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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5473323 No.5473323 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you actually played an emulated game on a phone for more than a day or two?

I feel like it's time to be honest with myself, that despite the great potential for Android as a platform for emulation, the lack of buttons is simply a dealbreaker.

Every time I set up Retroarch I wind up fiddling with it for a few minutes, PLANNING to use it later, but never actually use it.

It's a tragedy because emulators are really GOOD on mobile, but always eventually ignored and unused.

If one of you tells me you played ALL THE WAY through Earthbound or Arc the Lad on your phone, maybe the problem is with me.

>> No.5473327

games are like movies in some ways

>> No.5473330

I've played through pokemon red and also advanced wars 2 on my phone back when I was in college. It was fine even without buttons. I'd never play an action game like that though

>> No.5473335

He's exaggerating. Of course screen size matters for anything, it doesn't mean you haven't "experienced" it though.

>> No.5473345

i played through warioware inc. and warioware twisted and enjoyed it quite a bit

>> No.5473373

thats actually impressive, I dont think I could get through anything like that with no buttons

>> No.5473383


>> No.5473392

I have that exact controller, and put some time into Chrono Trigger on it. Good shit, but I wish the left dpad and stick were swapped.

What you gotta do is tell Retroarch to put all it's saves and states in their own folders, then have a program like Syncthing and sync those two folders between your phone and desktop.

Then you can play anywhere really.

I haven't gone back to Chronotrigger in a bit because my Uni classes are fucking me, but having it there is convenient.

>> No.5473421

Not an emulator but I played through the Sonic games on mobile with a Bluetooth controller because there isn't a good wide-screen port of them anywhere else.

>> No.5473435
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>If one of you tells me you played ALL THE WAY through Earthbound
Yes, I played all the way through Earthbound in 2011 on my Galaxy S i9000, a true classic. I played Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) too, as well as Pokemon Fire Red, Crystal and Emerald. I would have played Platinum too except the DS emulator made my phone overheat and crash. And last but not least, I played Final Fantasy V as well.

Anything turn-based works absolutely fine on a touchscreen. Turn-based RPGs are the ultimate smartphone game. If your fingers miss the correct on-screen button, the game waits for you to correct yourself.

As far as physical buttons go though, does /vr/ have any opinions on this keyboard? I'm thinking of making it my next phone.

>> No.5473450

Yeah, I played the following games to completion using on screen touch controls:
Phantasy Star
Phantasy Star 4
Final Fantasy Tactics
Phantasy Star Zero (not retro)

>> No.5473458

Metal Max Returns recently. Used a DS4 clipped to it.

>> No.5473503

Many cases have a kickstand, BT controllers are plentiful and cheap.
It's just that when I'm outside home I'm usually busy as fuck. Also being all hunched over a shitty screen is kind of uncomfortable and unsightly lol. I'd rather play when at home on my recliner and decently sized TV. When I'm at a waiting room or something I just entertain myself working on my kindle backlog.


>> No.5473509

But emulators *aren’t* good on Android. I feel like this is explained here in three threads a week and no one seems to remember. Look it up for youselves as I’m not explaining it to every newfriend who wanders here from /v/, but know that your frame timing and input lag will always be shit no matter what you do. Retroarch’s devs themselves acknowledge this.

>> No.5473530 [DELETED] 

I've played through many 20 hour games on Android but I used Bluetooth controllers or my Xplay.

>> No.5473650
File: 298 KB, 200x150, ohnoes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But emulators *aren’t* good on Android
someone please sticky this until these stupid fucks lurk more and make better threads where we won't see shit such as
>It's a tragedy because emulators are really GOOD on mobile
jesus. fucking. christ.

>> No.5473782

i play SNES rpgs pretty often on my android phone. Snes9x is free on android and works a lot better than retroarch. being able to instantly turn the game off any time and getting an auto save state to resume from is amazing.

>> No.5473797

>I have that exact controller, and put some time into Chrono Trigger on it. Good shit, but I wish the left dpad and stick were swapped.
This is why God made the Vita.

>> No.5473798

Does any Bluetooth controller work?

>> No.5473804

Yes, but only if you have a real phone

>> No.5473824

Only turn-based stuff and when nothing better is on hand, played through all gen 1 and 2 pokemon games on my phone. Tapping on screen doesn't have nearly enough feedback for action games and vibration feedback is inadequate. I once tested a friend's attachable controller thing and there's too much input lag. Definitely not ideal.

>> No.5473834

I have one on pre-order. Hard to have any opinions on it yet though seeing as it hasn't shipped.

>> No.5473846

My phone is my go-to emulation device because mine has buttons and lots of them. Most recently, I beat Silhouette Mirage on it and got all the endings. I just started Jumping Flash 2 today.

>> No.5473856

It looks like a blackberry for children.

>> No.5473858

Yeah, back when I had a phone with a keyboard, emulation was much more viable. Otherwise RPGs are all I can stand to play without real buttons.

Wtf happened to slide out keyboards? Mine had a touchscreen too. I feel like my new phone is a downgrade. Might as well be with all the shit I can't remove and all the bogdown.

>> No.5473872

My phone is damned near 12 years old now. Or so. Even if I do upgrade to a newer, """"""""better"""""""" phone, I'll definitely keep mine just for emumuhlation purposes.

>> No.5473892

I played through Earthbound and Breath of Fire II and 7th Saga on a phone.

>> No.5473898

Anyone have experience running Moonlight on mobile and streaming emulation to their phone? Is it worthwhile? I'd rather not have to fuss with transferring roms to my phone and settling for whatever emulation options happen to exist on mobile.

>> No.5474031

gba4ios was fucking amazing in high school study hall once my work was done. sunk many hours into it. I think it could even run some of the more tricky games like classic NES series before mgba could

>> No.5474086

Isn’t it malware? I don’t trust anything Chinese.

>> No.5474087

I finished some SNES RPGs on it during breaks like Live a Live, Seiken Densetsu 3 and Secret of Mana. Its a good one as long as you don't play games that requires timing of quick actions.

>> No.5474174

agree. gba4ios or whatever is great for rpgs like pokemon but for mario games defo not

>> No.5474178

No? I think it uses stolen chinese certs or something (just to bypass apple's block of emulators) but it's made by an american. Plus ios sandboxes all apps so it wouldn't be able to do much

>> No.5474187

I like to play stuff like Advanced Wars, as games can be long, and I can pause / resume without feeling too lost.

>> No.5474190


>> No.5474191

If there was a 7" Windows tablet with USB ports I would unironically use that to replace my phone.

>> No.5474194

I use it to play game boy rpg's and runescape. It's also how I played through Resident Evil Gaiden.

>> No.5474490

I tried once but I fell asleep after less than a day. I think if I started early in the morning and drank a lot of soda I could last two days.

>> No.5474604

Using a phone for emulation is unacceptable unless youre a knuckle dragging zoomer with no self respect.

Phone are meant for communication

>> No.5474640

Phones can do almost everything now. Why would you limit yourself to one thing because of autism and boomer peer pressure?

>> No.5474758

Played all of SotN on a Jailbroken iPhone 4 while commuting to school in 2013 (i think).
Used the Gametel controller which is the best for smaller devices, out of production it seems however.

>> No.5475053

>mario games defo not
funny you say that because most of what I played was mario games, though I will admit it wasn't perfect and games like advance wars played a lot better

>> No.5475063

There is nothing wrong with phone emulation if you want an easy, handheld way to play those games without having to spend money on a system and flashcart.

>> No.5475065

I was so fucking happy that Twisted uses your phone's gyroscope. Surprised me quite a bit

>> No.5475072

>It's a tragedy because emulators are really GOOD on mobile, but always eventually ignored and unused.
No they're not.
fuck off

>> No.5475105
File: 19 KB, 569x298, 71FslKfTvLL._SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like playing Power Stone Collection using an 8bitdo

>> No.5475107

Couldn't. Controls are bad.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F3F3;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.5475156

How much is this again? 30-50 bucks?

>> No.5475173

Amazon sell it for about $45

>> No.5475181

Sure there is plenty wrong with it. Its just you zoomers have grown up your whole lives with a phone in your hand that you lack perspective

>> No.5475195

>muh zoomer boogeyman
Explain what is wrong with phone emulation

>> No.5475248

If phones were able to do that while I was in high school I probably would've during lunch. But these days if I'm gonna play video games it's not gonna be on a tiny phone and if I'm out then I'm actively doing something or working.

>> No.5475261

Which makes MSRP about $75

>> No.5475270

it does?

>> No.5475401

8BitDo makes some of the best Switch controllers but they're nothing special on other platforms
In particular, if you need analog triggers, you gotta use something else

>> No.5475413

It's the least optimal option when the features are compared to pretty much anything else. Screen resolution and aspect ratio is retarded for retro gaming. Need headphones if you want decent quality sound. Need a controller if you want good controls, so youre really just stuck with turned based or slow games on touch screen. I don't get why these need to be explained to you.

>> No.5475417

>Need a controller if you want good controls
many bluetooth controllers come with phone grips

>> No.5475424

Basically you're tacking on a whole bunch of extra shit on your phone because by itself it isn't good enough. Which is fine if a phone is all you ever had and just can't afford anything else. But don't stick your nose up like its a actually a good option.

Also emulators are not as good on mobile.

>> No.5475426

PPSSPP works flawlessly

>> No.5475431

You're somehow unaware of the fact that modern phones are as powerful as PCs and designed to work as PCs. Which means, yeah, you need all this "extra" shit (a display, a sound system, and a controller)... which you would need anyway if you were just using a PC. Only, you can't unplug your full tower and shove it in your pocket when you leave the house to buy mushrooms in a park from a guy with three hats and two trenchcoats.

>> No.5475434

You are unaware how certain emulators work better on certain architectures

>> No.5475474

There are particular emulators that currently run better on x86/x64 but I'm not aware of emulation tech that will always work better there than on ARM. It's just a matter of time and effort to write the code, and most of the effort these days is going into making shit work on ARM.

>> No.5475546

I'm currently going through ultima 6 on the phone and i went through all of the 2D castlevainas, final fights, sonics and streets of rages on my phone.

keep in mind that i don't do this all in one sitting and i pretty much spread this out through months of play time.

>> No.5475884

>muh zoomer boogeyman
>demonstrates why zoomers are cancer
Way to go lad

>> No.5475895

>Screen resolution and aspect ratio is retarded for retro gaming
> Need headphones if you want decent quality sound.
flatout wrong
> Need a controller if you want good controls, so youre really just stuck with turned based or slow games on touch screen.
wrong again, sounds like you need to not be bad

>> No.5476190
File: 120 KB, 247x403, Ralph_Wiggum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i smear poo on my head holes and it looks and sounds great

>> No.5476202

Not an argument

>> No.5476214
File: 122 KB, 1000x972, ungbung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phone are meant for communication

>> No.5476239

Do you really think playing games on a 5~7" screen is better than a 21~34" screen?

>> No.5476272

How can anyone stand playing games on Android with that god awful input lag? Upwards of 150ms makes any fast paced games unplayable.



>> No.5476326

...a-and you have lost all the rights to complain about lag

>> No.5476349

My Android is my main emulation device. I have a controller with a grip and dual analog/triggers.
My smartphone is like a next level Gameboy and I love it, that's why I use it.

>> No.5476354

What is the most compact tack-on droid-phone gamepad with analogs?

>> No.5476358

What a weird way to start this thread op.

Usually you ask about "is muh 3ds good fer emu" or "3ds vs vita for emulation" or "Should I get a GPD??!?".

We know you are the same idiot posting almost daily about emulation and mobile/android. Only your dumbass is retarded enough to not figure out Android.

>> No.5476361

I liked your post because it gave everyone that read it autism

The vita/ds/switch is not anywhere near as capable as alternatives.

>> No.5476418

I played Castlevania using a bluetooth gamepad on my phone. But the bluetooth lag kinda killed any interest I had with emulators on phones.

>> No.5476431

I played Symphony of the Night on a fairly large screened phones. I can't stand using touchscreen buttons though, it's shit... SotN just happens to be a great game.

>> No.5476713

Mostly rpgs like Mother and Golden Sun. And the Ace Attorney games.

But some how I bated Mario and Luigi Super Star Saga with touch button controls.

>> No.5476908

What are the options with least lag?

>> No.5476916

plug it in with a cable ofc. There are usually short cables coming with such pads

>> No.5476932 [DELETED] 

I beat Getsu Fuuma Den on a Wii with the Wiimote and largely on a plasma (in 480p over component with the display in game mode, ladderboxed) and that game has hectic timing requirements.

While it no doubt had technically measurable lag on both ends vs playing on fully correct period hardware the experience convinced me that "lag" posters are almost entirely hyper autists self validating, people with incorrectly configured hardware testifying and parrots.

>> No.5476947

I don't doubt that my hardware could be incorrectly configured, I have not put a whole lot of effort into emulation outside just getting an app that seems to get the job done better than other apps. If I really wanted to play a shmup on my phone I'd probably do more than that. That said, it's reasonable to expect the experience of most people being the most easily accessible one, which is likely not going to be very optimized.

>> No.5476949

I beat a Link to the Past for the first time using an emulator on my kindle fire tablet a few years ago.

>> No.5477031

He didn’t say it’s better. It’s good enough for portability.

>> No.5477408

>good enough
Sure if you’re a shit eating zoomer

>> No.5477410

When I was still in high school I played Ninja Gaiden endlessly on my phone during school. For me the lack of buttons doesn't bother me it's the lag when you press the on screen buttons that really annoys me.

>> No.5477412
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>good enough

>> No.5477597

I played through kingdom hearts 358/2 days on my phone thru drastic

>> No.5477617

FOR PORTABILITY you dumb faggots.

>> No.5477696

How is wanting good video quality for video games a nitpick? Just because you eat shit doesn't mean it's fine for everyone else.

>> No.5478040 [DELETED] 

>what is integer scaling?

>> No.5478068

Look at the spreadsheet linked in the video. Switching to wired only shaves 4ms off the total input lag.

Even switching to wired the input lag on Android is absolute shit. It goes down from 150ms to 147ms.

When I was playing Sonic 2 I kept dying at the same fucking boss because it felt like Sonic wouldn't move his ass in time. Never realized my inputs were being registered 150ms late.

>> No.5478138
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I don't play any retro games on it but technically Powder was originally made for GBA and I almost exclusively play it on my phone now and it works well. It's a roguelike though so there's no action element otherwise the lack of real buttons would be vexing.

>> No.5479224

what is it?

>> No.5479235 [DELETED] 

That's because emulation feels empty and soulless.

>> No.5479240

>Every time I set up Retroarch I wind up fiddling with it for a few minutes, PLANNING to use it later, but never actually use it.
That's because emulation feels empty and soulless.

>> No.5479294

I think it's because the RetroArch menu sucks. If it had a better interface for browsing games, it might be less of a pain in the ass to launch them.

>> No.5479349

Retroarch menu totally sucks, I can't believe it's so bad, gets in the way horribly

>> No.5480252

Grab something like a DS4 or any other controller and use a converter to plug it into your phone.

>> No.5480258

I managed to play a shitload of colecovision's montezuma revenge but that's it.

Anything more sophisticated than that it's unplayable.

>> No.5480305

When I was in highschool, mobiles didn't even have Snake yet.

>> No.5480312

Switched it up from PSX down to GB/GBC. Beat Bomberman Quest and Battle of Olympus GB. Is there a way to get the flask in the GB version of BoO that you guys know of?

>> No.5480358

Retroarch's menu is the literal worst I've ever seen in an emulator, but once it's set up it's the best running, most configurable one I've ever used.

Getting the damn thing to actually recognize roms is the biggest hassle, though, I've never seen a PSX emulator that only accepts .bin files.

The Beetle HW core runs FF8 at full speed with a higher internal resolution on my underpowered shitbox android, which is pretty rad. No way in hell are touch screens good most games, though. Turn based stuff doesn't require any real reflex, so it works alright.

>> No.5480461

>most configurable
Except for diagonals. : )

>> No.5481278

The only reason I don't play emulated shit on my phone is because there's no good controllers. I'd love something like OP image that just snaps onto the sides of the phones, but can't find anything like it.

Had tons of emulators on my PSP back in the day, would love to do the same with my phone.

>> No.5481287

A bunch of those controllers are sold on Amazon. Or you could softmod an old PSP.

>> No.5481834

I'd get one that goes on the bottom of the phone, or a clip you can use with your favorite controller. The ones that attach to the sides block both charging and headphone ports. I have a Beboncool branded one and it's okay.

>> No.5481878 [DELETED] 

The leverage of those clips will give you carpal tunnel

>> No.5481907

Not a zoomer here, I'm nearing my 30s and I think Android devices (given that they're powerful enough and have a good ROM installed without bloatware on it) are pretty good for emulation.

I have a 3DS and a Vita, the 3DS is too underpowered for my taste and the Vita has dinky small buttons made for chinks. I can't get used to that shit, no matter how hard I try. As passable as my 2 iPega bluetooth controllers are in terms of quality, my phone with RR-Oreo on it gives me the best versatility and convenience. Plus, I dont get ripped off by Sony or Nintendo for having to buy their 300th re release of their PS1/GameBoy etc games on their latest portable.

I don't really get the hate that phones get. With proper buttons, Android has the APIs, it has the power, and it might not have the battery life of a game boy (tho it mostly has the battery life of the much acclaimed Switch when emulating 16 or 32 bit games) but its convenience when carrying it around pays off. For me, even the Switch is shit when it comes to portability, while the phone is always handy and fits on your pocket, just carry a small bag with the phone and the bluetooth handle thing along with your keys and you're good to go.