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5436203 No.5436203 [Reply] [Original]

I want to play the best versions of Final Fantasy 1 to 5 because I never played any. But which ones are the best ones?

>> No.5436209

I would suggest you google that considering how fucking hostile this place can be about FF in general.

>> No.5436219

1,2,3,4 psp
5 probably gba, but snes is fine.

>> No.5436220

gba, nes, ds, ds, snes

>> No.5436406

The originals are the best way to play any of them on your first time. Don't play remakes or re-releases until you've experienced the originals.

>> No.5436408

Originals in this case meaning the Japanese versions. Don't use translations.

>> No.5436409

Fan translations are fine if the game never came out in your language originally.

>> No.5436417

No they aren't and official ones aren't either.
You want the original, not some pale imitation.

>> No.5436423

Translation doesn't affect gameplay. I'm suggesting playing the originals because the re-releases have gameplay changes, such as adding MP to FF1.

>> No.5436427

are you actually saying that I should learn japanese to play a fucking video game

inb4 ///CASUAL///

>> No.5436436

They definitely affect it. Not to mention that American releases made changes to the mechanics.

>> No.5436480

correct, any other answer is retarded and niggerish

>> No.5436503

This is peak autism you probably post on /m/

>> No.5436507

/m/ is full of casuals like >>5436427.

>> No.5436525
File: 25 KB, 480x360, shut up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're going to get different answers on this depending on who you ask. My suggestion is unironically to play the original console versions and just say screw it to the confusing remake situation. I also suggest going with fan-translations, as official localizations at the time are either mediocre (cutting or censoring content) or nonexistent. These are the translation patches I recommend for the purist experience:
FFI - Final Fantasy Original hack by The Collector
FFII - Demiforce translation with Dragonsbrethren's original titlescreen addendum (though the unreleased NES version is so bad it's good)
FFIII - Alex W. Jackson / Neill Corlett / SoM2Freak version
FFIV - Spooniest's "J2Evisceration"
FFV - RPGe translations with Spooniest's "Legend of the Crystals" addendum

>> No.5436539
File: 97 KB, 600x360, タウン.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS1 for original, PSP for changed stuff
See above. May be worth going for the remake first this time though
3 is very different between the original and the remake. The remake itself is very love-it-or-hate-it. Overall play one version and switch to the other if you hate it. If you do play the remake, try for the PSP version since that has autobattle, and other QoL
PSP probably. DS is moreso meant for people who already played 4, from what I hear.
Either patched SNES or GBA. PS1 has a bad translation from what I hear and the mobile version, well, pic related.

>> No.5436548

Fan translations are only text changes dude.

>> No.5436550

You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

>> No.5436553

>autobattle, and other QoL
If a game plays itself I refund it tyvm

>> No.5436554

He's probably referring to how certain games (namely 4) had mechanics changes like every character having their unique skill removed.
Which is probably part of the reason why 4 has three different versions for the SNES/Super Famicom.

>> No.5436557

Changing text is a big deal.
Play the original and a translation and dare tell me that they play the same.

>> No.5436558

Always play the originals, they're like time capsules of game design. Since you're playing a long series in order, you get to see the graphics, mechanics and ui evolve over time.

If you're into retro I think this is a cool experience.

>> No.5436559

fpbp, unironically

>> No.5436563

Depends on the game.

>> No.5436568

Kinda right tho, most other translation patches do all sorts of gay shit like removing the fun bugs or self-inserting a developer's room (seriously seen one do this). Those patches are as close to the Japanese release as possible while not requiring you to study another language to get enjoyment out of it.

>> No.5436570

Auto-Battle is mainly for easy random encounters and alleviates grinding a bit.

>> No.5436575

So they aren't pure at all. Go original language or go home.

>> No.5436596
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"Best" is subjective, but here's what I've figured:
Wonderswan all the way - you get all the worthwhile benefits of the PlayStation version while eliminating load times and having a sick chiptune soundtrack. PlayStation is a runner-up, but avoid subsequent versions (especially in the case of the first game) because they make all sorts of changes to both make the game for babies and more tedious at the same time.
Original for reasons mentioned in the screenshot.
Nostalgia aside, you can't go wrong with either the DS or PSP version. Honestly, these are good remakes. I guess I'll guess PSP the edge for being a complete package, although Interlude sucks.
Definitely original by far, the ugly-ass character portaits, poorly-aged pop culture references, and now amateur RPG Maker graphics can go eat a dick.

>> No.5436602

You want a non-autism answer?

>FFI - Final Fantasy Origins (PS1)
>FFII - Final Fantasy Origins (PS1)
>FFIII - Final Fantasy III (DS)
>FFIV - Final Fantasy IV Advance (GBA)
>FFV - Final Fantasy V Advance (GBA)

Anons will be furious and anons will (You) but there is a simple answer.

>> No.5436606

What are you using to emulate these?

>> No.5436612
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FF4 psp and FF4 DS are worth looking into

>> No.5436618

Nothing for DS, I have the game. GBA games I play on my softmodded Wii.

>> No.5436638

You don't belong on /vr/ if you don't play every single version in the order of publication date.
Seriously, I tend to play the original release versions to experience history.

>> No.5436642

>Job Level
Job level is actually very important as the only stat that carries over between jobs is the HP stat. All others are based on Job Level which is raised around actions taken in battle (so if you defend for x amount of turns, you can gain a job level at the end of it.
And while it may be a issue by the endgame, from my experience, the only boss that gave me terrible trouble was Garuda.
Heck, Hein went down in about 4-5 turns and that's primarily because my Scholar got confused for like 3 turns.
Additionally, that review claims that the Job abilities suck, when stuff like Bard is actually very helpful.

>> No.5436658

Play the originals always

>> No.5436678
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>forgetting there's a PSP version of Final Fantasy III in better resolution, a Famicom audio option, and no motherfucking Mognet WiFi.

>> No.5436681

Ok but you'd have to speak Japanese.

>> No.5436712

Believe it or not, this is the correct answer.

(Pay no attention to the Japautist.)

>> No.5436713

>I. II
PSP, pretty much the only playable version that isn't slow as shit. This is coming from someone who has played both on the Famicom original, you're not gonna miss anything.
Famicom is of course the only way, 3D remake is a lot different but not any better apart from some balance changes. If you're interested in 3D remake then get it for PSP if you can, the Japanese version has English text and region free so importing is a non-issue.
The Super Famicom original if you can, The US II makes changes whch aren't huge but most prefer the Japanese version. PSP is the next best which can come with it's "sequels" but people are hit or miss about it's updated visuals.
GBA all the way nigger.

>> No.5436720

>PSP, pretty much the only playable version that isn't slow as shit.
Uh...pretty sure Wonderswan, Dawn of Souls, and hell even ORIGINS are all faster.

>> No.5436730

Battle speed is way faster on PSP, loading is also much faster on 2000 and 3000 PSPs

>> No.5436757

1 and 2 - PSP
4 - SNES
5 - GBA

You can try the DS versions of 3 and 4, but honestly they feel like different games. Specially 3, it was way harder than the original.

>> No.5436912

Based retard

>> No.5436919

1-3 - PSP
4 - PSX
5 - SNES (RPGe trans.)

>> No.5436927

>5 - SNES (RPGe trans.)
Is that the one where they call him Exodus? I don't acknowledge the existence of such trash.

>> No.5436936

You're thinking of the PlayStation version, which called him "X-Death" and is supposedly based on the unfinished SNES translation.

>> No.5437006

You have it backwards. I believe "X-Death" is the best name for that little shit and I refuse to play a translation that calls him something else.

>> No.5437014

Y Burn

>> No.5437040

1 - PS1/WSC, don't touch any version that uses MP.
2 - PS1 if you really want to play the original, GBA otherwise.
3 - NES or PSP, it's worth playing both.
4 - PS1 or GBA.
5 - GBA.

>> No.5437058

For the love of god, please don't play the GBA version of FFIV. That thing is a horribly-buggy mess, and the PSP version has all its added features anyway.

>> No.5437070
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Reason is because it's based on the Wonderswan version which, contrary to the previous games, is downscaled.
Still wish we got the lost Wonderswan III though.

>> No.5437667

GBA version of FF4 is fucking terrible. No one recommending it has even the slightest bit of good taste.

Also if you play the DS remake, the PC version is also absolute fucking dogshit lazy port with a terrible UI. If you like playing mobile games, whatever I guess that sucks to be such a huge faggot but you might enjoy that version since the ui is actually designed for a phone.

>> No.5437703

I feel this way too and I wish more people appreciated going through a series and seeing its evolution. Most of the time people just recommend jumping into the middle of a series and don't see the value in it.

>> No.5437745

The original versions in every case. Don't be a baby.