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File: 90 KB, 524x468, _20190403_122203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5479236 No.5479236 [Reply] [Original]

I still find amusing that Konami actually tried to push Goemon overseas.

>> No.5479257

No offense to people who don't know Japanese, but you complain The Legend of The Mystical Ninja was basically a rewrite when the eventual fan translation that's gonna come out of this will also be basically a (slightly more accurate) rewrite. Most of the Goemon humor are references to Edo period like saying '「てやんでい」 「べらぼうめ」over and over which are impossible to transfer to English.

>> No.5479267

why? japonism was a thing in the west before video games even became a thing.

>> No.5479275

>gameplay fun
>setting unusual
>character designs are interesting and cutesy
>good ost
You can't really call what we got a "push," it's more like "any release at all," but either way I don't see what's weird about it.

>> No.5479287
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For instance, Sasuke refers to himself as a Karakuri, that's a type of puppet theatrics that existed during the edo period.
How the fuck do you translate that to a western audience? You can't, just call him machine and move on.

>> No.5479307
File: 215 KB, 518x725, illust_73856636_20190401_204647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would give them props for the nonsensical translation, it fits the quirky tone of Goemon.

>> No.5479314

Its just JOPs smelling thier own farts. You dont have to know moonrunes to appreciate the game, and even the JOPs that do know moonrunes read like a kindergartener cover in molasses.

>> No.5479320
File: 373 KB, 750x1000, goe_yae_oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Konami back then was nothing like Konami today, they used to be based and one of the best companies.

>> No.5479339


>> No.5479342

I wish they still did

>> No.5479346

I know I'm nitpicking. Language and culture are so intertwitned you can't avoid if, if you know even the basics you'll become an anal bitch like me.
Also I still think Japanese seiyuus sound beautiful, I'm waiting to confirm the meme that if you learn Japanese anime starts to sound annoying.

>> No.5479350

That's the thing most of the quirky random wacky shit actually has a reason

>> No.5479352

Goodbye Antonio

>> No.5479356
File: 35 KB, 720x544, tnt24.info_Szogun_-_Shogun_1980_odc_3_DVDRip_x264-AAC_Multi_SubtitlesNapisy_PL_EngJap_.5635__582775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. Chinese woman once told me I sounded like a kindergarter. Truth hurts, then it heals.

>> No.5479358

Funnily enough, those latin names were actually on the original japanese too.

>> No.5479386
File: 10 KB, 236x177, just do it engles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give them the big euro cock

>> No.5479440

>I'm waiting to confirm the meme that if you learn Japanese anime starts to sound annoying.

You can already do so while watching live action videos with regular spoken japanese like in documentaries or other non-animated TV shows. If you'd done that and still insisted it sounds the same then you would be delusional.

>> No.5479514
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IRL Goemon

>> No.5479603
File: 206 KB, 640x1153, goemon3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best Goemon game will never be translated
Feels bad lads.

>> No.5479681

I find it hard to believe that japanese kids would understand references like that. Its not like every japanese person knows every little reference to their countrys long history.

>> No.5479701

Dude, Super Goemon 64 was lit.


>> No.5479706

Thats like saying a Western kid wouldn't know what a mime is.

>> No.5479708

You call him a puppet...

>> No.5479709

You mean Mime the dwarf?

>> No.5479717

>nip game has medieval accent, lexicon jokes
>it's IMPOSSIBLE to translate
>it MUST be overlocalized to medieval accents and random shit to compensate
>god forbid you just reword the general meaning and intention of the sentence
automaton, puppet, robot, doll, clockwork ninja

The real reason behind Goemon's overseas handling:

- First games on NES not worthwhile enough to earn a slot in the limited 5 games a year Konami could afford overseas, plus they passed over quality games "too Japanese" like Bio Miracle Baby Upa (directly told by Nintendo of America to scrap it) or Getsu Fuma Den

- First try on SNES got a racist as fuck localization job, "Kid Ying", "Dr Yang", localization writers didn't bother editing the lines to be shorter, kept nagging JP side to redo ALL graphical assets without text (because small moonrunes in bg of clearly jp game will cause kids violent seizures) and then there was nintendo's retarded censorship.

- Nips make the second game with a plot that screams "american cultural invadors fuck off" "jp culture fans take it like it is instead of changing it to your liking, or get a taste of the wrong end of a metal pipe", and then the third about a tranny nun from france kidnapping an old pervert with some incestuous NTR going on and a lot of manji, and the fourth stars a villain called Mr. Suicide and sprinkled NoA triggers throughout the story in a way that makes them too hard to cut, and more manji blocks because why not.

That NoA censor guide was put to good use.

- N64/PS1 games are tamer (naked Goemon butt within the first ten minutes of Akokingu aside) but Sony USA hates 2D and the one 3D PS1 Goemon game sucks ass graphics aside (it's a tech demo), so N64 games (sans board games) cross over. However Konami USA is idiotic enough to release multiple games in the series with the SAME NAME and the distinctive subtitle dropped.

- GB: 2nd Eng one is in a compilation (finished localization, but Konami gave up on it)

>> No.5479826

It will eventually. They got past the compression in goemon 2 and 3 that was holding them back. Now it's just a matter of time. It'll still probably take years but it will happen.

>> No.5479869

> I'm waiting to confirm the meme that if you learn Japanese anime starts to sound annoying.
That's like saying "if you know English, Looney Tunes starts to sound annoying".
I assume you know English, so does Looney Tunes sound annoying to you? Does it drive you mad that Bugs Bunny doesn't talk anything like a real human does?

>> No.5479887

>First games on NES not worthwhile enough to earn a slot in the limited 5 games a year Konami could afford overseas
Konami cheated the rules anyway by setting up Ultra Games as a shell corporation.

Getsu Fuma Den was clearly not released here because it resembles Zelda 2 too much.

>> No.5479894

And Bio Miracle Baby doesn't have any Japanese cultural content in it as far as I can tell.

>> No.5479919

>tranny nun
Are you referring to Bismaru? I never played Goemon 3 yet, but I know her from GGA.

>> No.5479965

We know what a marionette is.

>> No.5480004

They sound annoying when you don't know Japanese too. No idea how someone can call that shit beautiful.

>> No.5480009

As a non english speaker, english sounds way too annoying to me personally, especially the way anglos pronounce vowels.

>> No.5480020

>I'm waiting to confirm the meme that if you learn Japanese anime starts to sound annoying
Not really. If anything, I'll never know the feeling of Japanese sounding like some mystical language anymore. It seems the ones who don't understand Japanese are the ones that complains about Japanese girls all sound like high pitch squealing.

>> No.5480038

Karakuri ningyo were automatons, not marionettes.

>> No.5480042

I'm glad they did because Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon is hands down my favorite N64 game
Renting that as a 10 year old changed my life

>> No.5480045


>> No.5480063

these games were shit anyway

>> No.5480065 [DELETED] 

>be fan of aggressively Japanese franchise
>get surprised when weebs have interest in said franchise
You white incels are cute. Try not to shoot up a muslim church, mr jared leto joker.

>> No.5480069

The first one was so popular on the grey import scene, they didn't bother to convert it because they figured too many people already owned it.

It was popular, at least in the UK.

I was aware of the SNES games growing up, but I did own the N64 game upon it's release.

Good fun

>> No.5480071
File: 672 KB, 900x900, illust_71608147_20190401_204945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh look the shitposters have come

>> No.5480074

To be honest, yeah. 1 and 3 are zelda clones with obvious puzzles that feel more like a chore than a mental challenge. 1 has annoying money fetch quests. 2 and Kira Kira Douchuu Boku Ga Dancer whatever are straighforward platformers with Kira Kira having horrendous boss battles. Switching playable characters is a pain in the ass, have to cycle through all 4 just to hit a switch then swap all the way back, there's no button to cycle in reverse and it's mapped to select while the X button does no action. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!

I love the stage with the wooden dolls though, those look so nice.

>> No.5480079

Goemon have nice art and music but the gameplay relies too much on co-op to be any fun.
They are Zelda games for playing with a friend and occasionally laugh at the har har har oh so funny humor you can't even understand because you're not Japanese.

>> No.5480086
File: 52 KB, 482x640, Ganbare_Goemon_by_Goraiou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying black weebs don't love the shit out of Goemon too
Shitposting on a Goemon thread should be considered illegal.

>> No.5480095

nigga what, I'm playing MNSG alone and I'm enjoying it a lot, GGA is fun co-op but It can also be fun for a SP game..

>> No.5480665

It's pretty clear they balanced the game with co-op in mind first. The fact it's playable in single player is like saying basketball is technically playable in single player if you keep shooting the ball against a wall, just because it works doesn't mean it's the intended method to play.

And the Zelda-like puzzles are fucking obvious. Oh I just got to the water temple I wonder if I'll get Yae's mermaid ability to go underwater. Just go to the ice temple wonder if I'll get the freeze ability for the power suit to use all those water geisers as obvious platforms, yep, that is exactly what happened as expected. It's the same exact Zelda twist of giving you a tool, using to solve an obvious puzzle in the very same dungeon only to never touch it again for the rest of the game. Did you ever use the power suit flame thrower outside the fire temple? What about the freeze ray, ebi's bouncy shuriken, yae's bazooka, sasuke's bombs? Get them, solve the baby level puzzle, never use again.

>> No.5480669

>First try on SNES got a racist as fuck localization job, "Kid Ying", "Dr Yang"
That's just your opinion, man.

>> No.5481225

I haven't played the games in a while, but I remember using Yae's bazooka more than once, same with sasuke's bombs, also Yae's mermaid ability is useful in various places not just in one level.

>> No.5481315

Redpill me on why the manji appears on the title and the first time it was used for blocks you can swing from with the pipe.

>> No.5481353

It's a symbol of good fortune, or at least it was until the 1930s when a certain clockwise version ruined it forever in the eyes of much of the world for obvious reasons.

Manjigatame is a type of tangled wrestling move.

>> No.5481358

They're very fun games but so stupidly Japanese that I'm amazed they even bothered. That last game on the GBA where they turned Ebisumaru into a cute girl was total trash though.

>> No.5481398

Yeah, I already know about the manji, I just wanna know what it relates to in the game (is Shishi Juurokube a wrestler?). Also, maybe the blocks have manjis because you "grapple" onto them, like that grappling move you linked to.

>> No.5481405
File: 16 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was always a cute girl

>> No.5482154

what's so good about this one in comparison to the other games?

>> No.5482173

It's a sidescrolling zelda. I don't think it's the best one AT ALL, Goemon 2 is much better.

>> No.5482175

i will stick with Great Adventure being the best one, but GG2 is pretty damn great too.

>> No.5482184
File: 23 KB, 433x334, 39803-Goemon's_Great_Adventure_(USA)-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel GGA has everything that made the other great 2D Goemon great, and enhanced it. It's peak Goemon IMO. The only seemingly drawback I can see is that some people might argue that 2D sprites look better than 3D polygons, but honestly, art direction on the 3D Goemon games (at least the 2 N64 ones) is amazing and I think easily on par with the 2D stuff.
I also love how it actually makes use of the whole "2.5D" design and you can explore backgrounds and foregrounds in certain parts, giving levels multiple paths in ingenious ways.

>> No.5482193

My only complain is not being able to replay the castle levels, aka the best ones the game has to offer, and maybe having to reset whenever you die because it's better than respawning with no weapon upgrades or extra hit points, other than that IMO is the best game in the series and maybe one of the best 2D Platformers of the 5th gen.

>> No.5482295

>you'll never play Mystical Ninja with a half-decent font
>you'll never play Mystical Ninja with a with the original names
>you'll never play Mystical Ninja with a with the cut content
time to learn spanish

>> No.5482315

Shut up, Antonio.

>> No.5482320

shut up you... you...

>> No.5482334
File: 99 KB, 400x528, kozi_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you calling Weirdo?

>> No.5482336


>> No.5482356

Legend of the Mystical Ninja was/is my favorite SNES game. I think it was too robust not to internationally. Pretty early into the SNES lifespan too when they needed to build a library.

>> No.5482360

*laugh track*

>> No.5482516

What one had a fucking mech fight, I remember renting the game when I could barely read, and at one point that part came up and I was confused beyond belief

>> No.5482519
File: 9 KB, 225x225, impact-shogoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly all of them.
Impact fights are hard to manage if you don't know the special button combinations (they're on the manual). I still managed to beat them by using regular attacks and shooting ryo, but it took a while and a couple tries.

>> No.5482521

all of them, but you probably played the first

>> No.5482526

don't laugh anon, my older brother and I rented the snes one on a clueless whim, assuming it'd be just a linear platformer. Spent that whole weekend playing co-op and getting pretty far, all the while simultaneously being confused/wondering at the foreign cultural stuff, but enjoying it all. then returned the game and never played it again due to my strict parents only allowing us to rent a game a few times a year and only buying 4 games total for us in 4-5 yrs

>> No.5482531

What the fuck I gotta replay now, I don't even if I knew how to save I was pretty young, I just remember brute forcing myself through the game

>> No.5482540
File: 7 KB, 220x163, 220px-N64-mem_card1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a N64 memory card/"controller pak" in order to save.

>> No.5482604

Ah that makes sense, I would rent the game and just brute force my way as far as possible in one sitting

>> No.5482637

>The first one was so popular on the grey import scene, they didn't bother to convert it because they figured too many people already owned it.
You mean the very first game in the series, Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu?

>> No.5482649

I'm also a little surprised that Konami didn't bother releasing The Goonies here, but they did release its sequel Goonies II, leaving Americans to wonder where Goonies I was.

>> No.5482650

Omitsu or Yuki-hime?

>> No.5482652

>we get Gradius I but not Gradius II for some reason

>> No.5482658

The Goonies was released on Playchoice 10 cabinets in the US, strangely enough.

>> No.5482659

Omitsu of course

>> No.5482663

Gradius II wasn't released internationally because it used a VRC4 mapper and a lot of the graphics effects would have been lost trying to adapt it for a standard Nintendo mapper.

>> No.5482668

It's incredibly ambitious, especially for a Super Famicom game. Doesn't hold a candle to 2 though.

>> No.5482671

I have Gradius II with a Famicom converter, unfortunately on PAL NESes a large portion of the screen at the bottom gets cut off.

>> No.5482675
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And I'm glad they tried. MN64 is my top 5 favorite games. Great music, fun action, and good actual laughs whether is was localized or translated. I love me some Zelda, but I can't have robot battles in Zelda. I'm surprised there wasn't a fighting game.

You guys talking about Goemon 2 is making me want to boot up my snes classic and give it another shot. I know it's a easy play game, but seeing moonrunes it a series known for its comedy always makes me sad.

>> No.5482678

Surprised they never released any of the dozen or so Sailor Moon games internationally even though the anime was a CN staple.

>> No.5482685

Why Spanish? Is there a spanish version with all that?

>> No.5482693


>> No.5482701

The SM dub wasn't a big success ratings-wise despite the cult classic status it acquired. Also most of the SM vidya released were SNES games and the anime didn't get released internationally until the SNES era was basically over.

>> No.5482714

>I know I’m nippicking

>> No.5482808


That music.

Totoro <3

>> No.5482869

It just changed the names. It's still based on the heavily abridged (without even getting into the cut content) US version... though the US port has a couple of minigames and balance changes worth backporting.

>> No.5482891

>the very first game in the series, Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu
The very first one is the arcade game from 1986 "Mr. Goemon"

>> No.5482932

It worked for me, Mystical Ninja on the N64 turned out to be one of my favourite games as a kid, alongside Ocarina of Time. Talking about it makes me want to play it again for nostalgia's sake.

>> No.5483282
File: 133 KB, 960x564, goepachinko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck pachinko.

>> No.5483476
File: 73 KB, 640x640, 1542842037877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will gladly fuck Yae from the pachinko game

>> No.5484272

what's with her feet

>> No.5484294

It's Super Deformed style

>> No.5485028
File: 1.53 MB, 1541x1500, 75e6f0511b7a44d9599de7e712468d7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how this is a remix of the title screen of GG4

>> No.5485048

>unfortunately on PAL NESes a large portion of the screen at the bottom gets cut off.
Not only that but the 2A07 processor it uses is slower than the original 2A03 one, which makes slowdown occur much more often next to the lower framerate. If it weren't for my nostalgic bias I'd have ditched my PAL NES and replaced it with an American one or something more modern like an AVS.

>> No.5485312

like others have suggested, I think "automaton marionette" fits well enough

>> No.5485570

I don't think that's concise enough. I would probably call him a mecha ninja or something.

>> No.5485842

>reuse the same piece for three games in a row
thanks konmai

>> No.5485862

Didn't it first appear in Goemon 3?


>> No.5485876

The translation for Karakuri is Karakuri you stupid fucking autismo. Choke on a fidget spinner.

>> No.5485986

It's less "history" and more "Japanese kids know them through cultural osmosis because stories set in feudal Japan love using them as ancient Japanese robots".

>> No.5486015

Real talk n64 goemon was one of my favorite games

>> No.5486021

Goemon 2 > GGA
Goemon 3 > MNSG


>> No.5486090


>> No.5486098
File: 5 KB, 139x194, GGA_Sasuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't, those are all amazing games on their own right and you're entitled to prefer them in any order you want de gozaru

>> No.5486246

i can't go back to the main world after beating the final boss in MNSG?
That kinda sucks, i wanna get the other fortune dolls I'm missing...

>> No.5486257
File: 1.21 MB, 2296x3511, goemaneki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, that's a shame. Ideally you want a spare file save before going to space.
Similarly, in Goemon's Great Adventure you'll want to keep save files before beating each castle, so you can replay them anytime.

>> No.5486810

hey guys, how's your car magazine collection going?

>> No.5487097

If you search for Yae on pixiv, you find a lot of car magazine stuff.

>> No.5487283

>Goemon 2 > GGA
Wrong. GGA is the pinnacle of side-scrolling Goemon.

>Goemon 3 > MNSG
Now this I can agree with. MNSG is overrated, has only 5 stages (while 3 has 6 + 2 unfinished ones), has a crappy camera system, and doesn't have co-op like the SNES Goemons and GGA.

>> No.5487306
File: 509 KB, 639x479, Mystical Ninja starring Goemon map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MNSG is so good at what it does, though. Which is making a big adventure 3D game. It having "only" 5 castles doesn't stop it from having many other locations, the way up to each castle is like another level, or set of levels, cleverly linked together to give a sense of travelling across all of Japan.
The camera is a given complain, but honestly I don't think it was that bad to the point of making the game unenjoyable, it's a small annoyance that only really gets in your way if you're used to modern gaming free camera, otherwise it was fine for the time.
The coop is also a given, since it'd be hard to make a 3D game like that work with simultaneous 2 players unless you split the screen or something, although it would have been interesting.
I also think it has some of the best humor in the series, and the best set of villains. The ending is genius.

>> No.5487472


those are the best 2 followed by mystical ninja starring goemon

>> No.5487474


almost all of them do, but you probably mean mystical ninja starring goemon since it seems to be the most popular one released outside of Japan

>> No.5487476


I used to get past the first impact fight in mystical ninja starring goemon on every rental and never get any further until I bought it years later

>> No.5487535

are the ps1 goemon games worth a shot?
I've heard good things about Akogingu, but no Sasuke/Yae is kinda of a letdown.

>> No.5487819

Akogingu is the best one.
Shin and Oedo Daikaiten are mediocre, and kinda lazily designed. These two were outsourced to Now Production instead of Konami making them. Also, PSX Shin > GBA Shin.
Avoid the 3D game, it's trash.

>> No.5489023


>> No.5489972

Mr. Goemon is actually a fun arcade game.

>> No.5490537

has anyone got the best ending in karakuri douchuu?

>> No.5490786

Reminder that in the japanese N64 Mystical Ninja, Goemon and Ebisumaru call the Peach Gang generals Okama, which roughly translates into some like tranny/faggot, because the Peach Gang is based on a famous all female threatre trope of the dudes look like drag queens to suit the theme.

I thinking translating it to weirdo was the polite thing to do

>> No.5491225 [DELETED] 

Based japs taking the piss out of the degenerate LGBT movement.

>> No.5491327

>because the Peach Gang is based on a famous all female threatre trope of the dudes look like drag queens to suit the theme.
The other way around, Takarazuka is females dressing as males. Not exclusively, though, they have both male and female characters, but they're all girls, and they play the male roles as well.