 years ago

>> No.5547324

Just be glad you can actually buy used games, unlike with the modern game market.

>> No.5547335

>DO NOT buy used retro games.
Buy Flash memory solutions. This does 2 things. It allows a gamer to play any game he wants, and it makes prices drop. This allows collectors to pay less for their interest in the hobby. The end result is that resellers get their shit crammed in. Its a win/win for everyone who is actually interested in games and gaming, and fucks over any asshat resellers.

>> No.5547343

If we're not buying them why should we care about driving down the price? Ya tool.

>> No.5547350

I already own all the PS1 and Dreamcast games I sought after. The only retro systems I still buy games for are MegaDrive and PS2 (not /vr/ I know).

>> No.5547503
File: 328 KB, 1274x1080, リンクルリバーストリー、メルティランサー 銀河少女警察2086、Tactice Ogre、AnEarth Fantasy Stories エイナスファンタジーストーリーズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crazy prices
the games I buy are like 500 yen tho

>> No.5547510

Did you know? 4chan is a site with a primarily North American userbase. By going out of your way to say 500 Yen instead of $5, you have completely outed yourself as a weaboo. Find another hobby!

>> No.5547523


>> No.5547525

Jew here and I agree.

>> No.5547528

>how new are you??

>> No.5547539

I agree, then the cycle will repeat even sooner.

>> No.5547558
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>go into a fucking eb or gamestop
>about half their current gen game stock is used

>> No.5547562

Thread. Over.

>> No.5547575

you better have mobile suit gundam that is the best 500 yen game ever.

>> No.5547612
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Weaboos? On my 4channel?

>> No.5547613

Only led ditors talk that "4chan-like." You've outed yourself and failed at your LARP, go back from whence you came.

>> No.5547630
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>stop buying games so the prices will drop and I can buy them

>> No.5547761

To punish people who buy and own things and make them think twice about making that stupid mistake again!!!!

>> No.5547772

Instakill Thread

>> No.5547794

>tons of people traded in their games at a shit rate

>> No.5547803


>> No.5547883

>maybe if i tell people to stop buying games ill be able to afford them on my allowance

>> No.5547891

Why is OP even still alive after this? He should sudoku in shame for his faggotry.

>> No.5547920

This but unironically. Let reseller cunts eat their own cartridges or preferably kill themselves in destitution. You stop buying their shit for just a year or two and bam, problem solved.

>> No.5547951

You don't need stickers to play the ROMs, and prices are already falling because the one-time demand from those who played them as kids has been quenched.

>> No.5547967

>try to play the multiplayer
>have to buy an online pass for another $5
>the used game only cost $5 less than a new copy to begin with

>> No.5548058
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>> No.5548369

>suddenly flashcart-pricehike
there's no winning.

>> No.5548384

No, flashcarts are currently expensive due to low demand; they need to be sold at high prices so that a low number of units sold will generate stable profit. If they became more popular and sales started going up, that would bring the prices down. High demand drives up prices of things that have a finite quantity (original carts) because the sellers can bill it as being rare and collectible, but it drives down prices of things that are being actively produced (flash carts) because it enables the producer to create and sell more units in bigger (thus lower-cost) quantities.

>> No.5548430

Explain the situation around GDEMU's ODEs.

>> No.5548461


Sounds more like Russia

>> No.5548527



>> No.5548587

This anon gets it. The Japanese bargain bin is where it's at. I just bought 20 Famicom carts and a Super Famicom with 2 controllers for $55 shipped.

>> No.5548597


Too lazy to retort with an obligatory video of a Russian drunk tank, so whatever.

>> No.5548624

>explain exactly what you just explained but replace "flashcart" with "ODE"

>> No.5550732

>explain exactly what you just explained but replace "flashcart" with "ODE"

>High demand drives up prices of things that have a finite quantity (original carts) because the sellers can bill it as being rare and collectible, but it drives down prices of things that are being actively produced (flash carts) because it enables the producer to create and sell more units in bigger (thus lower-cost) quantities.

For GDEMU-products it's exactly the other way around, though.

>> No.5550745

What's good to buy right now?

>> No.5550760

>go to the flea market
>spot a grubby looking boomer in worn kiddie shirt and jeans hawking dirty untested nintendo tapes
>possibly retarded
>all the games priced at what they'd sell at a reseller shop or online
>at a fucking flea market
>argue with him
>he pulls out his mother's smartphone and confirms the asking prices on ebay
>tell him to go sell it on ebay and walk away
stop giving jobless boomers your hard earned money

>> No.5550763


>> No.5551045

Does anyone know why Krikzz has ceased sales on his site? Is it because of the voltage issues of flash/multi carts that everyone has been fear mongering about?

>> No.5551095

in an effort to support resellers, nintendo stepped in
you should start hoarding flash carts before prices skyrocket
flash carts are the new stadium events

>> No.5551103

Poor fags communing again hurrrrr..

Retro games are a resource that is being depleted over time due to degradation of circuitry, people simply throwing carts away etc.

Every day retro games are becoming rarer and rarer. Prices may plateau as systems like SNES classic etc come out and people see no need to buy the physical carts anymore but prices are -never- going to drop to a reasonable level ever again. Also what is “over priced”

A Mario 64 cart that sold originally for $70 is now $25 and that’s overpriced? Please.

If prices ever dropped to a level where things became “affordable” to your average basement dweller you know you same people would snap up as many carts as humanly possible driving the price right back up. Collecting things ain’t a cheap hobby. If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it.

>> No.5551106

>you should start hoarding flash carts before prices skyrocket
Why would this affect Flash carts in general? Nintendo can't do shit about Chinese manufacturers. There are plenty of non-ED carts that do the job perfectly well.

>> No.5551108

>take 2 minutes to "mod" your N64
>buy all of the big-name titles like Smash for 5 buck since they don't have much text anyway

>> No.5551117


It wouldn't take much effort to play through something as text intensive as OoT for that matter, assuming you've completed at least one prior playthrough. Managing equipment doesn't require you to know what anything is called since all items have graphical icons.

>> No.5551140
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>> No.5551146

Any source that Nintendo is trying to C&D Krikzz besides your ass?

>> No.5551868

>/vr/ economics vs logic
They sell for the price they sell for, because it is a fair price. $150 or less for the potential to have nearly all of a library open is fair. Some units differ, but until they sell multi carts with the entire library cheaper, the flash carts will have to suffice.

>> No.5551932

Why do any of you care? There's only a handful of games worth even original pre-inflation MSRP. Are vintage games not worth much, because they're not actually very good?

It's not like you need the packaging to play the ROMs anyway.

>> No.5551936

Real investments, or take a cute gaymer on dates and enjoy excellent speedrun blowjobs.

>> No.5551957

But it's still just a fact that if higher number production runs can reduce the cost, and lowering the price can increase sales by reaching a wider audience, then the price would be lowered in order to make more money overall. It's in the producer's best interest to price items at a level that maximizes profitability. Sometimes lowering the price to increase sales can be more profitable than selling fewer units at a higher price, if the sales can be increased enough.

>> No.5551965

Flash carts.

>> No.5551975



>> No.5551979

What is your endgame?

>> No.5551987
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>want a blowjob hunnie?

>> No.5552017

Better profits means funding new designs to make units more efficiently as well as funding the ability to buy better components to make new versions. Most people who run businesses selling items want to make more money so they can continue to improve their product. Krikzz didn't just stop at Everdrive v1, you know?

>> No.5552136

You think the price of GDEMU is going up because it's being mass produced?

>> No.5552147

Remember, this is a totally stable, mentally healthy "human being".

>> No.5552157

>buying anything that exists as a digital file format

literal fucking kek from me

>> No.5552162

Yeah, sure, why not? Just chill a bit and stop sperging out over shit that doesn't affect you or I and never will. You will be a happier man

>> No.5552194

>You wouldn't download a car
Shows what they fucking know

>> No.5552234

Indeed, it will increasingly become a collector's market, not a gamer's market. For most people, the extra effort and expense isn't worth it when emulation has you covered for 99.9% of all games and platforms. Only archivists and turbo-autists need apply.

>> No.5552276

It's not expensive to have a collection of period-accurate size. Or do you feel you need to have multiple bookcases of cartridges just to imitate youtubers you've gotten parasocial with?

Hardly anything costs even pre-inflation MSRP, and most of the carts that do have already peaked and fallen a bit. Only other sticker collectors are envious of your sticker collection.

>> No.5552280

>not a casual's market

>> No.5552281

Because it's not and it's fun to mock them. I already am happy.
Thanks for your concern, though.

>> No.5553062

>I think it is indeed payment gateway problems. A few days ago there was a banner up the top of the main page that said there were technical difficulties, but it's disappeared now.
No need to worry (yet).

There is (or was) high demand for GDEMU resulting in a high price although it was actively produced.

>> No.5553080

>There is (or was) high demand for GDEMU resulting in a high price although it was actively produced.
A high price from the actual manufacturer or a high price from resellers on ebay?

>> No.5553098

>buying games
What the fuck? I pirate EVERYTHING. I cannot imagine not doing this anymore. Who the fuck is still paying money for 0s and 1s you faggots? Seriously?

>> No.5553105

Why don't they just reprint disc games? If Rule of Rose and Panzer Dragoon are hundreds of dollars loose, why not just shit out a stack from China and sell them for $40 a piece, imagine if nobody reprinted books or comics, the market would be just as fucked as video games are now.

>> No.5553112

I don't buy, I swap and share with other local collectors.

inb4 bugchasing jokes

>> No.5553187

Collectors don't want reprints , everyone wants 1st Edition. The reprint market isn't as big , just look at repro snes carts, it is nice that the option is their but most still want the original

>> No.5553189

nice non-games games you got there, poser

>> No.5553235

>racist shit
Go back to /pol

>> No.5553306

You sound very confused champ. You can get a GDEMU for 60 bucks now because it's being actively produced and a lot more are being sold. Your example literally proves anons statements.

>> No.5553310

But prices have been dropping steadily since 2015?

>> No.5553386

Laughing at freaks and lolcows makes me happy. The trans movement encouraging sexless autists to gulp titty skittles has insured a steady supply or them.

>> No.5553390

Ensured, whatever.

>> No.5553584

Shhhht, adults are talking.

>> No.5553597

This. Why are you complaining about high prices for free things, OP?

>> No.5554897


>> No.5555694

>You can get a GDEMU for 60 bucks now because it's being actively produced and a lot more are being sold.
An illegal clone, yes.
We talking crimes now?

>> No.5555767

>We talking crimes now?
Good one anon, I get it.

>> No.5555963

>buying retro games.
that's cute.

>> No.5556092

It's probably a licensing or copyright issue.
If I remember right, Persona 2 was reprinted around the time the PS3 was around.
If something like that is possible, it wouldn't be out of the question for other games.

IPs change hands all the time. I imagine it's hard to determine legally who is entitled to royalties from the sale.

Like for example, some of SquareSoft games on the PS1 were published with EA's help.
If they were to reprint Parasite eve for example, would EA get a cut of the money?
And what about the book the game was based off? Does the author get a cut of that?

>> No.5557460

>muh clones are illegal

>> No.5558119

Most manufacturers tend to go with cheaper parts and products when the money train hits so they can make more profit off of a similar product that is only 'slightly' (pending on who you ask) lower in quality.
Or has pretty much every outing since the 1930's escaped your view?

>> No.5558126

A good judge would rule purchasing an authentic GDEMU to be illegal, as it's primary use is obviously copyright infringement.

>> No.5558347

afaik dreamcast uses ordinary IDE-communcation, and the console has no copyprotection to circumvent.
at worst it's a dual-use tool, perfectly fine in most civilized countries.

>> No.5558460
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Stop being a consumer whore.

>> No.5558652

>a good judge would do what some kid on the internet says
lol. no

>> No.5558669
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You realize that the Financial Weight is half the fun and will never disappear, right?

>> No.5558910

Dang, psychically shoving Voyager forward on its way home really took its toll

>> No.5559282

If you don't own one by now, it is your fault.

>> No.5559306

Speaking of flash cards, I'm tempted to buy both the Mega Everdrive X5 and the Super Everdrive X5. Are these OK? I just want to play games on original hardware, no development.

>> No.5560494

>implying that online only costs $5

>> No.5561013

>Are these OK?
What you mean?

>> No.5561108
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Well said.