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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5513789 No.5513789 [Reply] [Original]

Was the 90s the golden age of the jRPG?

>> No.5513797 [DELETED] 

No. The golden age was the 70s and before, when they didn't exist.

>> No.5513812

Grandia was fucking garbage.

>> No.5513819

90s was the golden axe of every genre

>> No.5513896 [DELETED] 

yes. that era had snes/genesis and ps1/saturn games where the devs had to be creative.

nowadays they churn out rpgs and they're flashy and sometimes innovative, but they forget to make them charming and fun.

you're fucking garbage, bitch.

>> No.5513904

yeah definitely. grandia rocks.

ignore the children who weren't born yet >>5513812

>> No.5513905

>colorful cast of characters
>voice acting
>cool active battle system
>fun world to explore

Hardly garbage!

>> No.5513913

>flat characters who come and go in minutes
>poor voice acting
>literally just turn based but the order keeps changing
>linear movement through a world that is obnoxious to explore
Hardly good!

>> No.5513917

I love Grandia but the English voice acting was fucking terrible.

>> No.5513925

No, they have much more interesting battle systems now.

>> No.5513938

>golden axe

>> No.5513945

>inb4 triggered turn-basedfags

>> No.5513948

none of them have a better battle system than the grandia series

don't @ me zoomer fucking shits

>> No.5513951

The best one was released in 1988, but it got remakes in the 90s so yeah maybe.

>> No.5513970

RPG Maker first came out that year IIRC and I think I do.

>> No.5514029

I liked when my level wasn't high enough to fith a giant tortoise creature so it just crushed my whole party with one foot xD

>> No.5514110

>flat characters
Flat characters != bad characters. There are 3 character archetypes and flat characters are a very valid and solid archetype, you literal brainlet who thinks his opinion amounts to anything without knowing the basics.

>> No.5514113


>> No.5514124

Lol, just look at FF13 and 15...2/3 of the combat is automated and you literally watch the computer input commands for your party. It is garbage to the highest degree.

>> No.5514150

So what are the other two then?

>> No.5514191


>> No.5514196

Do you really need to ask?

Most JRPGs have been shit the last two gens. The best consoles for JRPGs will likely forever be SFC, PSX, and PCE.

>> No.5514234

S_y and bluepilled

>> No.5514267

Imagine actually thinking this

>> No.5514295

You say that while only looking at the good ones from square, while loving or hating them at least square tried something different every time, there's a retarded amount of completely dull and generic dragon quest clones on pc engine that are complete waste of time.

>> No.5514307

Look at this jarpiggotry lel
My waifu my waifu I even have her pillow

>> No.5514624

It's a fun challenge if you don't go out of your way to grind.

>> No.5514650
File: 29 KB, 256x324, urine2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"At the Deathsmiles release event I went to a few years ago they were selling tea as "Windia's delicious urine"... 300 yen per bottle."

>> No.5514661

Shmucks are no better. They love lolicon

>> No.5514704


>> No.5514831

Imagine actually thinking spiked hair teens have character.

>> No.5514834

Early 2000s or that.

>> No.5514836

It was the goldden age of every genre, except mobas and walking sims.

>> No.5514864

>people actually losing to Grandia fights

>> No.5514876

Yes. Early 2000s was great too though.

>> No.5514880

The entire god-damn point of jRPG is to grind. If you don't have to, then half of what makes the genre disappears

>> No.5514883

There hasn't been a remarkable RPG since the PS2, at least in home consoles

>> No.5514885

Most RPGs can be finished without grinding though.

>> No.5514909

I disagree although I agree there was a huge gap in the 00s where a lot of big 90s jrpgs went to die. After a lot of edge, angst and failed attempts to 'revolutionize' gameplay I feel we're finally getting back on track if only a little bit in this decade.

>> No.5514997

>i feel we're finally getting back on track if only a little bit in this decade.
really? All genre's today are in complete shit state

>> No.5515001

RPGs - maybe (still a sketchy claim)
jRPGs, especially from 90s? Grind, grind, grind and some more grind

>> No.5515003

>he needs to grind in jrpgs
hilarious, as if they weren't easy already

>> No.5515014

SMT's Press Turn system is pretty similar to Grandia's 'interrupt the other guy to win' system.

Also, SMT can actually be challenging while Grandia is almost insultingly easy. I really like Grandia but putting such a nice battle system in such an easy game seems like a waste.

>> No.5515028

If you include random encounters as being 'grinding' then yes.

Otherwise git gud & use buffs retard

>> No.5515409

I think he's talking about FFXV.

>> No.5515429

And the whole point of Sonic is "gotta go fast".
And the whole point of the "tough bar" is to go there and punch a guy for no reason.
And the whole point of a buffet is to pig out until you throw up.

If you grind in a JRPG, it's because you suck at the game.

>> No.5515435

There's little need for grinding in the majority of JRPGs, maybe grind a level or two at certain point of the game if you feel underleveled but that's about it.

>> No.5515460

Playing the PS JRPG library for the first time on my PSP back when I was younger are still some of my most cherished game-related memories. Every game I played was unbelievable.
I can only imagine how amazing it must have been to live in the 90's as a JRPG fan.

>> No.5515461

The filename is far and away the most unsettling part about your post.

>> No.5515603

It's also what the bottle says.

>> No.5515664

i wonder what it tastes like

>> No.5515667

Imagine being this bad in the easiest video game genre in the history of video games

>> No.5515727

That's because the drink is literally labeled as urine lol

>> No.5515751

Grinding is the better part of jrpgs. If you're playing for the story my condolences

>> No.5515768

If you find grinding mooks fun you might just suffer from the 'tism.

>> No.5515769

>being this much of a cock sucker.

>> No.5515771

>What jrpgfags understand by grinding
spend additional time in leveling up.
>What everybody understands by grinding
Fighting the same repetitive battles every 10 steps.

>> No.5515773
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>> No.5515786

I'm with the other guy. I had high hopes fir Grandia after the two Lunars were some of my favorite 16 bit rpgs. But aside from the battle system which was cool I found the game a massive disappointment.

The biggest problem is that for an rpg supposedly about the joy of exploration the dungeons were mostly very linear and extremely boring. The final area at least looked neat but even there it never really felt like I was exploring anywhere interesing.

Then the characters were either bland or annoying with terrible voice acting and the plot... I barely even remember itnpw just that it never felt that interesting.

>> No.5515808

PS2 is up there for sure.

>> No.5515813

based lunarbro

eternal blue is game arts' magnum opus

>> No.5515816

Sounds like Skies of Arcadia might be your thing.
Except for the voice acting, that is.

>> No.5515856

It's funny though. People complain about random encounters, and their frustrations are sort of justified when talking about modern JRPGs with random encounters. But if you're a fan of retro games you generally enjoy repetition, because so many retro games are designed around having to rebattle the same enemies or even replay entire levels. Like, if there's a difficult jump in a platformer at the end of a level you'll have to replay the entire level if you fail that jump. Retro games in general are 'grindy' if you use the second definition.

>> No.5516027

Yeah I never got around to trying that one. My dislike of Grandia probably comes with a little being burnt out on the genre but I still thought it was quite disappointing over all.

>> No.5516052

>Final Hallway 13

this, kinda. I think that approach is okay when it's FF12 or Persona 2 - both titles.

>> No.5516075
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>> No.5516078

Back off!

>> No.5516090

>muh childhood game

>> No.5516210

Chrono Cross had the best system ever. It just needed some fine tunning to be perfect.

>> No.5516242

Yes but 2 implies there's a 1

>> No.5516249

>Like, if there's a difficult jump in a platformer at the end of a level you'll have to replay the entire level if you fail that jump. Retro games in general are 'grindy' if you use the second definition.
People using that definition probably save-state/rewind their way through games.

>> No.5516251

wow looks like weebfags took over this board huh

>> No.5516252

Managing your resources as you fight a series of popcorn enemies until you get to the boss is kinda the whole point of the genre tho. It'd be like someone saying they don't like fighting games because they're too fighty.

>> No.5516253

I feel like it was pretty good for it's time, actually.
Sue can get on your nerves, yeah, but at least the voice acting was "lively" (does that even make sense?) and didn't feel like someone was just emotionlessly reading a script like so many did back then.

>> No.5516256

weebs, on 4channel!?

>> No.5516264

I liked mid/early 00s better but the 90s has good stuff too
some of the voices are ok/good but then you have stuff like the 3 female villains that make hentai dubs look like high art

>> No.5516292

I feel like 90's JRPGs only started to be fully appreciated in the 00's and early 10's.
I remember people hating the shit out of FFIX and everything "cutesy" back then.
Maybe it was different in other places, but around me that was how it felt like.

But yeah, 90's and 00's as a close second.

>> No.5516305

I agree with you that being flat doesn't automatically make a character bad, but you need to have a purpose for a flat character to make them work. An entire group of flat characters doesn't mean much, while one flat character who changes the world around them while staying the same has great use for a narrative. Flat characters can be used as a tool, but if they aren't used well they're boring.

>> No.5516306

If it was not for the kid in middle school who burned CDs for 1,5€, I'd never get into PS and PS2 jrpgs.
Dude had a briefcase full of printed game covers you could just choose from.
So yeah, thank you, Márcio.

>> No.5516313

Name 20 good JRPG's from the 90s.

>> No.5516328
File: 72 KB, 588x626, 1554836818639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate jrpgs
>better check out this thread about jrpgs
>what the fuck people are talking about jrpgs?! THIS BOARD IS SHIT!

>> No.5516341

Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Chrono Trigger
SaGa Frontier
Star Ocean 2
Romancing SaGa 2
Romancing SaGa 3
Live A Live
Super Mario RPG
Lunar Eternal Blue
Lufia 2
Phantasy Star IV
Panzer Dragoon SaGa
Dragon Quest V
Could probably name 20 with just Square games if you include Strategy RPGs and Action RPGs

>> No.5516369

He's probably talking about the anti-dub crowd.

>> No.5516415

If you're so sure then go ahead, name some more.

>> No.5516427
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I think it's pretty obvious that it was.

>> No.5516431

Final Fantasy Adventure
Secret of Mana
Secret of Evermore
Seiken Densetsu 3
Parasite Eve
Final Fantasy Tactics
Front Mission 3
Not everybody will agree with the games I named, but they're all at least "good" in my opinion.

>> No.5516443

It's weird how the last 2 party members in Grandia are literal whos.

>> No.5516446
File: 879 KB, 2064x829, 20181113_211355_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>voice acting
I love the shit out of Grandia, only just played through it last year, but the voice acting and localization in general were trash, like NES/early SNES-tier. For a game that leans so heavily on its charm, the translation is largely rubbish, with a few amusing bits peeking through, but it's still an absolute shame. My only other quibble is that some areas tended to allow too many monsters to congregate, together, so if you wanted to fight through them all, it became kind of a chore.

Other than that, it was a fucking magical journey with 11/10 music and an awesome battle system. Begins with you getting in trouble for playing in your neighbor's shed, ends with you fucking saving the world from a bio-engineered horror.

Main theme is fucking GOAT.

>> No.5516454
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I had a bit of an issue with that, too. I really liked Gadwin and wanted him to stick around longer. Liete was pretty cool, even if she was a nobody, it was nice to finally just have a dedicated mage dropped in your lap at the last minute. Sue leaving was great, just because of how it was handled as a character moment for both her and Justin. Rapp I kind of hated just because he showed up as an unlikable jerk and had the WORST voice actor in the game, but he grew on me by the end.

>> No.5516475
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Breakfast with Arle

>> No.5516476
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>> No.5516479

Oops I meant to make this for a new thread

>> No.5516592

what are you green texting for faggot? grandia blows and its literally fueled only by nostalgia fags. go back and play it. guarantee you'll hate it but won't want to feel the shame of being wrong and admitting it, fuckin loser. go to /b/ with your greentext bullshit no one cares about 'muh implications'

>> No.5516612

what about buff mommy?

>> No.5516684
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I played it for the first time last year. Now it's in my top 5 favorite JRPGs of all time. Checkmate, faggot.

>> No.5516687

Actually strike that. SHE had the worst voice acting in the game. The fact that she had no magic made her really boring to use, she was just a one-trick wonder. I'm glad she wasn't a permanent member. Gadwin was far cooler as a tank/DPS party member.

>> No.5516716
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kek. Listen, you stupid fucking nigger, instead of just posting a bunch of insults and butthurt emotions, try stating a detailed and constructive argument on why the game sucks. Otherwise suck my fucking dick, fucktard.

>> No.5517141

No, the PS2 era was definitely better. But there were some great games, for sure.

>> No.5517219

Chrono Trigger was so good that it makes all the rest of those games not worth bothering with...not that the other games are bad, they're all just a step down from CT.

>> No.5517447
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>> No.5517563

Thank you for the lists my friend

>> No.5517634 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5518779

The 90s was the golden age for a lot of things. Every thing since then has just been a regurgitation of what "worked" back then with some unnecessary bells and whistles added. You only get one good game out of a few dozen across every genre these days.

>> No.5519283

Why do people get so upset about Grandia

Never played it

>> No.5519423

It's a great JRPG that relies on an intangible charm and sense of adventure to make up for some of its flaws. If you let yourself get caught up in it, it's a fantastic game that doesn't quite feel like any other in terms of atmosphere and progression. If you're a jaded asshole, you'll just fixate on the flaws and hate every second of it.

It's very similar to Skies of Arcadia in that regard. Neither game is perfect, and both are dated and clunky in ways that were true even when they were originally released, but despite their shortcomings, both are among my favorite JRPGs of all time.

>> No.5519493

It's definitely my favorite period for JRPGs, up until the mid 00's when shovelware started coming out on a daily basis for some reason.

>> No.5519501

>up until the mid 00's when shovelware started coming out on a daily basis for some reason.
Just like the 90's then, only difference is that either you pretend your favourite game isn't shovelware or come out with the excuse that a portion of that shovelware wasn't localized like it is nowadays.

>> No.5519727

you should give grandia another try.

it's got quite a few of the guys from lunar, and the music is by the same composer.

it baffles me how you like one and not the other. your complaints about the dungeons could be applied to the lunar games.

they are linear games, but they don't necessarily feel it. and grandia has more dead ends to explore where you actually get rewarded with various treasure or money.

also the leveling system in grandia had issues...but it was an awesome idea.

>> No.5519730

i replay grandia 1 and 2 and the lunar ps1 games every few years.

>> No.5519743

nice redditspacing, faggot

>> No.5519791

It was bad but soulful.

>> No.5519801

I think my favorite thing about reddit spacing is that you have to actually use reddit to know what it is and be able of accusing someone else of it, so whoever started the trend of calling others out on it was literally just a fucking redditor who was trying to convince himself he belonged here more than someone else.

I love the game, but it was just fucking bad. I would have rather had nothing. Voice acting in games was a mistake.

>> No.5519805

I played it through once and that already felt like a waste. Much as I loved Lunar, I hold Grandia up as one of the most disappointing games I've ever played.

>> No.5519808

not that guy but, just look at the games that came out between 1996 and 2000 for starters, even if some games were mediocore the ratio between mediocore and great wasn't that big back than

>> No.5519809
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I was under the impression that when people use that term they're talking about double spaces. But indeed everyone who whines about it is retarded.

>> No.5520231

You know, threads like these takes me back to the JRPG Generals of old.
I feel like there's no decent place to talk about the genre anymore.

>> No.5520248

Star Ocean 2's combat is pretty high tier.

>> No.5520265

Reddit no longer has reddit spacing. The current default editor is WYSIWYG. We've always done double line breaks on usenet. Only zoomers complain about it.

>> No.5520273

Ohh so was there a time when the spacing was double by default there? That would at least make the complaints have some sense to them.

>> No.5520446

Which jrpgs are grindfest. I like to level up and make money while listening music or watching TV. Last one I played was phantasy star and I got myself diamond armot, ceramic shield, magic lamp and a sword I forgot before even unpetrifying Odin.

>> No.5520454

It's not that hard when you've only played 5

>> No.5520487

Grinding like that can be strangely relaxing.

>> No.5520497

Dragon Quest VII

>> No.5520556

Certainly had most of the best.

Also, the SNES got way too many of them (many of them japanese-only, but fan translated). Nowadays what's even there? Neptunia? FFXV? Persona 5? There's just nothing outstanding.

>> No.5520809

Not jarpig or vintage, but Kerbal, Spengies, Euro/American Truck Simulator, Elite: Dangerous, WarThunder are all pretty good for that. I like to fruitboot around a lake for hours while listening to music :-)

>> No.5520832

I have no idea why you even still come to this board if this is just how miserable it's become for you to be here.
This depends, is emulation out?

At an off-the top recommendation, SaGa, DQ installments are good. Wizardry favours people who can grind. Wiz has the benefit of making it particularly easy to actually do, so long as you can just stomach it.

>> No.5521851
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>Ohh so was there a time when the spacing was double by default there?
Yeah, you had to double space, otherwise when you actually made your post, it wouldn't format it as a new paragraph and the lines would run together as though you hadn't hit enter at all. Seems like a really weird formatting choice, I'm surprised it took them so long to fix it.

I love grinding while smoking weed, since it became legal in my state. I spent fucking hours maxing out some Materia in the forests outside of Mideel in FF7 last summer. Between battles I was just imagining Cloud, Red and Cid chilling out and camping in the woods for a week while Meteor slowly encroached. Was comfy as fuck. Pic related, apparently I felt the need to capture the moment.

>> No.5521856

double moon densetsu on the NES

>> No.5521883

never used reddit in my life. i've also never even visited the twitter or instagram websites in my life.

basically i'm a super cool luddite, biotch.

well...i will say that grandia's 3-d graphics have not aged well while the lunar games on ps1 (and sega cd) still look great. to not like grandia as much as lunar...i get. but to say one of the most disappointing? that's harsh. i can't think of any specifics that would warrant that if you liked lunar 1 and 2.

>> No.5521901
File: 93 KB, 364x240, 702644-grandia-playstation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandia's 3-d graphics have not aged well
Strongly disagree. Despite being low-res, the backgrounds are extremely bold and vibrant and have a sort of cartoon/anime aesthetic. There may be a lot of visible polygons, but the textures and shading are pretty stellar. I'd argue that among PS1 games, Grandia's graphics have aged exceedingly well, and with all of the environments being completely explorable and rotatable in 3D, it really helps bolster the games adventurous feel.

>> No.5521906
File: 99 KB, 364x240, 702645-grandia-playstation-screenshot-visiting-an-inn-in-one-of-the.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like, look at the shading on the windowframes here, and the texture on that pipe. Hell the textures on everything are pretty stellar in this game, especially when you consider that it was originally designed for Sega Saturn and came out in '97.

>> No.5521915

Speaking of Grandia, I've played the first two back in the day (PS and Dreamcast versions respectively) but never tried the other games in the series. Should I?

>> No.5521923
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The building interiors are some of the comfiest in any RPG, in my opinion, because of the marriage of 3D construction, but 2D shading and aesthetic. Really feels like a 16-bit RPG turned into a pop-up book.

And it's a shame about the original translation being so shit, because the dinner/camping scenes in this game were a really neat idea. Like, I was never a fan of modern RPGs with their "party banter" moments that pop up while you're walking around towns or dungeons because they interrupt the flow of gameplay, but I liked having a designated time and place for it, and I would always read all of it.

Popular opinion is no. I've recently played the first one and am planning to get around to II at some point, but I'm gonna stop there.

>> No.5521926

>never tried the other games in the series. Should I?
I've heard that 3 is unmitigated rubbish, while Xtreme is mostly crap with a few redeeming qualities. Or maybe I've got those swapped.

>> No.5522160

Most early 90s dubs were kinda trash though. It didn't get better until later.

>> No.5522168

Weed makes grinding ridiculously entertaining for some reason.
I already feel it's kinda fun in an odd way, specially when I'm trying for some item or unlock or whatever, but do it high and when you notice two hours have passed or something.

>> No.5522286

>Weed makes grinding ridiculously entertaining for some reason.
Probably because it increases your focus. In stops your brain from caring about other things and puts 100% of your attention on what is immediately in front of you. The act of just watching your XP/AP/GP totals go up becomes extremely satisfying.

I agree with you that grinding is oddly satisfying even on its own, though. Probably for a lot of the same reasons; it presents your brain with an extremely attainable microcosm of work=reward. You want a thing (higher level, more gold, new spell, etc...) and you know exactly what you need to do to achieve it (kill fuckin' slimes) and you KNOW it's going to work, and it's going to be instantaneous. And, especially as you get older, you realize that in real life, that formula isn't always so cut and dry. Most of life is just doing tedious shit with no immediate payoff, if any at all. I hated grinding as a kid, but nowadays it's almost like a mini-vacation compared to all the bullshit I put up with at work.

>> No.5522349

Aside from the big JRG's of the era, what else were there?

>> No.5522365

>voice acting in RPGs
>a good thing
The only good voice acting is when it's funny and short like in Shining Force 3 or the end of battles in Star Ocean 2, which is unintentionally funny and adds enjoyment. When there's actual voice acting used to relay the story, it's more of a hindrance than anything.

>> No.5522369

Dual Orb II

>> No.5522394


>> No.5522417

this, the games of today are much better than 90s JRPGs. Etrian Odyssey, Strange Journey, Cold Steel, the list could go on.

>> No.5522540

Kind of weird to mention Etrian Odyssey and Strange Journey when they are just copies of Wizardry and MT battle systems.
Never played Cold Steel.

>> No.5522546

Xtreme is fine as long as you don't care about the story. It has shit tons of combat and extra content. But you're right about 3 being garbage.

>> No.5522576

Like he said, they're better than 90's rpgs.

>> No.5522615

Grandia 2 is alright, grandia 3 is pretty mediocre

>> No.5522707

Grandia III is good until mommy leaves the party.

>> No.5523126

I've played hundreds of games that can be considered retro. I started playing with something like Blue Max or Burning Rubber on 64.

And I still think the best game systems are such which are based on PURE SKILL.

Say, as I think no one cares about, Die By The Sword. You progress, you MUST gain in skill yourself. No level up you gain power bullshit.

Say: nethack, dbts, several driving games, well.. not that many. Japanese rpg's never.. but they were good for their stories and Chrono Cross for the atmosphere.

Go argue somewhere else..

>> No.5523141

people with actual skill and talent don't play video games, so its moot

>> No.5523154


Actual skill and talent is always linked to the target of play and game, so your comment is moot.

It is just a question of what one or the other (skillful or less skillful one) seeks to pursue.. likes.

Basically talents seek something that they enjoy personally or get a lot of money for. As for where we are, talents just seek something they like..

>> No.5523325 [SPOILER] 
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Holy shit what did they do to her?

>> No.5523351

If you can't just leave it at "videogames fun" maybe go have sex or something

>> No.5523371

Jesus, fuck, what? Do you have brain damage?

>> No.5523517


>> No.5524652

>Grinding in fighting games.
>Fighting the same enemies over and over.

>> No.5524664

t. pedantic fuck

>> No.5524680
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>Shining Force 3

Voice acting apart, Shining Force III was fucking legit.
Get the restoration patch for the first scenario and play the ones that were not localized and you have one of the best SRPG games out there.
Scenario 3 with Julian was the best imo. When the three armies join together, damn.

>> No.5524840

>Crawd has advanced forward.

>> No.5525000
File: 602 KB, 1440x1457, Arc-the-Lad-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some hidden gems from that era, dudes.

>> No.5525012

Vandal Hearts

>> No.5525070

Generally I agree for Western releases but then there's Koudelka which somehow has better voice acting than 90% of the games released after it.

>> No.5525865

how dare you!

>> No.5526062

This game is so fucking sad. Nothing ever goes right for the heroes, and that ending, Jesus Christ.

>> No.5526660

Just like real life.

>> No.5528118

I can't keep it anymore, guys, it is eating me inside.
I'm addicted to walkthroughs

>> No.5528164

Yeah, in the same way the max population India with the least public health efforts will be remembered as the golden age of shit

>> No.5528191

Why??? It ruins the game for me.

>> No.5528192


There is nothing wrong with using walkthroughs for RPG/JRPGs. You can @ me all you want with complaints about not figuring the game out yourself but a lot of these games had a vague hint system where you had to talk to one specific person that would give you one specific hint and if you didn't talk to them it wouldn't activate some trigger that spawned an item in the cave you are going to. If you can beat a JRPG without a guide and you enjoy it then by all means do that. I find I have more fun reading through a guide on GameFAQs and learning littler secrets and tips and the best times to use certain spells so that I can beat the game in a reasonable amount of time.

Or get the best of both worlds and only use dungeon maps on your first playthrough (if you need them) and on your second playthrough use a guide to find all the secrets you missed. This is my favourite way to play games. Come back to it a couple years later using a guide or use the guide the first time and come back to it a couple years later without the guide.

>> No.5529065

I usually don't have an issue beating RPGs without guides, but I like to have one at the ready to reference things that might be permanently missable, which is a real fuckin' dick move.

>> No.5529067

Ah, fucking Suikoden(s) and the 108 Stars of Destiny.

>> No.5529185

using them AFTER you've beat the final boss without help is fine in my book. Respect to those who find out all secrets on their own though.

>> No.5529194

the saturn visuals are a lot better. The PS1 port is very flat.

>> No.5529819

If it doesn't give you that charm of being 12 years old and watching cartoons on a saturday morning then I feel bad for you.
Not everything needs to be hyper realistic and high budget. It was a game that oozed with the love of the creators and you could tell they had a lot of fun in making it and I was glad to be taken on an adventure for a little while and just get immersed in the corny colourful world they made for me.

>> No.5530104
File: 37 KB, 352x240, GRANDIA-0063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, even the fonts are a bit degraded in the PS1 version.

>> No.5530108
File: 53 KB, 400x240, Grandia (Disc 1)-0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 for comparison.

>> No.5530146
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>> No.5530226

Just the other day the original Grandia artist was posting some of his old artwork on Twitter, lots of unreleased stuff.
I don't follow him(her?), but someone shared his tweets, and you could feel the love.
I wish I saved them.

>> No.5530228

Yes. Any other answer is wrong.

>> No.5530240

PS version actually looks better but they're both real bad.

>> No.5530248

Not him but I didn't get that sensation at all. I liked cartoons but Grandia was just bad.

>> No.5530258

I swear it's always the same 2-3 dudes overhyping Grandia, Lunar and Skies of Arcadia with the same style of post

>> No.5530571

>golden axe
based and redpilled
guaranteed good time without being an autistic clusterfuck control wise.
golden axe!

>> No.5530742

The Saturn version's lowercase font is misaligned just like Lunar Eternal Blue's Sega CD font. Probably because they use the same font.

For the PS1 version they realigned the font for the US version. However when properly aligned, you can tell the PS1 font has been downscaled as it loses some detail.

>> No.5530780

I hype Lunar a lot but hate Grandia.

>> No.5530798

Waifu pillow owner spotted

>> No.5530820

Better than a piss drinker

>> No.5531958

Eh, I've been using GameFAQs since the mid-90's, by now it's tradition.

>> No.5531983

golden age in the sense a fuckton of them were being made, although 6th gen also had a lot of JRPG's. In terms of quality I think 6th gen had more quality titles being put out. 4th and 5th gen JRPG's all tend to play similarly to the point where I think I'm kind of burnt out on the genre. At some point it really does start to feel like you're just playing the same game over and over again.

>> No.5532523

No, it's simply the fact that JRPGS were a young enough genre that many people didn't notice that they were the same mechanics/plot point/stories told over and over again.

>> No.5534324

I hate it when a thread ends with the most retarded post, so just replying to not let it happen

>> No.5534378

Too bad he's right. JRPG's are extremely derivative in both storytelling and mechanics.

>> No.5534465

Sad but true.

>> No.5534586

You just don't get it. The voice acting in Grandia is BAD even by saturday morning standards. The main cast sounds mostly fine but the quality fluctuates massively between the other side characters, making for a jarring experience. It's fucking amateurish which saturday morning cartoon VAs were NOT.

>> No.5534603

Sad considering the Japanese version had good voices. Like Feena is voiced by Noriko Hidaka, the voice of Akane Tendo. That said, the English dub is cheesy and amateurish, but it didn't bother me much playing. Some characters are a lot worse than others, others are cheesy in a fun way.

>> No.5534624

I think a lot of things were still being figured out in the 90s and expectations were more on improving the experience than the final sales numbers.

>> No.5534797

Fuck off, every FPS is derivative of doom/medal of honor/counter-strike.

>> No.5535457
File: 48 KB, 256x365, SH_covenant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

early 2000s as well. pic related is a hidden gem.