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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5469109 No.5469109 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite HD pack?

Here's a list of graphic upgrades for classic games:

Half-Life - there's an official port sold in Steam by the name "Half-Life Source" that ports the game from an old Goldsrc into Source (Half-Life 2 engine). It already comes bundled with improved High Definition 3D models made by Gearbox (disabled by default). It brings you the new physics with ragdolls, shadows, new shaded water, some other improvements (like new weapon bobbing). Overally it's a good port, but it doesn't support any mods made for Goldsrc version of Half-Life.

Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/280/HalfLife_Source/

Quake - the most advanced port for Quake is called Darkplaces. It features realtime lighting, bumpmapping, an OpenGL shader system, bloom lighting, model interpolation. On its website you can find a high definition texture pack which total size is about 3 GB.

Link: https://icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces/

Quake 2 - the most advanced port for it is called
Berserker@Quake2. Looks very interesting.

It features: Realtime per-pixel lighting and shadow volumes, Bumpmap, Detailed bumpmap, Specularmap, Parallax, Vertex buffer objects (VBO), Vertex and fragment programs, Occlusion tests, Distorts, Mirrors, Fog, Advanced particle system and emitters, Client-side animated models, Decal system, High-resolution textures

Link: https://www.moddb.com/mods/berserkerquake2

Doom/Doom 2

There are few source ports that improve graphics in Classic Doom:

The most popular is GZDoom that features dynamic lights, 3D models, OpenGL renderer, PBR materials, High-resolution textures, Decal system.

The full compilation pack of 3D models replacing 2D flat sprites and HD textures you can find here: https://www.moddb.com/mods/lowpoly-doom-lite-10

Doomsday Engine (which has also 3D models for Hexen/Heretic): http://dengine.net/
Risen3D: http://risen3d.drdteam.org/

>> No.5469110
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A screenshot of Darkplaces Quake port

>> No.5469114
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A screenshot of Berserker Quake2 port

>> No.5469118
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A screenshot of GZDoom port (a compilation of mods for it bundled into one pack called Doom Remake 4)

>> No.5469123
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Half-Life Source with HD pack

>> No.5469125
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>HD pack
how about no

it makes any game look worse because the texture resolution becomes less coherent with the unchanged poly-count of models and maps

also HL:Source breaks random texture tiling

>> No.5469132

There are improved model packs as well and improved maps. For Doom 2 there are many remastered maps.

>> No.5469137
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The water in Half-Life Source looks better than Goldsrc version so Source version > Goldsrc.

>> No.5469142
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Also fixed your pic. HD Textures are good.

>> No.5469150
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Darkplaces Quake video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B53paiVe9Rw

>> No.5469154
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Half-Life Source HD video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkS09u59bZg

>> No.5469162
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Berserker Quake 2 video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsaNcP-M4X0

>> No.5469165
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Doom Remake 4 (GZDoom) video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMwXXWJuJMk

>> No.5469179
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>> No.5469190

Nice bro. Any for Goldeneye?

>> No.5469202

I never played it. I like mostly id Tech games and it's derriatives

>> No.5469204

any of these with 2d sprites?

>> No.5469213
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For Doom? No. Only 3D model replacement. But you can get HD sprites here: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/99021-v-0-95-doom-neural-upscale-2x/

>> No.5469219
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Quake 3 gameplay with an HD texture pack, per pixel lighting, bump mapping, ssao, x16 anti-aliasing, x16 anisotropic filtering, 44.1 Khz music remaster and 5.1 OpenAL surround audio.


>> No.5469227

Xash3D - reverse-engineered goldsrc engine that supports Half-Life including all mods for it with additional features; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qORtXL_Fk48


It can also play Quake.

>> No.5469256


>> No.5469283
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HD pack for Duke Nukem 3D


You will need Eduke32 source port: https://www.eduke32.com/

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJCWRWthZI0

>> No.5469305

>also HL:Source breaks random texture tiling
No. OpenGL breaks random texture tiling.
Well, it does still randomly tile in OpenGL, but they aren't aligned properly, creating visible seams.

>> No.5469307

Xash3D fixes it. https://www.moddb.com/engines/xash3d-engine

>> No.5469310

It fixes a lot of things, like non-x^2 textures and overbrigtness.
Still not touching it. I'd rather have a true derivative than a reverse-engineered and legally questionable engine.

>> No.5469318

Why do you think it's legally questionable? Also who cares? It just works.

>> No.5469321

This. Not only this but most people working on these have no understanding how to keep one cohesive style throughout a project like this.

I'm guilty myself. Over the course of four years I contributed to the DN3D HRP. I was fascinated by the idea but it all seems pretty pointless now.

I've yet to come across a high resolution pack that looks constant in quality and is truly faithful to the original style.

...and don't get me started on the clowns who use AI upscalers for "HD" textures.

>> No.5469329

Dark places is awful. Quake spasm all the way

>> No.5469335

Any blood? Hexen?

>> No.5469336
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>non-x^2 textures

>> No.5469338

But it looks good. The ugliest is the one for Doom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMwXXWJuJMk It's still interesting to play if you're bored of vanilla though.

>> No.5469353
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BloodCM + HRP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LljxQnt07Qg


But the links for HRP are dead. I will post it I find it. It's a total conversion for Eduke32 which supports stuff like dynamic lights.

For hexen there's Doomsday port:

Download: http://dengine.net/windows

Addons (hires textures, 3D models) http://dengine.net/addons

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EdEcgDGS_Q

>> No.5469356

>Addons (hires textures, 3D models) http://dengine.net/addons

Nothing against the models, they are great...but it's incredibly jarring seen all this different levels of quality thrown together. Not good at all.

>> No.5469362

Darkplaces is interesting if you want modern effects and HD textures. Quakespasm is good if you want something closer to original.

>> No.5469376

None of them. They all look like ass and don't fit the original game.

>> No.5469397

Oh shit, I accidentally swapped the position of x and 2, but the idea still stands, I guess.

>> No.5469406


I guess you don't need to care if you're just playing it, but it could be a problem for some who intend to base their code on it. Personally, I am just not fond of all the inaccuracies. I want the genuine engine.

>> No.5469408

>Still not touching it. I'd rather have a true derivative than a reverse-engineered and legally questionable engine.

What a faggot. I guess you would prefer to play DOSBox version of Blood, instead of BloodGDX (which is reverse-engineered as well), because of "legal issues".

>> No.5469437
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>> No.5469441

Didn't that jumpscare horror game (forgot its name) released on Steam use Xash3D? Or it was licensed goldscr?

>> No.5469458

The Steam EULA says, in section 2 G, that you are forbidden to reverse engineer anything from "any software accessed via Steam", without consent. But Xash3D is based off the WON version of Half-Life anyway so Steam's EULA is a non-issue. Valve's terms say that their files may not be used with anything but their own engine though.

So you can legally make a game based on Xash3D. But for example this mod for GZDoom would be illegal: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=43&t=58687

>> No.5469471

That looks really terrible.
Really terrible.

>> No.5469475
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It looks like 98 game. Some early full 3D games looked even worse.

>> No.5469486

I hate this but I’d also really like to play a game that looks like this

>> No.5469492

This is how all these HD packs look to me now.

...and I contributed to it. All the wasted evenings.

One might get the impression that the guys at Monolith didn't understand how Anime models should look like.

>> No.5469513

It's just the people here hate everything that looks like "heresy". It's some kind of meme. Don't take these people seriously. Normies actually like and enjoy these 3D remakes.

Even the so called ugly 3D Doom Remake mod got 8.3 rating (based on 25 votes) on Moddb: https://www.moddb.com/mods/lowpoly-doom-lite-10 and has only positive reviews over there, but here in Doom thread you would get a warning/ban for posting screenshots from it and you would get replies like "disgusting", "bad", "abomination".

>> No.5469553

The Hexen conversion's lighting and 3D models are incredible but they feel slightly out of place and clash with the lowpoly world. I think a full Hexen remake aught to considered either on by fans or commercially.

>> No.5469739


Cry of Fear? I believe its based on Goldsrc engine, but its been changed so radically its not even considered a mod anymore.

>> No.5469786

>making a 20 year old game look like an 18 year old game at best
>except the art style is now ruined

I will never understand this junk

>> No.5469801

Yes it's seems Goldsrc and Valve let it to be in Steam only because it was a free game. They also didn't have a source code, they just modded assets/levels and even somehow renderer (they took it from another mod called Paranoia). I coludn't find any Xash3D games sold in Steam. They are only on Moddb distributed for free, and mostly tech demos like Paranoia 2: https://www.moddb.com/games/paranoia-2-savior

Would Valve really let a Xash3D-based game to be sold in Steam?

>> No.5469826

2 years was significant improvement in technology in 1993-2004. It's now, in past 10 years all games looking the same.

>> No.5469839
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I'm kind of a purist, I enjoy trying to play games as close their original presentation as possible. However, seeing as it 2019, its not always possible. So often times it ends up being a compromise, i.e. not a huge fan of all the internal workings of Dosbox- so I tend to track down source ports or basically anything that will allow me to play in a GUI operating system. I always enjoy running some these older games at the highest 4:3 aspect ratios possible, but if I don't "see" a difference between any of the renderers: D3D, software, OpenGL, or a Glide wrapper..

Then I'm not worried about it.

>> No.5469871

I think the issue with many of these, is complete lack of corporate support, if the developers invested in the individuals creating these games, instead of being tied up in titles such as fortnite, then we might notice a serous increase of quality independent development.

>> No.5469919

retarded slav go back to making fugly doom model pack number six trillion

>> No.5469926

>25 vasyans on vasyan dot com thought it was good so that means it's good

>> No.5469948

vasyans.com was shit, and was a repetitive waste of our collective time, friend.

>> No.5469949

Vasyanstvo is a good thing.

>> No.5469968

What is it?

>> No.5469976


>> No.5470669

>Quake 2
I like Quake 2 XP. It does an amazing job of making the game look somewhat updated.

>> No.5470764
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the problem with hd packs in retro vidya is that they can't fix a much bigger issue which is simplistic geometry and non-existent detalisation

pic absolutely related

>> No.5471206

West can't into anime.

>> No.5471883

Half-Life: Source is awful.
>slower movement
>no mod support
>some vanilla models swapped out for HL2 ones for no reason
The only upgrade over the original game is the water, and even that looks out of place.

>> No.5472518

Castlevania by Shaft

>> No.5472934

A ray-traced Half-Life 1 kinda like they did with Quake 2 would be interesting to me.

>> No.5472949
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Maybe eventually deep mind neural net machine learning shit can "enhance" polygonal graphics in a more natural way than most texture pack and HD pack modders tend to.

>> No.5473083

HRP for Blood (BloodCM)


Link: https://sourceforge.net/projects/bloodcmhrp/

>> No.5474105

/v/ has lost what little vidya discussion it had with the april 1st event so i'll ask here since you guys actually talk about vidya. Picking up Deus Ex for the first and it only notices my on-board Intel Graphics 4600. Is that enough to run the game well?

>> No.5474238

>/v/ has lost what little vidya discussion it had with the april 1st event
that's every april fools day

yes, it's enough.