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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 44 KB, 400x400, 4L_PNWth5fG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5489368 No.5489368 [Reply] [Original]

>You can try these roms for 24hr but then you have to delete them!

>> No.5489374

You have nostalgia for a "rule" which absolutely nobody followed?

>> No.5489420

Why not? Literally every 90s/00s rom site made you look at the rule before they gave you the goods. Reminds me of an era where the shit was still novel.

>> No.5489425
File: 395 KB, 1024x1536, KungFuMaster_full_left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want emulation nostalgia? How about that full-on doubt as to computers playing old video games at all? When I heard that I could play nearly ALL of the old arcade games from the mid-70s to the early 2000s I thought it was a lie or a gross exaggeration at best. Then the shock when you try it. Then it hits you how many games you remember and want to try, then it also dawns on you that you can even play the games you could never find or afford. *sniff*

>> No.5489438

More emulation nostalgia:

-SEGA Genesis running shitty
-WTF?! NO sound for Gunfight?!
-Sound samples?
-Watching Star Wars Trilogy run on MAME at 1/2 frame every other second just because
-Burning every NES ROM onto a CD to play on a Dreamcast using Alcohol 120%
-Most every game works
-Take out CD, games still works because the ROM is in the RAM

>> No.5489453 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 750x725, IMG_4512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime poster
>garbage thread

Every time

>> No.5489458

It's a good thread, you're just a boring person.

>> No.5489463

>trying to emulate Pong or Computer Space
>feeling dumb

>> No.5489478

>-Burning every NES ROM onto a CD to play on a Dreamcast using Alcohol 120%
>-Take out CD, games still works because the ROM is in the RAM

>> No.5489484
File: 46 KB, 540x378, mk segacd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's possible to run SEGA CD games at full speed with perfect sound using a Pentium III 450mhz with 128 MB of RAM using a 16MB video card. I thought I was a computer wizard when I realized that was a thing.

>> No.5489497

The only nostalgia I have is downloading SNES hentai slideshows from planetemu back in 2002. The site's still up, if you want to look them up.
The roms are aptly named "Anime 1 (PD)", "Anime 2 (PD)", etc. Back then I thought PD was Porno Something, but years later I realized it was Public Domain.

>> No.5489498

>please click this link
>after that one more link
>THEN your download will show!

>> No.5489526

And who can forget:

>favorite ROM site gone
>and another and another
>learning that is doesn't matter

>> No.5489673

Loli haet Double Down Chicken Sandwich from KFC

>> No.5489913

She just hates getting her fingers burned by the hot grease. They wrap it up for you for a reason!

>> No.5489935
File: 119 KB, 570x442, 1176913632655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, the ZSNES screensaver.
Also, the UI.

>> No.5489974

Do you remember reading about typing of the dead, realizing you needed a keyboard accessory from dreamcast then downloaded it on PC to play?
>alcohol 120%
Nice hit, I liked jet grind radio too.

>> No.5489980

not gonna lie I deleted roms after 24h when I found out about it in like 1997

>> No.5489989
File: 84 KB, 1321x895, 캡처.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other boomers here remember plasticman?

>> No.5489993

>monaco gp


>> No.5489998

>enter the code you see below

Or also I remember when I was young and living at home, I was afraid to go on rom sites because they had hentai ads EVERYWHERE, and I didn't want to get in trouble. Also my brother, who downloaded like a fiend, convinced me it was a way to get viruses easily, probs to keep me out

>> No.5490023

>Go download roms on coolroms
>Asks you to click an ad before downloading roms
>Ads are for a Sailor Moon hentai site

Please tell me I'm not remembering this wrong.

>> No.5490027
File: 37 KB, 100x75, holoskull.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use Earthlink
>can have a free website on their domain up to 4MB or something
>decide to make a site dedicated to Nintendo 64 cheat codes
>ugly tiled background
>flame .gifs everywhere
>spinning biohazard .gifs everywhere
>skulls everywhere
>shitty "cheats" that everyone knows about
>counter hits 50 views
>mfw they're all me checking page view count

>> No.5490042
File: 3 KB, 303x243, wario_thumbs_up_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, dumb 10 year old watching OG google video/youtube videos about gba games
>all the videos are recorded so poorly they all reveal the app name at the top
>mfw dumb kid me thinks there's an official device called a visual boy advance that let's you play real gba cartridges on a PC

Surprisingly wholesome thread

>> No.5490059


>> No.5490136
File: 4 KB, 303x243, 1244494125668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd... I almost used pic related as my >mfw in the post you quoted, but ended up googling and downloading the skull & bones instead. Not a big deal, just weird.

>> No.5490367
File: 13 KB, 200x80, tenchi email 1553920323707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see sexy Lara Croft art
>right-click image
>"Tough luck, asshole!"
Why was that allowed?

>> No.5490375


I just got a holoskull nostalgia boner :(

>> No.5490384

>born in '88, missed out on a lot of the arcade heyday, save for playing machines in local Putt-Putt Golf, bowling alley, theater, whatever
>download MAME in the early 2000s
>download strange games that I'd never heard of like Splatterhouse, Demon's World, WonderBoy in Monster Land, Tenchi wo Kurau, Naughty Boy
>browse ebay for import Famicom and Super Famicom and MSX and whatever the fuck games
>order shit from Buy-Rite games
>order new/sealed Famicom Disk games from some Japanese guy's website
>browse Digital Press's Retrogaming Roundtable forum
Good times.

>> No.5490387
File: 90 KB, 474x483, (JPEG Image, 474 × 483 pixels).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 6 years old and playing Ocarina of Time when my only exposure to vidya were Tiger LCDs
You even hear (actual) boomers talk about what it was like to see 2001 in theater? It's exactly like that

>> No.5490398

>Do you remember reading about typing of the dead, realizing you needed a keyboard accessory from dreamcast then downloaded it on PC to play?
Not until you reminded me. Pure liberation.

>I liked jet grind radio too.
Another bingo.

>> No.5490957
File: 3 KB, 303x243, wario thumbs up with 100% more transparency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5490974

Your pic reminds me of https://www.cameronsworld.net/

My main rom site for a long time was vimm's lair, still up i believe. At first i got a C64 emulator in ~99 because i was interested in the machine, then i stumbled across NO$GMB and ZSNES and they blew my socks off. FREE GAMES. I'd played SMW previously but ZSNES helped me discover other classics like Mario RPG.

>> No.5490995

>We are uploading these roms for educational purposes. If you do not delete them in 24 hours, then the cops will come to arrest you and you will be executed for your crimes.

Shame that Sega Genesis sound is still shitty to this day.

>> No.5491002

You are not, there was a STRONG connection between ecchi and rom sites back then. They were always sponsoring each other, in particular there was a "Vote for the Top 100 ROM sites!" banner with a big tiddy demon girl that was on practically every site.

>> No.5491014
File: 80 KB, 535x328, 1454993096079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's still up after all these years

>> No.5491020

My go-to method was developing the right timing of right click->Enter key to dismiss the dialogue quickly enough so that the context menu would still appear. Taught that one to a lot of friends. Another option was good ol' Print Screen, of course.

>> No.5491027

>Loli haet
I knew the girl that made the loli haet pizza meme, she was 14 at the time.

>> No.5491028

>all these "top 100 emulation sites" websites
>every high ranked site was just an ad filled mess that lied about having roms and forced you to vote for them on 3 different top 100 sites in order to access their nonexistent "downloads"

Shit used to drive me so mad.

>> No.5491041

You could also just mash right-click three or four times and it would bring up the context menu, at least on IE5&6.

>> No.5491109

You've reminded me of a rage I forgot I had.

>> No.5491118
File: 140 KB, 600x338, pffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>impractical cuckers

>> No.5491140

Because you didnt know to view source and search for .jpg

>> No.5491150
File: 32 KB, 263x371, 011807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world before danbooru was a dark place.

>Its still loads like I'm on 56k dial up and so is the server

>> No.5491165

I remember part 2 fondly, event the elevator-tier music. Not too sure what I was looking at back then, though.

>> No.5491173

Getting into "rom hacking" using nesticles tile editor.

>a tile hack I made in 98 still floating around on the internet to this day
Feels weird

>> No.5491185
File: 52 KB, 1024x371, C8jm-DqV0AAPh4l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5491203

I used to browse Emurater frequently.
I saw goatse.cx for the first time when it got hacked.

>> No.5491217

I member!
I was younger than you and super surprised that my pentium 2 could play:
but I didn't play much playstation because dial up. I got the japanese einhander on emule after 2 months.

>> No.5493032

I did too, but all I managed to do was make an ugly Final Fantasy 1 hack with a few changed graphics.

>> No.5493046
File: 106 KB, 654x861, hgames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5493068
File: 95 KB, 750x704, eyesonff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when everything wasn't centralized on reddit/facebook/twitter?

>> No.5493081

okay TPN blasted me right in the feels, thank you for that. TOTALLY forgot about it

>> No.5493113
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5493119

Those sites are still out there. Doomworld, nesdev, schmupsforum, gbatemp are all sites I frequent because the provide better info than most other sites, albeit a bit slow in content.

>> No.5493150

Anyone post on the junkmachine.com forum full of boomer losers?

>> No.5493152

don't click that btw. The site is very long dead and the domain points to some malicious shit now

>> No.5493207

I remember the name Plasticman, but not beyond "it was a rom site".

>> No.5493351

>that banner ad with sailor moon's milkers busting out of her top that like every rom site would forward you to

>> No.5494114

>UltraHLE drops out of nowhere
>snag a copy
>look for roms
>only find a copy of Cruisin' USA
>56k internet
>eventually it finishes
>game plays at 1/2 fps before crashing

Aaahh the good old days.

>> No.5494194

>Please vote 3 times before you can download

What the fuck even was this? I just remember bypassing it and going to coolrom or emuparadise instead and they even had adds on them telling you to vote but I just clicked the download links and it worked just fine.

Do websites honestly make money from shitty adds to other shitty websites full of adds that nobody actually buys anything from?

>> No.5494198
File: 5 KB, 440x40, Linkexchange_banner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5494231

yes. I didn't realize it was offline. fuck, man.

>> No.5494253

It's only been offline for nearly 20 years anon

>> No.5494260

>blonde jokes
I lost the nostalgia battle

>> No.5494272
File: 154 KB, 819x1024, 1554932590723m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emuparadise and doperoms basically made everything else unnecessary. forgetfulness

>> No.5494290

damn, I want a glowing skull and crossbones in my IRL now.

>> No.5494347
File: 1.70 MB, 1440x2864, Screenshot_20190410-170634_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a time I feared downloading from Napster or whatever and so I downloaded shitty songs from ocremix instead.

>> No.5494350

At least you're not STILL on a watchlist for accidentally downloading CP labeled as a Linkin Park music video.

>> No.5494362

I feel most people knew what specific triggers would give them CP if they typed them in.

>> No.5494363

A 10 year old me was not most people. I was still looking for porn by searching "people having sex" into Yahoo Kids.

>> No.5494421

My only exposure to filesharing in my youth was Napster. I wonder when law enforcement started monitoring downloads/uploads of known CP files. Must not have been back in the early limewire/kazaa days because otherwise it sounds like many an American would've been locked up for inadvertent CP downloads.

>> No.5494429
File: 156 KB, 709x595, 1531792328112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting roms from shady tripod/angelfire hosted sites in 2002

>> No.5494564

Avenge the Fallen

>> No.5494618



That's not how P2P systems work, you cannot "monitor" any transfers without distributing it yourself, that's the joke about decentralisation. You can only view the sources. You could only become a source and then monitor your PERSONAL download requests, but then you are distributing it yourself.
That's why those copyright firms work, they can offer the original file and then log the clients who request them because you can actually distribute them..

>> No.5494636

How would you even know you're on a watch list? Unless the FBI actually told you, which seems to me would be counter intuitive. The poinnt of a watch list is that they don't want you knowing they're watching, so they catch you doing something. If you know, you ain't doin shit.

Also, I imagine most of us are on some sort of watch list. I probably am, but I'm not all that careful about anything I do online. I have stumbled across links to sites the FBI had taken down and been greeted witb a nice big FBI logo. They never kicked down my door and hauled me away. And I'm a moron.

>> No.5494639

if you're "stumbling across" sites like that you are most definitely on a watch list

>> No.5494938

>be young, learn to emulate from dad
>search roms on internet
>find ad-ridden rom site with crapton of hentai ads
>being 14 get interested in hentai, click the ad
>it loads page completely filled with ads
>start trying to get to an actual hentai site advertised
>realise that there is no hentai site behind all this and it's just an endless loop
>jack off to animated gifs

and this how emulation mande me a weeb

>> No.5494986


>> No.5495057

>Looking up Pokemon shit (1999)
>Somehow get to some porn site called Sexhound
>Turn off the computer and panic for like 2 months thinking it will show up on our internet bill.

>> No.5495062


>> No.5495063
File: 38 KB, 605x275, neocities-Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you make your own retro website vr?

>> No.5495086

>look up dragon ball hentai
>end up magical doremi, sakura cardcaptor and precure fan

>> No.5495253

I've made multiple.

My current project is a Windows 98/Netscape Navigator simulator. Within the Netscape window will be my personal site at probably at 1024x768 resolution. I've already created the navigator shell with some basic css and javascript. It's a fun hobby.

>> No.5495305

>video is recorded from a phone with visible touch buttons on screen

This is pretty scary and not because of the hack

>> No.5495314

Just seeing TPM boast about adding another 50 sites was impressive, people asked nowadays would probably struggle to name 50 unique websites.

>> No.5495325
File: 46 KB, 246x192, 1544101282786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I forgot the days of associating internet with phones.

plz post link when finished kthxbai!

>> No.5495336

Be sure you comply with HTML 4.

>> No.5495526

the html i mostly stick with html 4.01, but css has a lot of nifty new features I like to mess around with and early css was kind of a hack job, so I just do w/e feels good.

>> No.5496042

Plastic man was great. Been what 15 years since it went ?

>> No.5496065

I remember back when people couldn't figure out how to emulate Mega Man X3 properly, because it used a special chip.

>> No.5496412

800x600 or go home

>> No.5496437
File: 202 KB, 802x854, terry-cia-nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not 640x480, God's resolution

>> No.5496585

too small. By the time I was using a computer in 2000 it was 1024 x 768 anyway so, that's what I go with.

>> No.5496724

Nice hit of nostalg'
Castlevania III-OFF LIMITS

>> No.5497331

>vote 5 for pr0n!

>> No.5498339
File: 13 KB, 241x237, WWOEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's literally no place to talk about the fun of discovering early internet porn.

>> No.5498349
File: 31 KB, 111x171, 83c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah

>> No.5498356

Thanks, I had forgotten this shit ever existed

>> No.5498485


>> No.5498505
File: 104 KB, 1103x807, bardssong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>warez sites with Metal Slug gifs
>old Newgrounds