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/vr/ - Retro Games

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[SPOILER] No.5501592[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

>that 20 year-old zoomer who plays retro vidya to reminisce about an age he can barely remember
that zoomer is me
please help

>> No.5501598
File: 245 KB, 319x609, Gryz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Phantasy Star IV. That should help.

>> No.5501617
File: 25 KB, 598x448, 2689732-noriko+(23).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like being a weeabo playing pcengine reminiscing about 90s Japan without ever being to Japan

Fuck you incels noriko a cute

>> No.5501618
File: 110 KB, 670x664, noriko-game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5501771

Dude, it's okay. I'm 26 and I've been playing games on consoles I never even heard if.

If you think it's fun, keep doing it.

>> No.5501807

Don't play to reminisce. Play to enjoy good games. I'm 25 and I'm playing "Neutopia 2" for the first time and having a blast.

>> No.5502461
File: 55 KB, 620x394, 3ea96010-5a74-4fe4-9232-66b31a9dfcb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, our childhood

>> No.5502520

What kind of help are you looking for? Do you not enjoy your hobby?

>> No.5502694

The age group has dipped quite a bit in the last half a year, eh? A while back most of the anons were above 30, what happened? Did the All leave? Was it the /v/ leakage that made them go away?
>40 oot threads instead of 20
>nintoddlers and segawidows
Was all stuff that just popped out of the bushes a short while ago here on /vr/, used to be very lowkey here. Now it's shitposting left and right

>> No.5502836

It's been happening bit by bit over the last few years but is at a very noticeable level now. No one takes anything at face value anymore. Anyone who seems like they might be new gets trolled incessantly which only chases away the older posters sick of all the white noise and encourages the genuine visiting trolls to stay to have their fun drumming up drama while serious posters both old and new find the board increasingly pointless and seek out other places for real discussion. Ironically the slowness of the board is also one of the reasons it's so attractive to the trolls. A simple thing like the Sega does what Nintendont is sure to rile up enough people before getting 404'd that it starts generating real traffic.

>> No.5502839

Probably doesn't help either that /vr/ gets trolled so easily, they arent used to it like other boards

>> No.5502860

I mean, I was 10yrs old at the peek of the Dreamcast's life. I somewhat remember it. At the time it took me a while to believe that other online players were real people instead of bots because online multiplayer was just born.

>> No.5502880

Very much yes. That is probably one of the biggest reasons. 4chan has always been a troll's heaven, it's designed to facilitate it. But the other side of the equation is that people need to take the bait. One of the main reasons things like console war threads keep gettung made is the poster knows that almost no effort they can drum up 400 posts of vitriolic anger and make people on both sides of it seethe with frustration.

>> No.5504446

I don't understand this thing. It's just a different time with different things. It's like liking older music, it's not that it's older. It's just that it's different from what's current. I'm 31 and sure I do love retro shit (wouldn't be here if I didn't) but many of the games I play I haven't ever tried. My childhood was absolute garbage. I never owned an SNES before I was an adult, but I still enjoy many games on it because they're simply different to what's current.

>> No.5504457

Yes, I'm still here because I'm very lazy and won't bother finding another forum, but the /v/ presence is very aggravating. About half of the posts on the board recently are of extremely low quality.

>> No.5504536
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, nz9dvihsbod11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 and my first console was a Playstation 2. I'm not nostalgic for any retro games but I'm having fun playing them. Better replayability than modern games, more challenging, and also comfy.

>> No.5504557

>Don't play to reminisce. Play to enjoy good games
Is it weird that it's possible to do both? I recently played Grandia for the first time, it was a game that just completely slipped under my radar, but having a go at it finally was amazing. It felt exactly like the kind of game I would have loved when I was younger, so playing it made me feel like a kid again, more so than playing a game that I had already played as a kid. It was a great experience.

>Was it the /v/ leakage that made them go away?
32 year old boomer, I used to be a regular here but now I only tend to pop in once every few months between playing games to see if there's any relevant discussion. This place sucks, but I can't stand the hugboxing and dick-measuring that goes on in most other retro vidya forums. I suppose I'd rather have pretend retardation than actual retardation. 4chan, as a whole, has gone downhill hard since the 2016 election attracted all the unrepentant MAGAtards, and it was already in a decline before that. In a web environment that is structured around memes, 4chan is an entire site that turned into a meme.

>> No.5504635

dress up like a girl and have boomers pound your boipucci while you discuss retro vidya :3

>> No.5504878

I blame it on RE2R.

>> No.5505049
File: 633 KB, 600x450, dededesgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why but /vr/ was one of the best boards and it's getting ruined like /x/ when /b/ invaded it. Nothing is sacred, all my favorite boards aren't what they used to be.

>> No.5505105
File: 245 KB, 1200x1200, 77300345_thumbnail-1200w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're 20, you don't remember any of it, because it's 2019, pic related.

I assume it's a mix of contrarianism/hipsterism, and not having access to all the new stuff. I had an 8-bit phase as a middle schooler in the 00s.

>> No.5505137

It really started to dive in 2014 with the gamer gate shit, 2016 was just a continuation. Moot jumping ship and leaving us with a crooked nip didn’t help. 4chan desperately needs new leadership but I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

>> No.5505145

Go away Sevenleaf.
Shoo shoo.

>> No.5505152

pm me

>> No.5505314 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 300x440, The_Polygon_Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much this. Six years ago, hell THREE years ago I would have made a genuine effort to express my appreciation for users like OP being interested in the lifestyle I led when I was their age. I'd have tried to share some of the texture and flavor that went along with the gaming experience. Now I just shake my head and get my comments pruned by PALfag and/or transexual janitors.

>> No.5505367

I thought you died

>> No.5505419

It's been on a decline for years now. The saddest part is there's almost 0 discussion about actual game content at this point.

>> No.5505941 [DELETED] 

Nah, my trip was permanently banned so I dropped it and now the janitors are having a literal hissy fit over just my name so I'm enjoying myself. A search of my name in the archive will show you what I'm talking about.

>> No.5506064

cool, so you're literally ban evading

>> No.5506076

He's proud that he does it too as well as admitted several times to purposefully trolling which is the only reason he uses that name anymore. The trip was permabanned for good reason.

>> No.5506109

I onew it was goin downhill when i saw babbage gramps post less n less

>> No.5506126

All the attempts to make an alternative chan failed hard back when 4chan was a titan. Now that it's a whored out fuckhole that advertisers have learned to manipulate I think an attempt at a new chan would finally work.

>> No.5506585 [DELETED] 

Yeah I've been banned like 100 times now

Oh Janny, that's sort of a glib interpretation of what I said don't you think? It's true I've stopped putting as much effort into actually making quality posts and just post whatever and whenever I feel like posting again now, much like before I ever started using the name. Aside from giving as good as I get (and maybe occasional escalation) the only intentional trolling I've ever done is periphery: triggering snowflakes just by being myself. Also no hesitation to discuss meta topics. Anyone can go to the archive, look at my posts and clearly see my sincerity.

Can you believe you posted something like that without being accused of being me samefagging? The culture is truly going right out the window.