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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 183 KB, 500x500, Mega_duck_cougar_boy_and_games_Lighter_Sharper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
535931 No.535931 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/, I just discovered the "Mega Duck", an old Game Boy knock-off, and am trying out some games on MESS. It's ... horrible, but it's amusing in a kitschy kind of way. So far I've only discovered a Sokoban clone with ear-bleedingly bad music, but I'll keep digging.

Have you discovered any truly hidden gems on any of these curios? Post here!

>> No.535993
File: 2 KB, 160x144, 0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's "Magical Tower", where you walk around as paper, scissors or stone with legs and have to defeat all the enemies. It's awful.

>> No.536383

I was always interested in the WonderSwan, though I hear it was popular in Japan.

>> No.536396


Tell us if you find any games worth playing.

>> No.536409

Yeah, apparently it had some exclusive (untranslated) FF games, too. Not that I care enough about FF for that to be a selling point, but it's interesting that there are some sort of "forgotten" games in such a popular series. Kind of like that second BS Zelda thing that I only heard about like a week ago (on /vr/).

>> No.539056

Some of the games and music from games the wonderswan had were usually ported over to the GBA for the west.

Games like mega man battle chip challenge, one piece(music), and digimon battle spirit

>> No.539151

WonderSwan is cheap and so are games, but there are only few games you can play without knowing moonspeak. Rhytm games are pretty good and you don't need much moon to play them.

>> No.539170
File: 160 KB, 640x480, Action-Max-System.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen anyone on /vr/ talk about the Action Max. It was a mildly interesting concept, but fell flat on it's ass for obvious reasons

>> No.539183


There is a Wonderswan Megaman too, and it's the only game out of all the Megaman games with a robot master who has no weapon (Clock Man I think, or was it Compass Man?)

>> No.539224

There's some seriously bizarre robot masters in that game, man.

Stuff like Stove Man and Air Conditioner Man.

>> No.541227
File: 45 KB, 300x400, video_challenger_bandai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A similar "console" called Video Challenger was released around the same time in Japan, UK, Brazil and Canada by Takara Tomy and it's even more obscure.

>> No.541254
File: 149 KB, 1200x893, R-Zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be commercials for this thing all the time. I vaguely remember a classmate in grade school who had the XPG version which was just a regular portable with no headgear, though.

>> No.541272

for some bizzare reason I remember playing this thing, I wonder if it was one of the horrible obscure systems my grandparents had, in the 80s and 90s they would like cluelessly buy these weird cheap knock off handheld systems "for the grandkids", thinking back on it, I kinda wish they still had their collection... or that they gave it me... maybe they do still have it and it's just in storage, I should ask

>> No.541279

I had the XPG, I got it new for £1 and I still felt ripped off. I swear there was only three actual games for it and they just re-released them multiple times with different licences

>> No.541282

what the hell
reminds me of those board games that came with VHS tapes

>> No.541283

I had one of those, it was a piece of shit. Light gun VHS games are lame.

>> No.541286
File: 31 KB, 600x600, sku_195171_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just found out these are still sold

>> No.541302

>board games that came with VHS tapes

Hell yes, the Atmosfear series was the shit

>> No.541313

Oh, wow. It's like Captain Power, except with no production values whatsoever instead of just... low.

>> No.541332
File: 8 KB, 287x175, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mattel Hyperscan- everyone remembers this from the "combine the games, not the kids!" commercial.

This thing is actually pretty cheap, and only has a few games on it. Your supposed to collect trading cards which you scan into the system to unlock characters and powerups. I only have 2 games, Ben 10 and XMen. The Ben 10 game is decent, the X-men fighting game sucks.

>> No.541349



had one.

what the filmore west for?

>> No.541356
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>> No.541357


Yeah i seen them in NYC last time I went there

>> No.541375
File: 44 KB, 450x600, A&#039;can_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.541384

Captain Power - Power Up.

>> No.541392 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x375, luvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got a mega duck for you op

>> No.541393

All those action max owners be jelly of our artmic/AIC animation

>> No.541394

not tonight, josephine.

>> No.541414

damn straight. lost a bunch o power shit in robberies. as tons of stuff oh shit its sad.

fucking ghetto / stupid shit / im magnet of shit/ urgh.

>> No.541425
File: 62 KB, 540x330, Gizmondo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone ever play one of these? I remember seeing loads of hype before release but I don't think I ever actually saw one

>> No.541434
File: 28 KB, 384x288, cp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, they're actually something that approaches "good"... for a VHS game, at least.

There were some big names from Japan working on this shit.

>> No.541660

Oh man the Gizmondo, the unit itself would've had potential if it weren't for the trainwreck of a company that made it. I remember they apparently had mafia connections and theres the famous story of the owner of the company spending all their profit on a Ferrari, which he then crashed.

>> No.541846
File: 120 KB, 780x609, scg011911_1350_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame LCD games these days seem to all be just the same three Chinese knock-offs in different boxes, I used to love these little things back in the day

>> No.541847 [DELETED] 
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>> No.541853 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.541861

>9999 in 1

>> No.541901

Someone send that man a Mega Duck.

>> No.541967

I had an orange one that actually missed the fucking down button (and by missing I mean that there was just an empty spot). Good luck playing the Snake clones with that one.

>> No.542000

I love how they're invariably 9996 variations of Tetris plus Breakout, Snake and Combat

>> No.542401

I thought it was captain video... not captain power... maybe captain video was some sort of cheap knock off... not sure now

>> No.542420

>I don't agree with you over something as silly as shitty VHS games, kill urself

>> No.542438
File: 142 KB, 400x300, oneupmanship the image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.542446


For some reason I find games on VHS strange but games on cassettes just fine. Must've just got used to it as a kid (I had a ZX Spectrum).

>> No.542462

no, VHS games are strange... and they never quite worked anyhow

>> No.542471

I'm sorry, but that image looks shopped... not sure what the point would be though

>> No.542491

weird.. once I respond to a thread it always dies... sigh...

>> No.542507

I own one that I bought around about the same time as Tiger Telematics' eventual hilarious demise. It was a decent enough system, though those shoulder buttons are clearly an ancient torture device.

I think only about 20 games actually got released for the system, but I could be wrong.

>> No.542513
File: 576 KB, 893x554, Epoch-Barcode-Battler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move over, bitches, the king has arrived.

>> No.542652

I got this instead of a virtual boy. Sucked HARD.

>> No.542690

>9999 in 1

Can anybody confirm the validity of this statement? It seems false, but they could all just be slightly sprite-hacked versions of Tetris. Even then, 10000?

>> No.542698

Anybody else want a taste? I think he's cute ;)

>> No.542743
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>> No.542783


>> No.542797

i fucking loved this thing

>> No.542809

The TurboGrafx is semi-popular, but I still think it counts as 'forgotten'. Why come games are so expensive for it anyways?

>> No.542854

You'd be surprised how many variations of Tetris they can add. I had one of these as a kid, and they did indeed come with 9999 games.

Usually it's variations like weird shaped blocks, higher speed, parts of a block falling individually if there's space... And then there are snake clones, a weird combat-like game, boxing, racing... I think there was even some space invaders clone in those.

Funny how back then I had to save my allowance for several weeks just to buy one of those.

>> No.542867

Chinese knockoff of the Genesis?

>> No.543243


It's real (you can see it in the episode of GameCenter CX where they travel to Cambodia), but the cartridge lies, as you'd expect. The 9999999 "different" games are all small barely-modified pieces of other games (e.g. individual events from Track & Field for the NES with small modifications).

>> No.543260


You only have to come up with 13 things you can change and you'll end up with 2^13 = 8192 "different" games. They're really variants but it's not entirely false to say they're different.

>> No.543942
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 20130426_001935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even RPGs play reasonably well without knowing moon if you know the game. For example, I have Romancing SaGa, FF1,2,4, and Chocobo Mystery Dungeon. All of them, with the exception of SaGa, are pretty easy to play without knowing moon.

Games are cheap, for the most part! And they play great, look great, and sound great! As far as I'm concerned, the Wonderswan is right up there with NGPC for excellence.

Pic very much related! It's Chocobo Mystery Dungeon on my Swancrystal.

>> No.543949

The Wonderswan was actually pretty successful, though!

>> No.544001

I got one of those for my birthday once. I was pissed too because it was the only thing I got since their logic was that if it had 9999 games I would not want anything else.

>> No.544349

shmup are always expensive and that system has a ton of them

>> No.544385

The SwanCrystal still displays in color, doesn't it? Hard to make out on your image.

>> No.544970

You basically had a "light gun" and would shoot at special spots inserted into the video to score. Some are fucking horrific.

Some of them "looked" cool.
Though in the end, you're basically just watching a cartoon.

Probably because cassettes are delivering data like floppies, CDs, etc. VHS tapes are delivering strictly video, presented as a "game" where you're aiming a gun at flickers on the screen.

>> No.544993

welcome to lcd games bro

>> No.545562

>I don't get the joke

>> No.545625

Wow they look incredibly lame as video games. Imagine if you were a kid who got the spaceship thing as a major gift, Christ. Real shame since the second one looks awesome as animation.

>> No.545785

I think the space ship one was the pack-in, so you probably did get it.

>> No.546202

Nope, was its own console. Super A'can, only released in Taiwan in 1995, only 12 games confirmed made for it, sold so badly the manufacturers ended up making more money selling the several million unsold units for scrap.

>> No.546528

It does display in color, but the game in there doesn't do color. Wonderswan Color games have beautiful, vibrant colors, but getting a picture of it is hell.

>> No.546773
File: 44 KB, 400x400, p_powermon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks kind of like a Genesis. And wikipedia says its based on the same hardware. Still pretty interesting. There were a lot of companies copying Japanese consoles / video games back in the day.

>> No.547830

After looking up some of the games on that, they actually look pretty and fun. Neat!

>> No.547943

I came across one of those at the flea market for $18 but passed on it. I didn't have much cash on me and opted instead to buy the Intellivision for $8.

>> No.547961

I have great memories being a child and playing on one of these things instead of watching my brother's boring basketball game he was in.

>> No.549464
File: 72 KB, 720x540, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a "GB Boy Colour" which is a backlit GBC clone.

>> No.549536

oh god*

>> No.549529

oh good, the first one looks horrible

and isn't the second one just a conversion of a laser disc game with some of it's interactivity stripped from it? (this explaining the JUMP! sections)

>> No.549546

does it actually play GBC games? if not what sort of games does it have?

>> No.549556

>Game Boy Boy

>> No.549574
File: 94 KB, 1440x1089, Commodore_Amiga_CD32_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not a weirdly upgraded model 1 Genesis. It just looks that way to trick you.

>> No.549578


Are you sure it's actual a GBC clone and not just one of those >>541286 shaped like a GBC. 'Cause a backlit GBC would be frankly erotic

>> No.549589
File: 39 KB, 720x540, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plays everything the GBC does.
Has the color palette selector at boot-up.
Also comes with 188 built in original GB games (Contra, Mario Land, Tetris, etc) that you select from a list when no cartridge is inserted.

Pic related, it's Shantae playing from a flash cart.

>> No.549598
File: 35 KB, 448x272, Oh my.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.549671

>thinking that the Amiga CD32 was a genesis knock off system

dear lord... how stupid can you be?

>> No.549723
File: 25 KB, 635x276, SegaGenesis1CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come off it. It was just a joke about its superficial resemblance to a model 1 Genesis with a CD expansion.

>> No.549752
File: 410 KB, 1024x768, $T2eC16dHJG!FFmuQ5n)kBR,h3e,Rvw~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.549769

You have no idea how badly I now want to own a copy of DOUBLE BATMANS.

>> No.549784

well instead of making an unfunny joke you should have said something about the actual system, like that it was the first actually 32bit system and that you could add a hard drive to it, and use a keyboard and mouse and used it like a normal amiga computer

>> No.549863


dear lord... how autistic can you be?

>> No.549875

You could have done the same, but instead you chose to call me an idiot for making a harmless joke that went over your easily offended head.

>> No.549956

there are a lot of knock off systems in this thread, it was pretty easy to think that's what you meant

>> No.550151
File: 123 KB, 615x643, 1351354105275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>double batmans

>> No.550170

I would love to own one someday. I'm sorta suprised they aren't more expensive on ebay given the awesome history behind the company.

>> No.550406
File: 30 KB, 640x480, Photo_00005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some old shitty Famiclone called the Mebeteck.
Has a cuntload of different shitty games.

>> No.550409
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Photo_00006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this perfect cartridge.

>> No.550428

It's got every genre. You'd only need that one cart and you'd never have to buy another one for the rest of your life.

>> No.550439
File: 36 KB, 640x480, Photo_00007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny-ass PCB. I'm surprised they managed to fit so many games on such little space.
Good job, Mebeteck.

>> No.550469

I swear to fuck every time I come on this board someone posts a pic of an old system I had totally forgot about!

That would have been out about the same time as the 3do and cdi, right?

>> No.550493

I bought one of these, looked exactly like that, at a £1 shop when I was about 8 or 9
fucking hell
I remember there was some kind of car game

>> No.550501

Yeah, the CD32 and the 3DO came out the same year, the CD-i was a nudge earlier.

>> No.550572

What the fuck

>> No.551431


What system is this on? I kind of want to try it.

>> No.551446
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>> No.551487
File: 2 KB, 160x144, 0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I promised you some ear-bleedingly bad Mega Duck music, and here it is. It's from "Street Rider" (pic related), a game where you drive a car around a maze and collect points, avoiding evil cars who want you dead. Listen to this with your headphones on max. Do it. In the game it NEVER STOPS. Not even when you pause.


I recorded this from MESS, which doesn't indicate any sound emulation problems, so this is presumably what it actually sounds like. God help us all.

>> No.551545


are you a bad enough dude

>> No.551564
File: 56 KB, 180x180, pox1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see tons of hype commercials for this as a wee 6th grader
>man that looks badass as all fuck
>get one
>none of the other kids have one


>> No.551629

That would be useful as a prop for a scifi movie.

>> No.551634


>winamp skin: the game

>> No.553649

Says win 95 / 98.

Here are a few screenshots I found:


Looks kind of like a platformer or something.

>> No.553661

The Korean releases of hte Digimon games ewre in English or something. I wanted to track them down so I couldp lay it with my vpet but I haven't bothered. They're probably a lot more expensivenow. They were on ebay for like $50.

>> No.553685

Oh god I know this all too well. POX, Skannerz, and Rumble Robots all suckered me in with their awesome gimmicks and left me hopelessly bored because I was the only one who had it.

Skannerz was an exception, I guess. That shit was fun even if I had nobody else to play it with. POX on the the other hand was just confusing as shit.

>> No.553771

I kind of want it...

>> No.554943

how's that eternia odyssey 4 you got there in the background?

>> No.556915

Absolutely great, highly recommended. Accesible to new players, rewarding for veterans, great music, presentation, and tons of content.

>> No.556920

I'll be moving to South Korea later in the year, so I will have to keep an eye out for those.

>> No.556945

I've never even heard of or seen this thing before

maybe if you were making a sci-fi movie 15 years ago

>> No.556956

I love shit like this, please upload more

>> No.557347

I'm sure you already know this, but check out the Yongsan Electronics Market.

I went to Yongsan but was tricked by the i-Park Mall, thinking that that was it. I'm royally pissed off that I missed it, so... find a little extra gems there for the both of us. :D

>> No.557361

Holy Double Batmans Batman!

>> No.557578

I had some kind of virtual boy knock-off when I was a kid. The instructions was a 3ft by 5ft poster completely filled with text on both sides. It didnt really work right, and It had all the same headaches (literally) as the Virtual boy.
Needless to say, we took it back to the store.

I also remember seeing some kind of fighting game that used a Virtual boy-esc screen. It came with some boxing gloves that had sensors on the front, so you had to punch a wall (or someone else) for a "hit" to register. It stayed on a shelf in walmart for at least three years before someone either bought it, or threw it away.

>> No.557627

I remember having two similar units as a kid. One was a fighter jet game and the other was a wizard themed shooter. They also both had basic motion controls which was pretty cool back then, the fighter game had a flight stick that you tilted to pilot the jet and the wizard game had a wand controller that you had to flick towards the enemies to cast spells.

>> No.557718

Can do. I probably won't be in Seoul, but in Gyeongbuk, but I'm sure I can make a weekend trip down sometime. I do hope I can find somewhere to import US releases of games, since the only system I'm bringing with me is my 3DS. I suppose it might not hurt to slip my SwanCrystal into my luggage if I can find games for it there, though.