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5435417 No.5435417 [Reply] [Original]

So who has the better games? Mickey or Bugs? Disney or Looney Tunes?

>> No.5435421

Mickey for Castle of Illusion alone

>> No.5435474

Disney had the advantage of having both sega and capcom doing their games.
The good warner games were by Konami, but Buster got much better games Bugs ever did

>> No.5435651

Did you realize how much behind-the-scenes haggling between the two studios (WB & Disney) there was on this scene alone? It's a miracle that "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" ever got made.

Will never happen again. That door is closed forever.

>> No.5435698

If Spielberg wanted both studios would suck his fucking cock and french kiss after, I think he gets whatever tooney shit he wants

>> No.5436552

I don’t think Spielberg had any involvement with WFRR?

>> No.5436561

Oops, he was. Never mind.

>> No.5437794


>> No.5437797

Disney for DuckTales alone.

That game was so good that the new Ducktales cartoon has been referencing it ovr and over again, especially the Moon theme.

>> No.5437805

even now when his movies are nothing special?

>> No.5437809

least he didn't jump the shark as hard as his friend Lucas did

>> No.5437810

what are the best looney tunes games? I actually liked Duck Dodgers on N64... Crazy Castle was above average back in the day. I think there was a wile e coyote game on ps1 back in the day some liked but I didn't have that one. There was an NBA jam clone back in the day on SNES with Looney Tunes that I rented a couple of times and liked.

>> No.5437821

>Wile E. Coyote game
You must be thinking of Sheep Raider, in which case that's Ralph Wolf, not Wile E. Coyote. But I'll admit he looks almost exactly the same.

>> No.5437865

Are Tiny Toons games considered as Looney Toons?
Buster Busts Loose is an awesome Toons game, much superior than the (also good) Genesis version.

>> No.5437869

...I guess.

>> No.5437872

Sheep Raider was the one indeed. I guess because he's from Wile E. Coyote episodes I confabulated. Did you ever play it?

>> No.5437873

OP expanded things to all of Disney so Tiny Tunes game are totally in-bounds. I remember friends at my day care rented Tiny Toons for NES back in the day and enjoyed it.

>> No.5437878

Wtf, the SNES Tiny Toons sucked dick compared to the Genesis one.

>> No.5437884

Yeah, I had a lot of fun with it as a kid. I recommend giving it a try. It definitely captures the look and sound of the old Looney Tunes cartoons, and the gameplay switched up enough to where it never got old.

>> No.5437892

Dude, take the character sprites aside and the Genesis version didn't even looked like a Tiny Toons game.
The Snes one follows the cartoon's humor and artstyle while the Genesis has only generic backgrounds.

>> No.5437895

I don't even know whether to care about that or gameplay about games so old anymore....

>> No.5437896

wish I could

>> No.5437898

Hollywood is a bubble, Spielberg has power

>> No.5437910
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I always knew Spielberg was a prick.

>> No.5437916

you say bubble, I say conspiracy, but I think we can agree we can be friends here, right? I mean I can see how you came to your place.

>> No.5437919

>muh themes and style
None of that shit matters when SNES' level designs are garbage. Not to mention Genesis' has MORE levels, better music composition and superior controls. Only thing that's better with the SNES game is boss battles, and minigames I guess.

>> No.5437928

I dunno what to feel about you caring this much about it now but I choose to love you for it.

>> No.5437956

what the fuck

>> No.5437973

what about it?

>> No.5438084

Always choose game play. Visuals, atmosphere, music etc. are nice, but a game should be first and foremost fun to play.

Not strictly looney tunes, but my fav WB game is probably Animaniacs for genesis. I've heard the snes one is well liked too, but I haven't played it.

>> No.5438087

Duffy duck game for NDS.

>> No.5438251

That's only because DuckTales NES is a fucking meme. No one gave a shit about that game until some YouTube eceleb made a video praising it, then suddenly everyone and their mother "remembered" it and how "good" it was in order to fit in and be cool.

>> No.5438256

Ah yes sure nobody gave a shit about a major Capcom release with multiple sequels and ports.

>> No.5438318

Taz Escape from Mars is awesome

>> No.5438323

This game had its own Nintendo power cover and was a popular kids tv show. It also didn’t suck

>> No.5438361

Then why doesn't anyone care about Darkwing Duck and Chip 'n Dale?

>> No.5438384

It had 1 sequel and 1 port to Game Boy. DuckTales Remastered didn't happen until after it became a meme.

Sure, it was popular enough at the time and it didn't suck, but are you really going to deny the fact that literally no one talked about that game for 20 years until it suddenly blew up into a meme out of nowhere due to YouTube and blogs? That's the thing that frustrates me, just the amount of bandwagoning that happened with it and now EVERYONE jerks that game off endlessly and 18 year olds talk about it as if they remember playing it in the 90s before they were born.

>> No.5438802


>> No.5438996
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Disney got lucky with their Capcom deal. However, I present this to you all.

>> No.5439002
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chad bunny vs virgin mouse

>> No.5439092

Spotted the kid that wasn't alive in the NES era.
Ducktales on the NES was huge.

>> No.5439349

I always figured that publicity-seaking shit Cory Feldman never ever names names because the names are huge and would crush him like a bug.
Then I think about which adults that powerful were around him back in the day and...

>> No.5439357
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>> No.5439373

Chip and dale was good but dark wing duck felt like a rehash at the time. All 3 were popular but dude, saying ducktales is a meme or sucked is a almost a meme itself. It’s being contraction. Game has great mechanics with the jumping, great music, two endings, hidden items, a choose your own level style like Mega man (same engine). Those are what separate it from chip and darkwing.

It’s a good game that was licensed. You don’t see much sequels because once a license gets popular, it becomes more expensive to re up that license.

>> No.5439375

Contrarion not contraction

>> No.5439393

Don't forget the Sega Disney games like Lucky Dime Caper or Quackshot, which were god tier like the Nes games.

>> No.5439434

Chip 'n Dale is one of the most popular coop NES games

>> No.5439438

not that many simultaneous coop games on the system now that i think of it

>> No.5439445

Yeah, it definitely is. Glad someone mentioned this one.

>> No.5439446

>Super Contra
>River City Ransom
>Double Dragon II
>Blades of Steel
>Smash TV
>Micro Machines
>R.C. Pro-Am II
>Ikari Warriors
>Guerrilla War

>> No.5439451

I never said DuckTales sucked, only that its recent surge in popularity is a meme. No one remembered that game until some YouTube eceleb made a popular video about it then suddenly EVERYONE remembered it and started calling it the best NES game, then Capcom capitalized on the meme by releasing a remastered version.

>> No.5439458

I did try Contra and Battletoads in two player and that shit is unplayable. The players constantly lock the screen scrolling and hurt each other. It's a tech demo at best.

>> No.5439503

>going contrarian to win an argument

bro you must be a hit at parties

>> No.5439509

but it's always been good. I don't know if best NES game, but it's definitely a great game. Who care's about e-celebs anyway. They're there just to show off their hoarding habit anyway and pretend they're gatekeepers.

To me, I've always remembered it as one of the games I used to own and now do again. It was great, still is great, and I didn't have to have a e-celeb verify that again to me.

I mean, it did pick up a tv series again after all. Is a resurgance in popularity bad or something? I get the hate for bandwagoneering. It's funny when people who weren't born for the initial craze that rivaled ninja turtles in popularity weren't even alive for the reasons it was popular. Remaster was great because they used the voice for the actual scrooge and most of the characters reprised their roles. Really ticked the nostalgia box with that. I bet the VA's really enjoyed doing it again. That's why I loved the remaster myself.

>> No.5439514

Contra is amazing 2player, it just takes some restraint on the vertical parts. As for battletoads, you can't even beat that game 2 player because of the bug on the one chase level with the whirl. The 2nd player always lags behind at the start. A very flawed game.

>> No.5439516

>it just takes some restraint on the vertical parts.

That waterfall stage caused many fights between friends.

>> No.5439521

no kidding. The only times you can get pissed are during that level and when your partner steals your extra lives.

>> No.5439527

>and when your partner steals your extra lives.

That was like our first experience with a hack, even though it wasn't a hack, y'know?

>> No.5439530

lol, yup. You would never know until you died and then bam, game over

>> No.5439535

To be fair, the arcade version also had that same problem.

>> No.5439548

>To be fair, the arcade version also had that same problem.

Never played that past part of the first stage, partly due to already failing joysticks and buttons at the time. That's one game where the home version may be less detailed, but the arcade version just lacks "it".

* I probably haven't seen a Contra arcade machine in an arcade since 1987.

>> No.5439563

it had/has a re release on consoles 360 era and up. It isn't as good as the NES release. It moves a bit slower, the screen is an odd narrow field, and the colors seem a bit wrong. Idk, the home port on the NES just seems way better imo

>> No.5439578

Never played it, but my nephew told me it was basically Kingdom Hearts with Bugs Bunny.

>> No.5439632

>he home port on the NES just seems way better imo

That's what I'm sayin'. scarfacehalfbaked.jpg

>> No.5439661
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Easily Disney
>History with games going back as far as a whole line of Game and Watches and a strong presence in early arcades
>Ducktales on NES
>Quite a few acclaimed 4th generation games
>Decent list of titles since the 5th gen like Donald Duck Gone Quackers, A Rareware cart racer, Toy Story, or that one GBA Mickey game I forgot the name of but had growing up
>There own MMOs, Toontown and Club Penguin
>Disney has previously made games not featuring their IPs that have been received well like Pure
>Kingdom Hearts
>2018 Spiderman
>Technically speaking you could count older Star Wars and Marvel games as they now have control of these IPs and titles
I'm well aware they gave Star Wars to EA and that it's a massive knock against them but I've heard of maybe 3 or so Looney Tunes games actually being worth playing before whereas you could probably make a whole chart of Disney's worthwhile contributions to Vidya.

Disney is half competent and very familiar with Vidya whereas Warner Bros has had a handful of successful forays.

>> No.5439954

What is the 16bit game where Mickey Mouse gets various power ups including a fire hose?
I remember seeing kids playing it when younger and thinking it fun.

>> No.5439962
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Castle of Illusion? You're right in any case.
*nope* It's pic related

>> No.5440006

Thanks friend. :)

>> No.5440009

You're welcome, fren, hope you enjoy the nostalgia.

>> No.5440364

What? That’s not even close to being right. It’s a 3D collectathon platformer.

>> No.5441405

The Genesis version of Animaniacs always kicked my ass as a kid. I think the furthest I got was the boss of the horror stage.

>> No.5441418

Yeah, I liked the Genesis version of Animaniacs better because each character had their own specific ability while everyone was the same in the SNES one.

>> No.5441437

I like that too. The music is also ingrained in my head. I haven't tried the SNES version though, so I can't compare the games.

>> No.5441446
File: 157 KB, 411x354, Animaniacs-SNES-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are good quality early 90s Konami licensed stuff. It's true that the Genesis game has a unique quality for each of the brothers, it plays a lot like a puzzle-platformer, in many ways comparable to Lost Vikings.
The SNES game is more experimental and goes for a kind of gameplay I haven't been able to find in other games, it plays like a "belt scroller", like SOR or FF, in that you can walk on a limited space of the screen in X and Y directions, but on Animaniacs it's still a platformer, and somehow it works quite well.
All 3 brothers play the same, but they work as a powerup system of sort. If you have all 3, you get 3 hits before you lose a life, and you can reach certain areas if you use them to totem up.
I found it to be quite a good play, I liked it a bit better than genesis Animaniacs, felt the pacing and levels were more interesting.
As I remember, graphics and sound was good in both games.

>> No.5441546

Considering the NES had 800 some games, that's a small list. The main reason for that I imagine had to do with sprite limitations, if not that then color. Technos games in particular have abysmal performance in 2 player mode, especially feudal nekketsu.

>> No.5441557

Eh, belt scrolling doesn't really work with platforming. Made some jumps more retarded than they would have been otherwise.

>> No.5441571

It's really no issue at all when you get how it works though. At least I thought it was pretty well done. Only really "difficult" platforming part were the moving platforms on the castle stage, but even those are doable once you pay attention to the directions. I think they nailed the controls and let you do precise platforming, even in the weird belt angle.
It also has the dash mechanic from Buster Busts Loose.