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/vr/ - Retro Games

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544401 No.544401 [Reply] [Original]

Which game is best
Super Mario bros 3 or Super Mario world?

>> No.544416
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They both are great in their own right. Why choose?

>> No.544427


>> No.544452
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This game is shit, plain and simple.

Oh, let's all get the warp whistle and warp to "big world"! Too bad big world isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you. Oh, you get Kuribo's shoe on one fucking level! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Kuribo's shoe fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you JUMP ON THINGS, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.
There are some interesting power-ups in the game, such as Tanookie Mario, Hammer Mario, and Frog Mario. But guess what? You can get them on like 2 levels total, and if you fuck up and get hit ONCE, you lose them, FOREVER. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.

Mario 3 may have been interesting or fun at one time, but the game is a worthless piece of shit in today's day and age. It's horribly flawed and full of punch-in-the-dick moments, much more so than it has moments that are just fun to play. Anyone who actually says they enjoy this piece of shit needs to take their fucking nostalgia goggles off and play through this waste of time and see how horribly flawed it is. ALL THE WAY THROUGH, not your pansy-ass warp whistle you lazy fuck. Play through it and tell me it's a good game, I fucking dare you.

>> No.544479 [DELETED] 

>Anyone who actually says they enjoy this piece of shit needs to take their fucking nostalgia goggles off and play through this waste of time and see how horribly flawed it is.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.544493

3 has more diverse world themes and those cool suit powerups, but World has all them secrets and motherfuckin' YOSHI. I'm gonna give it to World, but that's just a personal preference because I am ALL ABOUT exploration and discovering new paths and areas, but I fully understand and respect anyone who says SMB3. Really, you can't go wrong.

>> No.544505


Have. Just recently. Enjoyed it.

You may want to go see a doctor, there has to be something that can be done for all that sperg.

>> No.544524


You may want to lurk more, as that is the oldest fucking copypasta imaginable.

>> No.544525

Holy shit I don't think I've seen this since 2007.

>> No.544551

I like World more, it seems a bit more consistent to me. I do like the variety of the worlds in 3, but at the same time, there are entire worlds that I just do not like. There are some levels of World I'm not that fond of, but not entire chunks of the game. That said, the parts of 3 that I do like, I really enjoy.

>> No.544567
File: 34 KB, 404x300, Back the fuck up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, let's all get the warp whistle and warp to "big world"!
You don't have to get the warp whistle and if you were playing the game worth dick you wouldn't use it because it stops you from playing the full game
>Too bad big world isn't fucking fun, like the rest of this game. The entire thing is designed to anger and frustrate you.
No it's not, it's pretty simple. Just be cause you found it to be excessively difficult doesn't mean it's a design flaw, or any intentional bullshit. We all have that one bullshit part we can't stand in our favorite games
>Oh, you get Kuribo's shoe on one fucking level! Wow, pardon me while I make the universal motion for a handjob. Kuribo's shoe fucking sucked. What did it do, exactly? It let you JUMP ON THINGS, something you were able to do the entire fucking game. Oh, also you looked gay.
So, which is it? You don't like having it just once? You don't like that it's a gimmick? You give a fuck about what the two inch mario on your screen looks like, much less think being in a green shoe makes him look gay?
>There are some interesting power-ups in the game, such as Tanookie Mario, Hammer Mario, and Frog Mario. But guess what? You can get them on like 2 levels total,
Just the fact that you say "like 2 levels" immediately says bullshit to me. The Tanooki suit can be found in every world after 3, and the Hammer and Frog suits in worlds 3 6 and 7.
>and if you fuck up and get hit ONCE, you lose them, FOREVER. Wow, that's fun! I love games that demand I play perfectly or have no fun, because I'm a fucking jap who strives for absolute perfection in gaming otherwise I kill myself.
So you like the item drop system in World that just screams casual? Are you forgetting you could store items in 3 on the world map, or did you never even learn that? Getting hit and losing your shit is a fucking staple in the series. Don't like it? Go play call of duty.

>Play through it and tell me it's a good game, I fucking dare you.
It's a good game.

>> No.544575

Furry Sonicafg detected.

>> No.544579

Both are really good but I think World just felt more fresh, it was something to do with the exploration aspect. The only thing I don't like about world is the level graphics, the entire thing feels really samey throughout. caves, forests, plains, castles, ghost houses and that's about it.

Yoshi's Island beats both.

>> No.544582

Played World to death when I was a kid, got 100% saves multiple times (a younger brother deleted saves of all my games all the time), but playing nowdays it doesn't feel like it offers any challenge

SMB3, on the other hand, I really need to sit down for a good couple of hours to finish that last world...

>> No.544574

God damnit fell for the copypasta. You win this time.

>> No.544602


could you guys get any more new

>> No.544604

I would argue that I hated World 3 most. Hated them water levels. Still, in today's age if you're not that skilled at SMB3 you could always put in a cheat code to have the suit either in inventory or always on. Makes for fun glitches when you touch other suits like touching the frog suit changes the Tanooki Suit green. This is an anon board, so nobody will ever know if you used cheats.

>> No.544619

3 has the better 'last world' by a landslide (World's Bowser Castle is a FUCKING JOKE) although World is generally the better game

>> No.544615

Super Mario World for save feature.

>> No.544613
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I wish they used this theme for more levels.

>> No.544624
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>I would argue that I hated World 3 most

>> No.544632
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Guess the meds wore off.

Anyway, I think 3 was a little more quirky than World, but they're both excellent games in their own respect and don't deserve to be compared. I consider Super Mario World to be kind of its own game rather than a continuation of the SMB series.

Now, if you wanna compare one of the games to SMB3, let's talk about New Super Mario Bros. U. Best SMB game since 3, but that's another show seeing that this is /vr/.

>> No.544625
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>> No.544629

holy shit i feel bad for you fella

>> No.544635

Is it true that All-Stars 3 has different physics than NES 3? Have I been playing a lie?

>> No.544638

After playing through world seven and eight bowsers castle feels like a joke

>> No.544647

I feel better seeing this guy >>544632 replying to >>544479

>> No.544658

All-Stars games have different physics. It can throw off your game if you're used to classic on any of the Mario games. Except for SMW since it just uses basically a loader for that game.

>> No.544659

No, just bubblier looking graphics so some people feel like it does. They did change the SMB1 and 2 physics a bit though. I think you keep jumping through bricks or something.

>> No.544664

Sorry, I mean SMB1 and Lost Levels. Just watched the Gamecenter with the jap SMB2.

>> No.544668

How do i mine for fish

>> No.544691

I'm aware that was a troll, but Lando was just itching to come out.

>> No.544789

Both are great - probably the two best Mario games of all time. However, out of the two, I'd say Super Mario World. It just has a far more complex and interesting open world design that doesn't restrict you in a single world at any time like SMB3 (and later the NSMBs) does, but lets you travel freely around. It also has a number of different paths you can take to get to any particular place, so you are not forced to follow any one linear, or simply select between one of 2 stages, as is often the case in SMB3.
The sad thing is that in SMW they had the perfect formula, and yet already in SMW2 they fucked it up by making it completely linear and even more restricted than SMB3.

>> No.544814

Played SMW recently and while I liked it before, I don't really like it much now. I felt like it was devoid of any challenge at all for some reason, and this isn't one of the games I've played a lot. The graphic style also really annoys my eyes for some reason.

SMB3 on the other hand I like a lot still. Still don't get why there's no fucking save feature, though.

>> No.544845

I'm sorry anon. I'd rather play any other world rather than 3. It was always the one I skipped. Sure you get the prizes on the islands near Japan, but overall I didn't like it. Some parts were just too slow (jelectros). The physics have changed, some water you swim in, others you can't, Big Berthas, those lava thingies. Just overall not enough fun had. Always good music, of course.

>> No.544847

holy fuck how many times do we need to make this thread everyday

mods please just go ahead and delete this board; all the conversation that can happen has already taken place

>> No.544864

>skipping worlds
My sides
warp whistle scum are the worst

>> No.544878

Hah, sorry, I thought you meant I hate World 3 most, as if you meant to say SMB3 or World but accidentally left both in. I too hate world 3 of SMB3.

>> No.544892

>implying I haven't beat it front to back without whistles cause I didn't see The Wizard until a year after release

>implying I have to keep playing an entire world I don't like

>implying there's objective levels of fun

>implying a lot of people don't skip 1-4 because fuck you scrolling level I didn't want the white mushroom house anyway

Also, I never liked the frog suit controls.

>> No.544903

>my sides


>> No.544918

Top lel

>> No.544949

In SMB1 and LL in All-Stars, when you jump on enemies without touching the jump button, you launch pretty high into the air, as opposed to barely going anywhere (making 3-hit goomba combos less fun, in my opinion.

But >>544635, as far as I know, other than above, no. I've played the fuck out of both SNES and NES Mario 3, and they feel the same. Same with SNES and NES Mario 1. Other than the jumping thing, Mario still feels like he's decked out in a suit made of bricks.

>> No.545991

>Load up All-Stars
>Start a new file in SMB3
>Get a whistle from 1-3
>Get a whistle from 1-mini castle
>Warp to World 9
>Warp again while still in World 9
>Choose World 8
>Save & Quit
>Use level select to pick whatever fucking world I wanted to do in the first place

I like SMB3, but I don't like the first two worlds. So I'd rather just pick one I like and have fun. I already enjoyed the game with a bajillion P-Wings, I don't have the inclination to unlock that again. Now LL on the other hand, that's a different story.

>> No.546053

Super Mario World 2.

>> No.546057

You, I like.

>> No.546143
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>my sides

I still don't get the sides thing. You must have some health problems if your sides hurt when you laugh, but I guess that explains why everyone that says it is a faggot.

>> No.546164

if you haven't broken a million points on SM3 you don't know SHIT

>> No.546161


>> No.546175
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Get gud.

>> No.546182

1/10 made me reply

>> No.546247
File: 70 KB, 528x506, okayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8 m8

>> No.546250


Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.546628

Both are good games
Play both

>> No.546785

SMB3 is the better game, due to ease of controls. No matter how many years pass anyone could pick it up and play with ease. The same cannot be said about SMW, as I discovered as I struggled to remaster usage of Mario's cape. What a frustrating ability. Mario games should never require you to open an instruction manual in order to play.