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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 18 KB, 448x236, faggerfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5456071 No.5456071 [Reply] [Original]

>spend three hours in a dungeon
>finally give up and use cheat to find out where the quest objective is
>its in an inaccessible section of the dungeon that can't be entered
Wow, what a classic.

>> No.5456082

Typical jank overhyped by hipsters...

>> No.5456090

Part of the goal of the game is to find working dungeons. It's a feature.

>> No.5456098
File: 46 KB, 552x446, sosalty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry moar

>> No.5456106

Daggerfall is the best tech demo ever made

>> No.5456152

Certainly the best concept that didn’t get proven ever made.

Going back and playing it now is rough.

>> No.5456164

what are some other games you can generate guaranteed butthurt just by enjoying?

>> No.5456196

>give player the option of arranging the spells in their spellbook
>spell order constantly changing on its own making this feature pointless
Very cool.

>> No.5456258


>> No.5456283 [DELETED] 

>thieves guild quest says to go to town and steal shirt from house
>guides say the clothing is found in a pile on the floor
>no pile of clothes in the house
>get letter to join dark brotherhood
>go to town in the letter to talk to the guy mentioned
>he doesnt know anything about the dark brotherhood
>double check letter
>its no longer in inventory
What a game.

>> No.5456287

>Zoomers LARPing as boomers will still say it’s better than Skyrim

>> No.5456336

>get piece of paper that says where to go to talk to the guy that lets you in the thieves guild
>his residence is marked on the map
>a different npc is in there
I can't play more than ten minutes without something being broken.

>> No.5456351

Yes, isn't it great?
You just need to have common sense of making the save points at the right location in a game where every dungeon is a trip to the unknown.

>> No.5456532

The last time I played I got permanently stuck inside a dungeon with elevators because reloading my save files spawned them 100 feet higher than they should have been

>> No.5456568

Skyrim was shit

Keep the sodium chloride flowing

>> No.5457308

And thinking I wanted to play this game... Thanks for this thread OP

>> No.5457332

You know there's ways to pass through walls, right? Including up and down?

>> No.5457520

Oh so you have to cheat if you want to enjoy it.

>> No.5457613

Daggerfall is shit and there's no argument you can make against it other than uh... salt?

>> No.5457652

Git gud. I didn't need a walkthrough, it was super easy.

>> No.5457679

If you think of Daggerfall as more of a simulator than an Elder Scrolls game, its much more enjoyable. The combat and dungeons is shit, but I really enjoyed the cities and environments, I just wish the whole game wasn't one huge labyrinth. Still enjoyable and worth checking out if you're interested.

>> No.5457761

>get good at finding areas of the dungeon that you cant access because sometimes they are randomly generated to put the objective in closed off sections that cannot be accessed by normal means
Yeah, I'll get on that asap.

>> No.5457778

How's DF Unity?

>> No.5457794

I'd be willing to forgive a lot more about it if the enemies weren't so boring. The way combat works as is is genuinely fun and you get an infinite amount of character building options but there's never any real strategy to combat beyond "hit thing until it dies". It contributes more than anything to making the world feel barren and drives in that feeling that Daggerfall is a great template for a better game that never came to be

>> No.5457808

>DEsign so bad they had to invent an in game lore explanation for every PC player inevitably resorting to cheats and console commands
CHIM is based tho

>> No.5457850

its never going to see the light of the day, plus it cannot fix the bugs caused by the procedurally generated dungeons

>> No.5458007

> be bad at daggerfall
> feel the need to make others not enjoy it
> go on /vr/
OP is a fag who never played DF as a young person and doesn't know its inherent flaws and is unable to recognize its greatness despite its glaring flaws.

Please stop playing, the game clearly isn't for you.

>> No.5458018

It's true I'm not able to put on my nostalgia goggles and pretend the game isn't a broken unplayable catastrophe where almost all of the quests I try to do are completely broken and unfinishable and the dungeons are repetitive and boring multi-hour slogs that may or may not be completable. Sorry I don't have memories of me and my friends jerking off to the game back in the mid 90s when this was the best thing we had. I'm 32 so you can't just brush off everything I say as zoomer ADHD. I grew up playing these old games and went into this one expecting it to be a mess. There were a lot of things I enjoyed about it but when 90% of the quests you try to do just don't work, it just gets frustrating. There is simply no defending this garbage.

>> No.5458023

>go to an old tomb untouched by man for generations
>each closed room has a live bear in it
>fall through the floor into the void

>> No.5458038 [DELETED] 

>breaked down locked door to find another locked door
>break down next locked door to find another locked door
>break down locked door to find a spider in a closet
>weapon breaks

>> No.5458042

>break down locked door to find another locked door
>break down next locked door to find another locked door
>break down locked door to find a spider in a closet
>break weapon

>> No.5458047

>decide to role play as thief
>lockpicking only works once per door per day
>nothing worth stealing inside of houses anyway but randomized trash loot
>pickpocket 5 gold after 15 attempts
>climb into balcony at night to steal from a house
>fall through floor
>nothing you can loot in the house anyway
>streetwise does nothing
I guess I played this role playing game wrong. :^)

>> No.5458068

>>spend three hours in a dungeon
>>finally give up and use cheat to find out where the quest objective is
>>its in an inaccessible section of the dungeon that can't be entered

>> No.5458140

OT question: Does wearing wife-beater T-shirts cause people to become sleazy or do sleazy people naturally gravitate towards wearing wife-beater T-shirts?

>> No.5458257

Now that is what I call bait

>> No.5458285

You are shit m8

Your shit opinion is hereby nullified

>> No.5458304

I just gave it another shot. I did a quest and the NPC wouldn't talk to me to acknowledge that I completed the quest and neither would the questgiver. I failed the quest and now the questgiver NPC is broken. Great game you're defending.

>> No.5458309

zoom zoom.
if you can’t figure out how to do something as simple as wrap up a quest on a 30 year old game, I just don’t know what to tell you.

>> No.5458313

>impossible to finish quest because NPC doesn't work in a busted piece of shit game
>its your fault zoomer
Dumb faggot.

>> No.5458320

>implying Bethesda games haven’t always been broken
I’m legitimately sorry you can’t appreciate the experience for what it is, but I stand by that Daggerfall is more original then any watery turd Bethesda has pushed out in recent years.

>> No.5458324

>appreciating a experience for what it is
Like driving a car without its front wheels? It is
>more original
after all, too

>> No.5458325

Saved me a disappointing experience, thanks. To this day
>Morrowind > all other TES
And even Morrowind is overrated.

>> No.5458326

>for what it is
Which is? An broken attempt at a game that people only say they like because they imagine how good it could have been if it actually worked right?

>> No.5458329

The intent is to provide gamers with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

>> No.5458336

>zoom zoom!!!! zoom zoom!!!! zoom zoom!!!! zoom zoom!!!! zoom zoom!!!! zoom zoom!!!!

>> No.5458341

What the fuck kind of braindead canned answer is this? That doesn't answer what about the experience is enjoyable. Do gamers feel a sense of pride and accomplishment when they are forced to constantly find ways to get around game breaking bugs by reloading previous saves and resorting to cheating because it's impossible to complete simple tasks in the game without something going wrong?

>> No.5458406

relax old man, it’s a meme

>> No.5458415

Constantly? Sure, it's RNG for the dungeons, but I play Daggerfall a lot and it's maybe only one in every 30 through 50 dungeons that might have an objective stuck like that.

Just save before entering the dungeon, you can enter it to have it be regenerated.

>> No.5458454

Just in the short time I played I encountered
>Received letter from Dark Brotherhood but talking to the person it told me to talk to didn't do anything. Can't join the Dark Brotherhood.
>Received letter from Thieves Guild. Ask around for the location of the person and have his residence marked on the map. He isn't in his house. He isn't in any of the houses in the entire town. Can't join the Thieves Guild.
>Mummy wrappings are in a section of the dungeon that cannot be accessed after spending hours searching through a dungeon made up of bits and pieces I've already seen multiple times even though this is only the third dungeon I've been in. Quest impossible to complete without cheating.
>Mage's Guild sends me to open a box. Open the box but can't talk to the person that gave the box to me. Can't complete the quest. The person that gave me the quest at the Mage's Guild can't give quests or talk. Can't even FAIL the quest.
These are four of the six quests I've attempted. The dungeons don't even bother me. That's the only thing resembling fun I've had in this game.

>> No.5458470

ITT: OP makes fair criticisms of severe flaws in a cult classic game, gets trolled by fans of said game convinced anyone who doesn't like it is just immature and bad at video games

If you want my advice OP just ignore the people thoughtlessly worshipping the game, you'll never have a good discussion with those who care more about the idea and past of a game than whether the game is actually fun or playable.

>> No.5458481

I'm just using it as an excuse to shit on it more. I didn't even hate the game but it is undeniably trash.

>> No.5458496

Some of us actually never even played the game, we’re just shitposting.

>> No.5458505

This happens every single time you criticize a game on here. People are so thin skinned they can't find anything else to reply back with than zoom zoom or 2deep4u arguments

>> No.5458519

The spaghetti dungeons and game-breaking bugs made Daggerfall a nightmare.

>> No.5458570
File: 271 KB, 960x1000, a dead Daggerfall dungeon architect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be evil mook in iliac bay
>carve out a huge fucking dungeon
>make it hard to navigate in
>conveyors and gates and crawl spaces that barely work
>switches that seem to do nothing
>brick walls that kill anyone that runs at them
>endless monotonous maze guaranteed to send casuals into the depths of madness
>some faggot from the mages guild thinks he's hot shit and comes hunting you dow
>hordes of monsters don't get him a chance to rest
>dies of exhaustion, lost, alone, and forgotten in a grubby pit
>becomes a pile of scorpion poop
>he goes and complains to /vr/
>mission accomplished

>> No.5458879

> All these people spending precious hours of their short lives playing a game, then complaining about playing said game which they don't like, when literally tens of thousands of other games exist to be played that they probably will like

Explain this to me. Is some Bethesda exec forcing you retards to play daggerfall at gunpoint?

>> No.5458887

Here's a hint: the people "defending" these games haven't even played them

>> No.5458919
File: 77 KB, 600x732, stupid_ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing this religiously since it came out in 1996 and I WILL FIGHT YOU IN THE STREET over it.

>> No.5459063

Games that are either 100% good or 100% bad are pretty rare, sometimes there's stuff that doesn't sit well with you in a game that you otherwise feel good about and the best way to broaden your horizons as a gamer is to find a way to approach these games so that their flaws end up growing on you or help you appreciate more obtuse elements that may have left a bad first impression on you initially (learning to work with the dated control scheme in stuff like Ultima Underworld for example)

However a lot of game devs make design decisions that simply don't work well at all in execution, and learning to identify them and explain what you think they could have done to make the game better is probably the most enriching kind of conversation you can have about games. At least I know it's a lot more interesting than debating what scanline filter is the best

>> No.5459076

Or maybe gamers have the worst judgement of all media out there.

>> No.5459126

Music nerds are worse but gamers are a close second

>> No.5459414

Don't worry about that, you won't need to be concerned with it - no one will be your wife anyway.

>> No.5459484

I played it because I heard it was good and it seemed like the kind of game I would enjoy. I actually enjoyed most of the time I spent playing. Like I said before, I didn't hate the game but it with so much of it outright broken, it became frustrating.

>> No.5459490

same here, the premise is good and i loved the freedom you have to create a character, but the dull game world and seamless side quests/ dungeons made it pretty boring.

>> No.5459573

It's really the only game that tries to simulate a fantasy world to that degree. Really quite amazing nobody has tried to do it again. Just imagining how we could improve it with modern tech makes me excited.

>> No.5459840

you oughtta see how mad people get when I tell them that Quake 2 was better than Quake (it's funny because it's true)

>> No.5459864

Homm IV

>> No.5460542

What the fuck makes you think it won't be finished

>> No.5460549

Hasnt it been in the works for like 10 years now

>> No.5460553

More like five and they update regularly. Are you thinking of DaggerXL?

>> No.5460556

Actually yes, 10.

>> No.5460656

You could say this of every Elder Scrolls game.

>> No.5460835

My most recent memory of this game is something like this happening to me, closing the game and never coming back to it. There was a lot of cool stuff in the game, but that just felt like a slap to the face.

>> No.5461030

i am very sorry for noob what is game

>> No.5461108
