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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 672 KB, 959x704, Ecco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5488408 No.5488408 [Reply] [Original]

I find the graphics, ambiance, and overall aesthetic to be god-tier but I find the actual gameplay to be incredibly fatiguing.

>> No.5488418
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Fighting games, I love the aesthetic but they are a pointless grind, you git gud so you can play more skilled people so you can git even gudder. What's the point, I prefer games that have a GOAL and tell a STORY

>> No.5488421

The segaCD versions made Ecco slightly more bearable

>> No.5488425
File: 172 KB, 1920x1080, virtuafighter4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here, especially Sega 3D games.

>> No.5488428

i really want to like light gun games on console but im not into buying crt displays.

>> No.5488445 [DELETED] 

Any Assassin's Creed game ever made

>> No.5488451

Wrong board reddit friend.

>> No.5488459

>What's the point
To have fun competing

>> No.5488530

Ecco is an easy game. Get gud faggot.

>> No.5488746
File: 319 KB, 500x298, 1520365660_tumblr_m498juxo2y1r621gdo1_r4_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To me that's the whole appeal. No matter how good you get, there's always someone better and always more to learn. The goal is the game itself.

>> No.5488760

love metroidvanias but hate metroid. and i've tried getting into metroid

>> No.5488765

Try to find the Win95 version, it is by far the best gameplay-wise out of everything Ecco1/2-related.

>> No.5488773
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It seems cool, but /vr/ said it's shit

>> No.5488948

Counter intuitively, Metroid isn't really a metroidvania. Metroidvanias are basically platforming action rpgs usually with a loot collection hook. Metroid is really an adventure game like Zelda with a space theme and side scrolling perspective.

>> No.5488950

What do you find fatiguing about it? Tye patience under pressure?

>> No.5491190

Do you enjoy it though?

>> No.5491354

It's pretty exciting to get good at a game. You actually play and not just consume.

>> No.5491658

This is how I am too. I like something you can sink your teeth into.

>> No.5491663

Darklands. Unreadable font, bad combat, requires reputation grinding at the start.

>> No.5491669

I didn't see anything in the OP about it being hard?

>> No.5491713

Well he finds it "fatiguing" we don't really know what that means but fatiguing things are usually hard in some capacity.

>> No.5492939

So if i make metroidvania without loot it will not be metroidvania anymore?

>> No.5493001

no, not him but metroidvania is defined by save rooms and warp rooms additionally to what has been said already. it would have to be classic CV with levels that just end and you go to the next one because you survived. the loot argument is untrue and just stupid. of course there needs to be loot.

>> No.5493009

I don’t think so. It’s just tiresome. Like pushing rocks with your dolphin nose across caves forever isn’t that fun. It’s like an RPG that forces you to grind—grinding isn’t hard, it just takes a long time and is kind of boring.

>> No.5493023
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>> No.5493025
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>The hardware can't afford any more bones

Retro games are so shit.

>> No.5493110

what's wrong, too slow paced for you zoomers?

>> No.5493112

That's fair I guess but there aren't many times you have to push roxks very far. It's certainly not a game that appeals to everyone.

>> No.5493179
File: 297 KB, 2000x2005, ACBAEE95-69D0-4B17-8552-7B24A9667195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve beaten the 2D Metroids but I just can’t get into this for some reason. It hasn’t grabbed me.

>> No.5493194

>any opinion I don’t like comes from a zoomer
Honestly nothing says zoomer more than this.

>> No.5493364

There's a few on Wii and Espsxe for Android has a lightgun emulator for touchscreen. Guess it's not quite the same though.

>> No.5494705

That game used to be excellent back in the day.. It still is, if you can understand your head, because the truth is that it is excellent and fun just like most games...

What i find when i try to play these old games is that thoughts of communism and being fucked over and other miscellanious depressing things come flooding in.. thats why its necessary and important to understand your head to be happy and enjoy things..

Its also sort of the reason why people enjoy things more when theyre drunk or on drugs.. its simply because your brain has change and has a fresh perspective..

The world beats all this out of a person and its important to withstand that beating.. not just avoid it but understand your head so that it doesnt condition your head to be dull..

If a person understood their head, there would always be new enjoyment.. and it would be very rich enjoyment.

That person would or could anyjoy anything.. all these video games and movies and music that people put a lot of effort into would come alive and be very enjoyable and gratifying.. Even more so than they were when they were no to people that really loved them and enjoyed playing/watching them.

>> No.5494921

You shouldn't have any problems pushing some stuff around for a bit.Do you have cerebral palsy?

>> No.5494925

Boring as shit

>> No.5495017

honest question...how do I find somebody to compete with for fighting games old enough to qualify for /vr/? It's not like I'm surrounded by other people who would want to obsess over something like Virtua Fighter or old-school Street Fighter.

Have you tried Defender of the Future on Dreamcast? It has the same aesthetics and hard-as-balls puzzle solving. I feel like Ecco works better as a 3D game because the levels have a much more natural layout, as opposed to all the weird tunnels and forced-jumping in the Genesis games.

>> No.5495023
File: 54 KB, 620x496, 111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcom at the height of their 90's glory. Famous Hollywood film monster. CPSII. What could possibly go wrong?

I really tried to love it. But it wasn't meant
to be.

>> No.5495027

>somebody to compete with for fighting games

Where are you from?

>> No.5495092

near San Jose, California

>> No.5495117

You'd be shocked by how many tournaments for old games there are in the US. There was just a pretty large tournament for Vampire Saviour a few weeks ago.

>> No.5495153

No, I don’t have any problem with it, I just don’t like doing it. You can be capable of doing something and not like it.

Things I remember from Ecco the Dolphin, which I played like 20 years ago when I was 10:

1. Jumping into the vortex at the start;
2. Weird, creepy mechanical last level; and
3. Pushing rocks with my dolphin nose and not liking it.

>> No.5495246

You're saying you played all the way through to The Machine when you were 10 and that's all that you remember? Lol

>> No.5495252

>Defender of the Future on Dreamcast
It’s always looked cool to me but no I haven’t played it yet. No one even talks about it, is it good?

>> No.5495271

It's good, but extremely different. It's not even the same story; the story of the Genesis games ends on a MASSIVE cliffhanger in 2 that is never resolved.

>got to The Machine
>only remembers pushing rocks
Ecco's not a short or easy game; that's a bit of a commitment. Did you enjoy it at the time?

>> No.5495275

Somewhat this. Once every few years I'll get the bug for fighting games and go get w/e is hot at the moment, only to be reminded how bad I suck at them.

>> No.5495417


I think we would have been best buddies. Sadly i am from the other side of the world.

>> No.5495485

Yep, I don’t know why I remember the rocks. I mean I’m sure there were lots of other gameplay elements. I don’t know how well you remember things from that long ago.

Probably I enjoyed it. I also remember being super frustrated.

>> No.5495504

It's a strange thing to remember because it's only the first couple of levels where there's much rock pushing at all. It makes your story of playing it as a kid and only remembering some rock pushing and then the final level fishy to say the least.

>> No.5495513

Anon, dolphins are mammals

>> No.5495527

Making a joke was not my porpoise, I just think his story doesn't hold a lot of water.

>> No.5495537

Sorry anon, I think he's just floundering around too

>> No.5495560

you're krilling me anon

>> No.5495575

I'm just squidding around

>> No.5495591

I don’t know what you want from me man. Why would I bother to lie? If it makes you feel better I also vaguely remember a pterodactyl grabbing you, some weird stage with statues, and a whale.

>> No.5495598
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I dunno, it just seems weird.

>> No.5495735

Every RPG with turn based combat (Except Pokémon, it always pretty well digestible for me, curiously)

>> No.5495773

I can't bring myself to enjoy any final fantasy games. I've never really cared about story in vidya and the whole series feels tedious to me.

>> No.5495780
File: 1.16 MB, 1346x757, crpgs1986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RPGs really intrigue me, retro ones even more so, but if anything is older than isometric RPGs of the 90s, it's too archaic for me to properly enjoy, so sometimes I watch a LP.

>> No.5495790

Ultima and dungeon crawlers in general. I don't want to take notes.

>> No.5495797

Despite wonky hitboxes and not that responsive controls, I enjoyed Ecco a lot. But I gave up at the last level, fuck dying at the final boss and having to redo that whole auto-scrolling nightmare.