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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5436314 No.5436314 [Reply] [Original]

They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically bland

>> No.5436319

>too easy to be fun
bullshit, beating super mario 1 is pretty hard if you don't use warps or the 1 up glitch. Also you've clearly never tried super mario bros 2 (jp version)

>> No.5436327

I beat Mario 1 when I was fucking 5. Lost levels is excessively difficult which is almost as bad as being too easy.

>> No.5436360

Eye Roll

>> No.5436362

lmao fuck off

>> No.5436372


>> No.5436383

>This game is too easy!
>This game is too hard!
Fuck off, Goldilocks.

>> No.5436385
File: 187 KB, 1024x576, highscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost Levels is only incrementally harder than SMB1. If you think one is easy and the other is hard then honestly I don't think you played them
In my personal IMHO, VS Super Mario Bros is the best version. Here's my highscore at the local arcade

>> No.5436398

Bad thread

>> No.5436416


>> No.5436459

Hey Samuel

>> No.5436463

>super player's

>> No.5436487


low effort trolling.

>> No.5436535

lost levels is far easier (and far better) than mario 1

>> No.5436551

suppose i should back this up before people accuse me of trolling. so my reasons are;
>infinte continues from whatever world you're on
>well-designed levels with a distinct flow
>as opposed to mario 1 which is Durr Lets Thro Random Blocks In Tha Leverl hee hee, literal shit tier
>the controls and the levels are designed around each other instead of being in constant opposition

>> No.5436571

The only trolling allowed in this board, judging by every second thread.

>> No.5436657
File: 61 KB, 640x426, 1548641616425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I beat Mario 1 when I was fucking 5
Sure buddy.

>> No.5436659

Tell me of this 1 up glitch...

>> No.5436704

>What is the appeal of the 2D mario games?
the nintendo logo

>> No.5436714


Not them, but you must be in your 20s to not know about the turtles on the stairs in 3-1. Hop on one at the right time on the stairs and you'll hit it repeatedly between yourself and the stairs and eventually the points will turn into 1-ups until your extra man count is represented with hieroglyphics, basically. Don't get too many or it'll totally kill you and start you all over.

>> No.5436715


> suppose i should back this up before people accuse me of trolling

and then 3 of your bullet points were literally troll bait that we see on this board constantly

>> No.5436724

>the controls and the levels are designed around each other instead of being in constant opposition
What do you mean?

>> No.5436749

never seen anyone post those points (except for me, once)

>> No.5436778

smb3 and smw feel fantastic
They have the best physics out of any other 2d platformers.

>> No.5436792

it's Samothy

>> No.5436887

>Stylistically bland
They INVENTED that style, moron. It's the game that is responsible for most modern platformer design. That's like saying that Dracula is a 'generic vampire story' or Neuromancer is 'generic cyberpunk'. They're trendsetters.

>> No.5436970

How to tell a zoomer posted this: A general statement, filled with buzzwords and no actual argument. The best way to figure out if its' worth responding to is if you could swap out the game they're mentioning with literally anything else. If the statement remains the exact same for all intents and purposes, it's probably a shit statement. Observe:

What's the deal with 1st-person DOOM games?
They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically Bland.

What's the deal with 3D Zelda games?
They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically bland.

What's the deal with 2D Kirby games?
They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically bland.

What's the deal with 3D Resident Evil games?
They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically bland.

>> No.5436995

Ironically most people who sit down and actually play smb1, even people who have in the past will game over pretty quickly.
Everyone thinks it's easy in memory and then think it's hard when they replay it.

>> No.5437085

I always remember the last three levels as being pretty difficult.

>> No.5437108


he has no idea what he means, he's just spitting out buzzwords trying to sound as if he's making points, it's grasping for straws and getting defensive instead of just admitting that he has no idea what he's talking about when it comes to mario

>> No.5437130

>too easy to be fun
Why do mongoloids say things like this?

>> No.5437682
File: 117 KB, 339x319, spaghett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you lie like that anonymously?

>> No.5437692

38 yr old here. I do that trick every time i play. I usually end up with crown iceblock (whatever number that translates to) men.

>> No.5437695

Is the original SMB worth playing as opposed to the remake?

>> No.5437706

what do you mean by remake? all stars?

>> No.5437712

Yeah all stars remakes it and advance ports it.

>> No.5437715

Go try beating it again without dying and try to get a decent time, not world record tier, just moderately fast.
You'll realize how hard it is then.

>> No.5437716


>> No.5437719

>switch their game with literally anything else
>if it remains the same it's wrong
Ok, let me try.

What's the deal with Starcraft games?
They're too easy to be fun and rather stylistically Bland.

Wait that doesn't follow.

>> No.5437734

artificial difficulty and generic space game

>> No.5437768

>resident evil

>> No.5438210

Fuck you, this will never happen to me

>> No.5438248

>if you could swap out the game they're mentioning with literally anything else
it only really works if you do it with a trend-setting game that inspired hundreds of followers and rip-offs

>> No.5438291

Aside from SMW, I just find Mario games to be dull.

>> No.5438890

I don't care about it's difficulty but the second point of being to bland is spot on. I know it's kinda controversy to say it. But to me the Mario games always were generic as fuck. I don't see the games like others do as the best crafted J'n'R, to me it's just a another one of those outdated mascot j'n'r that every company on every single platform was spewing out for a long while. Most companies killed those annoying and often cringeworthy mascot game in time... Nintendo is sucking these dried out tit up to this date. It's time to kill the most uninspired and lazy written mascot already.