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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 1024x1024, Raspberry_Pi_3_B_1_of_1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5477124 No.5477124 [Reply] [Original]

>just emulate with an RPI man!
>oh btw the N64 support is still shit and most of the games wont play without graphical and audio issues
N64 might be the single reason to avoid emulation if you can. Just get a flashcart

>> No.5477139

Shut up, the pi is perfect! Perfect! It works 100%!
1 0 0 % !
(100% of the 3 games I know)

>> No.5477151

does anyone know if n64 via composite on modern hdtvs and oled will be recognized in the composite in jacks?

>> No.5477152

can a n64 be made into a 100% perfect multi-region console?

>> No.5477223
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Well, it's a good thing I don't give a shit about the N64.

>> No.5477234

Not that I advocate for using a pi, but all early 3D consoles and especially N64 looks like origami as a video game. Way too ugly to play.

>> No.5477395

Its a shit. You cant even hook it up to a CRT and get the correct aspect ration.

>> No.5477405

>I don't know how to set it up therefore shit

>> No.5477426

This - literally what would anyone want to play on the N64 that hasn’t been remade for a better console

>> No.5477493

perfect dark is fun on XBLA but we'll never get a modern goldeneye remake due to licensing

>> No.5477540

Depends on what you mean. You can either use a flash cart or an adapter to play games from other regions.

>> No.5477576
File: 25 KB, 437x450, 1551296625801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw bought into raspberry pi meme and found out Cardcaptor Sakura Tetris doesn't work on the only garbage PSX emulator that works on rpi

>> No.5477610


>> No.5477620

Seething nintencucks!

>> No.5477623

Same goes for 3ds/vita emulation. Rarely are there consoles that emulate other consoles without a mess of issues.

You pretty much have to go Windows for the best. Android/Linux are also really good, if you are not retarded. Most people that will reply are retarded though.

>> No.5477725

>N64 might be the single reason to avoid emulation if you can.
It's fine if you have a PC. If you listened to reddit and bought a Pi then that's your own fault.
If it does it will look like absolute dog shit and be incredibly unresponsive.

>> No.5477732

guess ill keep my crt around just so i can play N64 lol

>> No.5477787

There are like 4 different psx emulators, have you tried them all?
Considering you get not bad emulator box fo 40$, extremely customisable and portable, runs NES,GB,GBC,SNES,GBA 100% fine, there's no reason to drop it for single system which has shitty emulation everywhere

Damn I wouldn't mind having N64 with flashcart next to my Raspberry Pi

>> No.5477795

Emulation in general fucking sucks

If I get even so much as a fucking dithering artifact on a single background Asset, it can go fuck itself.

>> No.5477796

Don't use too much logic, you'll make the hardware only purists upset.

>> No.5477814

>Damn I wouldn't mind having N64 with flashcart next to my Raspberry Pi
the issue is playing it on a modern tv, which is the point of getting a raspberry pi anyways. i have all the physical consoles but they would look like shit on an HDTV

>> No.5477867

it depends on if your tv can support 240p or not otherwise you'll need some kind of scaler

>> No.5477916

Nah man, I got Pi so I can have super portable emulation machine. Hell, one of them is composite connected to my CRT.

If you want to play your consoles on new TVs, think about getting OSSC, or RetroTink 2X

>> No.5477924

>RetroTink 2X
Not bad, only $99? maybe i shouldve have bought my pi after all lol. I'm getting an OLED tv, and while I'll stil have the CRT it wont be in a convenient spot to play like I used to.

>> No.5477943

Check your new TV for input lag. My friend bought £2000 4k TV and It adds few frames of lag, more than projector I have. Some TVs have "Gaming mode" to reduce input lag.

>> No.5477948

fingers crossed

>> No.5477964

Wow its huge!
I have no idea about modern TV's, I've always been old LCD guy. Found this guide online, maybe it's gonna help you if you're still deciding:
But yeah, do your own research as well, maybe try it out in the shop, and best of luck anon

>> No.5477969

ive lived with a a CRT for 15 years, for everything, blu rays, dvds, tv, even had to get a hdmi>composite just to play netflix when friends were over. I'm pretty excited for this, i borrowed my brothers 4k player and some movies to test it out once i but it, just a few more weeks..

>> No.5477970

>i have all the physical consoles but they would look like shit on an HDTV
Not that bad. I could understand if you didn't already have the hardware but please tell me you aren't emulating the N64 when you have one right there.

>> No.5477976

here's my situation. maybe im being a dummy. i have physical NES, SNES, N64 (w flashcart), GENS/SCD (w flashcart) plugged into a CRT. I will be getting a OLED, and while I'm keeping my crt it wont be set up so now I have all these consoles /potentially/ unplayable on my new TV. I figured the best solution was to get a RPI for $50 and just deal with emulation on the new TV...

>> No.5477980

Yeah, dummy. Just get proper upscaler and enjoy your consoles on huge screen. No need for RPI

>> No.5477990

Well then
>Frameister $300+
>OSCC $180+
>RetroTink $99
man upscalers are expensive

>> No.5477996

yeah it's not really going to work that way for N64 emulation at least lol. First choice is real hardware playing on a CRT, second is real hardware on a HDTV. Emulation is for poorfags with no money. A new HDTV should have a good scaler, but you might want to research it for how it is with SD and display lag - which you should check out for doing any gaming on it anyway.

>> No.5478013

looks like it would be about 20ms

1080p @ 60 Hz
: 21.1 ms
1080p @ 60 Hz Outside Game Mode
: 50.0 ms
1440p @ 60 Hz
: N/A
4k @ 60 Hz
: 21.1 ms
4k @ 60 Hz + HDR
: 21.5 ms
4k @ 60 Hz @ 4:4:4
: 21.1 ms
4k @ 60 Hz Outside Game Mode
: 50.0 ms
4k @ 60 Hz With Interpolation
: 100.0 ms
8k @ 60 Hz
: N/A
1080p @ 120 Hz
: 21.9 ms

>> No.5478024
File: 6 KB, 600x450, ultrahle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a pentium II 266 Mhz could emulate mario 64 at almost full speed using this emulator released in 1999
>yet the 2017 piece of shit in the OP struggles to get 30fps

really activates those almonds

>> No.5478147

>low-accuracy emulator designed to run games no matter the cost on a common 1999 setup
>reasonably accurate modern emulator being shoehorned onto some particularly slow (read: it's literally as cheap as it gets) hardware (where the bottleneck is primarily due to GPU issues anyway)

>There are like 4 different psx emulators, have you tried them all?
retropie offers one (in libretro and standalone versions) for Pi, what are the others?

apparently it needs to be patched to work on PCSX-reARMed
haven't actually checked this page out, this was from a quick google

>> No.5478320

I've been emulating N64 for around 16 years on PC with next to no problems, other than when I first started the massive multi-megabyte file sizes crushed my childish willpower after getting used to the two minute SNES and thirty second NES downloads on shitty flyover state internet.

>> No.5478760

Just ckecked on retropie that 3rd one is not available on Pi, which I didnt read before, and there wws no 4th one, so looks like it was my imagination. Sorry!

>> No.5478765

To be fair it's hard enough to get CCS Tetris to work with PC emulation too.

>> No.5478784

I know RPI sucks for emulation of N64, but is there any small singleboard alternative at this size which can do it? I had my eyes at odroid xu4 but it is two times more expensive and at this price some miniPC would make more sense.

>> No.5478794

Based and Super Mario 64 DS pilled

>> No.5478948

>Just get a flashcart
And a system, and a controller, cables, SD card...

After getting nice retro setups for most of my consoles, I get why people emulate. Its expensive and not that easy for everyone, so why not stop telling them what to do? Its not like anyone of us on this board ever listen to advice or others opinion either way.

>> No.5479009

Technically the two emulators available are the same emulator too, one's just a retroarch revision and the other a standalone. The latter has its own drawbacks but can support a few more games. People reccomend the Pi a lot based on its PS1 ability and I find it astounding, the support is just not good at all and you can do better even just in the sphere of cheap emuboxes.

If your heart's set on small devices I would reccomend something Android-based, Amazon sticks/boxes for example, as you can run the exact same Rpi emulator along with ePSXe and FPSe, with all three you can cover a lot of ground in compatibility. As the guy earlier said nothing beats Windows though, a MiniPC will always be the best option next to hardware.

>> No.5479140

meaning when I play a ntsc-game on a pal-n64, does it behave exactly like a ntsc-n64, game-wise, video-output-wise, audio-output-wise etc.?

>> No.5479213

Pretty much, video output-wise you'd be limited to composite or S-video unless your console's modded but the signal carries fine. Timing-wise it's supposedly not 100% accurate to NTSC but the difference is basically unnoticeable, unlike the Saturn it doesn't try and force NTSC into PAL or anything like that, should feel normal. If you buy the 'PAL' version of a flashcart all that's really different is the cartridge size, you can run any region you want from it.

>> No.5479248

get a retron5 and ferget that turd

>> No.5479324

an rpi is the least powerful sbc you can buy, there are many better options these days, not sure why it's still the go-to for emulation

>> No.5479424

N64 are for homosexuals any way.

>> No.5479663
File: 50 KB, 870x580, Osborne-1-portable-computer-advertise-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super portable emulation machine
I don't understand and I'm not sure I want to

>> No.5479664

lol that guy could break a polar bear's rig cage with the momentum alone.

>> No.5479667

>After getting nice retro setups for most of my consoles, I get why people emulate.
Because they are poor, or just don't care that their inauthentic experience is hacked together and full of bugs. So long as they enjoy it, I find no fault in it however.

>> No.5479768

Even Super Mario World runs like dogshit on Raspberry Pi and there’s no run-ahead latency correction.

>> No.5480052

like, it doesn't drop frames depending on which emulator you pick
if you're talking about latency, update your retropie image, threaded video was a mistake

the pi features a level of support, from cases to distros to add-ons to documentation to software that other boards just flat out don't have

plus, it's cheaper than the rest
why bother setting up another SBC that only boots from some particular distro and has these particular driver bugs and whatever
vs using a Pi and just writing a pre-made retropie image to your SD card and being ready to go immediately

and even if you don't bother using it for emulation, you still can expect continued support into the future for whatever project you decide on, entirely unlike basically any other SBC out there

>> No.5481023

lakka supports tons of different sbc's and it works a blast with my odroid

>> No.5481139

even with a 4GB graphics card overclocked the plugins for n64 emulation are still shitty. getting a flashcart for my console for n64 was the best decision ive made

>> No.5481442


>> No.5481628

it runs right off the bat with Beetle PSX retroarch core

>> No.5481647

N64 might be the single console to avoid when playing retro. Just get a (insert any other console here).

>> No.5481687

your fault for playing that gay shit

>> No.5481735

>Cardcaptor Sakura Tetris
literally who game, nobody knows your shitty tetris clone, no wonder it doesn't work if it wasn't tested

>> No.5481783

I'm strongly considering purchasing a full RPi kit and turn it into my own retro gaming station. I don't particularly care about N64.
What are the pros and the cons? Any other system that doesn't run properly? Is it very complicated to tinker with?

>> No.5481797

retropie has a great easy to follow guide on how to format and set it up, hardest thing may be setting custom controls per console emulator if you need to. whole process probably takes an hour or 2 tops then you can just pick your games and go

>> No.5481814

standard interfaces (micro-usb, hdmi, usb, minisd, wifi, bluetooth)
compatible with every controller
laughably low energy consumption
all the storage you want through USB ports and network storage
powerful enough to run PSX and lower
popular so you can find a lot of tutorials and yt videos for anything
great media player and youtube client (too underpowered for 1080p h.265 though)
can be repurposed if you get tired of video-games
no h.265 1080p playback
no n64, saturn, dreamcast
hdmi input lag (so you have a scapegoat for your poor performance)
no easy CRT output
>Is it very complicated to tinker with?
if you never used gnu/linux don't bother, it's not difficult but I advise against using it if you are a winbabby/mactoddler

>> No.5481850

>it's not difficult but I advise against using it if you are a winbabby/mactoddler
Why are linuxfags such a bunch of elitist pricks?

>> No.5481851

i never used linux before and had no problem using the interface :^) sudo

>> No.5482113
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just a precaution against retards who cannot be bothered to learn something, everybody can learn linux, the only real skill required is operating a search engine and being able to read more than few lines of a tweet
also you have to be clinically stupid in failing to put together a retropie setup considering the sheer amount of text and video tutorials in the interwebs on how to do so

>> No.5482145
File: 11 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It probably won't run any emulator as well as your PC, but as long as you go in without expecting 100% accurate emulation, it's a great little device

This is all true except for the fact that it can easily output 240p to a CRT via composite, you just need the cable or adapter.


>> No.5482162

Definitely the only console I recommend getting a flash cart instead of emulation. Just pure shite the N64 emulation is!

>> No.5482371

>portable (throw it in a bag with some controllers, plug it into their TV, play with your friends)
take note that some things add up depending
>you can leave it plugged into your TV, so it's little hassle
>very low power consumption
this applies less to the 3+, you can't reasonably use your phone charger anymore due to power draw, but it's still a pittance
>most shit requires very little setup
like, write the SD image, copy BIOS files, copy ROMs, play

I'm posting this from a pi 2 -- it has the power of a computer from like 2001 at the latest, and the only thing mitigating that is the fact that there are 4 cores -- which doesn't matter one fucking bit when emulating.
>only a few of the actually accurate emulators keep full speed
like, you're probably going to be using a 2005-era version of SNES9x, which has really easily noticeable issues, such as the ground in Mario Kart, same with emulating Genesis -- PicoDrive runs full speed (picodrive has a few little VDP bugs and much worse sound emulation), but not Genesis Plus GX (which I have installed mainly for SMS and SG-1000 emulation)

take note that the Pi 3 and 3+ are faster than the device I'm describing, so they can handle a few nicer things (eg, using a 2010-era SNES9x, which is plenty accurate)

>> No.5482379

>portable (throw it in a bag with some controllers, plug it into their TV, play with your friends)
Don't use "portable" like this
1. You still need to plug it in
2. If your friend doesn't have a TV, what are you gonna do? Bring your own?

>> No.5482381

N64 emulation isn't half bad on the Wii now, anon. It won't do certain games, but it does quite a bit well.

>> No.5482421

>1. You still need to plug it in
you can reasonably run it from batteries, but I will admit that this is an extra cost and effort
it's not a mobile solution, it's just something you can throw in a bag, and I addressed that immediately
>2. If your friend doesn't have a TV, what are you gonna do? Bring your own?
this is a sufficiently rare case that I can safely ignore it
I don't know anyone who still watches television (broadcast/cable), but they still all have TVs.

>> No.5482520

The only people in my friend group who have TVs still live with their parents.

>> No.5482614

The rest are too poor to afford one because they pay rent?

>> No.5482674

>N64 support is still shit and most of the games wont play without graphical and audio issues
if you're taking advice from this board's finest collection of nobodies with the computer literacy of dead animals then no wonder you're fucked. most of these dumb fucking faggots weren't born when the n64 was released and don't own any of these consoles.

>> No.5483926

>it can easily output 240p to a CRT via composite
nice, thank you

>> No.5486137

I prefer using a Core2Duo PC with 4 gigs of ram, a decent 512mb+ video card and a 500gb hard drive for emulation. The Pi is just an oddity for playing around with for different tasks. It's cute and all, but I still prefer a semi-decent PC that I can pick up at a thrift store for $20-$30 for most stuff.

>> No.5486560

What game are you having trouble playing? It’s worked for everything I’ve thrown at it.

>> No.5486579

You’re joking right? This is one area where you should applaud Retropie

>> No.5486581

The quality of upscalers varies by TV and manufacturers don't tell you how good or not good they are. You can assume any Chinese brand like Westinghouse or Polaroid will be utter trash.

>> No.5486583

Sony TVs generally have very good upscalers. Panasonics do as well, but only on the most expensive models.

>> No.5486662

>N64 might be the single reason to avoid emulation if you can.
Or just emulate on PC.

>> No.5486670

How cute, he thinks PC emulators will be any better at anything but basic bitch games like Mario Kart.

>> No.5486742

I want to replay Banjo Kazooie and Majora's Mask but I've heard N64 flashcarts have massive issues.
How true is this? Because I'd prefer to avoid paying $200 for krikzz's bullshit.

>> No.5486806

n64 emulation being bad is a meme
any single n64 game you want to play is playable

>> No.5486842

>n64 emulation being bad is a meme
>any single n64 game you want to play is playable
lol I see you have played Super Mario 64 AND Ocarina of Time.

>> No.5486850

Ha ha, try Indy and the Infernal Machine and report back how good N64 emulation is.

>> No.5486856

what are you trying to play?

looks like you saw the same news post
reminder that playable doesn't mean the game looks accurate

>> No.5487325

name 3 good n64 games

>> No.5487442


Get a decent i5/i7 dell refurb with 8GB ram and a 1TB hd for around $100 or a similar Thinkpad for a little more. Install your favorite version of Ubuntu. You can install Retropie on top, or go with Lakka if that’s your preference. You’ll be emulating GameCube in no time.

>> No.5487454

>what are you trying to play?
Star Wars Episode I Battle for Naboo-perfectly. It can usually play, but with glitches. Also I'd like to play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine too, without glitches.

>> No.5487495

I use bigbox on a win7 machine.

>> No.5487518

does naboo have gameplay glitches or it graphical?

>Also I'd like to play Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine
honest replies only

>> No.5487845

Both, but mostly graphical. I heard that there's a stable release, but I can't be bothered to find it.

>> No.5487869

arika developed it, it's basically console TGM. shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about. also cardcaptor sakura owns

>> No.5488132

>replies to the entire thread
Here's your (You) cringelord

>> No.5488232

t. pleb
Early 3D aesthetic is best aesthetic

>> No.5488912

i have an everdrive 64 for about a year now, zero issues so far.

>> No.5488937

>don't emulate at all because of a single system
>Only emulating on a pi
Are you retarded?

>> No.5488939

the n64 game library is dog shit compared to psx anyway

>> No.5489159

Yeah you shouldn't get a Pi for emulation, that's fucking stupid. If you have any semi-decent laptop or desktop, even without a graphics card of course, then you will be able to emulate N64 with EASE. And even Gamecube you will able to emulate at full speed too. My MacBook doesn't have a discrete graphics chip and it can emulate those things without breaking a sweat.

>> No.5489161

not everyone has their computer in the same room as their tv

>> No.5489241

Do people seriously emulate on the pi? Are they really that stupid?

>> No.5489262

all I want is a SBC for my TV, I don't want a gigantic laptop or desktop clutter.

>> No.5489279

cucked and retardpilled. PSP is cheaper, portable and comes with shit like a screen and controller. stop shilling your shit emu

>> No.5489310

Building small PCs is a thing and the emulation for even N64 on it is either passable or darn good with tweaks and overclocks at this point. Can't wait for the next gen Pis.

>> No.5489315

>You’ll be emulating GameCube in no time.
That's easy; wake me when Saturn is easy and perfect.

>> No.5489627

the PSP literally has worse emulation than the Pi in every way beyond running PS1 games, and you're still missing two trigger buttons and a stick

some do it just to have a box they can hook up to a TV and leave it there, no hauling the PC over or plugging your laptop in
there are a worrying number of people who seem to think that they're better off emulating on the Pi in general than their computer though

saturn is pretty easy and remarkably accurate, it's not 2007 anymore

>> No.5489651

>saturn is pretty easy and remarkably accurate, it's not 2007 anymore
Fuck, you're right. I have Wii emulation scene on the brain.

>> No.5489657

>there are a worrying number of people who seem to think that they're better off emulating on the Pi in general than their computer though
NES works great and even N64 is getting there.

>> No.5489668

N64 emulation suffers on everything, although a great portion of games are completely playable with minor errors on devices more capable than a pi. Thankfully the n64 isn't the standard and most of the other important consoles emulate fine on better hardware.

>> No.5491996
