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File: 652 KB, 1500x1020, dq3fc_jpn_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5527342 No.5527342 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly did this game innovate?
The combat system was already done before. The class change system was already done before. The day/night cycle was already done before. NPCs reacting to what you do was done before. Is it only nostalgia?

>> No.5527364
File: 450 KB, 1280x1719, dw3 world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think the point is innovation. The game just had a damn good package of mechanics/atmosphere/music etc. and a nice twist.

>> No.5527372

For me, it was the way you could travel the whole world and had locations based of IRL world.
Exploring the map by foot, then being able to use a ship to cross the seas, then finally being able to fly with Ramia. What a breathtaking experience.

>> No.5527454

Nothing, but it is simply peak quality.

>> No.5527571
File: 111 KB, 1092x1370, dq3pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When simply being the best game in it's franchise isn't enough

>> No.5527607

II was complete shit and they didnt know what they were doing. They immediately did III after learning from their mistakes.

>> No.5527817

Is the game still only 1MB? How were they able to pack all that content compared to other games during the time?

>> No.5527819

Samurai levels of patience and execution.
They crammed the most possible content, they even had to give up making an intro screen. Dragon Warrior III on NES was given a title screen, but Famicom original just has a black screen with "Dragon Quest III" text.

>> No.5527836

It seems so. I believe that there was a whole team compare to just one programmer like what you would see on computer games. Compared to Hydlide 3, the amount of content is exponential.

>> No.5528247


>> No.5528375

It's the best rpg on the nes and snes

>> No.5528376
File: 240 KB, 409x500, DQIII_orochi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the best rpg period.

>> No.5528603

Ultima 2 did that before.

>> No.5528605

epic retard lmao

>> No.5528607

That other thread says it has waifus?

>> No.5528617

The SFC port added bikini armors.

>> No.5528720

>what exactly did OP innovate?
>Underage posting was already done before. Shitposting was already done before. OP being an NPC was already done before.

>> No.5528772

I can't believe Nintendo hired Katsuya Terada to create so much amazing art for Nintendo power, along with Benimaru Itoh.
By todays industry standards of penny pinching, that must have surely have just looked like they were spunking money down a huge hole.

>> No.5529014

List the innovations please then

>> No.5529024
File: 323 KB, 192x256, 1502423193685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna let you in on a secret, being the first to do something isn't as important as doing it well, whether that be the combination of elements into a complete package or simply executing each one of them well. Historical relevance or trailblazing is all good and well but at the end of the day people are going to play the one that's the most fun.

>> No.5529231

And DQ 3 isn't fun

>> No.5529249

Let me guess, not enough party interaction?

>> No.5529325

i love classic dq
from what i understand about similar games in the era and japanese media, dq took those ideas and combined/simplified them to reach a larger audience

>> No.5529657

I never played a classic JRPG that was as non-linear as DQ3 gets when you unlock the ship.

>> No.5529661

I have never seen a single claim that DQ3 was innovative, but it certainly was a gigantic fucking leap for DQ. Easily one of the most impressive sequels within a franchise

>> No.5529763

yeah but ultima games are shit

>> No.5529768

>II was complete shit

>> No.5529810

This can't be stressed enough. I'll take a 'derivative' game that perfects what's been done before over a game that tries something new, any day.

>> No.5529815

it was the first game to include a gamble mini-game where you could watch the CPU fight itself and win or lose money.

>> No.5529829


basically fpbp
>class system like FF1, but it didnt lock you in to those classes, you could recruit other people or even change classes later
>typical "save the world" jrpg, but with enough small twists at the time to keep the game fresh.
>pays homage to fans of the first two games
>pacing on par with games of its time, but each time the player completes an event and is reward for the efforts, it feels like a big payoff building up to something

DQ2 was pretty bad. Not because enix didnt know what they were doing at the time, but it was more because they didnt have enough time to gametest and balance everything out, which is a huge part of why it sucks during regional zone changes. weakest in the series unfortunately

>> No.5529853

*makes ultimafags upset*

>> No.5529856

Casualized autism ridden RPG invented in the west

>> No.5529886
File: 16 KB, 256x224, Romancing-SaGa-Eng-DDS-v1.1009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never played a classic JRPG that was as non-linear as DQ3 gets when you unlock the ship.
Romancing Saga.

>> No.5530171

t. Weeb subhuman

>> No.5530269

I've only played the GBC version of DQ II but it isn't that bad so far, the worst part is getting fresh party members you have to regrind and get new gear from level 1 mid game.

>> No.5530270


>> No.5530406

Don't worry guys, both of your dice roll sims are garbage.

>> No.5532331
File: 93 KB, 640x480, DQiiiZoma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was your endgame party?

>> No.5532443

I always go with Hero, female merchant, female martial artist and female priest (promoted to sage because it looks like she just matured and removed her hat).

Other times I ignore the admittedly mediocre merchant and recruit a male wizard at the beginning. Since there is only one book and healing is very useful, I usually turn the male wizard into a sage instead of the female priest. I make up some backstory to explain it, something about the dude regaining his youth through meditation and sagey knowledge. Of maybe him being actually young but cursed to look like an old man before the start of the game.

I've literally never used the warrior/soldier outside Ragnar in DW4. I just prefer the cute Bulma-like merchant and ALWAYS choose the female martial artist in every playthrough. She's incredibly powerful.

I also like to fight those cat enemies near the river town as soon as I get there, because they can drop a cat suit very early in the game. I usually give it to the wizard because he has no better armor at that point, and it's fun to see his sprite literally turn into a small cat.

>> No.5532459
File: 27 KB, 433x212, Luisas_Tavern_DQ3_manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat, thanks for the input anon. Is that cat suit in the NES game, or they added it to the remakes later?
As you can see on the pic I posted, I put Warrior on front, he's just STRONK. Then hero, then female sage and female priest.
Female sage was originally goof girl, I didn't really make up any backstory but basically the priest girl is very jealous of the goof turned sage girl.
I like your idea of the wizard turning into a young sage, reminds me of Dohko of Libra from Saint Seiya.

>> No.5532876

It's in the NES game and it turns you into a literal cat. The remake version turns you into a weird furry wearing a cat suit. I don't really like it.

Same with the magic bikini or whatever. The NES version turns you into a cute girl wearing a dress, and I always give it to the martia artist because both sprites look similar. The SNES version expands on it and actually gives each character a different type of sexy swimsuit depending on their class.

I don't like turning the goof into a sage because they don't really end up feeling like sages. It's more like turning a garbage character into a decent one. You have to level up really high to make up for the shit stats the goof had, while any other class at least gives you a level 1 sage with decent stats. Also, it's just weird that a clown/stripper turns into a sage.

>> No.5532879

>tfw you have to fight a zombified Baramos and then fight him again as a skeleton

>> No.5532882

I see, I think I missed, or ignored, those cat/bikini suits.
I think I ended up turning goof into a sage because they can do it without needing the book item, right? it may not make sense but it's funny.

>> No.5532919

Is this some sort of Dragon Ball side story?

>> No.5532930

How come DQ is always mocked for looking exactly like Dragon Ball?

The truly good games in the series don't even have ANY Toriyama artwork in-game. His art only started appearing in the games themselves with DQ8, which was the last good one and not even in the top 3 in terms of quality.

I don't get why people complain about the art style. Even if you don't find it charming or even if you outright hate it, it's literally NOWHERE to be seen in the games themselves. The sprites don't look like Dragon Ball ripoffs, so what's the deal?

>> No.5532946 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 550x400, 1556407911665.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest there's nothing really bad about Toriyama's artstyle either. Also probably most of the times it isn't even mocking, but people being genuinely surprised to see Toriyama art. Other than Tobal, I think he didn't did anything for video games.
That said, in Japan DB and DQ are kinda contemporaries. DB started earlier, but around the time he worked for DQIII, he was doing the 23rd tenkaichi/start of Z in the manga.
The best thing about him is the monster design though. DB doesn't have too many monsters, Dr. Slump has more stuff that looks DQ-like.

>> No.5532981

I only have a problem with his remake art.

For example, I absolutely LOVE the original DQ6 artworks. But the DQ3 remake artwork looks like absolute crap to me, even though it was made around the same time. All the characters look awful. Same with the DQ6 remake on DS. I can't stand the official art, which I'm pretty sure is drawn by Toriyama's apprentices now.

>> No.5533136

I can roll an entire party of waifus...not many JRPGS let you do that.

>> No.5533150

Yeah, look at Wolfenstein 3D and Doom...Wolf invented the FPS, but it was clunky and shit, then they got it right with Doom, which has had mod support since zoomers were even born.

>> No.5533192

dumbshits with absolutely no real criticism desperately clinging on to spouting the same shit over and over

>> No.5533816

>babymodes fighting each other

>> No.5533828

It (SNES version) is one of the best games ever made.

Btw, I played it 3 weeks ago for the first time.

>> No.5533849

Sell something to the right people and anything can seem innovative, if they've never seen something like it before.

>> No.5533917
File: 342 KB, 853x1200, DZDDt81VAAAeCk2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explained to me that it is because he switched to drawing digitally which he is completely inaccustomed to and probably never took the time to learn properly. His old art is hand-drawn. Pic related is fantastic art for a fantastic game that expertly captures its feeling. Toriyama used to be a genius.

>> No.5534002

DQII has its problems but it's open and charming, I'd say the weakest one is DQVI trailed by DQIX. I can forgive the archaic nature of I and II because they're ancient. VI is grindy and the story is very center stage but doesn't amount to much, if the story was more vague and out of the way the game wouldn't be a grindy and sequence flag laden mess. Also it feels unfinished, right after the fight with Murdaw I feel like it loses sight of what they were doing. DQVII is more broken up than is VI but because the whole plot is about these mini adventures it doesn't feel as fragmented.