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File: 17 KB, 160x144, 4477titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5530001 No.5530001 [Reply] [Original]

Mad Lad did it again.

>> No.5530012

I really hope one of these eventually lands for Donkey Kong for Gameboy

>> No.5530089

Whatever happened to that other japan exclusive game he was colorizing? Frog whom the bell tolls or whatever the fuck

>> No.5530098
File: 22 KB, 481x360, tumblr_inline_muqfdfkWxZ1r10fwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>changed Mario sprite

>> No.5530120

I laugh at the reviewers complaining why Mario's "fireballs" aren't red. It's because they're not fireballs, dumbasses. They're superballs.

>> No.5530129

Why indeed? Especially since it fucks up the hitbox.

>> No.5530138

because the dk'94 sprite looks objectively better

>> No.5530145

Post screens

>> No.5530149


>> No.5530187
File: 17 KB, 160x144, 4477screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a screenshot!

>> No.5530191


>> No.5530229


>> No.5530247

hitbox was already fucked

>> No.5530252

Shit that looks awful

>> No.5530253

For a second I was worried that this was more Drakon work. I'm glad to see it is not; looks great.

>> No.5530271

This. I hope it's not dead...

>> No.5530294

Looks real good

>> No.5530404
File: 86 KB, 640x1152, dxcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530515

I preferred the flat-faced bomb-koopas, the unique plants and the original jiangshi designs.

>> No.5530538

Finally, the SUPERIOR Mario Land game has finally... finally...

Oh man, I just can't do it. I had this whole post planned out making fun of Mario Land 1 fags, but the thought that anyone could prefer a Mario with such stiff controls is hilarious.

>> No.5530540


>> No.5530541

More consistent with Mario Land 2's aesthetic. Me like.

>> No.5530546

>for ants
Come on man, it only takes a second to resize an image.

>> No.5530675
File: 87 KB, 900x900, Elliot_Rodger_icon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only he knew he just had to add a few colors to a GB game to make all the panties drop.

>> No.5530719
File: 49 KB, 500x500, 1501959283097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What games do you guy want to see colored next?
I'd love Kirby's Dreamland to get colored, one of the magaman games or Duck Tales.

>> No.5530740

Mole Mania
DK '94
Mega Man V
Gen 1 Pokemon kinda does already with the overworld and trainer sprites but the pokemon battle sprites are from gen 2. I get that those look better but I'd still like the option of having colored gen 1 just to see what it looks like.

>> No.5530856

>add a weird bulge to the flying Moai head (probably believes "cultural appropriation" is real).
>forget to change the standing Moai in the background

>> No.5530870
File: 70 KB, 1152x864, The_Two_Faces_of_Squidward_24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he turned them into handsome squidward

>> No.5530882

Not bad. It doesn't get too excessive with the changes, just nice and simple little ones. I'm proud of /vr/ for not just posting SOULESS as a knee-jerk reaction.

>> No.5530889

That's not a flying Moai.

>> No.5530983

Probably the game that would have been most improved from a Super Mario Advance remake.

>> No.5531072

The new sprites look like complete chud. I'm gonna be on Tile Molester for hours fixing that shit. No one cares about updated graphics. Just colorize the fucking game.

>> No.5531152

Wario Land or Mega Man V

>> No.5531270

why did he make the statue head look like apenis?

>> No.5531291

>Mega Man V
That would be pretty neat.

>> No.5531297

>Wario Land
Fucking this. We'd have the full set.

>> No.5531363

Looks ok in these screenshots but looks like shit in motion. The original with the predefined colors when running on gbc looks better.

>> No.5531371

Little Mario looks kinda crappy, big Mario looks pretty good.

I don't like how the bottom frame has zombies instead of cute girls.

>> No.5531390

This a thousand times.

>> No.5531394
File: 379 KB, 356x670, 62143697_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we sure these with that much details would be possible?
My point is, people who do "NES mock-ups" always make things too detailed because they only think about 1/5th of the console limitations.
Even the palette limitations they think "number of colours" and forget all the other restrictions that come with it. Even the intro of MM10, while respecting the "number of colours" wouldn't have been possible on NES because of other limitations that were taken into account.

If you haven't been directly romhacking or programming on the console, chances are you have no idea about the entire scope of the limits and only know about a couple of them.

>> No.5531403

Super mario land all stars

>> No.5531406

Those are totally George washingtons

>> No.5531418

So... does anyone have the rom?

>> No.5531424
File: 20 KB, 120x112, 120px-Pionpiartwork2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute girls.

>> No.5531427

Most people won't give you the patched rom because of legal reasons (or because they're too lazy) so my advice is to look for the patch itself so you can patch it yourself on an original rom of Super Mario Land. I have no idea which version that should be cause I haven't read the readme but I assume it should be the one with the (!) in the filename.

>> No.5531431


looks good

>> No.5531441

Until I learned of the concept of jiangshi years later I thought I was just killing chinks in that stage

>> No.5531449

That's the thing, I can't find the rom version the patch is meant for. doesn't work with (JUE) v1.0 [!] or v1.1 either

>> No.5531460

Nvm, it works with V1.0. It just doesn't work with VBA.

>> No.5531486

>Even the intro of MM10, while respecting the "number of colours" wouldn't have been possible on NES because of other limitations that were taken into account.
Such as what? I really want to know, because I may make an NES mock-up myself one day and don't want to repeat the same mistakes Capcom did.

>> No.5531491

Every time I see a picture of him I wonder how he could died a virgin. He wasn't a bad looking guy by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.5531501
File: 96 KB, 647x540, Mega-Man-Legacy-Collection-2_20180116182201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of detail in this picture is impossible.

Backgrounds are limited to 12 colours + black; and while this respects this limit, you can't use the 12 colours however you want.

Those 12 colours are divided in 4 small palettes of 3 colours+black each.

Each 16*16 square, constituing the TSA is limited to one of those 3 colours + black palette. Only the next 16*16 square can use another of those palette

Now - that is for backgrounds. Sprites use the exact same limitation, with their own palette. So, if needed, you can mix background and sprite for extra detail, however this is very limited as you can only have 16 8*8 sprites on the same row at once.
During gameplay, a few years after the NES release, devs started using routines to make sprite flicker rapidly when there is more sprites than possible, and therefore not render them all at all times.
However, MM games never used the sprite flicker during cutscenes, because while flicker is acceptable during gameplay, it would be ugly in a cutscene. So, they just work with the sprite limitations and only used them during cutscenes for small things such as eyes animation, or explosions.

>> No.5531508
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, megaflex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example from the MM5 intro.

Only pictured is the background. Notice how the eyes and the scarf are missing; sprites (not pictured) are called for that here.

Under palette editor: the top row corresponds to the background palettes.
The bottom row would correspond to the sprites (scarf and eyes) but there is no way to call them like this with this editor.

On the right: tile, tsa and structure table. A structure is made out of 4 TSA which themselves are made of 4 8*8 tiles.
So like I said, notice how each TSA is limited to a single 3colours+black palette. Therefore you want to change palette and use colours from the next 3colours+black pal, you need to wait the next 16*16 block.

If you're interested in learning more, download romhacking editors like this. In this editor for Mega Man games editing backgrounds is very easy, but in order to edit sprites, even the same ones used during this cutscene, I had to not only use another editor, but also know 6502 ASM in order to change which sprite is called and when.

>> No.5531520

In conclusion, I don't think Capcom did a "mistake", I think it was intentional. They wanted the intros to look great so they didn't abide by the entire scope of the limitations.

During gameplay however, in MM9 and 10, there is very little that wouldn't have been possible on NES, only a couple of small things. For instance in MM9, the flying shark boss at the end of Wily Fortress 1, you can see it fly all the way down and go over the ground tiles, that wouldn't have been possible because both things would have been background, but it's a rather small thing.

>> No.5531720

>16 8*8 sprites on the same row at once.

Sorry I remembered that wrong, I think its 8 sprite limit, not 16.

>> No.5531797

Nice. Kid me would have been all over this, but I think both this and the Mario land 2 DX ruin the art style and atmosphere

>> No.5531804

They're supposed to be zombies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiangshi

>> No.5531809

This is really helpful stuff, man, thanks. I used to have a better grasp of how the palette limitations worked out. In the late 90s/early 00s I'd hack games with Nesticle, and that's where I learned that black (or the background color) counts as one of the 4 colors in a sprite piece. But in the years since I've drawn many 8-bit style sprites and completely forgot those rules.

But returning to that MM example, I take it that even if Capcom did use sprite tricks to squeeze a few extra colors (e.g. Mega Man's face and Proto Man's scarf in the MM5 intro), they still couldn't have had that many colors on the screen at once?

>> No.5531814

The background layer is divided into 8x8-pixel tiles that can each only use 4 colors or 3 colors + transparency, same with the sprite layer except that each sprite can be positioned independently; note that hardware sprites are also tile-sized so a single "sprite" like Megaman's standing graphic is actually composed of multiple hardware sprites that are all moved around at once to look like one solid piece

Some games circumvent the 4-color limit by drawing sprites overlaid on top of each other, this is used for things like making the pupils of Megaman's eyes white but it can only go so far before you bump into limits on both the total number of sprites and the number of sprites you can have on the same row (this is why you see flickering when there are a lot of objects onscreen sometimes); other games like Punch-Out have extra chips on the cartridge that enable them to handle more hardware sprites than normal but this is specific to certain games

>> No.5531821

The NES has a fixed 64-color palette, some of the colors are just black so the number of unique colors is around 56 (IIRC) and unlike some other consoles the color values are set in stone so you can't change the shade of purple to get something inbetween two of the stock shades available

>> No.5532040

lol same

>> No.5532065

Just hold ctrl and roll your mouse wheel.

>> No.5532127

You're killing dead chinks.

>> No.5532138

Yeah, VBA is pretty much Zsnes tier but I'm glad it worked out for you in the end. By the way, thanks for confirming that 1.0 works for the color hack. It'll save me some headache for later.

>> No.5532482
File: 110 KB, 1138x939, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5532602

Donkey Kong Land series.
Mole Mania
Megaman V

>> No.5532603

i think this might be where i draw the line.
super mario land 2 colorization is great and the only changes are hearts are changed to the standard mushroom 1up and the fire mario feather removed (because we can get the normal fire mario colors).

all the sprites changes in sml dx are going way too far imo

>> No.5532802

But does it run on a real GBC?

>> No.5532864

wasnt there a color hack of this like 10 years ago?

>> No.5532979

Wario Land
Donkey Kong Land

>> No.5532994

spergy autist that spends all day playing wow in his room is doomed to no gf regardless of his looks

>> No.5533020

Also, Mario's controls are tightened and you can play as Luigi who has the original floaty SML2 physics.

Personally, I liked the hearts and the feather. Made it feel more unique compared to the usual Mario fare since this had no Miyamoto bearing down on it..

>> No.5533052

Will this run on original hardware?

>> No.5533079

It works on original hardware.

>> No.5533231

Donkey Kong '94

The game already has colorization in the form of the SGB you'd think Nintendo would try to port it to the Color themselves.

>> No.5534030

well it doesn't on VBA-M 1.8.0

>> No.5534048

>left soulless
>right soul

>> No.5534084

Honestly, I don't know why I bother doing this shit.

>> No.5534147

To make it look good

>> No.5534172
File: 27 KB, 341x341, 1471465132539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Altering sprites
I can understand putting color, but making your own shitty sprites is a whole new level of NO, JUST NO

>> No.5534191

The colored hack has two versions. One that is faithful to the OG, and the gen 2 sprites one.

>> No.5534201

Almost forgot about this video, it's fucking great.

>> No.5534257

You guys fail to realize how little detail the original sprites and backgrounds had; because yes, the bgs too were given added details.

If he hadn't done that, he'd have been so limited with the colouring that it would barely be better than the automatic colouring that the GBC gives.

Look at the turtle head for instance. It literally is 2-3 pixels. How are you supposed to give a face colour AND an outline that way? You just can't, so either the turtle head is all black, or it has no outline, which looks bad either way.

>> No.5534260

He was a hateful young man that deluded himself with his own anger

>> No.5534326

I could understand this with a game that originally had good spritework but SML always looked like it belonged on a TI calculator instead of a system with graphical capabilities comparable to the NES

>> No.5534395
File: 22 KB, 220x193, 220px-NES_Super_Mario_Bros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most sprites in the original NES Super Mario Bros didn't have a black outline either. Mario, the goomba, the coin, and the starman are all very simple colors with no black lines.

I mean I can kind of understand why he felt like those changes were necessary but I feel like the Mario sprite should have been left alone...

>> No.5534419


>> No.5534484


>> No.5534543
File: 396 KB, 2560x2048, ZsJeo1sDcWxAHb8WK4vNWTiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5534587

>that Lapras screenshot
That looks pretty amazing, thought the Pokecentre guy looked like a ghost. Wouldn't mind playing if it had Gen2 Pokemon added too.

>> No.5534707

Same. After learning about the jiangshi it completely ruined the level for me.

>> No.5534718
File: 13 KB, 512x299, dx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when what?

>> No.5534860

He should finish Frog the Bell Tolls already

>> No.5535098

GBC would eliminate the slowdown too.

>> No.5535125

the vanilla version doesn't give the gen 1 sprites full color. it's just super gameboy colors.

>> No.5535140

found the faggot

>> No.5535170

Never ever because an official remake is happening which kills all interest for fan remakes.

>> No.5535682

I tried to patch my ROM, but it doesn't work on the US version I have. What exactly is the "World" version?

>> No.5535687

Oh, apparently both of the dumps I have are of version 1.1. Damn.