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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5470523 No.5470523 [Reply] [Original]

The tutorial is ass. I am considering pushing through to learn how to play. But if the game as also ass... Then I just won't do it.

Recommend or not recommend?

>> No.5470532
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There is literally non-stop general dedicated to HoMM and MM series, you fucking imbecile. How about you ask there, instead of making another thread?
Not to mention you could just boot the game and play it to see for yourself.

>> No.5470534

Also, mandatory video for beginners:

>> No.5470535

Also, if you are too dense to grasp the game from the tutorial, then you should see a doctor. You might have some serious brain damage and thus qualify for pension for disabled.

>> No.5470536

Try heroes chronicles, they have more in-depth tutorial.

>> No.5470541

>heroes chronicles
Heroes Chronicles is a tutorial by itself, the game isn't remotely challenging at any point.

>> No.5470604

Fucking this, what even motivates someone to make such a fucking retarded thread
Even if this is bait, what do you want OP? See a couple people call you a retard and a shithead before the thread dies, maybe act a little bit more retarded before that to get a few more sweet sweet (you)s, is that really worth it?
And remember, sage goes in all fields.

>> No.5470770

>shilling an eceleb

>> No.5470809


>> No.5470817

>bumping a retarded thread

>> No.5470956

Lmao vretards are so. Psychotic over their old ass video games. Imagine sperging out over a thread. REEEEEEEEE

>> No.5470965


Except in your sperg rage you forgot that there isn't even an in-game tutorial. The "tutorial" is played while also reading the tutorial manual.

Imagine if an autist had aids but instead of aids it was even more autism. If you do that you will see that you are imagining yourself.

>> No.5470978

Go play on the highway you wankstain

>> No.5470986

British insults are so cringey.

>> No.5470992

Amerimutts are so genetically diluted XD

>> No.5471006

Just play Age of Wonders instead,

>> No.5471038

I actually asked a guy why the hell does he insist on visiting threads and forums of games he doesn't like and he told me that "it's just passing time".

What kind of mental illness must you have to pass time shitting on other people's games instead of focusing on playing the games you like.

>> No.5471062

brits have bad teeth, bad food, and can't win a world war without us.

>> No.5471441
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>there isn't even an in-game tutoria