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File: 315 KB, 762x340, BanjoKazooie-BanjoTooie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5523323 No.5523323 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you guys like better? Iv'e only ever beaten tooie.

>> No.5523329

BK felt more authentic but BT was really creative, especially with the multiplayer.

>> No.5523342

Super Banjo Tooie > Kazooie

It's literally perfect. More demanding jiggies, collectables stay collected, more varied jiggie challenges with fun modes, more interesting themes, moves for the sake of more moves like mario 64, homing eggs, more content, 3d metroidvania game design

>> No.5523348

Tooie imo. BK is good but I really dont like the original's note system.

>> No.5523391

Didn't the original tooie have some issues like with lag or something because the game was so big? either way I think I preferred Kazooie because it wasn't overwhelming like Tooie was.

>> No.5523406

I remember seeing Tooie in the kiosk one time and I was blown away how much better it looked compared to the 1st one, don't get me wrong the 1st game is great but the 2nd one always manages to keep my attention longer than the 2nd one I don't know why.

>> No.5523424
File: 436 KB, 638x476, pOugP4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least it was before i fucked everythang up

>> No.5523479

I don't get it.

>> No.5523518

Yes, tooie suffers from horrible lag.

I love both games, but I'll always tip my hat to BK. BT had very interesting world themes but the levels themselves were just too fucking big and easy to get lost in. I can't count how many times I got lost swimming in JRL, or trying to remember which cave entrance was which in the dinosaur level. The backtracking is alright, very few instances where it becomes straight up annoying. Fun characters just like original, music is good, it's still a fun game.

>> No.5523521

Why would you beat the second one before the first? It's a direct sequel. Just... why?

>> No.5523523

How is yokaa laylee? I never got to play it but it's suppose to be a banjo spiritual successor or something isn't it?

Is the 360 version of BT better? or does it still have lag?

>> No.5523524

OP here, not sure really. It's funny because I actually played the 1st game first, but for some reason BT just kept my interest more. I always felt BK was more difficult for some reason so I preferred playing BT back in the day. But now I think I prefer BK because BT really is way too big and it's very confusing.

>> No.5523539

I've never played the 360 version myself but from YouTube/twitch playthroughs it looks like they greatly fixed it.

And YL is not a good game. It isn't outright horrible but it just feels so lackluster and boring. The levels again are big but they're empty, and I'm going to curse myself for saying this, but lacking any soul. It's just random shit plastered around with no feel. I pirated it ages ago and made it two levels in before I dropped it.

>> No.5523540

Did they ever add the N64 mode to YL?

>> No.5523542

Both had great humor, I really miss the SOUL days of Rare. Like even if you didn't like one of their games you at least knew it was made with SOUL.

>> No.5523558
File: 197 KB, 633x633, 1341473388147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when bottles dies and Kazooie just says that he was the least favorite character of the last game anyway

>> No.5523559

I have no idea what that is so I can't say, sorry anon.

>> No.5523561

imagine being so much of a brainlet that you can't navigate a kid's collecting game

>> No.5523562

Basically it makes YL have N64 graphics.

>> No.5523567

360 remakes are great and the definitive versions I think. I love the fact that it saves notes in the levels. Other than looking crisper and cleaner does anyone know if they added anything else to the 360 versions?

>> No.5523587

BK, Tooie's levels felt oversized and empty and I don't like backtracking.

You also get to EXPERIENCE STOP N SWAP THE WAY IT WAS INTENDED by unlocking xbox avatars.

>> No.5523592

Fantastic non-argument

>> No.5523598

They're both good in different ways and while I prefer Tooie for its larger, interconnected level design, I completely understand why some people prefer Kazooie's denser, more focused level design.

>> No.5523603

Yes, earlier this month. They changed a lot of textures and added a thick scanline filter but didn't seem to change polycount that much. It doesn't really look like an N64 game to me.

>> No.5523604

Is that seriously all the stop and swap unlocks? fuck that sucks. I would have thought maybe it would let you eventually uinlock banjo 3 or something.

>> No.5523606

>April 1st

This was a joke right? I mean I guess it kinda looks like an N64 game...but I expected blocky textures, disappointing.

>> No.5523607

BT has a really sluggish start and I couldn't get into it somehow. I think I finished BK at some point.

>> No.5523608
File: 94 KB, 800x710, 1471745481873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it would let you eventually uinlock banjo 3 or something
>he still think Banjo Threeie will ever be made
I have some really bad news about Rare, anon.

>> No.5523612

I'm surprised how many people actually prefer Tooie, at least from this thread anyway, the general concensous I always got was that people liked BK more but I guess I never found the large levels that much of a problem like most people did, honestly I didn't even notice that the levels were really any bigger than BK's were.

>> No.5523614

Not an April Fools' joke, it's real. The N64 mode seems about on par with the rest of the game in terms of quality; shoddy (though I wouldn't know, haven't played it because they cancelled it on the console I was planning to buy it on).

>> No.5523616

Do you need all the jiggies to beat either of these games? do you get an extra ending or something for getting them all?

>> No.5523625

Kazooie is a better game if you just want something to beat. Tooie is the best game if you 100% it. If you rush through Tooie you will hate it. And yes there is a reward for 100%ing it, I've gotten it recently. Let me just say that at that point I was content with the game simply acknowledging it. The reward itself was mild, but I didn't care. For me the adventure begins after you 100% it.

>> No.5523629

Ironically I really prefer the original's note system. It's a bit annoying getting them all in one go but I just prefer the way they were handled else wise. Grabbing a few note nests sucks, running along lines of notes feels way more satisfying and it's also a lot better for directing the player.

>> No.5523630

Do you get anything cool to use in game when you 100% tooie? it's been years since I played it but I remember Kazooie turning into a dragon, do you get that after 100% completion?

>> No.5523631

did the original BT have the note system where it saves it? I know the original BK didn't save your notes but the 360 version did, so I wasn't sure if the original N64 BT saved your notes or not.

>> No.5523635

yeah the original saved it

>> No.5523639

You can get dragon kazooie with a mega glowbo used at the wumba hut outside of witchy world relatively early in the game.

>> No.5523640

IIRC, getting all or near-all (maybe 2 or less, something like that) in BK gets you double health. Tooie's reward on the other hand requires every jiggie but just gives you a new cutscene where you see all the characters and their names. I can't speak for fully 100% the games though since I never bothered going after the cheato pages.
Dragon Kazooie can be gotten before even beating the game though.

>> No.5523690

How many jiggies do you get for beating canary marry? I got one fuck please don't tell me you gotta do it again for another jiggy.

>> No.5523706

If a new banjo game ever came out with BK's level design and BT's features it be perfect. Making Kazooie a gun was one of their best ideas in the sequel.

>> No.5523962


>cousin chipped a tooth in frustration over Canary Mary

You gotta do it twice for Jiggies and once for a Cheato page so get some monster energy and forget your evening plans.

>> No.5524023

Does it get harder?

>> No.5524107

There is a pretty easy way to beat Canary Mary if you're having trouble, abuse her rubberband AI. If you pull too far ahead, she will always eventually outpace you and win. If you purposely stay in second for the majority of the race, she wont have time to catch up when you suddenly speed up at the end.

>> No.5524147
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>> No.5524180

The sad thing about this video is this is the Xbox version, not the (I'm assuming) bugged n64 version. The developers added in for the second race a rubberband mechanic and the race becomes literally (regardless of turbo button) winnable if you mash the button.

There's a very specific section towards the end you have to mash to both catch up and pass the bird, if you mess it up he just speeds up and wins every single time. I tried again recently and the only way I was able to do it was save state; it was shitty to do, but unless you've played the original you don't know how horrible it truly is.

>> No.5524186

I never knew about the rubberband AI until relatively recently but I could do it by just mashing the button hard as I could. That's around 10 presses a second but it's possible.

>> No.5524190

The original is the confiest.

>> No.5524265


I like the way you analyzed it anon, funny how no one complains about the second Boggy race in BK. Guess Canary Mary struck a nerve with us.

I have both originals and whenever playing I usually do that task at first to get it over with. If it's bugged then so be it. My method is using my index finger and "flexing" the arm so that it gets vibratingly twitchy, mashing the button. Apply it when the rubberband checkpoint arrives and it's over.

>> No.5524354

This doesn't work for the second race because the AI will go faster than is normally programmed to beat you.
Yeah that's a pretty good strat. The second race is ""easy"" if you read about which exact moments you should be pressing A and when you should be tapping it like 2ish times a second. It's really fucking bullshit but kind of funny how the rubberband mechanic kicks in.

>> No.5524357

The 360 version of does fix the lag makes the game feel who lot better

>> No.5524392
File: 98 KB, 1200x742, The only Donk image I have saved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey Kong 64

>> No.5524625

One of the worst ideas you mean. Nothing more annoying than having to do a full-stop on the regular gameplay so you can play some shitty FPS for a bit

>> No.5525283

i could play banjo kazooie all day every for the rest of my life. i basically can't stand playing more then a few hours of tooie for some reason. it feels unintelligibly badly designed in terms of map and game design/flow. i dont really know how to describe it but i just think it sucks.

>> No.5525523

Explain to me the difference between map size with freezeezy peak and witchy world

>> No.5525598

It's the amount of walking, not the guy you replied to but everything just feels so far apart, I mean it's the reason why Tooie has teleporters.

>> No.5525602
File: 9 KB, 185x273, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wasn't she in the 2nd one?

>> No.5525620

I am literally retarded, would someone mind giving me a link to a BT rom?

>> No.5525638


I'm in a good mood today so here:


It says it's E region but it worked on my emu fine.

>> No.5525658

I liked Nutz & Boltz

>> No.5525670

In stages like that it's more about the flow. Everything in Witchyworld is segmented from each other even though the game design requires connectivity. You constantly have to do things in multiple areas to complete one objective even though those areas are all separated from each other, through door/gate/distance/whatever. It quickly builds up and makes doing things like getting boggy's kids a huge annoyance. In Freezeezy peak, every area is out in the open, all part of the same single screen so to say. Because of this, when objectives require you to go through multiple areas, it's not nearly as tedious. The only sections cut off from the rest of the map by any significant means are the cave and the tree, both via a door. Boggy's house and the top of the snowman could be argued due to distance but both can be gotten to very easily through the immediately available flight pads, unlike the teleporters in Witchyworld which need to be activated beforehand.
Overall, it's like two hallways of the same length but one has 10 doors in it and the other is just empty.

>> No.5525738

The level by design is structured to provide exactly what you want. That's why there's different themes to accentuate that. You can just pick on the boggy kids mission, but the reality is that on any sort of replay that it's a non-issue with warp pads. Everytime someone complains about Tooie that make it sound like they've just started playing it. My experience has been that the game gets better over the years while kazooie stays largely the same for better and for worse.

>> No.5526373

>That doesn't work.
But it does and I've always been able to do that. My strat has always been to just mash the button as hard and fast as possible.

>> No.5528640

>but lacking any soul
kek, this is no soul

>> No.5528812

>monkey with uzi shooting space ants because they burned down his village

the premise is complete shit but it doesn't look so bad.

>> No.5529005

tooie is full on metroidvania

>> No.5529071

it only looks as if was made with store assets