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5522820 No.5522820 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bangai-O the most underrated N64 game ever?

>> No.5522871

DC version is better. Play the DC version.

>> No.5522878

no, that would be Last Legion UX

>> No.5522882

Definitely up there. I'm trying to get it over the Dreamcast version. I know they have their differences but I'd like to try the original. Might be so underrated because it had such an actually limited run. Pretty hard to find hidden gems on a console whose good games take up 20% of the library.

Sin & Punishment isn't underrated, right? I know it is fairly well known because of the VC port, but it really is one of the best games on the system. Unbelievable graphics and gameplay, blew my mind the first time I tried it. Takes my money over Star Fox any day.

>> No.5522886
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>Bangai-O, the most underrated game ever

Fixed that for ya

>> No.5522898

>bullethell shit

>> No.5522927
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If you already played the DC version, the N64 original is good to go back to because it's harder, and has better controls. Worth playing both versions.

>> No.5522953

>N64 has higher bomb capacity and lets you level up your mecha beyond DC's static power
I don't think so, Tim.

Not like either game is that challenging anyway, in particular the bosses in this game suck dick which is odd for a Treasure game.

>better controls
What's wrong with using the face buttons to move and the stick to aim your shot on the Dreamcast?

>> No.5522970
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>I don't think so, Tim.
Upgrading isn't as easy, you'll rarely be beyond DC's default power. Most of the time you'll be below. Also Mami's shots are weaker by default (since her bullets bounce on walls), but on DC she's as powerful as Riki.
Having more bomb capacity is a double-edged sword, you can waste away missiles if you're not careful, on DC you always have enough depending on the amount of enemies on screen, it's more limited. Also DC enemies drop HD refills all the time.
Anyway I'm not saying DC is bad or anything, as I said, both are worth playing.
>What's wrong with using the face buttons to move and the stick to aim your shot on the Dreamcast?
Didn't say the DC's controls are bad, but shooting in 8 directions with the N64's analog stick (while moving with the d-pad) feels more natural. The devs themselves recommend this scheme on the game manual. You can still opt to use the C-buttons instead, though.

>> No.5522984

No, it's Dark Rift

>> No.5523139

It's really not bullethell

>> No.5524428

Itano Circus is basically the progenitor of bullet hell.

>> No.5524746

I wish itano circus was possible to put into a game, I think in practice, however, that it is just too much for a human player to actually perform in-game.

>> No.5524772

I had it for Dreamcast, it was really good and I don't usually play schmups

>> No.5525094

It's something that would work better in 3D games.

>> No.5526630

I agree, but mostly on a giving end. It's easy to watch you fire missiles at dudes, see the itano circus mod for freelancer. It's much harder to depict the player character as the evader. I've actually been toying with the idea for a while, the only thing I could think of was something where you move your plane around with a motion controller in VR, that way you get tracking good enough to handle the speed of crazy dodges, and the stereoscopi rendering and full 360 rendering would make it easier to see where you needed to be vs. traditional flat games. That said, it might be just as well be done as a cutscene to a strategy game or something. You know, roll dice for how many missiles you can dodge and take damage for the ones you can't avoid.

>> No.5526681

Wut?! No. It received high praise when it was first released, and it's ALWAYS been in top 25/50 best N64 game lists. Why do you think it's underrated?

>> No.5526709

>It received high praise when it was first released,
No it didn't. It received 7-8/10 reviews all across the board.

>> No.5526712

not that guy, and I'm only one person, but in my experience Bangai-O is almost only brought up as being a Dreamcast game. In fact, I only recently learned that the N64 version existed. Sin & Punishment and Mischief Makers are the really famous "obscure" N64 games in my experience. Maybe I just haven't looked at the same things you've looked at though.

>> No.5526763

Maybe in dog shit burger publications. In the U.K., we tend to recognize good games when we see them. I mean, vomit inducingly bad games were a contributing factor to the '83 crash, after all. No such problems in Blighty, hmm... :P

>> No.5529061

>being proud of lower standards
UK you so cray