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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 738 KB, 479x353, IT'S QUEST.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5542356 No.5542356 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5542360

whats this game like?

>> No.5542363

It's like smashing things with falling rocks.

>> No.5542372

This game had a lot of soul actually. I just remember not getting engaged because there was practically no story, or NPCs to talk to. It was like this comfy early 3D world felt really empty, and I know zoomers parrot this a lot, that "omg old 3D games are scary", but I mean it with Q64, not scary, but eerie, like desolated. The way you navigate the map and fight enemies is actually not even bad for 5th gen RPG standard. In fact it might be a bit over the average.

>> No.5542381

My adult self prefers it that way, fuck watching cut scenes and talking to random villagers to activate arbitrary even flags to progress the plot.

>> No.5542390

I used a gameshark to cheat my way thru the entire game and I don't think I missed out on anything

>> No.5542401

am i the one dropping the rocks? if so that sounds pretty darn fun. who doesnt love smashing shit?

>> No.5542412

The artwork looks awfully Japanese for a THQ game...

>> No.5542413

nvm, just watched a 6 hour playthrough in 4 minutes, this game looks ass

>> No.5542442

The moonjump GS code is awesome. Try it out you can explore out of bounds.

>> No.5542446

You expect it to be like a normal RPG where water enmies are weak to fire, etc. But actually everything dies to rock. Level up water first so you can get healing then invest everything you've got on rock. Wind and Fire unlock strength buff and escape which can be useful too but you want to focus on water+rock

>> No.5542454
File: 102 KB, 750x1000, gits_ps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THQ used to give some love to Japanimation fans

>> No.5542458
File: 84 KB, 966x1027, Screenshot_2019-05-01 Quest 64 - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am truley sorry for your lots

>> No.5542465

>posting scores screenshots
This gives me strong /v/ throwbacks, back when I browsed there before /vr/ was made.

>> No.5542469

is /v/ the new buzzword or something? Seems like anything bad that's done on this board now is /v/

>> No.5542470

Scores that low mean something. It was usually the case that 5/10 = 0

>> No.5542473

why would they give robots breasts?

>> No.5542484

For gender affirmation.

>> No.5542486

why would they give robots genders?

>> No.5542489

I didn't mean my post to be either negative or positive. Just commenting it was a /v/ throwback.

>> No.5542492

me too thanks

>> No.5542512
File: 828 KB, 200x189, 53b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5542661

Played this last week
Terrible game, but it has some pretty good waifus

>> No.5542672

>nintoddlers are so desperate to validate their consoles empty library, they've started getting fake nostalgia for a legitimate 3/10 game

Maybe bing bing wahoo shouldn't have been such dicks to Squaresoft

>> No.5542676

>trying to make everything about console wars.
If "nintoddlers" actually were desperate, they'd at least discuss good N64 RPGs like Ogre Battle 64 or Shiren 2.
But keep console warring, if it reaffirms yourself.
Idort is the correct way though.
Square is overrated, even during SNES times

>> No.5542679

I have real nostalgia for having seen the game everywhere but never playing it because it wasn't good so no one brought a copy home.

>> No.5542684

>N64 RPGs
is there any explanation for the lack of RPGs on the n64? in comparison to the shit ton of RPGs on the PS

>> No.5542686

Cartridges were expensive and low capacity, so the jarpig publishers jumped ship.

>> No.5542701

Probably a similar response as to why is there so few 2D games. The N64 was expensive to develop for, and not easy either. It could do 2D alright, but at the time, people wanted 3D, it was the hot new thing, and N64's speciality was more powerful 3D than the competition (it even surpassed home PCs until the first 3dfx card came out in late 96). So, if you were a dev, and you had the money to invest on a N64 project, you might as well make it a 3D game. RPGs of 5th gen are usually not really impressive 3D-wise, and are mostly carried by pre-rendered backgrounds and FMVs to "wow" people back then. But at their core, they still play like SNES RPGs (with added loading times), it's all menu-based. If you wanted to make an RPG for N64, you'd have more power for 3D, something that isn't vital for an RPG, but lack of FMVs, which, at the time, was vital to impress people.
There's still examples of devs that managed to make good RPGs on the N64 so it was totally possible, but too risky from a business standpoint.

>> No.5543027

>the abmyssal scored this piece of shit game got is /v/
>talk about nonsense like "soul" instead and how an empty world is a feature

Nintoddlers will literally eat any dogshit as long as it's exclusive

>> No.5543050

Nintendo was hostile to third party developers, so many jumped ship to PlayStation. All they really had left by fifth gen was first party games and Rare.

>> No.5543053

Read >>5542489
And stop projecting. Not everyone is a console warrior.

>> No.5543091

It was pretty good, with a few flaws and balancing issues. The battle system was pure kino

>> No.5544242
File: 295 KB, 500x145, 1556747125897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fucking disaster, how can you ever enjoy this repetitiven piece of shit? Only way of progressiv is doing the same shit over and over again, the game forces monotony on you. Battles are always the same, music is shit, maps are shit, story is shit. Got this the first week it came out and boy did I regret it. It would be more fun beating minesweeper 100 times in a row

>> No.5544268

wtf? you cnvinced me. this game suck

>> No.5544507
File: 344 KB, 500x148, 1556746958826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay Bub, what is so fullfilling watching the rock animation over and over again? Oh and don't forget the heal. Again and again, throw in a stick punch cause you want to See something different. Please open my eyes what is so mesmerizing from the repetition

>> No.5545551

Quest 64 was my first JRPG and upon reflection it feels like a game rushed out and not completed.

>> No.5545586

Quest 64 presents an early iteration of a more interesting variation of the skill tree

a modern game would have you put points incrementally into a literal tree, melee tree, thief tree, wizard tree

here q64 gives us four classical greek elements, and lets us put points into any of them. there are spells which are singular, binary, and even ternary in their requirements. You don't know what they are until you get them and there are correct and incorrect choices to be made.

>> No.5545983
File: 40 KB, 184x285, shilf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5546000

>You expect it to be like a normal RPG where water enmies are weak to fire
But I expect water enemies to be weak to thunder, not fire

>> No.5546048

>you don't know what they are until you get them
>there are correct and incorrect choices to be made

That kinda sounds to me like bad design. You don't know what the spells are until you invest points AND there are correct and incorrect investments to be made? I guess that's how it works in real life sometimes but it seems poorly thought out and frustrating for a game.

>> No.5546051

Quest 64 is the precursor to empty world RPGs.

>> No.5546161
File: 76 KB, 320x902, shannon stork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would bang

>> No.5546251

honestly the games you would like are like a muslim wife, fundamentally pointless