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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 930x523, genesissnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5436991 No.5436991 [Reply] [Original]

Enjoying both for the diversity of games and simply playing everything great on all systems is the only way to really call yourself a fan of video games

>> No.5436993

no, the genesis is the better console all these SNES fags need to deal with it. Better sound, better games, better graphics.

>> No.5436994

/vr/ agreed on this years ago. /v/'s the only ones pushing the console wars bullshit around here. /vr/ will play videogames on any platform, including TI graphing calculators.

>> No.5437021

SNES was a disappointment after the NES. Genesis is probably the greatest retro console of all time.

>> No.5437037
File: 482 KB, 738x349, segatendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Segatendo childhood was the best childhood.
I'd say most people that are still trying to push a console war for SNES-MD are either traumated adults that never got over their incomplete childhood, or adoctrinated console warriors from /v/ that LARP as having been alive back then.

>> No.5437083

genesis lead sega to the gutter were it died.
snes lead nintendo to a glorious ascension, its a juggernaut today.

>> No.5437104

no, the biggest problem is that /vr/ is the only board that can contain the sega widows. so it gets overcrowded with retards.
They can't be on /v/ since sega died almost 20 years ago.

>> No.5437518

>denying yourself more fun games to play because of gay B R A N D loyalty
lame as hell

Nintendo + SEGA together master race

>> No.5437519

I'm with this guy.

>> No.5437520

I think we can all agree that either system is better than the Turbografx.

>> No.5437523

At this point, as other anons noted, I also think you're just a falseflagger, neither sega or nintendo fan, and you just want to stir up shit.

>> No.5437527

yeah, it’s just tards with the stupid mentality of: “this is the one I had when I was a kid so it’s better”

>> No.5437528

Yes! Oh, God, YES!

>> No.5437598

I like the PCE/CD more than SNES desu.

>> No.5437626

Can you truly call yourself a console warrior if you are not prepared to die for it?

>> No.5437637

Most 'gamers' are corporate shills though, plugging only the ones they've played so far.

Only someone who grabs all systems and tries all games could detail the nuances between them all, and even then fanboi's would be antagonistic toward their opinion.

>> No.5437709

Heh, epic pwn my fellow hardcore gamer. It truly is amazing how many people on this board have yet to realize that everything Nintendo does, Sega does better. They aren’t the intellectuals like you or I. *chuckles softly*
Why are Nintentoddlers allowed on this board? They're a fucking embarrassment and make real mature gamers like me look bad for even occupying the same board as me.

>b-but Nintendo excelled at making platformers!

Bullshit, Nintendo didn't excel at one god damn thing. I take that back, actually. They excel at one thing. Nintendo excels at being for bing bing wahoo babies and manchildren who run away when they see blood because they are immature babyfags and can't handle a deep, dark, serious game like I can. Sega and Sony had games that reflected the inner darkness of my soul from having two Christmases since my parents were divorced, while Nintendo did kiddy shit because nintentoddlers are fucking babies who never had to rough it in high school like real people, like me, who had to deal with bullies and preppy douchebags since they didn't understand my real power...

>> No.5437720

You must also at the very least enjoy PCE/TG16 games in addition to them in order to really call yourself a fan of video games.

>> No.5437748

They both share different strengths, the snes with it subtle shades of colour and the genesis with it gritty but higher rez. If you play one for a really long time switching to the other is a nice change. Snes games used to be worth a lot more than genesis but now genesis games are worth more, people may be tapped out on snes and want something different. Back in the early emulation days more people played snes because it seemed more impressive because of the extra colours but now having a few extra colours impresses no one so games are judged more fairly. They both have games the other doesn't have eg there is no equivalent of hang on on snes.

maybe sega could have stayed as a niche player instead of trying to attract the madden crowd but nintendo doesn't even make a console anymore

>> No.5437763

Even if a sega widow was a thing, it still implies they felt love, something nintendo babies never will.

>> No.5437798

I was bad at studying in math class, but that's OK cuz I was playing snake on my calculator all day

>> No.5437829
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>> No.5437989

Based OP.
Shame on the people who'll unavoidably bring console wars to the thread.

>> No.5437994

Eh, without the war, it wouldn't be as interesting. I don't fight in the war but I don't mind to see them reenact it like people used to reenact US Civil War battles from the 1800s.

>> No.5438089

You're retarded

>> No.5438280

Yes. Enjoying games on both the neo geo and PCE is the way to go.

>> No.5438319

Back in the day owning both MD & SNES, i would have easily said SNES. The super nintendo had all those compelling 3rd party games constantly coming out, and it gave you the impression that this is the place where you want to be.

But these days the SNES's lower resolution/hardware blur filtering, coupled with the pathetic slug of a CPU, and the fucked up reverb/chorus ridden sound makes SNES games unbearable. Not to mention the SNES joypad sucks ass. I didn't have a single pad where the shoulder buttons were not fucked from playing SF2. Not to mention the blisters it gives you after longer gaming sessions.

But the final nail in the coffin are all those obnoxious snes retro fags these days.

Final Verdict: Mega Drive.

>> No.5438329

check'd and kek'd

>> No.5439671

Did you even read OP lol?

>> No.5439748

keep seething.

>> No.5439838


>> No.5439854

>Sega Genesis still relevant today
>nobody's even thought about their SNES in 20 years

I think we all know who won.

>> No.5439876

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.5439881

How does it feel that nintendo games and consoles are remembered more fondly?
Poor poor seganiggers.
Keep seething /vr/.

>> No.5439883

>remembered more fondly

because we're all still busy playing our mega drives so we don't need to rely on nostalgic memories

>> No.5439886

The irony.

>> No.5439892

SNES>Geneshit. Deal with it.

>> No.5439893

Genesis has awesome chiptunes. SNES sounds like somebody used a walkman to record a midi playing on their computer to casette tape.

>> No.5439896

>>Seganiggers getting desperate.

>> No.5439910

I dunno. Whatever platform you bought the most games for, I guess (or downloaded the most ROMS for). That's as good a way to ascertain which machine is superior as any.

By the way, why am I the only person with a user name? Just wondering, as a newfag (first time on 4Chan).

>> No.5439926

... what?
Not gonna lie, it's weird how the Genesis was so huge in the States yet largely forgotten these days. It certainly doesn't help that when it comes to nostalgia pandering in the US SEGA mostly stuck to Sonic. These days you either play Yakuza or you almost don't think about SEGA at all. Oh well, at least it means the Genesis games are cheaper here than damn near anywhere else.
Namefagging is looked down upon unless you provide content of some sort (like as an artfag or storytimer), otherwise you're bucking one of the key things that separates 4chan from other forums like reddit where reputation can begin to carry more weight than ones words and opinions.

Speaking of, is babbage's gramps fucking ded or what? I've been on and off this board as of late, did he finally bite the bullet? Seems like the kind of thing a divorced alcoholic with weekend visiting rights would do.

>> No.5440003

Well shit. Okeydoke. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.5440225

Babs posts on /x/ now occasionally and is still married as far as I know. Hasn't used his name here in ages if he still comes.

>> No.5440412

They probably found the bodies buried in the rape dungeon and locked him away for the rest of his life

>> No.5440425

go away Raven

>> No.5440519

no, fuck you. SNES > Genesis

>> No.5440568

What is 'sega widow' even supposed to mean?

>> No.5440807

Probably has something to do with the fact that Sega went bankrupt, so Sega fans became widows when they quit the console business.

>> No.5440878

Yeah, I had both like most of my friends. Never had any of those fabled schoolyard arguments over which was better, I guess it's a poorfag thing.

>> No.5441891

SNES had awesome samples. Genesis sounds like an old microwave beeping and having a short circuit

>> No.5442030

This was literally never a controversial take until the last 3 months of shitposters flooding the board and the mods doing nothing about it

>> No.5442035

>This was literally never a controversial take until the last 3 months

t. guy who hasn't witnessed wikicrappia delete all evidence that the SEGA Genesis is faster in clock speed than the SNES time and time again like they're hiding the Dead Sea Scrolls.

>> No.5442039

The Genesis has not only one, but TWO CPUs and BOTH are faster than what is found in the SNES.

>> No.5442045

>muh muh speed
literally sonic autism

>> No.5442050

only this shitty board would think the genesis is better.
only seganiggers have taste this bad.

>> No.5442056

how do i upvote u?????

>> No.5442067

>segatard in denial

>> No.5442114

It's impossible anon. But i'm with you.
but also with this guy over here

>> No.5442121

*fart noises*

>> No.5442148

*slows down*

>> No.5442158

*have inferior library*

>> No.5442161

I dunno the whole thing just doesn't make sense to me I guess because I've liked all the companies.

>> No.5442164

*actual superior library*

>> No.5442189

stay in denial

>> No.5442190

Seganiggers are so paranoic

>> No.5442195

He's right though. SNES has the highest highs but if we're looking at the libraries as a whole I've always thought the Genesis library was more consistently good.

>> No.5442201

Nintendo always aimed their games towards children, whilst SEGA had a more niche teen audience. Personally I think both the Super Famicom and Mega Drive are great consoles, but I think overall SEGA had better aesthetics.

>> No.5442204

no one cares about your shitty arcade games.
fuck off go to a sega forum if you love their games so much.
And no the library is no near as consistent.

>> No.5442206

I prefer genesis because of 100 games for it aint payin no ding-dong diddly ebay prices for snes games

>> No.5442208

i prefer snes games i have good taste unlike segafags.

>> No.5442210

>still needing to pick one over the other

You guys are both goofballs

>> No.5442215

You stay in denial senpai

>> No.5442216

Blame the retards who started the "snes is bad" meme here.

>> No.5442223

>No one cares about your shitty arcade games
>JRPG'S is the only genre that it matters because MUH-NINTENDO

>> No.5442226


>> No.5442228

also the snes have more than jrpg games

>> No.5442242

I like Nintendo and SEGA, faggot. Facts are facts, the SNES was and is a slow poke compared to the Genesis which equals faster gameplay and no slowdowns.

>> No.5442249

And yet the snes has the better library. So much for your blast processing.
sorry you are in the minority thinking the genesis is better.

>> No.5442265

Care to give some examples or?...

>> No.5442281

>You need to be part of the majority or you are wrong

Quality thinking right here

>> No.5442286

A Link to the Past
Final Fantasy IV, VI
Chrono Trigger
Super Castlevania IV
Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country 1-3
Illusion of Gaia
Contra 3
Super Mario RPG
Mega Man X-X3
Secret of Mana

>> No.5442301

>being reasonable and well-adjusted is the only proper approach
Therefore, it is the sole approach that 4chan will wholly abstain from.

>> No.5442314

You seem like a fat and pretentious idiot from reddit.

>> No.5442703

What kind of idiot doesn't just appreciate the good games on a system and ignore the others? Even if the SNES or Genesis really did only have a handful of good games and a mountain of trash it would still be idiotic to pass up those games.

>> No.5442715

>all those cinematic experiences
And nintendo fanboys are the ones who criticizes the ps4 library

>> No.5442840

I'm just barely not a literal zoomer but I grew up playing both. They were both good. Both had good games. I'm not sure why some around here just can't accept that.

>> No.5442849

I too like to reenact the arguments I had on the playground at recess when I was seven years old.
Pokemans are for babies, Yu-Gi-Oh is for real badasses btw.

>> No.5443042

/vr/ doesn't play games they just have meta arguments.

>> No.5443086

>cinematic experiences
you have to go back to /v/ falseflagger sonynigger.

>> No.5443152
File: 163 KB, 400x261, tumblr_pbv12hsRWQ1wsmahjo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't even mention Metal Warriors! There are some great games on that list as well as some I don't care for.

Not that I have to choose, because choosing to only play games from one system is retarded, but if I had to for some reason personally I'd pick these

Comix Zone
Herzog Zwei
Alien Soldier
Ecco 1&2
Space Harrier
Phantasy Star 4
Galaxy Force
Fantasy Zone
Beyond Oasis
Toejam & Earl
Puyo Puyo
Gunstar Heroes
Thunder Force 4
Wonder Boy 4

Thankfully though there's no reason to not enjoy everything great on a system and ignore everything not great. Especially these days.

>> No.5443245

I love these threads. Fuck those guys who keep crying and want the 16 bit war to end.

>> No.5443343

That would be a lot of trauma!

>> No.5444285 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 775x841, received_450372755502693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My trip was permanently banned from /vr/ for shitting on palfags under the pathetic technical violation of "off-topic posting" so I figured fuck 'em if they can't take a joke and haven't even bothered to "plead" an appeal. Looks like there's about to be a new crop of jannies so now that we've cycled through trannies and mohammed-smoochers maybe MAYBE the new ones will be normal Anons. We'll see I guess. Probably not though.

I am of course still married with a second son now who will soon take his first step. He doesn't seem to favor me as much physically as his older brother but his disposition is more like mine. He's so fixated on game controllers he had to get one of his own for Christmas. He still goes after mine though. Thankfully I have duplicates I can still trick him with the old switcheroo.

I've been spending the majority of my baby-daddy downtime playing a popular casual online game platform that rhymes with big cocks which has WAY more chicks on it than 4chan. I'm enjoying that. It's funny what passes for trolling in corners of The Internet that aren't chans. They don't stand a chance against my style.

As far as retro gaming goes, I've been tinkering with my cabs as I usually do. Last year my mom was still talking about giving us the big house and moving into one of the apartments but not as much lately. I've been losing weight recently and its gotten Blondie's attention but then she gets mad about it since she's been trying to make a go of it in the city with her boyfriend (my former friend)

I still play D&D every week though my friend shut down his mall game room for some bullshit reason so now the group plays at a bar on the "patio" we usually have a turnout of over a dozen though there's only one girl keeping it from being a sausagefest and losing my interest. She's seeming more and more fond of me every week though so that's fun.

So how are you?

>> No.5444292 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 775x841, received_450372755502693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>5439926 #
>>5440225 #
My trip was permanently banned from /vr/ for shitting on palfags under the pathetic technical violation of "off-topic posting" so I figured fuck 'em if they can't take a joke and haven't even bothered to "plead" an appeal. Looks like there's about to be a new crop of jannies so now that we've cycled through trannies and mohammed-smoochers maybe MAYBE the new ones will be normal Anons. We'll see I guess. Probably not though.

I am of course still married with a second son now who will soon take his first step. He doesn't seem to favor me as much physically as his older brother but his disposition is more like mine. He's so fixated on game controllers he had to get one of his own for Christmas. He still goes after mine though. Thankfully I have duplicates I can still trick him with the old switcheroo.

I've been spending the majority of my baby-daddy downtime playing a popular casual online game platform that rhymes with big cocks which has WAY more chicks on it than 4chan. I'm enjoying that. It's funny what passes for trolling in corners of The Internet that aren't chans. They don't stand a chance against my style.

As far as retro gaming goes, I've been tinkering with my cabs as I usually do. Last year my mom was still talking about giving us the big house and moving into one of the apartments but not as much lately. I've been losing weight recently and its gotten Blondie's attention but then she gets mad about it since she's been trying to make a go of it in the city with her boyfriend (my former friend)

I still play D&D every week though my friend shut down his mall game room for some bullshit reason so now the group plays at a bar on the "patio" we usually have a turnout of over a dozen though there's only one girl keeping it from being a sausagefest and losing my interest. She's seeming more and more fond of me every week though so that's fun.

So how are you?

>> No.5444351

>posts off topic shit that has nothing to do with RETRO FUCKING VIDEOGAMES
>gets permbanned for being an attention whore and shitposting
>comes back to whine and complain about mods
You deserve the ban. Hopefully they rangeban you next time.

>> No.5444363

Yup he was always spreading pol shit here and then crying about the bans

>> No.5444475 [DELETED] 

Once you say everything there is to say about retro games you start to wander to other topics. Palfags are the real problem with /vr/. A eurocentric view of retro gaming is an alternative history that needs to be nipped in the bud before future generations have to suffer through Jet Set Willy to feel their education is compete. And they'll never range ban me they'll have to delete the whole board first. Seems like the same old dipshit Janitors are still deleting my perfectly cozy posts though so I guess I'll continue to deny /vr/ my contributions.

Is not really /pol/ to debate the erroneous claim that the European microcomputer scene saved video gaming but apparently the janitors think it is.

Check the archive for my reply. I'll see if I can't post a bit more actively on /v/ but it's such a fast board and I'm having so much fun elsewhere.

>> No.5444498 [DELETED] 

It's because a good amount of janitors here are euro. the moderation in vr is an absolute joke, on all fronts

>> No.5444507

Nintoddlers always think strangers are interested in their boring and tragic lives.

>> No.5444548

Genesis had a boring library, and was a failure that lead to the eventual demise of Sega. The last time I checked, Nintendo hasn't been dead in a gutter for the past two decades. It's obvious which of the two was a success. Sega was a failure.

>> No.5444583 [DELETED] 

At this point I'm just posting for the sake of when someone checks the archive

Ikr - pathetic. There's no way on Gods green earth European net traffic could be high enough to support such flagrant eurocentrism on this board. I'd think gook moot would be embarrassed desu

>> No.5444735
File: 344 KB, 1725x775, bodacious geek fest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did TiT become the most well-regarded Turtles game when HH plays so much smoother?

>> No.5444823

Genesis fags and SNES winners won't get along till we're all old men. It was a war back then and we're all still too young to let bygones be bygones.

Ive owned both and SNES was waaaay better.

>> No.5444825

If u were on a playground arguing Pokemon vs Yu-Gi-Oh you are to young to have been in the trenches for the great Genesis vs SNES wars of the 90s.

>> No.5444837

Nintendo Bonus.

Since the Final Fight port wasn't very good, Turtles become THE belt-scroller on the SNES at the time. TiT is nowhere near as good as the best brawlers by Capcom and Sega.

>> No.5444846

That doesn't mean there aren't worthwhile titles on both. You're talking about market value as if it has anything to do with game quality and it's indicative of your devisive mindset. Why care about such inanity? Just play vidya and quit trying to impose the "correct opinion" on anons. You're wasting your time.

>> No.5444850

It wasn't "great", you were being manipulated by marketing. The only correct choice was to play games for yourself, not to appease some god damned fad machine.

>> No.5444854

Sure. I didn't even know SNES existed when I was a kid (3rd world shithole), but I love both equally now. I legitimately thought Genesis was just a follow-up to NES under a different name. Can we all agree Master System is inferior to NES though?

>> No.5444856

>Agreement, on 4chan, based on anecdotes


>> No.5444927

>not understanding why you're getting bans
>blaming Europe
>bitching like anyone cares
Go back to trolling x and pol you flipping tard lol

>> No.5444940

It's not like you're acting any better. Set the example you want to see.

>> No.5444947

It's okay, other than mocking babs I usually post normally. It's just funny he still doesn't understand 4chan.

>> No.5444972

Damn Phonedork let himself go

>> No.5445047 [DELETED] 

Is pretty obvious why I got banned when other Anons are also getting banned just for pointing it out don't you think?

>> No.5445050
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>> No.5445164
File: 87 KB, 512x1000, 78403E1E-3F99-40A0-AB75-B1A76331B9B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason nintendo fans are hated by everyone

>> No.5445214
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>Secret of Mana

>Galaxy Force

>> No.5445315

What is that expression supposed to mean?

>> No.5445328

Are you arguing something like FF or Earthboynd has compelling gameplay?

>> No.5445370 [DELETED] 

Seganiggers are worse

>> No.5445372 [DELETED] 

Sega is a shitty company i hate how this board is full of sega defenders.

>> No.5445408 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 200x252, 646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Snes is full of cinematic experiences

>> No.5445413 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5445478 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 164x124, 175B99D2-FE37-4813-87C1-813FA79F9F34.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay tranny

>> No.5445483

Sega is a shitty company

>> No.5445492


>> No.5445495

enjoy your shitty games

>> No.5445591

IBM-PCfag here.
Personally, I never found much diversity in SNES titles.
Like, there are some good first party games + some Konami and Capcom ones, but that's about it. The only SNES game I ever really cared about is Biker Mice From Mars.
Sega games just felt more fun to me.

>> No.5446732

>being this picky

>> No.5446764

The two best games mentioned.

>> No.5447252

You are anon. That doesn't disqualify you from being a jerk for no good reason. Be the change you want to see

>> No.5447712

It's the no good reason part I take exception to, but it's all good. Comedy is comedy, I already am the change I want to see and it's wonderful to watch.

>> No.5447721

>unironically linking pasta

It shouldn't be console vs console
Rather consolewarriortards vs normal people

>> No.5447780

>only because this era had good games across both platforms

>> No.5447784

Every era has had good games across all platforms.

>> No.5447793

I grew up a Nintendo household as my parents purchased an NES and a Nintendo Power subscription for my brothers and I, and played Genesis whenever I was at a friend's house who had one, but would have never asked for one myself as I didn't like Sega's anti-Ninendo marketing. Their boastful, negative advertising against Nintendo soured me against their product, and later the same with Playstation. My family didn't own a non-Nintendo system up until the Dreamcast, because the 9/9/99 hype was real and my brother purchased one on release day, breaking the cycle. Haven't been a console loyalist since.

>> No.5447806

genesis had better platformers

>> No.5449007

Which ones? Sure wasn't sonic.

>> No.5449040

sonic was better than all snes platformers

>> No.5449493

Pretty sure he's still here without the trip. I'm not sure who else would not only defend Budokan but post the same shitty gameplay .gif he's used before in a thread a few weeks back.

>> No.5449624

[inane fanboy bickering]