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File: 52 KB, 400x375, 55514-Final_Fantasy_USA-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5478184 No.5478184 [Reply] [Original]

I never played the original Final Fantasy. Are there any patches I should use or is it fine to just play the US version?

>> No.5478186

It's fine to play but why do you want to?

>> No.5478194

Play the PS1 version. It fixes bugs and has the option to turn off that annoying "whiff at the air of a just-defeated enemy" thing, but otherwise the original difficulty is intact.

>> No.5478206

That "whiff at the air" you have to avoid by not just mashing attack on everyone is one of the few bits of gameplay it has. Avoiding it makes for even more of a non-game.

>> No.5478223

>that annoying "whiff at the air of a just-defeated enemy" thing
its one of the few things that makes it an actual game
learning enemy stats and the risk/reward ratio that comes with properly aiming your attacks is a big part of the gameplay

>> No.5478228 [DELETED] 

There are a spells that don't do anything but there are no significant exploits like in 2

>> No.5478231

People wiho exploit 2 deserve to yave the game ruined for them.

>> No.5478232

>Are there any patches I should use
No, there are patches but they all wussify the game by not only fixing bugs but adding what they THINK are bug fixes but are in fact just radical gameplay and balance changes.

>> No.5478235

>fixing bugs is now "wussifying" the game
OP you came to the wrong board for advice, do you see the kind of people who post here?

>> No.5478236

It's really not a good game, only worth playing in a games history sort of sense. Play the PS1 version if you want to make it a bit more palatable to modern tastes.

>> No.5478240

>fixing bugs but adding what they THINK are bug fixes
reading comprehension kid

>> No.5478250

There are very few bugs that need fixing but most of the remakes that "fix" them also make the game piss easy l the targeting system or switching how magic works. It's already barely a game outside of grinding for money and levels. Most of the "fixes" just make it even more braindead.

Play 2 and don't cheat. If that's too much for you play 3. 1 is pretty shitty.

>> No.5478269

you will never be 11 years old playing this masterpiece as your first RPG experience

>> No.5478270

Then it's good it's an option. You can turn that off if you want it. I don't, and there's no reason to sperg out over it every time i's brought up.

>> No.5478282

Not sperging over anything. Just saying it's one of the few ways the original makes you think or pay attention to what you're doing. I don't think any version is very worth playing though.

>> No.5478316

1 is pretty solid if you run through it with the kind of low levels that you'll have by just going straight to the places you need to go.

>> No.5478323

Ehh I disagree but if you like it that's cool.

>> No.5478330

its worth playing for how it nails the D&D feeling

>> No.5478336

It doesn't come even close to feeling like D&D .

>> No.5478339

I suppose you COULD stretch out a single battle to last two hours to really hit that D&D feeling home.

>> No.5478348

So you admit there are bugs in the game, great, thanks for proving me right.

OP I want you specifically to do whatever these spergs in the thread tell you NOT to do, just to spite em.

>> No.5478365

Huh? Of course I admit there's bugs in the game, Thief is basically worthless for one. But the targeting thing or how magic works isn't a bug. Overall I don't think it's all that goodin any version but the remakes seemed to get progressively more brain dead and easy. Maybe play them because at least you can rush through and be done with it but even then don't bother. 2 and 3 are well worth playing though.

None of the games in the series feel anything like playing D&D even slightly.

>> No.5478368
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>> No.5478568

Never play US versions.

>> No.5478591

ok pro jared

>> No.5478601

What the fuck are you talking about? I've never heard of this

>> No.5478610


>> No.5478613

in old rpgs if you ordered all your characters to attack one enemy and the first character killed it, the other 3 will just attack thin air and miss since that enemy is defeated, leaving the other enemies unscathed

It's a terrible "feature" that people think it adds depth or something

>> No.5478617

What's the point of planning ahead if you don't actually have to plan ahead?
Just drop the planning and switch to direct execution. Retargeting is plain bullshit.

>> No.5478621

why fill the game with random battles that i have to grind through then
If you want me to think in every battle reduce the number to a few key battles and increase rewards

>> No.5478623

If like memorizing enemy health values for the entire game, sure go ahead. I can see how that would be fun, but nah, I just can't be bothered.

>> No.5478626

It's about attrition. Preserve your resources until you reach the bottom of the dungeon.
Wizardry did it better though.

>> No.5478630

what a fucking hill to die on lmao, never change /vr/

>> No.5478806

Isn't that Japanese only?

>> No.5478817


>> No.5478821

Marsh cave.

>> No.5478893

It's how the developers intended it to be played.

>> No.5478991

This might come as a surprise to you, but battles in RPGs weren't initially there just to be there and stretch out the gameplay time by forcing you to hammer A a lot to make them go away.
Imagine complaining about a game actually having gameplay in place of "hammer button a lot to progress" moments.

>> No.5479001

FF2 primarily failed because they wrongly assumed players were interested in gameplay instead of just powergaming so they could feel like they "won".

>> No.5479268

Well I feel like a dumbass now
I already knew about this but your choice of words to describe it was a fucked up Rubik's cube I was too tired to solve

>> No.5479281

>game's engine has problems

Look around for patches available. There's one that "fixes" all the problems the original game has. Otherwise, just ignore the NES version and play the PS1/Origins version or the GBA version with the Hard Mode patch. The NES version itself it's alright and deserving of a playthrough, but honestly it's more of a fossil only worth it for the historical value.

>> No.5479379

It's the only shred of depth the game has though.

>> No.5479382

>None of the games in the series feel anything like playing D&D even slightly.

Sad but true not even the official D&D games feel anything like it.

>> No.5479402

The only way to play FF1 is with four fighters.

>> No.5479454

>retargeting is depth
So maybe the answer is "no, it's not a terribly compelling game to play"

>> No.5479467


>> No.5479491
File: 377 KB, 800x1109, art-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when videogames were more concerned about exploring worlds than teenage emotions?

>> No.5479509

>on the bottom pic: whimsical teenagers

>> No.5479538

Just whatever you do please for the love of god play on a CRT or at least a really good NTSC filter, the game needs it.

>> No.5479683

If you take it out then it's just Final Fantasy XIII, and that is NOT something you want to be

>> No.5479684

Among what makes the PS1 version so good compared to other remakes is that it allows you to keep that feature tuned on.

>> No.5479687

WSC doesn't even allow you to turn it off.

>> No.5479732

It shouldn't.

>> No.5479743

XIII has several excellent points about its combat system. A lot of the mainline FFs would benefit if they even tried to do half of what XIII tried, but didn't fully achieved. Although, I wouldn't possibly expect the average /vr/fag to even remotely like anything that isn't 30+ years old.

>> No.5480114

Fuck that 3 fighters and 1 white wizard , I fucking hate being turned to stone before class change and the better heals at endgame. Fucking geists

>> No.5480130

I want the original NES graphics and music, though. They just appeal more to me.

>> No.5480182

The fact that the option even exists makes so many people on /vr/ go batshit. It's the most irrational spectacle.

>> No.5480223

Then play it. If the thought of not just mashing attack thoughtlessly for 99% of the game sounds like a chore then you shouldn't play it at all.

>> No.5480353
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