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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 266x183, 56BA1F94-E730-4D0D-8126-F764C1FFDC7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5442309 No.5442309 [Reply] [Original]

>video game shaped present under christmas tree
>it’s pic related
>t-thanks mom

>> No.5442335

yeah I had a friend that got that and Super Mario 64 at the time and preferred Cruisin' USA

>> No.5442340

>not having fun driving the school bus

>> No.5442387
File: 1.36 MB, 1520x1080, shit eating anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't like Cruis'n USA
>he didn't unlock all the secret cars
I pity you

>> No.5442398

That's a good game though, magazines just shit on it at the time because of the Ultra 64 deception but it's still fun. Helped me realize early on that reviews are objective opinion and not gospel.

>> No.5442446

Choose one, fucktard.

>> No.5442451


>> No.5442564

Cruis'n USA is dumb fun, nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5442568

I wrecked shit with that bus though

>> No.5442701

She could have picked some far worse games.

>> No.5442771
File: 45 KB, 640x451, n64_automobili_lamborghini_p_4kh12p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She could have picked some far worse games.

You could have ended up with Lamborghini 64 instead. Which is a far worse game.

But also, it really depends on the year. If this was Christmas 1996, then there was only eight games available for the N64, with two of them being racing games. WaveRace 64 and Crusin' USA. But since, that Crusin' USA box is a players choice, it would have been a budget ware N64 title.

>> No.5442892

Imagine being mad your mom got you Cruisin' USA. This is how one develops into a manchild.

>> No.5443081

Crusin' USA was the shit. Who here /red jeep/?

Was that game really that bad? I played it when I was super young but I had fun with it.

>> No.5443091

I played the hell out of this as a kid. Even got a steering wheel controller for it.

>> No.5443870

>red jeep

>> No.5443892

My old man and I played tge shit out of this before ever getting hooked on the Gran Turismo series. Good times, quality bonding, fun game.

>> No.5443924

>being upset over being gifted a video game

A neighbor gave me NFL Blitz for my 11th birthday. Didn't care for sports games, but was happy to get a game at all, and it turned out to be one of the most based sports games I've ever played.

Thanks, Mark.

>> No.5443982
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Wholesome anon is wholesome.

>> No.5444014

this game was fun. i rented it all the time. you were an unappreciative little prick m8

>> No.5444073

>be me in 96
>playing crusin USA
>mom calls from the mall
>hey anon I just bought you a new game be home in an hour
>longest hour of my life
>she gets home and hands me tin of pickup sticks
>I never said it was a video game ha ha!
>crusin USA ruined forever

>> No.5444119

Pickup sticks is literally the worst tabletop game, I don't see how anyone could justify paying for it when it's literally just sticks that you pick up. Just grab some toothpicks or cocktail stirrers and some markers. At least she could have bought you Kerplunk or something and not this poverty tier shit. Stick and hoop is more engaging.

>> No.5444195

agree, OP has shit taste

>> No.5444198

MRC was better

>> No.5444202
File: 25 KB, 300x300, xbox_burnout_3_take_down-110214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video game shaped present under christmas tree
>it’s pic related
love u mom

>> No.5444310

Your mom loved you and just didn't know shit about vidya. Fuck off you tool

>> No.5444537

Op confirmed tasteless

>> No.5444576
File: 155 KB, 600x817, 021481800194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video game shaped present under christmas tree
>it’s pic related


>> No.5444602

>mom buys good game
>didn't know shit about vidya
she knew more than you and OP combined

>> No.5444640

No, magazines at the time shat on it for being the Mortal Kombat of arcade racing games. Arcade racers are a genre where 90% of the replay value comes from getting better at controlling your car. Cruis'n USA just outright doesn't have any techniques, save for a pseudo-drift that makes your turns slightly sharper. Once you've played it for an hour or two, you're not going to get much better at the game and your races will come entirely down to getting good RNG (cars not spawning in bad places, cars not hitting CPU cars and causing a pileup, NPC cars not teleporting behind you at bad times and screwing up your turns, ect).

>> No.5445573

Its your own fault for not making your interests clear. I never had a bad game for christmas or my birthday as every time we went to the store I would be sure to remind my parents "that game looks really cool" year round.

>> No.5445585

let's not descend into madness
because gt64 is better

>> No.5445620

It was pretty cool at the time, dude. It's become a literal joke now, but the goofiness still makes it fun to play from time to time.

>> No.5445632


>> No.5445639
File: 70 KB, 640x480, 1550617481437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>video game shaped present under christmas tree
>it’s pic related
mom, stop reading my fucking magazines, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.5445721

>video game shaped present under the tree
Thanks, mom!

>> No.5445810

You were a pretty picky little shit, weren't you?

>> No.5445843

that game is godtier as well as its arcade cabinet version. your mom is cool

fun fact: the one included in the Midway Arcade Treasures 3 runs at smooth 60fps

>> No.5445848

oh yeah, cool game but I've put most hours in the first one
now you remember la rush

>> No.5445862

At the beginning 2003 or 2004 when i was 12 or 13 i think, i only had an old Pentium without a 3D card (some relative's office upgraded their tech so that one was written off) and hadn't that much allowance either. So i usually picked my vidya at the used goods store nearby when it was cheap enough (45 rubles a disc, circa 1,5$ at the time) and old enough for my rig to run. Got some great stuff there and made friendship with the local system administrator who frequently took the stuff of the shelf for me to pick later. Once during the winter holidays i came into the shop, and the admin was there, drunk as fuck. His shift was ending and he needed some stuff to carry home nearby so i helped the guy, and he gave me a WarCraft 2 Battle.net edition - turned out, he had it as a present for me for a while. Met his girlfriend (later the wife) on that New Year too, then frequently saw their kid growing up.
Thanks my man, i hope you are alright.

>> No.5446027

Well to be fair, NFL Blitz was fucking awesome if you're not looking for a super technical football game with realistic play calls. Code system was great too with how you could turn on excessive body slamming and stuff like that. Great way for some friends to kill some time.

Sucks that not only is the NFL licensing an issue now to where only EA can make NFL games, but NFL probably wouldn't want an extremely violent game like Blitz these days with all the concussions and health issues, along with just general violence of NFL athletes that cause scandals.

>> No.5446115
File: 55 KB, 564x533, xy8jxcruwtdkr4xxrmi4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Video game shaped present under the Christmas tree
>It's pic related
W-well my birthday is just 3 months away...

>> No.5446128
File: 31 KB, 512x677, 27581113_1_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good game, but I have the arcade cabinet in my shop, amongst many other Midway machines. Pic related.

>> No.5446430

>objective opinion
The word you were looking for was subjective. Objective opinion is an oxymoron

>> No.5446439
File: 14 KB, 265x190, rush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I played the hell out of this game. It was great looking for side paths, and I'm pretty sure it was one of the first racing games with car damage that affected performance.

>> No.5446451

>video game shaped present under the /vr/ tree
>it's 6th gen

>> No.5446489

yeah that one sucked

>> No.5447013

Not OP, but the n64 version of USA would've been better, to me, if they didn't censor that shit as much. Audio for the arcade ending is still present on the rom as well as probably all the unused audio tracks from that version, just super crap quality and makes you wonder what the hell were they thinking keeping this shit since they were never used at all.

>> No.5447201

SF Rush was a pretty great game but I never could collect all the keys hidden in the tracks, I'm not even sure what they unlocked.

>> No.5447240

oh shit forgot I was in /vr/

apologies friend.

>> No.5447249
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>car damage that affected performance
I don't remember that but I'll believe you.

Rush 2049's stunt tracks with multiplayer are pretty fun

>> No.5447259

>be me in 96
>mom calls from the mall
>Calls from the mall
Did she call on a payphone just to tell you that?

>> No.5447335

This. Played Gretzky's 3D Hokey and it was fun as fuck even though I normally don't play sports games. One of those games you can jam in once a week and smash out a game or two.

>> No.5447514

I'm 32 and I still get random current gen games as Christmas gifts

>> No.5447516

probably wanted a more family-friendly racing game.

>> No.5447519

I'm not much of a racing game fan, but I loved CRUISIN YEAH YEAH CRUISIN USA as a kid. Cheating to unlock the secret cars was so satisfying.

>> No.5448528

Oh totally, same here, same age, even.

>Get home from work around Christmas
>There's a package at the door
>it's from my mom
>open it up, it's a game I had as a kid
>"I remember you liked old games and this is one you liked growing up"

My mother rules.

>> No.5448630

One day you will appreciate high quality underwear, anon