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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5468176 No.5468176 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Post your backlog, and other anons tell you what to play.

>> No.5468193
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—Deus Ex w/ GMDX mod
—Dungeon Keeper Gold
—SMAC (my first Civ was 3)
—System Shock 2
—Thief Gold
—Ultima 9

>> No.5468219

>Original game
Blood II
Icewind Dale II
Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession
Realms of the Haunting
Night Terrors
Wasteland (the original one)

System Shock Infinite
Blood - Death Wish
Quake - Arcane Dimensions

>> No.5468224

>Deus Ex w/ GMDX mod
I hope you've played the original game

>> No.5468261

I... haven't. Isn't the mod mostly graphical changes? It was recommended on /vr/.

>> No.5468446

>having a backlog of games when the only thing more of a mess than your room is your life

>> No.5468574

do wasteland

>> No.5468585

Blood Omen - PS1
Tomb raider 3 - PS1
Layla - Famicom
Castlevania bloodlines - Genesis
Ecco the dolphin - Genesis

>> No.5468842
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Wash your penis.

>> No.5468862

It's huge don't judge me

-Einhander 1cc
-Thunder Force V 1cc
-Revenge of Shinobi
-Darius 2
-Fire Shark
-Ghouls and Ghosts
-Shadow Dancer
-X-Men 2: Clone Wars
-Gauntlet IV
-Thunder Force IV
-Castlevania Chronicles
-Gunstar Heroes
-Contra Hard Corps
-Steel Empire
-Biohazard Battle
-Rolling Thunder 2
-Elemental Master
-Alien Soldier
-Ecco the Dolphin
-Rocket Knight Adventures
-Parasite Eve
-Silent Hill
-Ogre Battle
-Vagrant Story

>> No.5468913

If I try to think about all the games I own that I haven't gotten through, it stresses me out. I just play whatever I feel like in the moment. I guess backlogs aren't for me.

>> No.5468956

GMDX is the exact opposite, it's mostly gameplay changes.

>> No.5469016

Well, fuck. Thanks for the heads-up.

>> No.5469021
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The Guardian Legend
Dragon Warrior 2
Jade Cacoon

Gonna finish one of these after I get done with my current playthrough of Earth Bound Zero

>> No.5469030

People, play Ecco. Otherwise, play Gleylancer and Legacy of Kain, respectively.

>> No.5469195

all of this

>> No.5469251

Twinkle tale
Arcus odyssey

Racing Lagoon
Musashiden (already beat it before but wanna play it again)

>> No.5469623

Tales of Phantasia
Star Ocean
Final Fantasy 6

The Guardian Legend, DW2 will feel like a drag after EB0.
Too much grinding is not good.
Twinkle tale

>> No.5469813

Silent Hill
Blade Runner
Severance Blade of Darkness
Wild 9
Dino Crisis
Deus Ex
Phantasy Star 1-4
Shining Force
Shining Force II
Shining in the Darkness

>> No.5469828

It's funny how people are posting Arcanum ITT. Almost as if it's one of those games that you're "supposed to play," but few in fact do.

>> No.5469872

To be honest I keep buying games, and then playing the same games again and again.

>> No.5469897

There is no such thing as a backlog. There's only the next game you're going to play.

>> No.5471149


- Bonk
- Sonic 3&K
- Crazy Taxi
- Sonic Adventure 2

>> No.5471275

If you don't own games or have a collection that you actually plan on playing, then sure

some people buy games to play them and end up with more than they know what to do with, so a backlog helps manage that

>> No.5471291

Writing a list down is barely considered "management" if it just stays there to stare at you.

>> No.5471903

After finishing a game, how long do you wait before playing it again?

>> No.5471954

Except writing down a statement of intent but never following through doesn't manage anything right?

>> No.5472108

It manages to push the boundaries of planning, commitment and effort of a NEET to the absolute limit

>> No.5472124

Steel Empire - quick one to chalk off your list, good ost and some surprisingly effective narrative moments later in the game. Also good if you're a fan of early Miyazaki films.

>> No.5472134

System Shock Enhanced
System Shock 2
Fallout 2
Alone in the Dark
Alone in the Dark 2
Alone in the Dark 3
Another World
Abe's Exoddus
Abe's Oddysee

Anything else isn't /vr/

>> No.5474021

It depends. Diablo II like a day. A jrpg like a year.

>> No.5474387

Wild 9 looks fun, but I've never played it myself. That or silent Hill
Parasite Eve or rocket Knight

>> No.5474394
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Kleen yer peen

>> No.5474413

Go for X-Men. At best with a Second Player.

>> No.5474416

What Wipeouts are worth playing?
Skip Alone in the Dark and Another World. Play the rest

>> No.5474430

Fallout Tactics
Abe's Exodus
Command and Conquer Retaliation
Grandia 2

>> No.5474454

>Final Fantasy VI
>Final Fantasy VII
>Final Fantasy VIII
>Final Fantasy IX
>Chrono Trigger
>Arc The Lad
>Ogre Battle
>Vagrant Story
>Parasite Eve
>SaGa Frontier
>Legend of Dragoon
Just getting into JRPGs if that isn’t obvious. A bit overwhelmed and not sure where to begin.
I’ll be playing on a hacked Vita.

>> No.5474456

If you talk about JRPGs here you're gonna get shitposted at by some faggots called /shmupg/, just ignore them. As for the list skip FF VI, add FF XII, skip Ogre Battle for Tactics Ogre, the rest is fine. Parasite Eve also has a sequel

>> No.5474458

Thanks for the heads up.
I was probably going to get this on the switch when it releases, so it’ll get added to my backlog too.
>Tactics Ogre
Got it, I’ve never played a Tactics game so I thought starting with Ogre Battle might be easier to dip my toes into.

Any recommendations on where to start? I watched my cousin play a few hours of FFVIII when I was little so that’s the only one I have any memories/attachment to.

>> No.5474467

If you're going to play FF then just play the ones you want in order, although I think the series only really got excellent with the PS1 era.

>> No.5474468

Decided for myself and opted for the freeware release by EA instead of messing around with PSX emulators.

>> No.5474470
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forgot pic

>> No.5474494

Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind. Should I start with Final Fantasy then, or something else like Chrono Trigger, Lunar, etc?

>> No.5474507

Chrono Trigger is a great place to start with JRPGs. FF is actually extremely strange for such a prominent series

>> No.5474527

Dragon Warrior 1 or Final Fantasy 4 are good picks. Also Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger.

>> No.5474560

>Skip Alone in the Dark and Another World. Play the rest
Why? Ok, I mean one of the first thing I noticed about Alone in the dark was it was kinda esoteric because I never played them as a kid. I just wanted to see if they were good and wanted to see if they scratched my Lovecraft itch. Another World seemed purposefully esoteric but not entirely inaccessible

>> No.5474564

I think Oddworld is Another World but done right. Alone in the Dark might be good but I just couldn't get into it at all

>> No.5474572

GMDX changes too many things when it comes to gameplay, although the challenge it gives you is nice.

>> No.5474576

Play both System Shocks

>> No.5474620

I wanna so bad! I love what I have played, my main issue is too many choices. I finally built a gaming pc and have the free time to play since like a decade ago.
I can see that

>> No.5474626

Dungeon keeper is one of my alltime Favoriten games, it is so fun to build your little dungeon and convert those fucking heroes to the dark, slappy side. Also the dude speaken during the campaign has an awesome voice.

Some tricks you can do:
>slapping some imps to death to get some vampires
>fastfarm Gold while possessing an lvl 3 imp
>be an asshole with the AI and force them to ralley at a spot. Then infect them.
>just keep Gold in a seperate locked room and refill the treasury when needed

>> No.5474736

Play Revision instead

>> No.5476194

>Wild 9 looks fun, but I've never played it myself. That or silent Hill
I thought Wild 9 it was going to be fun, but it turned to be just a 3D Earthworm Jim.

>> No.5476389

That's a hefty backlog; make sure you don't burn yourself out on JRPG mechanics, which perhaps happens more easily than with other genres. Of the list, FFVI is worth playing as your first FF game — not sure what this anon >>5474456 is talking about. Parasite Eve is a really funky game, which is refreshing for the genre (the sequel is very different). Xenogears is the apotheosis of JRPGs from that era, but definitely should not be first on your list due to its unfinished quality.

If I were you, I would start with Chrono Trigger. It puts its best foot forward for the genre, and it is newcomer-friendly.

>> No.5476430

I got stuck in the underwater caverns lol
I tried this, it's fucking awesome. Got to level 5 before game over. Gonna try again tomorrow!

>> No.5476440

Couldn't get into Brave Fencer Musashi because I found the stamina mechanic and time-locked content tedious, but I'm still on a PS1 mood, so...

-Armored Core (never tried this series)
-Tomba 2
-Breath of Fire IV
-Gran Turismo 2 (you can recommend any other car racing "simulator" if you happen to know any)

>> No.5476498

Burnout seems like a very real concern, good point! I’ll probably space them out and take my time playing them, but then it’ll probably take me another decade to finish.

I like the idea of starting with Chrono Trigger. I guess I could move on to FF6 afterwards, so I get exposure to both FF and non-FF JRPGs.

>> No.5476510

Tomba 2 is a blast. I love PS1 platformers, they’re so comfy. I’d start there.

>> No.5476842

>Le wacky clown is worth playing

>> No.5476996

Play deus ex with deus exe and nothing else

>> No.5477008

I agree, those that want to get into jrpgs should start with Chrono Trigger. It's not too complex while being a damn good and fun game.

>> No.5477095

Total annihilation

>> No.5477101

Sweet. I already played and finished Tomba 1 a couple of years ago and it became one of my PS1 favs.