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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 49 KB, 800x600, 3do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5468163 No.5468163 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong? Seriously though, anything that /vr/ suggests for this? What's your favorite game?

>> No.5468167

just wasn't very good hardware wise for where the industry was moving. If they never released it, waited for the M2, we might have gotten a real system worth checking out. Also 480i output wasn't a good idea.

>> No.5468170

$700 on release, for one thing. I remember seeing it in Sears for that price next to a CDI.

>> No.5468171

The price. I enjoyed Wing Commander 3... and super wing commander.

>> No.5468181

Anon, keep in mind that a lot of the industry at this period genuinely believed that all future games would be primarily FMV-based, and would adopt the standards of the movie industry. A system that was heavily FMV-based and licensed the production out to companies (like the VHS did) made sense. It wasn't "where the industry was going" basically only because Nintendo ditched Sony at the last second. Barring that, the SNES-CD would have come out, been mediocre, and not much else would have happened.

>> No.5468209

>the price
Absolutely 100% this. Trip Hawkins had the right idea he just didn't have enough money and hoped that hardware manufacturers would be able to push it through. It's possible that had Sony not already partially developed the SNES CD system they might have adopted the 3DO standard for their console and been able to offer it at a competitive price through the income from manufacturing the games.

The Playstation is really fairly similar philosophically to the 3DO why do you think so many 3DO games are ported to it in the first wave? There are still quite a few worth checking out though. The 3DO is probably the most interesting failed console unless you consider the Dreamcast to be one. It's certainly much better than the Virtual Boy.

I love Slayer, kind of a Doom meets AD&D game. Doctor Hauzer is an interesting Japanese exclusive AItD clone (there are a lot of Japanese exclusives), Lucienne's Quest is a very playable RPG that maybe doesn't do anything groundbreaking but it's really dripping with 3DO flavor and effects.

>> No.5468225

USD today is like 1500$. Def the price.

>> No.5468302

It was one of those in-between generations machines. The 3DO, Marty, CD32, and all the rest were destined to fail. You can say that these platforms were 32bit, etc., but technically, they weren't really comparable to the offerings from Sony, Nintendo, and Sega.

>> No.5468374

I've read up on this in multiple places and have never even seen one. I don't remember anyone having them as a kid, nor do I remember anything about them in stores. Same with the CDi.

>> No.5468629

Yeah it's pretty uncommon. I only have five.

>> No.5468908

That's it? Slacking.

>> No.5469960

I really only need one of each. It's not like they're good for anything other than displaying.

>> No.5469965

Sega didn't learn and released the Dreamcast.

>> No.5470024

How would gaming have changed if this idea actually took off?

>> No.5470067

3DO would have lasted way longer and had more consoles. Not much else beyond that honestly

>> No.5470079

FMV games would have evolved to things like Her Story earlier.

>> No.5470080
File: 97 KB, 343x500, bernie stolar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't have much of a choice. The Saturd was a complete and utter failure.

>> No.5470097

They could have waited. They tried to innovate with net play instead of a more powerful console.

>> No.5470109
File: 778 KB, 2378x2907, 72xh2f621fe01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high price tag ensured it wouldn't be affordable to a casual or even hardcore gamer at the time.

Other than that, it's a fantastic gaming console that just came out a little bit too far ahead of it's time. It was capable of true 3D graphics but struggled doing so.

>> No.5470115
File: 842 KB, 1885x1711, Yoyoyoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seriously though, anything that /vr/ suggests for this? What's your favorite game?

Immercenary is without a doubt one of the best platform exclusives for 3DO. It's a completely original game that holds up really well and you won't find anything like it on any other console.

I also really love The Life Stage. It's a surreal house building game that has a ton of prebuilt houses you can explore that were made by fucked up Japanese designers. There are rooms full of dolls and TVs and random channels on the TVs that play videos of sharks and random sports names. Game is fucking surreal.

>> No.5470440

Amazingly well. Because if everyone had so much spare cash they could blow a buttload on a console with a handful of shitty games imagine how many other crazy gaming ideas they would have had money to spend on. And there would be a yuge knock on effect. With all those buckets of cash laying around people would blow money on all kinds of crazy shit. At the very least everyone would have a vault full of gold coins to swim in.

>> No.5470658

Everything about 3DO was ill-conceived.
The only way for hardware manufacturers to make money was the margin on the system itself, since game publishing and hardware manufacture were decoupled. Hence the absurdly expensive 3DO units from Panasonic, Goldstar etc.

>> No.5470715

>USD today is like 1500$. Def the price.
Somehow the Neo-Geo had similar MSRP, and yet it was a "success". However, Neo-Geo was in arcades. It was accessible even for $0.25 a play.

>> No.5470726

Return Fire was the shit in 2 player mode, but you better get the PS1 release now.

Immercenary is great, if a bit clunky. If you like the 90s cyberpunk themes and ideas then give it a try.

Killing Time was another fav, but it's also rather slow.

Star Control II saw a lot of playtime, but even that has a fan remake.

It's really hard to recommend something old when the other person has no emotional attachment to it.

>> No.5470743

Maps o Death which is the Return Fire expansion is 3DO exclusive

>> No.5470749

The 3DO is so unpopular I thought OP's pic was the Apple + Bandai console Pippin in black.

>> No.5470909

>Daisy chaining controllers
I'm just imagining 4 players on different seats creating a minefield of cords across the room

Headphone jack in the controller is great though.

>> No.5470961

I think the overall design of each system lent to the success of each. 3do with its architecture than wasn’t consistent across several revisions (some games won’t run on other versions) vs. an arcade giant literally putting an arcade board straight into the console.

Not to mention, the genre that now geo represented were huge at the time: fighting games, run ‘n guns and so on. 3do was basically experimental technology with the FMV games and very early 3D technology.

Neo geo was also supported for well over a decade too.

Price did play a huge factor in both though as it heavily restricted who would ever purchase them to begin with. Seriously, 1500$ for a console

>> No.5471045

Dr Hauzer
Iron Angel of the Apocalypse (and its sequel)
Scramble Cobra
Chef RPG
Powers Kingdom
Lucienne's Quest
Seal of the Pharaoh
Autobahn Tokio

>> No.5471257

It's almost like having games good enough for people to want to go to an arcade and play them made it a success

>> No.5471428
File: 217 KB, 640x1136, 2643F564-450F-4182-A77F-9568494E41E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was lucky enough to have a used 3do as a kid - the port of roadrash is objectively the best i have ever played.

cd quality audio & slim but decent selection of games

i ended up repurchasing the whole setup
thanks mom for the memories

>> No.5472808


>> No.5472862

That's definitely a faithful port from the Acorn Archimedes version.

>> No.5472879

You must be joking.

>> No.5473571

Didn't know that was the original

One fun difference is you can cut through mountains and shoot holes and tunnels into the ground with your lasers in the 3do version

>> No.5473674

I sure hope the 3DO Homebrew dev scene picks up more in the next few years.

>> No.5474135

I had one back in the day. We weren't rich bur long story short a bunch of stuff got stolen at our house and got the insurance check and i wanted a 3do instead or replacing my snes and games.

I loved that thing. Shockwave, wing commander, crash n burn, road rash, the hoard, and a fuck load others i can't remember. Yeah, in hindsight i probably should have just replaced my snes but i got a good and interesting vidya experience and have good memories of it

>> No.5476019
