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File: 166 KB, 554x860, hammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5408448 No.5408448 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly neighborhood Hammerites edition

>> No.5408486

first for rocksbourg sucks dick

>> No.5408504
File: 24 KB, 600x623, god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not nice.

>> No.5408603

most T2 fan missions do. rocksbourg is just such a perfect example of what many of them do wrong.

>overuse of high res textures
>overly intricate visual design, rooms are designed to look at rather than actually move around in
>esoteric game design where searching for tiny switches in pitch black rooms is considered a legitimate gameplay challenge

>> No.5409139

look at those friendly faces!

>> No.5409230

>overly intricate visual design, rooms are designed to look at rather than actually move around in
what ya mean exactly, cluttered?

>> No.5409362 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5409381

delet this

>> No.5409547

Hey man, usual anon here. Auto-sage or not, it's been too long since my last post, a record breaker. Sorry for the wait. Technical issues aside, it's also true that when I'm late it becomes easier to be later. The contest FMs are being discussed here too at least, so if anything I'm the one falling behind. If you ever feel like it's time to go back to the old stuff, just let me know.

So, about Downtowne Funk. These windows won me over. This part of the City is full of secrets and rooms you can enter just to steal some coins and hopefully reach that 4000 goal, but looking for them didn't feel like it usually does, desperately scouring every corner, searching for the last pennies and trying stuff you woudln't have thought of otherwise.
In this case nothing feels out of reach, and we can get almost everywhere through standard rogue moves: picking locks and opening windows. It's simpler than looking for that one beam that you're supposed to shoot your rope arrow at (speaking of, I did enjoy of that one beam was employed in this mission), but should it be hard ? Not only exploration and completion can almost be one and the same this way, but some of these doors and windows actually open paths through different parts of the map, which is really neat. You don't always need the thieves' highway to feel like a thief. Ironically enough, it's the underground part that connects everything in this case.

Can't properly appreciate the use of a mansion we've already explored since Thieves' Guild is not exactly a mission I replay a lot, but the sole idea of changing completely the context of our infiltration makes me glad I still remember the general layout of that place. It's a surreal feel, but it also makes sense. Kinda like an optical illusion. It manages to connect two very different mission, 20 years apart, and, in the process, redeem the thieves' guild.
Also seeing Ramirez, one of the FMs familiar faces, just die to start this one off was weird.

>> No.5409659

lately ive been wondering if the average thief player (me included) is a bit slow and stupid

>> No.5410129

Based Hammers

>> No.5410137

In the last thread, I was the anon doing my first playthrough of Thief 2 and I got stuck at Soulforge looking for the correspondence between Karras and one of the Mechanists that would detail how to use the guiding beacons, and I backtracked through the level 4 times and flipped three or maybe four A->B switches before I realized that the letter is in my possession all along and I simply brainfarted.

Then, I managed to make a sign on the map that denoted a tower as being done, and then I had to check every tower again to see which one I missed when it turns out that I forgot to flip one of the switches. Luckily, it only took me two retreads and I was done.
So don't worry, you're probably not worse than I am.
Now I'm gonna go try out Downtowne Funk and Order of the Dew as my first FMs.

>> No.5410886
File: 1.44 MB, 1920x1080, dump082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all playing any FMs lately?

>> No.5410897

How come?

>> No.5411665

I want to climb that building

>> No.5412003
File: 1.12 MB, 1920x1080, dump096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been working on the mission for the better part of the last 3 months. I've took some lengthy breaks in between, and right now I'm in a bit of a creative rut and not sure what kind of mission I want this to be exactly.

>> No.5412040

Go play Dark Mod. The small community of FM designers almost never fucks up. More cryptic puzzles are often reserved for secondary objectives instead of posing a hurdle to finish the main ones.

>> No.5412445

I would if my toaster could handle it.
although I'm not really a fan of the doom 3 aesthetic. the dark cartoonish style of TDP is more enjoyable to me.

>> No.5412506

judith stop posting

>> No.5412557

Being a Templar doesn't pay well enough, I guess.

>> No.5413541


>> No.5414071

any anon here that can imitate hammerite speech willing to record some funny conversations for my upcoming fm?

>> No.5414251
File: 914 KB, 1068x614, 1506215981208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scarlet Cascabel won the contest.

The FM that has the least in spirit with Thief Gold won the contest.

>> No.5414613

It was also a rather mediocre mission.

Completely undeserved win in my opinion.

>> No.5414780

Well, the two runner ups are extremely close in scores so you can pretend they won instead.

>> No.5414846

On a more positive note, I just completed Order of the Dew and it's a very nice mission apart from the tavern area being a little bit absurd (I kept failing the mantle and the smallest sound would alert every single patron and when I used the CLANKY secret passage in the fireplace I made a racket that resonated throughout the entire level.

It's also a really nice, small "vignette" full of challenges. I'm more used to this sort of level design than those 2 hour romps through sprawling levels, but I'm not complaining either way.

>> No.5415858

You should have seen the original tavern. Jayrude initially made it so the front door was the only entrance, and every npc was looking at it pretty much. The torches couldn't even be doused without entering the building, as they were on the sides next to the doors inside, which also opened inwards blocking a shot at them. It was pretty rough.

I told him to add a balcony or at least open a window and add a wooden post to rope arrow with but he thought the vent from the hammers to the inn was fine enough.

>> No.5416698
File: 197 KB, 661x605, box garrett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't die on me taffers

>> No.5416716

Well there's also the door if you found the key in the one house with an openable door.

>> No.5418271


>> No.5418319

Not really Thief related, but this is the game Skacky has been working on lately >>5418065

>> No.5419401

Because /vr/ threads are killed automatically now.

>> No.5419429

also because /vr/ is a low traffic board ???????????

>> No.5420793
File: 369 KB, 1920x1080, dump003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only contest mission I am still interested in playing is 'Shadow Play' by Schlock. He posted a lot of WIP photo's in these threads. Are there any submissions you were looking forward to play?

The lootgoal is easily reached if you pay attention to any transparent windows or frobbable doors. With a good eye you have almost 4000 gold when you enter Reuben's mansion. And it is always nice to enter a strangers home and read/see a bit about their lives. I did have trouble with some of the ledges, because they were 1.5-0.5 units wide. You will have to carefully tap the keys to find solid footing or else you will fall off. Do you mean the beam right under the window of the building opposite to the Essex building? But that window isn't transparent! I used a speed potion to reach the balcony.

I remember how in 'Death's Cold Embrace' you could find shortcuts in a the city part. It has probably something to do with the engine limits, but whenever you returned to the town, sections would either be closed off and opened up. You would always had to find a new pathway to traverse the city. This time the underground part (and the whole city part in general) is not too difficult to navigate. Not having played Thieves' Guild in a long while made the mansion feel fresh. Did you find the patrols challenging?

Besides the lack of talk among the guild members about the power struggle, the theft of the vase and the existence of the Guild, there is also little mention of Ramirez' death in the FM. None of the guild members talk about him. Nor are there any residents that speak of it. The death of a Warden is an important event. It can cause a lot of conflict. Does Webster believe that Garrett killed Ramirez? Will there be a war between the criminal organizations about territory and trust? We will have to wait for the next installment.

>> No.5420907
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>> No.5421042

this motherfucker can make a great contest FM with a ton of detail AND work on this shit full time? I can't even make a small building in Dromed without giving up.

>> No.5421147

I think if this was a house in The Sims 1, it would score badly in "logistics" and drop the sims' morale.

>> No.5421265

When you're good at something, it gets easier to do, I guess

>> No.5421273

DrKs other missions are better than roskbourg

>> No.5421283

jesus christ, this is obnoxious lol.
what are railings made of tho?
I mean in dromed, which object is it

>> No.5422326
File: 7 KB, 192x192, pcgamer-coverdisc-1999-03_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a 1999 PCGamer cover disc with the original Thief 1 demo on it. There was an archive and I was able to download a disc image. Any suggestions on how I could mount the image? Which program should I use? It's a disc image from 1999 CD so Daemon Tools is not recognizing it as valid.

>> No.5422687

Couldn't you just burn your own disc image from the 1999 CD or am I misreading you and you don't own the physical CD?

>> No.5423505

I have an optical drive somewhere but I don't want to install it, plus my PSU is literally at its limit so plugging in an a DVD drive prevents the PC from booting.

>> No.5423515
File: 143 KB, 500x860, 1510364784255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come there isn't any YouTubers who focus on the Thief series and talk about it?

The Quake Grave for...well Quake
Civvie 11 for Build games

and no one for Thief?

>> No.5423531

Well I don't talk about anything in my Thief videos. I could but unfortunately my new motherboard is somehow incompatible with regular microphone inputs and I'd need to get a sound card of some kind.

I don't know any people who do general Thief stuff. I only follow Psych0sis who is a Thief speedrunner.

>> No.5423840

But there are let's plays with commentary?

>> No.5423872

looks kind of mediocre

>> No.5423880

why do you need some eceleb to parrot popular opinions

>> No.5424045

I used to have trapezoid boxes for both thief and thief 2, but got rid of them because they took up so much space.
Now that I have a nicer place I want the to hang on the wall, but they cost ridiculous amounts of money.
P gay. Just wanted a place to bitch. I still have the CDs and jewels anyway.

>> No.5424053


>> No.5424114

>It's a disc image from 1999 CD so Daemon Tools is not recognizing it as valid.
that's nonsensical

>> No.5424629

>We'll boil his niggers
how did Looking Glass get away with this?

>> No.5424973

I'm sure you're pretending to be stupid, but for anyone who is actually stupid, they're saying "knickers".

>> No.5426396

Well for some reason it is invalid and I suspect that it's got something to do with the fact that the image was captured 20 years ago using 20yo software and maybe there are some format differences or something.

>> No.5426409

open the file in a hex-editor and post a screenshot of it

>> No.5426420

I'm re-downloading it and attempting to run a checksum... check.

>> No.5426546

Taff it... it seems that the image is corrupted and it re-downloads corrupted.

>> No.5427202
File: 114 KB, 720x960, garreteye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your favorite mission lads?

>> No.5427219 [DELETED] 

trail of blood still scares me shitless.

>> No.5427412

This is the first time I've seen someone other than me posting this picture.

>> No.5428445

rip thief

>> No.5429085
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, dump073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you idiot

>> No.5429557

What is happening with the tile texture just above the health bar?
Does that rug fit the mechanist theme?
Is there going to be a space outside of the mechanist building?

>> No.5430028

>What is happening with the tile texture just above the health bar?
looks like the shadow is bugging out, probably because he used a very small grid size for the molding on the wall

>> No.5430448

I want more informative videos in the style of this.

reviews for fan missions or breaking down lore would be nice as well.

>> No.5430892

alright, enjoy keeping this dead af general alive yourself.

>> No.5431452

this could be fixed if you optimize, but not always.

>> No.5431787
File: 876 KB, 1920x1080, dump070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the molding is .25 units wide so i had to go down to 11 so idk maybe but im not minding it atm.

>> No.5432468
File: 105 KB, 1920x1080, 1529301228872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any submissions you were looking forward to play?
None in particular. I'm still gonna play all of them, but I'll manage to do that while we're back to the 99's batch, unless there's something that it's worth discussing, and I trust you on that matter. So, for the time being, Shadow Play it is.

>Do you mean the beam right under the window of the building opposite to the Essex building?
The casino one (although there's two). A rope arrow is the only way to get in there, something that doesn't figure in the doors&windows framework of the mission, but it doesn't feel out of place neither since you can cleary hear there's someone up there: another hint that relies on the player senses, and not on the assumption that the player will try everything out of desperation.
It's also interesting how it's one of those situations where Garrett can interact with civilians without any guard being around (I think the ones in the streets can't hear their cries for help), like that one part in Life of The Party. It's not that interesting but sometimes it's just nice to barge in some place without feeling like a rat waiting to be squashed by an oversized hammer. It's alright for the rogue to be the threat once in a while.

Can't say I had a hard time with the guards in the manor, but I liked how hard it was to tell when it was gonna be the right time to move. Not being sure which room was gonna be safe or not made me appreciate the mansion's layout even more. Guards following the same patrol route are fine if they don't overlap with each other, it's something that can create more tension if not overdone.
I ended up going against the current by getting in through the hammerite entrance, but finding the easier way to deal with them by finding the other door felt rewarding.

You're right, it's weird how almost no one talks about Ramirez. Still, I liked the unhortodox link between OMs as the groundwork for this one.

>> No.5433769

Does the sewer part with the black imprisoned beings in 'Lost in Vivo' contain two references (the spiral tunnel and the perspective trick) to Thief: The Dark Project?

>> No.5435581

Hey so I could use some help. Recently reinstalled Thief Gold after reformatting my PC months ago. Only now for some reason it thinks I have an AZERTY keyboard and the keybindings are all fucked. This wouldn't be a problem normally since I could just rebind the keys, but now the game doesn't let me walk in certain directions when I hold shift. Any ideas on how to fix this?

>> No.5436297

I never heard about such issue. is it from steam?

>> No.5436321

check your system's regional settings re: keyboard-input

>> No.5436420

Yeah its the steam version. I only ever found two posts online from people who had the same issue, neither of which had a solution.
Already tried changing both my keyboard and my system regional settings to US to no avail. Reinstalling the game afterwards after changing the settings also didn't help.

>> No.5436441

azerty is french isn't it. pretty weird.
I hope you do use tfix lite.
I could send you my bindings, but if you say rebinding didnt help, it might be pointless

>> No.5436474

Yeah, french keyboard, or so I think, never seen one my entire life, don't even think the French still use those. My OS got installed in french since I'm from Canada so I'm guessing that's the root of the issue but there's not really anything I can do about that short of reformatting again, and even then I'd have to find or pirate an other windows license since the one I bought only has french in it by default.
I am able to just rebind the keys from wasd to zqsd and play normally, but the problem is that the game doesn't seem to be programmed to allow you to hold shift+q to walk left, which is an annoyance (z+shift works though for some reason?).
Didn't try using TFix lite though, only the full version. Guess I might as well give it a shot.

>> No.5436481

tfix lite is tfix just without pointless stuff, so if you have it installed and still experience problems, it makes me thing.
judging from google it is a canadian issue.

one tip i found on the internet
>In cam_ext.cfg I uncommented ext_kb_country_check (remove the leading ';') at line 355 of cam_ext.cfg and I removed the user.bnd file and when I started the game everything was all right.

>> No.5436486

According to the dev the level shown is just a beta tutorial level, and he didn't even know that footage would be recorded.

>> No.5436515
File: 23 KB, 398x500, 1232423543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno about "pointless stuff", because I wasn't even able to start the game with TFix lite, just CTDs every time. Although turning off the ext_kb_country_check thing finally fixed it.
Thank you very much.

>> No.5436526

:3 happy taffin

>> No.5436721

The ctd with Lite was almost certainly caused by install.cfg, which needs to be updated to the location you have the game installed. Beats me why the creator didn't just include that with the archive (maybe to discourage people from even using it).

>> No.5438264

install it right next time retard

enjoy tho

>> No.5439179

The FM I remember fondly is the castle part of 'Shadow of Lord Rothchest'. I am impressed by the different routes you can take to traverse the place.

>> No.5440714

When I enable the EAX settings the rain in 'Endless Rain' starts to spazz out and I hear static. What can I do about it? Is it going to cause me problems when creating rain in Dromed (Thief Gold)?

>> No.5440834

thoughts on making a general LGS thread for all their respective games? their entire library is retro and these fragmented threads are always on life support

>> No.5441169

Try this:

>> No.5441284
