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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5426267 No.5426267 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >>5420162

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other retro FPS welcome
~~ Let's post like gentlemen ~~


Doom, Quake, Duke, Marathon, or Thief:
-Album of infographics with setup information and user-made content recommendations

Same thing, but in video format:

IWADs and more (>3 GB): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B47V8l2eVZKxRU82S3JkZkdBRXM
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake pastebin (2016-06-22): http://pastebin.com/XjBHDRFw
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Duke Nukem, Doom, Blood, and Quake.)

Doom RPG series

Launchers for Build Engine games



Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/








>> No.5426268

=== NEWS ===

[3-9] Zanieon releases MMDCXIV, feature one large map with three more to come

[3-9] DoomRL Arsenal finally gets a new update, adding in the new PDA, HUD, and some new monsters

[3-7] 3D Realms announces Wrath, a new game made on Darkplaces

[3-7] SM193 for Quake released, themed on white castles

[3-7] AMC TC Episode 3 released

[3-7] Author of gameplay mod Hell Caliber looking for playtesting and feedback

[3-5] TNT 2: Devilution is almost done

[2-26] Dimension of the Boomed sequel 'Realm of Z-Magic' teaser demo released

[2-24] Chex Quest HD trailer

[2-22] Powerslave EX mouse fix for Windows 10

[2-16] Bungie's Pathways Into Darkness rebuilt in Aleph One

[2-21] SM192 released for Quake released

[2-19] Colorful Hell updated to 0.96, introducing a new tier and more

[2-18] SIGIL delayed until April

[2-13] NBlood released, an open-source port of Blood modeled off EDuke32

=== PREVIOUS ===


=== PROTIP ===

To submit news, please reply and anchor it to this post.

>> No.5426284

I liek doom

>> No.5426287

why don't you marry it then.

>> No.5426291

me too

>> No.5426292

i would if i could

>> No.5426307

Whats the hottest new wads of 2019?

>> No.5426309

This one.

>> No.5426317
File: 90 KB, 512x620, lost chapters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far the maps look alright, visually well made but secrets are hard to find until you find the map on each level. I don't know how I feel about them making it like that.

Also idk if it's bugged or what, but I know I had to use idclip to finish e1m2 even with all keys and the one secret because the floors were raised in the hallway by the exit. Idk if that was a bug or a bad trigger or what.

>> No.5426318

What are some good modern wads that are hard, but not slaughter?

>> No.5426331

Any recommendations for Doom based YouTube channels?

I'm just getting back into classic doom & modding, would be good to see some reviews of WADs, modding tutorials etc.

>> No.5426332
File: 42 KB, 1552x1342, 10sector_MAP21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it considered cheating to skip a map in a WAD during a continuous playthrough? I'm playing 10 Sectors and there's been at least two completely shitty maps that I ended up skipping to the next, losing my inventory in the process but I accepted that as a trade-off just to move on to the next map already.

In particular, it was Map21: Crunch!, which is this map:


It's not only a stupid-ass clusterfuck, but most of your time playing this map is waiting on a bunch of high-rising, slow-moving lifts that are littered around the entire map, and the gimmick is to find several switches scattered throughout the map to raise a damaging floor to a high-enough level to reach the exit. I ended up missing one switch in the end and I spent about half an hour trying to find it, so I said Fuck It and just went to the next map, losing my inventory and all weapons I had but fuck that shit. Not gonna spend another minute in that map again.

>> No.5426342

Do you really care that much about not being a cheater.

>> No.5426346

It's a single player game. Who's going to judge you? A soulsphere?

>> No.5426351

Nothing else than Eviternity atm. Sigil next month, and Back To Saturn X Episode 3 later this year.

>> No.5426362

I do sometimes skip maps on multiple author wads, if the said maps doesn't reach the quality of the other maps, and do have quite bad gameplay. I have like 20 wads on queue for me to play, so I don't put my time on simply bad maps.

>> No.5426376

>10 sectors
>they are actually like 1 millions sectors linked

>> No.5426379

If its one of those "community chest" or "1024" style megawads where theres no story or thematic progression between the levels, I generally don't even play them continuous at all, and just play whatever map sticks out to me.

>> No.5426380

Skillsaw wads: Lunatic, Vanguard, Valiant, Sawdust, Ancient Aliens. There is one slaughter map on Vanguard, and occasional larger fights on all of them, but I wouldn't call them slaughter wads.

I've also heard Sunlust is hard wad without being slaughter, but I can't confirm since I haven't played it yet. I'm gonna though when I finish about 6 other wads first.

>> No.5426386

I think the real challenge behind 10 sectors was more about having a limited number of sector actions to use in a single map.

>> No.5426398

Sunlust does have a few maps that definitely qualify. But for the most part, its mostly just really mean with its monster usage.

>> No.5426402

Sunlust is definetely slaughter in the last 10 maps, map30 had so many it made my old shitty laptop start to cough when they appeared.

>> No.5426407
File: 22 KB, 167x168, H.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"slaughtershit" doesn't actually exist and is just a term people use to dismiss wads they don't like and can't think of a real reason for
the argument that "mappers gave up on encounter design and just threw down enemies" has no factual basis or any evidence

change my mind
protip: you can't

>> No.5426414

there are maps that are lazy with the monster placement but the specific ones I've seen mentioned here don't fit the bill at all and are in fact way easier than actual slaughterwads like Chillax and Dark Tartarus. it really reeks of "waaah this map is too hard for me ergo slaughtershit".

>> No.5426431


Heretic, E2M4: Ice Grotto, wandstart.
Level gives you hellstaff at the very end of the level when it's already useless, as there are no more dangerous enemies left. Hellstaff in situated in the center of the floor design that looks like an eye, which suggests symbolic significance tied to hellstaff, and by extension, hellstaff runes.
Replaying the level reveals, that hellstaff runes are scattered throughout the level a very situational manner. There are four in the chapel, one per each stained glass, containing the green key - two easily accessible, another two seemingly requiring wing artifact (they could be glitched to through the other side of the stained glass, if you run-strafe into it, but I don't think that's intentional). Two "inaccessible" stained glasses with runes contain inferno orbs on the other sides of them, which come quite in handy as means of disposing of acolytes.
Further on, one rune is located near an easy to miss room containing a backpack (although that one is a duplicate), one lies near in the building with the blue key near where the missable dragon claw is, one is near the optional and last-to-open building containing wings which are the only way to get back from the second half of the level (outpost) to the first half (ice grotto with a chapel), as there are no teleporters back. There are several runes scattered near the useless hellstaff, two in the "white" ("red" in this case) of the eye itself even. Finally, there are two hellstaff runes in the last chamber containing the main exit from the level.
What you are supposed to do is to use wings in order to get to the first half of the level, get to the chapel, possibly collect two last runes, and then notice a door that was closed for the entire time, is finally open. That door contains the exit from the level, leading to the secret level.
The hellstaff runes, in the context of this specific level, quite obviously mean something alongside "you might wanna look around about here".

>> No.5426437


>> No.5426442

I'd argue that Skillsaw mapsets only have the occasional hard map, rather being hard overall. And his hardest maps are more forgiving than say, the hardest maps from Joshy's Resurgence, or even Alien Vendetta.

>> No.5426446

It was near the end of the previous thread. A bit of a waste.
Good question though, I am being somewhat obnoxious right now, not only here, I'll tone it down a bit.

>> No.5426461

i've been playing Doom TNT but one life mode on ultra violence

i feel like im playing a different game without saving every 5 minutes

can't believe how much fun it still is!!!

>> No.5426471

10 sectors was a compilation megawad so every level is playable from pistol start (in fact, you probably SHOULD play each map from pistol start to get the intended gameplay experience...)

>> No.5426572

>place BFG and thousands of big cell pack pickups in map
>place three megaspheres near cyberdemons
>spam revenants and hell knights
>plus mancubi + arachnotrons on high pillars or unreachable sections to rain down projectiles on the player's general area
there we are lol

>> No.5426587
File: 214 KB, 1680x1050, wolftc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i doing wrong? I cant get Wolf TC to work.

>> No.5426597

So we all heard this ancient fairytale that action games are provoking violent behavior.
And I want to ask: how many of you even once actually played good old Doom to channel your rage?
It just hit me: I'm a fucking Angry Marine both in Net and RL (with all the consequences), and I never done that. Two or three times I do played some FPS specifically because I was fucking angry, but it wasn't Doom. And for years I usually play some relaxing office/casual shit like Bejeweled when I need to cool down.

>> No.5426598


>> No.5426616

Valiant isn't slaughter? Come on, it certainly isn't a normal wad.

>> No.5426618

Being angry while playing Doom just leads me to losing focus and getting killed faster.

>> No.5426620

Thought about the possessed engineer from Doom 4 and how he could work in MetaDoom.
>walks slow and simply explodes either in contact with player or when killed
>probably replaces a spectre
>his spawning chances are influenced by the existence of barrels in a certain area; the idea is that if barrels are in some part of the map, the mapper probably expects something "explosive" to happen
>like barrels and zombies, can be killed by axe without exploding but you may need to stun him or use holy water
>with a safe axe kill, he could drop fire extinguishers or ammo for them
>since he's a walking exploding barrel, you could use him against other enemies

>> No.5426621

I hate slaughterwads and Valiant do was challenging at times, but I wouldn't call it slaughterwad.

>> No.5426626

Why the fuck are you googling about poop and showing it to us?

>> No.5426629

Yep, my point exactly.

>> No.5426630

can't tell if new or just pretending.

>> No.5426632

I'll play Project Brutality to vent. It has the most detailed and savage violence I can think of out of all the games and mods I've played.

>> No.5426636

>not doing the mightiest poop ever to scare ghosts away

>> No.5426640
File: 190 KB, 1920x1080, 1530848210595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this

>> No.5426642


>> No.5426643

Can't do this, new beta needs new GZDoom, and new GZDoom is unplayable on my potato, even if I turn off literally all visual improvements and load fucking Knee-Deep in the Dead. But yeah, stable version is fucking dope, though randomized weapons spawns fucking up my play.

>> No.5426648

There's still some difficulty in making it all work out in a good way, with only being able to define 10 separate sectors. I mean you basically only have 9 to begin with, since one of them has to be your doors or something.

If I'm really pissed, I think I don't even feel like playing.

>> No.5426650

100 not linked sectors of /vr/ when

>> No.5426657
File: 94 KB, 1260x920, pk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I moved the zdoom inis into the oflder and whatnot, but it looks like it's misreading the wolf3d_common.pk7 perhaps, should I rename it to .pk3?

>> No.5426669
File: 341 KB, 1920x1080, 1539557990862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, .pk7 are .7z and .pk3 are .zip
where did you get it?
I downloaded it from here, the consolidated version:

>> No.5426685

>the argument that "mappers gave up on encounter design and just threw down enemies" has no factual basis or any evidence
..why not? some maps most certainly do that

>> No.5426689

that's the one im using, i re-downloaded and overwrite the files but still the same error with that wolf3d_common.pk7 for some reason.

>> No.5426691

I used zdoom 2.8.1 in the last image

>> No.5426692

What, and yes

>> No.5426696

Yes, but refuse to acknowledge those because then I'm wrong.

>> No.5426701

well fuck me, I was using zdoom 2.7 still. . .. thanks

>> No.5426702

there is a 2.9 in the git builds:

>> No.5426749
File: 207 KB, 1600x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is PBR materials heresy?

>> No.5426751

such as

>> No.5426752


>> No.5426754

everything comes down on how it's being used

>> No.5426756

is there a way to separately configure what powerups appear in (oblige) maps?

i want a lot less blurspheres and a lot more maps

>> No.5426757

This looks interesting. Ugly, sure, but intersting.

>> No.5426760

Comes to application.
Looking at that screenshot, I'm thinking it could look kind of neat in a low resolution, akin to normalmaps.

>> No.5426770

I can't remember there to be single slaughter map on Valiant. It's certainly a normal modern map pack.

>> No.5426772

I have this happy and comfy zen feeling, when I'm playing Doom. If I'm angry when I start playing, Doom gets me relaxed.

>> No.5426774

Not, not if done properly and with pixel-perfect normals/spec maps. These look off.

>> No.5426776

Depends on how shitty it looks

>> No.5426792

In the Oblige/games/doom folder look for pickups.lua file.
Open it with Notepad/your preferable text editor and search for POWERUP string.
There you go. Look at params and numbers and you could easily guess what's what. Also, one of older Oblige versions comes with increased monster numbers, so there was a request on the forum to how manually fix it (which was later included in release version, if I remember correctly).
And I highly recommend to use ObFab addons. This is turning simple Doom maps into... well, I'm at loss of words, you should see it.
And then there is Oblige 6.20 Epic Textures addon which will make you love this old version more, I promise.

>> No.5426819

mega thanks to you.

ObFab got merged into Obaddon, right? i'm loving it so far

>> No.5426831
File: 926 KB, 1600x900, Screenshot_Doom_20190310_202813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yholl is a cheeky cunt.

>> No.5426838
File: 60 KB, 815x656, rcgm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> make level
> create game
> "1 missingfile!"

you guys probably know more about this engine than /agdg/

>> No.5426840

I downloaded fresh DRLA after years of not playing it and I'm really impressed with the level of polish. However, after pressing PDA key I get a help screen and it says there that after reading this it will recognize me as not being a first-time user... But every time I press the button I only get the help screen.

>> No.5426854

Are there any mods that make locating secrets easier? Popping up an icon on screen when near something you can activate or something?

>> No.5426878

...Jesus Christ, how did I miss it?! No, huge thanks to you, my good sir!
Ahm. I mean - I don't know, good sir, but it looks like this.

>> No.5426879

yeah if you use such a low resolution. this shits like watching a blu ray on a black and white tv

>> No.5426881
File: 198 KB, 550x535, concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my good sir!

>> No.5426893

>HUD is beautiful but looks slightly too big
>also in 4:3 the bar above the map hides the number of monsters on the map

>> No.5426894


>> No.5426901

Doom Delta has a secret detector that pings more rapidly when you're near a secret-marked sector. Won't necessarily help you find the trigger, but it's really cool anyway.

>> No.5426909

honestly i think this kinda works. has a garish, early 3d look to it that fits the blockiness of doom maps

>> No.5426920

Also what's the name of that one program that helps you keep your wads and engines in check?

>> No.5426937
File: 151 KB, 1920x1080, IUcBpY1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5426941


>> No.5426948 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1280x720, 20190310141506_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first episode of Amid Evil. I remember trying it a few months ago and disliking it, but this time around I found it really fun. Maybe it's been patched it since then. The weapons are satisfying and varied, the enemies are cool and well-animated, the level design is very solid, the gameplay is just all around good. As for cons, I would say the decision to mix sprites and models is odd, and the boss of the first episode was way too easy.

>> No.5426950

not retro

>> No.5426952 [DELETED] 

Neither is Wrath but it gets discussed and got slapped into the news post.

>> No.5426954

Wrath uses a Quake source port as its base. Amid Evil is entirely unrelated to retro games.

>> No.5426960

If you cut down on the reflectivity of everything this would probably look pretty cool. Link?

>> No.5426961

Wrath is still not retro. It's based on release date. Engine has nothing to do with it.

>> No.5426963

The engine was released before 2000.

>> No.5426964

By that logic, there should be no discussion of any fan content for Doom released in the 21st century.

>> No.5426986

Stop acting retarded.

>> No.5427008 [DELETED] 


It has piksels, so its retro. No piksels = no retro.

>> No.5427012
File: 4 KB, 598x20, Screenshot_Hexen_20190310_221456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5427013

Script Error: attempt to index field 'tech_Outdoors_generic' (a nil value)
error. What I'm doing wrong?

>> No.5427018

no idea, i didn't run into any issues when adding it
are you sure you're using 7.70?

>> No.5427019

Nevermind, found it. It was Glaice Epic Textures. It was for Doom II only and Oblige 6.20 recognized it (as in removing from options if you choose Doom 1/Ult. Doom).

>> No.5427067 [DELETED] 


>This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games. Retro gaming means consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier. With the release of the 8th generation of consoles, the Sega Dreamcast will now be considered "retro", though the remainder of the sixth generation (Xbox, PS2, GameCube) will not.

>any other forms of video games on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier.

Games as a whole, not the engine, not what the game tries to appeal, but the game itself.

Is that too hard to pickup?

>> No.5427069

too bad mods disagree with your personal view since the Amid Evil post was deleted whereas Wrath wasn't and we discussed a ton of it without deletions. :)

>> No.5427070

i feel like if a game is old enough to buy a pack of cigs at this point, it's retro.

>> No.5427079
File: 416 KB, 200x148, the pit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5427080

Yeah it is this gatekeeping that makes Doom 3, Doom 4 and some other games leak into here just because they are continuation of pre-2000 franchises.

>> No.5427105

Don't say 'gatekeeping'.

>> No.5427109


>> No.5427110

FUCK!!! Got
>Script Error: attempt to concatenate field '?' (a nil value)
error in the fucking e4m9, can you fucking believe it?! As in the fucking end of generating. For about 15 or even 20 minutes.
Looks like something in ZDoom specials. And now I have to figure out which one it is. Fuck.

>> No.5427117

>It's been 7 months since we've seen Doom Eternal gameplay
At least we still have Sigil and others.

>> No.5427119


>> No.5427126

Are there any mapsets that looks and plays like No Rest for the Living?

>> No.5427153

Door Gorging.

>> No.5427162

Portcullis Holding.

>> No.5427167

Is there a way to report/remove wad from ModDB? I don't have an account here and don't want to register just to take down one idiotic thief.

>> No.5427193

And now it's on 45%

****** ERROR OCCURRED ******

Stack Trace:
1: c-function assert()
2: Edge_new() @ seed.lua:1066
3: create_edge() @ seed.lua:1429
4: Connect_directly() @ connect.lua:237
5: Connect_finalize() @ connect.lua:344
6: Area_create_rooms() @ area.lua:2664
7: Level_build_it() @ level.lua:2322
8: Level_make_level() @ level.lua:2459
9: Level_make_all() @ level.lua:2517
10: ob_build_cool_shit() @ oblige.lua:1281

Script Error: assertion failed!

The fuck is happening?

>> No.5427203
File: 1.98 MB, 500x260, more brains.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall someone once made some sprites based on the Tarman from Return Of The Living Dead, does anyone happen to have that sheet?

>> No.5427220

jesus christ when I saw this movie years ago I was so spooked out and turned on because of that one scene at the start

Need to rewatch this now, thanks lad

>> No.5427226

When i first saw the DOOM 2016 trailer, i though the skeleton had chainguns on it's back instead of rockets.

I would very much like to see that.

>> No.5427228

Why Perdition's Gate is almost never mentioned? Like, it's not counting as part of classic Doom?

>> No.5427229
File: 93 KB, 700x394, rotld_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which scene? The one where Linnea Quigley strips? That comes later.
Anyway, really good movie, saw it first time this weekend, I've been missing out.

>> No.5427234

Had only a small scale publication by a small third party company for a short time.
It's also not very strong in my opinion, you could easily cut half the maps and that would improve it significantly.

>> No.5427240

>it's not counting as part of classic Doom
being old doesn't automatically make you a classic.

>> No.5427245

its the one where she's dancing naked in the graveyard, then it starts raining with all the zombie gas and infects everyone.

I guess it probably does come later now that I think about it, though I thought they went into that shed/building there while running from the zombies.

>> No.5427246

That can be said about TNT and Master Levels too. They are pretty bad, with the exception of TNT's secret levels. Even Thy Flesh Consumed and parts of base Doom 2 are questionable in quality.

>> No.5427249

yeah well the community disagrees, bub.

>> No.5427260

Can't say I agree, TNT is much better than PD, as is TFC. Hell, Doom 2 is on average better than PD.
Master Levels are a very mixed and I'm not that fond of them, but at least they attempt to challenge you.

>> No.5427262

Tell me what you think about Double Impact (doom wad).

>> No.5427264

>bfg causing minor laser damidge


>> No.5427265

The best E1 replacement I've ever played, and in general one of the best Doom episodes period.

>> No.5427268

I also don't think that it was not that great, but wouldn't come as far as discarding half of it.
Who said anything about age? "Classic" means "not TC/partial conversion", like it's sister release, Hell to Pay.
Master Levels, oh, don't even make me start about it. When I got my hands on it, I was severely disappointed. "Master" my ass. There are some really cool levels, but as whole it's a pretty mixed bag at best. This is where I would throw up at least half of maps without even thinking.

>> No.5427269

>"Classic" means "not TC/partial conversion"
wait so then why were you baffled that it's almost never mentioned then when it has no reason to being talked about much in the first place?

>> No.5427276

Are you an idiot or simply cannot read?

>> No.5427279

what did I miss?
>Why Perdition's Gate is almost never mentioned?

>> No.5427283

>but wouldn't come as far as discarding half of it
It's harsh, but I say that because roughly half of the maps are so very brief, unimaginative, uninteresting, and plain.
I know that Mustaine and his dad made some of the maps, then Wraith had some of their mappers contribute a bunch to fill in the slots, and the feeling I get is that the Wraith maps are the ones which are the weakest.

There's some good maps in Perdition's Gate, and some good ideas, but the good is seriously weighed down by A), all the mediocre maps, and B), interesting ideas hinted at, but never properly explored. Too many times, I played a map and felt "Well, what the fuck was the point of this map?", and too many times, I found myself wishing to see more of those funkier environments and setups like you see at one point, but that are never revisited.
The space hell stuff is used exactly once, in a small detour in one level, and it's the coolest idea in Perdition's Gate.

>> No.5427285

He's saying he's not the same guy.

>> No.5427289

then why would he assume what the poster is referring to about the meaning of the word "classic" in this context?

>> No.5427291

Master Levels is way more consistent than TNT. it should have just been a 32 level mapset

>> No.5427345
File: 360 KB, 1353x760, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone playing AMC TC episode 3? I'm having major performance issues and it's unplayable from the very first room.

>> No.5427352

Did Joel finish the Doom contest WADs? I haven't seen him stream Doom since he started playing Turok 2.

>> No.5427357

It didn't even run here.

>> No.5427365

We're reaching levels of jankiness never thought to be possible

>> No.5427503

theres no way to separate quake maps and the weapons replacements in such map like in doom? in quake is like some maps make changes in the weapons and there's no way to avoid that, like zerztorer, etc

>> No.5427505

there are some maps that have custom animations for explotions, or even different monsters, it would be awesome to have them separate to play some maps with different weapons and monsters like in doom

>> No.5427519

understand the difference between maps and mods, please

>> No.5427521

you have to merge the best of doom, quake and unreal, what do?

>> No.5427530

but in quake, maps include the mods, there are no mods without maps, right?

>> No.5427532

quoth, arcane dimensions, etc. are mods and can technically play any map you stick in the \maps folder, but there's no guarantee things will work properly
there's also not really any direct 'weapon replacements' in quake because there's no need to replace things when you can add new weapons, and the mods won't magically add the new pickups to maps that don't have them, i.e. if you play id1 through in AD, you're not gonna find any plasma guns or widowmakers

>> No.5427538

All the code for Quake mods is stored in a single, compiled file (progs.dat). And in partial conversions like Zerstorer, the maps likely use new features from that code for progression. So no, you can't really pick and choose (unless perhaps if you have access to the source code and know what to do with it).

>> No.5427541
File: 109 KB, 500x780, 803950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the L'Étranger of Doom mods?

>> No.5427551

i don't know, but what about the diamondback?

>> No.5427564

This looks like a real shitty maze and that's definitely not only 10 sectors

>> No.5427568

I wonder if people would classify wads like Kama Sutra "slaughtershit" too.

>> No.5427572

I'm new here... What's the best solution to play Doom online?

>> No.5427587

Someone should email Pillowblaster and whoever created Hideous Destructor to stop official support for GZDOOM and work more with Zandronum and maybe also either Crispy or PRBOOM+.

>> No.5427604

where can i find powerslave ex?

>> No.5427605

you're joking, right?

>> No.5427606

>stop using zscript
are you stupid?

>> No.5427610

I think he's that dumbass who thinks Zandronum 3.0 was as capable as GZDoom. He's just trying to fit in with /doom/ even though he has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.5427618

Hey, Zandronum has its merits. There is room for improvement.

>> No.5427645


>> No.5427656

in doom sectors can be non-contiguous if they share the exact same properties

>> No.5427667

Okay guys, time to flex my Photoshop muscles!

Choose a game (from NES, SNES or PSX era) and I'll remake a dozen textures from it in glorious 128x128 up to 256x256 ready for GZDoom use.

Maybe I'll start with Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.5427669

super metroid

>> No.5427674
File: 106 KB, 589x610, 10sectors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5427675

Having some hordes in itself doesn't make a map or wad slaughter. Otherwise you'd be able to call maps like Suburbs or Plutonia's The Omen as slaughter.

>> No.5427676

But isn't there already a Metroid Doom?

>> No.5427679

Streets of Rage

>> No.5427685

It's 10 defined sectors.
>author of 10sector2 map 24

>> No.5427697

Any specific stage?

>> No.5427712

Surprise me.

>> No.5427719

if so, i'd be surprised

>> No.5427725

10 Sectors =/= 10 rooms

>> No.5427759

Space Hunter and Metroid Drednought, as well as some other one.

>> No.5427780
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modular guns with all kinds of attachments for doom eternal
yes or no

>> No.5427783

...thats already how it was in 2016, i cant imagine them ditching that concept

>> No.5427802

well sort of
in 2016 you had a base gun with two mutually exclusive upgrades for only that gun
im talking about a universal system with upgrades that could be applied to more than one gun
like underbarrel nades, HAR minimissiles, scopes, bayonets, the works
something not unlike fallout 4's weapon customization junk

>> No.5427847

"Powerslave EX" is probably on the internet somewhere. Maybe some Portuguese site. It's 151 MB iirc...

>> No.5427849

I keep thinking of this song because of this thread title lmao xD


>> No.5427850
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>> No.5427857

an actual fucking crutch

>> No.5427863

neither of those make use of textures, though

>> No.5427940

this is the doomguy's render for quake champions, right?

>> No.5427945

Whatever happened to that slav dude trying to sourceport Chasm: The Rift? Did he ded?

is it true duskdev posted one somewhere?

>> No.5427952

no, it's ranger

>> No.5427998

... But they were not mutually exclusive?
You could switch between them after you got both.
Mutually exclusive would mean that if you get one you cant get the other unless you start a new game.

>> No.5428001

i meant that you can't have both on at the same time, it's always only one or the other

>> No.5428025

should I play Brutal Doom Black Edition?

>> No.5428026

has anyone ever attempted to remake doom 1 in the build engine?

>> No.5428042

I recall seeing at least one attempt that looked fairly shoddy, it used the assets 1:1 but the rest looked off.

That said, it would be neat to see remakes of various retro FPS on another's game engine if they also inherited the visual style and remixed the maps around the concepts of both games. After someone made a Doom door texture that looked like something from Quake, I'm a sucker to see such things happen.

>> No.5428047


>> No.5428048

A long time ago I played Wolf3D mods on Doom, probably using Legacy source port.

>> No.5428056

i dunno, should you?

>> No.5428057

you arrived a few days late tothis discussion

>> No.5428068

old exploratory WADs. there's like 2-3 of them. interesting art pieces but 100% out of left field

if you mean "creator judged by society for not pretending to care", well, huh. brutal doom?

>> No.5428075
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>> No.5428080

>what is Slaughterfest 2012

>> No.5428082

>old exploratory WADs. there's like 2-3 of them. interesting art pieces but 100% out of left field
You got my interest, what are their names?

>> No.5428087

can't remember them for the life of me, i think one got a cacoward

>> No.5428102

is BD Black Edition any good? Is it more demanding than PB?

>> No.5428108

Are there any Smooth-like mods for Heretic? Feel like replaying it. I'd like to avoid gameplay changes.

>> No.5428117

Kirby's Adventure

>> No.5428124
File: 233 KB, 305x803, SJ_Protagonist_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Space Marine would win in a fight?

>> No.5428131

Completely disagree.

I think he's done all the wads, yeah. Not sure what's going on with it at this moment, but when that one guy yelled him out, he acknowledged a lot of fault, so who knows what's happening exactly.

>> No.5428134

Not him, but I've noticed that people who use such argument never provide examples in the original post, and when asked for any, they either: A) Name something that's intentionally Slaughter, and not as a result of the mapper giving up. B) Name something that isn't even slaughter, and just has a few Suburbs/Omen tier hordes here and there. or C) Don't respond.

>> No.5428141

>Hey, demake all your highly complex ZScript code and make it all work with a bunch of Decorate workarounds, a lot which can't even be properly replicated! Next stop; Jank City!
Kegan is explicitly developing GMOTA for Zandybam compatibility, and I see him complain regurlarly at how crude and limited it is, and about the stupid-ass workarounds to achieve the results he want.

I myself am working in Decorate because I already started my project there, and I'm in no way vouching for people to focus on this kind of stuff, this state jump shit drives me up the walls.

>> No.5428145

>Crispy or PRBOOM+
Fuck, I didn't even see that part.
Oh yeah, asshole, let's try to rebuild complex mods made with actual scripting languages, in ports that only support DeHacked, and at best BEX.

>> No.5428146

Seconding this: >>5428117

>> No.5428147

Perdition's Gate is decent in the first half. But the second half is just mediocre filler maps made by the team behind Hell to Pay.
With the exception of Metal, TNT only gets truly questionable in quality during the final third. And the overall gameplay of TNT's first two thirds is stronger than PD.
Master Levels is a mixed bag, but has a few decent levels.

>> No.5428149

Batman on the NES.
I'm probably late though.

>> No.5428151

>maybe also either Crispy or PRBOOM+.
Theres a reason no one makes Gameplay mods for those engines. Dehacked is incredibly limited in what you can do.

>> No.5428154

If you're clever, you can actually do a lot of things with DeHacked, and in Boom ports and their derivatives, you have BEX, which is like DeHacked, but much more flexible.

None which is to say these can do even a fraction of what ZScript or even Decorate can do.

>> No.5428171

>Hideous Destructor
got me to reply

>> No.5428180


>> No.5428181

Fuck you.

>> No.5428183


Why these nonsensical high sizes from source tiles that are extremely limited in the first place?

>> No.5428215

It reminds me a lot of Fallout 1 and 2, definitely could work but I feel like it needs to be done from the ground up for an original aesthetic rather than just slapping it on something that wasn't designed to look that way

>> No.5428237


>> No.5428241

Monsters are so afraid of doomguy they shrivel like frozen cocks when they notice him.

>> No.5428243

sorry, I meant to imply that they did a good job

>> No.5428248

Why there are bulletholes in the air?
Why do zombies bleed scraps?

>> No.5428249

I don't remember the pack, but last week (2-3 threads ago?) the same argument was happening and the dude arguing it posted some examples, if you are keen to look in the archive.

>> No.5428283

Runs pretty fine for me, but it has a huge tendency for crashing.

>> No.5428291

I think he's referring to Phobos or Earth, both of those have a sort of focus on exploration/aesthetics

>> No.5428331

Kind of a silly question but are there any worth while youtubers doing doom related content?

>> No.5428368

Not a lot. There's Icarus, who's an absolute dweeb and scrub

>> No.5428378

Quake or Quake II? Haven't played either.

>> No.5428394

Quake is one of the best FPSs of all times
Quake II is a John Carmack demo-reel showing everyone what a good handjob can he give to your voodoo card

>> No.5428397

Quake is more fun, but Quake 2 isn't actually bad.

>> No.5428402

>Quake II isn't bad
Why would you lie like that in the Internet

>> No.5428403


Quake 1 is cool, definitely play Scourge of Armagon after beating it. I thought the other addon was pretty lame desu.

Quake 2? Play the first couple of levels, then ditch it and just play the expansions (Reckoning first, then Ground Zero). The game could have been good if it stayed as interesting as level 1 but it really is a glorified tech demo.

>> No.5428405
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>> No.5428409

>an absolute dweeb and scrub
Is that the dude all the Hideous Destructor fangirls have a hateboner for?

>> No.5428423

here you have, buddy, enjoy and have a nice day

>> No.5428424

Them, and others.

>> No.5428425

>drla PDA gives precise info on common guns
>nothing on rare ones
>nothing for assemblies

>> No.5428434

It depends on what point in time you take them from. The nature of an RPG means that the SJ protag will likely obliterate Doomguy if he's been allowed to level up his party enough, but in their default states the Doomguy would probably kill him.

>> No.5428440
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>> No.5428456

I kinda like the implementation there, but I think those are too shiny

>> No.5428476

Kinda gives off the idea Doom's taking place (at first at least) during sundown. I like it

>> No.5428506

Quake II is ok, although inferior to other retro id FPSes.
I usually use a Quake II install to test 3D performance and CD audio playback on various Windows 98 setups, so it's not useless, at the very least.

>> No.5428508

Play both!

>> No.5428510

why do you have to test Windows 98 setups in 2019?

>> No.5428514

Because a lot of old shit hates anything newer.
Not everything gets the privilege of source ports, you know.

>> No.5428567

He didn't even get two of HND's notirious features like the boomerang's ability to pick up stuff and Bassilissa

>> No.5428568

Are there any gameplay/cosmetic mods for prboom+?

>> No.5428603


>> No.5428604

>That imp
That has to be one of the 2005 movie's monsters
They could have at least gave him red eyes and spikes

>> No.5428609
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>> No.5428615

I had to check if today was April 1

>> No.5428618
File: 87 KB, 800x533, koume skull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at the trailer, and I don't feel anything one way or the other.

>> No.5428620

At least they actually are from hell this time.

>> No.5428628

Like this movie

>> No.5428634

What a time to be alive

>> No.5428635

It looks like shit. I've seen this movie already - some 14 years ago.

Are they still trying to genderswap Doomguy?

>> No.5428637

I heard he would actually show up there but who cares

>> No.5428638
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>> No.5428639

Somehow looks even worse than the previous movie, at least that one had The Rock in it. This looks Syfy-tier.

>> No.5428641

you wish, the expanse is great

>> No.5428642
File: 1.73 MB, 500x281, JonTron fuck it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a whim, playing "Doom: Rampage Edition"
>It's really fucking bad, even with Heart of Demons: Baron tacked on
>Go into Slade
>All of the hit sponge enemies I hated had health 5x what normal enemies have
>Cut everything in half
>It plays smooth as butter

It's a shame the author of this mapset was such a little bitch about critique because most of the more serious problems in it are easily fixed.

>> No.5428645

the what?

>> No.5428647
File: 497 KB, 1024x1447, 1490906084862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's going to flop so hard

i guess, but they couldn't do it properly

>> No.5428650

>it's going to flop so hard
is not expected to flop or anything, it goes directly to cable

>> No.5428652

-> >>5428603
never forget

>> No.5428654

a syfy series

>> No.5428656
File: 71 KB, 639x461, The-Last-Sharknado-posters-1-cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exceptions aren't the general rule. Most Syfy movies look like this and they fucking brag about deliberately low quality stuff.

>> No.5428657
File: 501 KB, 563x396, remember brink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never forget
most of us will
at least the original movie gave us the freedoom guy face and the bfg10k's design in skulltag

>> No.5428659

there is nothing comical in that trailer tho

>> No.5428660

I have this game on steam, can be played solo?

>> No.5428663

This. I am working on set of doom levels set on Ganymede. Would love to do a full TC of The Expanse, but the ships would all be wrong without room-over-room

>> No.5428664

who even is the audience of this?

>> No.5428667

what is udmf

>> No.5428668

The BFG(?) looks like a hollow plastic toy

>> No.5428669

So? Neither does their horror movies.

>> No.5428670

Seems too hacky, especially for my noobiness

>> No.5428671

is easy as fuck dude, it just needs more work time
I can show you if you want

>> No.5428676
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>> No.5428679

this is dragon ball evolution levels of quality

>> No.5428681
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>> No.5428683
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>> No.5428698

you know what to expect from a sharknado movie

>> No.5428703

Someone expended money on this and I barely live over the minimum wage

>> No.5428705

sharknadoom when

>> No.5428706

>not revenadoom
one job

>> No.5428707

for some reason this didn't work ( i guess some are pre-placed in some prefabs?)

i guess having a wad to directly replace all blurspheres into maps would work fine if drla replaces said maps by its own things (so i guess if i load this first) but i have no idea of how to do it

>> No.5428708

What's your point?

>> No.5428712

Still working on textures atm, will have a google when I'm back at a real PC and not phoneposting and see how it works

>> No.5428714

I want to see this now.

>> No.5428716

when you can't find n+1th part of the puzzle and you searched everywhere

>> No.5428728

call term

>> No.5428737


>> No.5428775

That just reminds me of Mortal Kombat Annihilation, and that's a bad omen right there.

>> No.5428781

Term's an absolute fucking nice guy.

>> No.5428798

imagine the fps

>> No.5428803

yes, you would have to imagine them because it will not move from 1

>> No.5428806

might as well ask them to work on a gzdoom fork at this point

>> No.5428809
File: 1.96 MB, 480x362, 1483994037960.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes the Resident Evil movies look like masterpieces.

>> No.5428813
File: 119 KB, 220x343, Annihilation_%28film%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never watched this?

>> No.5428816

trailer looks really

>> No.5428817

>This isn't a game anymore
Yeah, this is shit now

>> No.5428821
File: 14 KB, 474x474, 83b3b3abdc201349988d563cb24e6702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what map/mod

Hey folks ive been gone awhile
how fucked is everything at this point in /vr/ and doom/quake overall?
has graf gone full beastmode yet?

>> No.5428829

it sure looks.
thats all im willing to say about it

>> No.5428832
File: 709 KB, 960x637, silent hill rust world.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overused in this example.
Because of the hellspawn contamination everything is going to be dirty to some extent.

The PBR effect is maximized when its only used on certain textures in certain areas. At least for shine/specularity.
No problem really with using it for the bumpmaps on most of the materials - but the shine should be a rare treat.
> the shine on the pistol should be limited to the barrel/slide only, not the rear part of the slide

>> No.5428834

I'm going to watch it.
You know what might be fun, is a /vr/ movie night. We can get together and watch a stream of this...
Legally of course, somehow.

>> No.5428838
File: 114 KB, 476x444, 1519894936300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a straight to home movie type so basically, why is this being made? just a haha because there was a doom movie before? maybe you can capitalize on players who only know 2016; maybe they are gullible enough to rent it.

the actor who plays the lead said 'who needs a doom guy' which is really pretentious disrespectful and also retarded
and if you are going to do a character who isn't doom marine because movies, for the most part, need an actual character with like lines and stuff and you don't want to fuck the source material by giving Doom Guy lines. just do Crash, she talks, she's fun and lovable. I wouldn't put crash past the level of cool that Doom Guy has made for himself
I mean I did main her as my quake skin over doom.
imagine a high-quality movie with crash and doom as leads but only crash talks and they graphically kills some bad guys. like a non-first person hardcore henry

>> No.5428839

>everything is covered in poo

>> No.5428842

oh, and I forgot to add the credits play intermission from the doom 1 ost

>> No.5428843

>this crap
it doesn't even deserve to be pirated

>> No.5428846

I keked

>> No.5428847
File: 34 KB, 400x298, US Space Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get rid of the single barrel shotgun, and the machinegun and you're sorta getting there
> mfw for that one expansion they put in a nailgun - the ETF rifle - because people were butthurt
there was literally nothing wrong with putting a nailgun in quake 2, it could've been a micro-blaster, or shot rocket propelled drill bits (and they could've called it a "Bolter" for christ sakes)
personally id have done some other things, but the rocket projectile speed sure did need to go up by about half

back to '00 with you

>> No.5428852

His point is that the Sharknado series is explicitly marketed as a horror-comedy while most other "Syfy originals" (pretty sure the new Doom movie is one of those) are supposed to be straight horror films.

>> No.5428853

What film dis?

>> No.5428854

>expecting a bunch of boomer niggers who've never played or heard of Q3 and Crash or likely never played Doom to ever do anything right for a Doom movie.
It's gonna be a bigger shit show than Rock Doom. At least that one was "turn your brain off and channel the Doom 3" fun. Especially with the fps part.

>> No.5428858

Use Delphi Doom

>> No.5428862


>> No.5428864

Not true, I've watched the Syfy channel before and one of the commercials showcasing many of their movies has literally them saying "AMAZING EFFECTS. EXCELLENT ACTING. TERRIFIC WRITING...NONE OF THAT IS HERE". Most Syfy originals have the same shitty tone as Sharknado, the latter is just their most known one. Also no the new Doom movie isn't a Syfy original, it's done by a Universal branch studio, even though I pointed out it looks just as bad as something Syfy would shit out.

>> No.5428870

>just do Crash
what is it with /doom/ thinking anyone remembers her other than a small group of people in the doom community. she didn't even have a cameo or mention in the slightest in Doom 4 and that's the game that most people know about today.

you'd be more likely to get a Commander Keen reboot than Crash ever appearing again.

>> No.5428871

im going to be real with you chief, I liked the doom movie.
Like I watched it not too long ago on netflix to see if it still held up and at least in my mind it did

>> No.5428874

I think since no one cared about the doom 2016 multiplayer and doom eternal is getting single player dlc as well as campaign multiplayer through invasions I wonder if we'll get expansions like 3 and maybe they can do Phobos and crash (please god) I still can't believe that they haven't added crash to quake champions yet

>> No.5428879

not him but thanks anon, have a nice day you too

>> No.5428960

same people who treat doom 64 like a mainline doom game
if that can be referenced in eternal, there's hope for crash

>> No.5428975
File: 27 KB, 474x296, the great divide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing I want to do with DEH is change the ammo capacities, thats it
I, for one, am not touching zscript
when Decorate is gone and there's nothing like it to replace it in some other port im finished with doom
> zscript is too complicated, its not like decorate
> if I could do zscript, id be making my own damn sourceport

Also when are people going to get palette remaps working in 24 bit images?

>> No.5428980
File: 342 KB, 1024x1024, 0QtNLb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow it somehow manages to look both exactly the same as the first one but worse at the same time.

>> No.5428984

Decorate probably won't go anywhere, it'll stick around for compatibility purposes, like DeHacked.

>> No.5428990

what is this whole "zscript is 100% arcane nonsense"
you can literally convert your decorate to zscript by changing a few words and adding some semicolons and squiggly brackets
and then you suddenly have access to more utility and convenience

>> No.5428992

>compatibility purposes
toppest of keks

>> No.5429000

>the actor who plays the lead said 'who needs a doom guy' which is really pretentious disrespectful and also retarded
lol cry some more

>> No.5429001
File: 22 KB, 474x279, she wasnt satan but she wasnt good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not as sure as you
graf may already have a back burner project to make a convertor utility that takes decorate and parses it into new zscript so that he can remove compatibility altogether
> and then he wont care whether it breaks compatability anyway because we'll be so deep into new bloated dysfunctional versions that he thinks people will just accept it

but its not convenience because its not what I learned how to do, and I have no interest in programming, and its a pain in the ass to add those changes
> im not moving to zscript, end of story

>> No.5429005

I will do just that and no one can stop me

>> No.5429010

> i learned how to use decorate, so its ok
> i refuse to learn zscript, so its bad
this seems like a too common occurance with everyone who keep shying away from zscript

>> No.5429019

We still have compatibility with DeHacked, MBF, and BEX, mostly because there's a bunch of old stuff which works on it.

>a convertor utility that takes decorate and parses it into new zscript
Honestly, if that works, I'd be fine with that.

>> No.5429024

>Nothing wrong with taking a piss at potential consumers or fans of this established franchise
Works so well

>> No.5429037

>graf may already have a back burner project to make a convertor utility that takes decorate and parses it into new zscript so that he can remove compatibility altogether
you're completely delusional if you think graf is going to rip out decorate and break compatibility with every single mod released before gzdoom 2.4
can you think of a single reason why anyone would do that? one?

>and its a pain in the ass to add those changes
it really isn't
here's an example: https://www.hastebin.com/iwocozosaj.txt

>> No.5429041

You do realize this is Graf we're talking about, right?

>> No.5429043

heavy? why are you shit posting on 4chan?

>> No.5429047

>can you think of a single reason why anyone would do that?
because graf, so its bad
>it really isn't
but its not decorate, so its bad

>> No.5429050


>> No.5429051

again, you are completely delusional if you think graf is going to go out of his way to rip out decorate
you can't compare no longer targeting old graphics cards with breaking compatibility with 90% of the zdoom mods ever released

>> No.5429053

>can you think of a single reason why anyone would do that?

>> No.5429061

Try thinking less in memes.

>> No.5429062

Because why hasn't he ripped out compatibility with Dehacked and BEX? Why do those still work like they've done for the past 20 years?

>> No.5429065


>> No.5429067


My theory is that Bethesda was unsure about Doom's future right up until the moment D44m became successful, and had greenlit this movie before that point. People thought D44m was gonna be shit because Bethesda acted like they had a turd on their hands.

>> No.5429072

okay so now we're going beyond zdoom mods; you're saying graf is going to break every single doom mod ever because...
what next? he's gonna rip out support for the doom map format because it's not UDMF?

>> No.5429075
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 4chan folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think graf is completely delusional, so it adds up
he sure as hell broke computer compatibility after 3.0
the final version of GZ I have on my system is 3.25
> hastebin example

Actually id learned how to do decorate back with edge which was using DDF files, and in the early days of zdoom they borrowed the example of DDF and made decorate with it
> the only real difference is you could only set one frame per line, while in decorate you can go ABCD and get a bunch of frames per line

>> No.5429076

you seem very upset about this, is not like graf destroyed compatibility of anything ever

>> No.5429082

So you're basing your notion on a completely hypothetical situation that has yet to happen?

>> No.5429083

>he's gonna rip out support for the doom map format because it's not UDMF?
about fucking time

>> No.5429087

graf, you really need your pills

>> No.5429090
File: 950 KB, 1473x935, voldemort laughing hysterically.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> what is directX

>> No.5429093

I'm going to take a quick look at my doom 2 folder and see what mods are not working right now
>wolfenstein 3d tc
>pirate doom
>doom slayer chronicles

>> No.5429097

impressive, that todd, ill tell ya

>> No.5429108

Good meme.

>pirate doom
Wasn't that released while Decorate was still being updated?

>doom slayer chronicles
Doesn't that piece of shit run in ZScript, not Decorate?

>> No.5429114

I'm more amazed you actually believe that graf is some sort of super boogeyman that's out to make gzdoom compatible with absolutely nothing
he's no longer supporting old graphics cards, there's been a few regressions that broke some mods and subsequently have been fixed in future versions, he's [No] happy with feature requests, and he has public temper tantrums sometimes. but he's not out to break compatibility with every doom mod under the sun. if he was, he'd probably have deleted ACS from zdoom a long time ago for being an utter atrocity, there wouldn't be functions like A_FireProjectile (which exist to fix behavior for the future while keeping the old behavior around for compatibility reasons), and zscript wouldn't have a versioning system.

seriously, if you're gonna be mad at graf, be mad at him for things that are actually true.

>> No.5429117 [DELETED] 

>5 zpoints have being added into your zdoom account

>> No.5429125

Are you capable of arguing with another person like a real human, or can you only regurgitate stale memes in response to anything at all?

>> No.5429127

Remember how he wanted game resolutions to be handled?
Remember the hard drive exploit?
GZDoom is possibly the most advanced (still flawless) source port for Doom and either Graf forgets that or has his ego enhanced by it, to the point he brings issues to both players and modders who are why you'd get GZDoom in the first place.
It's like the Youtube of Doom source ports and it's why we alternatives, be it a fork or a different source port.
This is why that Sonic Kart mod is great, since it even broke a curse based around racing Doom mods.

>> No.5429129


The creator said that the minimum requirements are to have an intel i5 or higher as some of the maps (With the combinations of EDuke32 sourceports, because of IonMaiden) requirring better hardware, a computer with an i3 gives some lag issues.

>> No.5429141

I can do both but I'd like to know if I'm talking with you graf or rachel

>> No.5429142

Graf threatens the other zdoom admins with quitting if they don't suck his dick every week. this is pretty much known and the mods don't even pretend half their job is "graf damage control"

Why they think graf quitting would be the end of the doom modding community i don't know, but graf is a lazy fucker that just wants the easy way out of things and if people don't keep him in check he'd remove anything that slightly annoys him.

Graf just wants his name attached to the zdoom port. Losing compatibility is simply not an issue to him because he doesn't care doom mods or the community and it's history.

>> No.5429147

this is actually the best possible solution.

>> No.5429154

Neither. I don't like either of them (particularly Rachel), and while I know they can exhibit poor judgment, I think it's stupid to be alarmist about something that's showing no goddamn indication of happening.

Try to be calm for like, one goddamn minute of your life.

>> No.5429157

I think the difference is: having modding tools for designers vs. having to actually know how to program to make a mod.

The community has more or less jumped to the latter, and a bunch of older modders can't or won't learn to code

>> No.5429172

if he did that he'd have half the old guard jumping on his throat

>> No.5429181

so, what should i convert to demoliton ammo
assault rifle?
combat pistol?
save it until i get a minigun?

>> No.5429186
File: 20 KB, 500x405, welcome to the struggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

graf should quit
he is the weakest link
eventually someone powerful would step up to make zdoom great again
...also nothing that has been added since the early 3.x versions matters, the design style of doom based games and mods building off of them
> has fractional or sub-1 tic timing been made available by now? I doubt it. It would be easily done by checking if there are any actors that have +SUBONETICS flags enabled, then establish special timing rules whenever they hit any states that have those within them.
get it right
zdoom is a modding platform for designers
platform for designers
for designers
UNITY is for people who know how to program
QUAKE modding is for people who know how to program
zdoom is superfluous and underpowered as a tool for showcasing designs if you know how to program already

>> No.5429190

>eventually someone powerful would step up to make zdoom great again
pfffffttttthahahahahahahahahahahaha you fucking wish

>> No.5429209

For Scout id go with the uzi
For Marine Just go with the minigun

I realy hope Yholl increases the variations for the demolition ammo,
I mean sure a Nitrogen Blade (Melee weapons that does explosive damage on oppoents) weapons wouldn't make any sense but it would be cool.

>> No.5429215 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 360x250, HUBRIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> t. graf himself in this thread

>> No.5429226
File: 246 KB, 391x327, 1540755306551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning hard
complaining easy
graf bad

>> No.5429232 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up graf

>> No.5429235

Are you the same person that finds ACS too hard to learn?

>> No.5429238

it bothers me how no id game in history has ever received the GOTY title.

>> No.5429241

Learn a new phrase, you parrot.

>> No.5429242

>eventually someone powerful would step up to make zdoom great again
you don't quite get it. nobody else is willing to take up zscript coding. Someone could proboably fork zdoom again and make a non opengl verison with updated zscript. Or maybe just take up the current gzdoom version and start his own version. Graf would see how everyone abandons him in minutes.

>zdoom is a modding platform for designers
Not since zscript and decorate. The doom community would have died years ago if it weren't for the efforts to develop a language to mod with, as we have run out of things to do with dechacked/boom and respective map design tools since 2010.

To fix the current problem someone needs to get up to graf's nerves and make him quit, and the vacuum would probably inspire someone to try and help. Problem is iirc graf holds the gzdoom code under lock & key

>> No.5429247

They got rid of Decorate?
Seemed good, why get rid of it?
>not same anon you responded to.

>> No.5429252

i'm playing Technician

yeah, i don't think DRLA has a special damage type (resistance) for explosive, but still a blast maul, a powered quaterstaff or a (shot)gunblade would be great

>> No.5429260
File: 60 KB, 676x676, that dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> nobody else is willing to take up zscript coding
kinda tells ya something doesnt it
and thats a good thing
> language to mod with
Decorate is a language

> run out of things to do with
Then someone needs to get creative and look at what functional things other retro games, and modern fps's do and try to reproduce those dynamics here.

- How about better AI so you dont have wall traps for monsters. Critters that will do some pathfinding to try and find you. Or adding the option to put in static waypoints (no pathing) so map designers can say "there is a route of access right here" and let the AI figure out pathfinding from there
- How about built-in differences between hitbox and size box? So that monsters can still have their movement restricted by the size cylinder, but you can have a much smaller hitbox so just like real life you have to be dead on with your shots.
- How about Alpha Layers for sprites so you can make fuzzy edged guns. Take the PNG file just like it is.
- Palette shifting, since everything is going to 24 bit, how about giving sprite sets their own palette and then being able to do palette swaps. Because Translate strings are only viable within the game's main palette, and the hue shifts are weakAF sauce.
- How about Bullets that change the damage they do based on distance?
do you know where you are?
I mean not just here but also the doom community itself?

The only improvements that the doom community at large has been willing to invest in are nicer textures (which are usually ripped from somewhere else) and more detailed maps. And the map detail has only been made possible by realtime WYS map editors like slade and doombuilder.
And the fact that alot of them are NEETs who have the spare time.
mostly iD has only made technology proof of concepts, though a few games have had solid gameplay and aesthetic (doom, quake).
Starting around Doom3/Rage they weren't relevant for the tech aspect anymore.

>> No.5429262

I don't care about Doomguy being a woman, but why do they all look like they belong to a Swat team?

>> No.5429265

If it's the case then go still with the minigun, and wreck planets then

Speaking of melee, one thing i found on the
New test maps was apparantly an unfinished weapon (no sprites or function) named Dragonslayer that apparantly the description in the pda mentions it as A sword so hey we at least have this to get ecxited for!

>> No.5429271

yeah, IT is in the base roguelike and i remember someone posting here about making a sprite for it a while ago.

i'll still give it a shot on the handcannon, just because it says the damage is based on the ROF so this should be huge and i found a 2nd firestorm already

>> No.5429281


>> No.5429285
File: 159 KB, 1200x960, ?u=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FDHE5Jn9XkAAWO09.jpg&f=1'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also when the fuck is someone going to make Voxels that work GOOD in the game?
Voxels are becoming BIG and its partly because of minecraft fags... and the doom/quake community is falling behind on that
> yes I also mention Quake about this because I can easily see a Voxel based game as a Demake for Quake 1 and 2
> except at this point a voxel based quake game would be an upgrade because it would still be 3d but it would make it look pixelated just like it did in the old days

For some flying fuck reason Graf thinks that voxels are inferior to 3d models and he's wrong.
- They're alot easier to make
- They have the retro style
- His code is shit for handling them, which isnt an excuse
> fact is gz should be converting voxels to a single 3d model if it comes to it, in the pre-game loading phase
> take all the pixels and treat them as cubes then use commonly accessible merging algorithms to join each touching object into a single object
> have each polys given a flat color based on the voxel

>> No.5429291

> i will now whine about people using zscript instead of putting my money where my mouth is and make mods using decorate and acs

>> No.5429293

I will agree with you here, Graf needs to make with real voxels.

>> No.5429306


>> No.5429310
File: 215 KB, 960x958, freiza calculate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When are modern developers going to understand that trying to set the bar higher for end users is NOT GOING TO PRESSURE them to invest time in learning new skills.
> this is the way to do it, if its hard for you that just means you suck and you need to get gud
> actually trying to manipulate users into investing time to learn some skill
> but that isnt what they actually want to do, and they dont believe that it should require that pursue their HOBBY
So instead of learning programming
they lower their own standards and continue working with decorate

This is like the voxels and 3d models issue. If you want to make voxels you dont need an expensive or hard to get program. And you can pursue it from the same standpoint as pixel art or chiseling at a block of stone. Some programs even have import tools to take a sprite image and turn it into a voxel.
> if you want 3d models, you need an expensive heavy weight program that must be pirated pretty much
> and you have to build everything as if its hollow and made out of paper mache, a construction process which creates weakAF physical models when you try to do this in real life with paper and frames made out of wire, which have no practical durable value except concepts
> why would people actually bother with trying to learn this when it is NOT how you build a concrete structure, it is NOT how you would create a wooden model, it is not how you would widdle and carve on sticks or chunks of plastic, and it isnt even the way you would make an injection mould

Also, ease of use means getting things done faster, which is an improvement to efficiency, and more enjoyable because you can put in even More content. Or get to see the results of your changes more quickly.

>> No.5429317
File: 24 KB, 226x218, laughing_elf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5429318

quake jump servers are the apex of /vr/ degeneracy
they should be burned down out of the internet

>> No.5429329

people who hate video games I guess

>> No.5429348


People who fell into a coma around 2003 and just woke up

>> No.5429349

One of the more accurate ones that works at a range. The uzi is liable to blow up in your face if you aren't the demolitionist. I usually go with the assault rifle but it's up to you.

>> No.5429351

maybe we could ask the jp community about that, most (true) voxel games on android i've seen were from japan

>> No.5429354


>> No.5429359

how would we go about doing that?
they might not want to say

>> No.5429361

how do the nuke barrels work now? infinite range of fuck you but no (or little) wall penetration?

>> No.5429371

not sure what context this is to do with
but nukage barrels have always been about the same
A_Explode checks if you're within the blast radius (128) then does damage to you based on how far you are.
If there's any part of you that can be hit.
If there's a solid linedef between you and the explosion it is blocked.

>> No.5429376

new DRLA update

and i'm talking about the full blown nuke barrels, not just those full of toxic waste

>> No.5429378

you know how they hand out awards once a year? yeah that

>> No.5429380

he's talking about DRLA nuclear warhead barrels
massive explosion
goes through walls, about triple the size of normal explosions

>> No.5429389

> goes through walls
how did they managed to pull that off?
only way ive determined you could do that is by spawning additional explosions at regular intervals, using geometry
> which may not be effective at spawning an explosion in a tight space if the exploder is spawned outside the level structure

>> No.5429392

>kinda tells ya something doesnt it
>and thats a good thing

I think you are a retarded old fart with a bone to pick.

You just want to see the thing disappear because you personally can't handle it.

>Then someone needs to get creative and look at what functional things other retro games, and modern fps's do and try to reproduce those dynamics here.
You need something like zscript to do that, boi

>The only improvements that the doom community at large has been willing to invest in are nicer textures (which are usually ripped from somewhere else) and more detailed maps.
yeah this confirms the old man hypothesis. Take your pill gramps, you are out of touch with the community.

>When are modern developers going to understand that trying to set the bar higher for end users is NOT GOING TO PRESSURE them to invest time in learning new skills.
This is true, but there's also the fact that interested in old tools has all but dissappeared.

We are basically 100% dependant on graf or someone else to make a user end modding tool that uses modern features.

>> No.5429394

>DRLA's update wasn't on Inmost Dens

>> No.5429418
File: 25 KB, 473x311, cocaine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I think you've got a bone to pick
yeah I intend to unseat graf, get rid of his influence, and get the community to do the things it needs to do so it can remain just as creative... and accessible
> maintaining accessibility will ensure more people keep coming in

> out of touch
not from what ive seen
> you need zscript to do that
no you dont
though, conveniently, a number of core mechanics have been transferred to zscript
- since it came up recently, the action to generate an explosion (A_Explode) is that in zscript or is that in the base code for the game?

Im talking about more actions being built in to inherit from out of the box so you can just call them up like usual and insert parameters.
- I was clear in denoting BUILT IN differences between hitbox and sizebox. Which would dictate putting the option in by default and then going through all of the actor definitions and providing Hitbox stats which just happened to be the same size as their Height/Radius, to be fair to the vanilla content.

Also adding basic object properties, stuff like "Height" and "Radius". Are those also defined in zscript or just in the base code?
- Also I doubt you can implement Palette Swaps using zscript. Because it would dictate a different way that image resources would have to be handled.
- AI is also more of a core mechanic for how the game operates. Im talking about adding additional types of AI beyond just the way doom does it. Thats not in zscript either.

I think you need to take your pills bud.

>> No.5429426

note the IMMEDIATE dip in quality after that trailer was posted

>> No.5429428

it uses a_radiusgive with an item that does self damage
> inmost dens
> alive in any capacity

>> No.5429456

oh wow this thing can cause extreme death cacodemons NICE

>> No.5429463
File: 133 KB, 1080x1355, Screenshot_20190311-182529__02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5429476

They at leasted posted about Wrath

>> No.5429501

Quake 2's Lazarus mod added a lot of fancy stuff to the game, like rain, dynamic fog, Half-Life-like func_vehicles, advanced scripting for sequences and so on.

Just a shame I never got to do anything with it and this is the first time I get to see it summarised. It's just a .DLL and some stuff you add to the base game. No special client needed. It is really impressive IMHO.


>> No.5429503

They never did. For better or worse, the movie will infact have doomguy according to the director

>> No.5429507

They're not that bad.

>> No.5429517

>man of shad

>> No.5429536

damn i didnt notice. now i have to walk out of my door

>> No.5429542
File: 121 KB, 457x506, 1541639308097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.5429583


>> No.5429584

Not same anon you're replying to, but are you really that fucking lazy to learn zscript? It's not like you'd even need to relearn everything, at most just get used to syntax changes from Decorate. It can do all of the complex cool shit but does it mean you have to strictly only do that? No. You can just make things the same way you've been doing them in Decorate. Some things will be different, but it's far better anyways, and why would you want to use Decorate hackery for certain things when you can actually not have them be dumb Decorate hackery in the first place?

>I doubt you can implement Palette Swaps using zscript. Because it would dictate a different way that image resources would have to be handled.

You can do that. You've always been able to do that. All you need is a fucking paletted image. Doom has been able to do that since release. You could do that even before zscript, with decorate and even acs. You really are just fucking lazy to research and learn.

>> No.5429586
File: 611 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190311_191529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool map but highnoon drifter kind of broke it

>> No.5429595
File: 20 KB, 373x322, 1504760936117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all due respect, it doesn't really seem that bad. They are trying to do what the 2005 movie couldn't and are surprisingly transparent about the contents. The only problem is, its a video game movie with a made for netflix/tv budget so thats whats gonna make it a bomb

>> No.5429602

>thats whats gonna make it a bomb
is totally not the scrawny literally who girl instead of doomguy

>> No.5429608

>yeah I intend to unseat graf, get rid of his influence, and get the community to do the things it needs to do so it can remain just as creative... and accessible
and how do you plan on doing that, by shitting up a thread on an anonymous vietnamese basket weaving forum? damn, you sure showed him.

>> No.5429613 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 600x817, bigsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does a woman being the lead piss you off? They said doomguy is in the movie, idk what the big deal is. incels rise up i guess

>> No.5429614

>They are trying to do what the 2005 movie couldn't
>they're calling the monsters demons so it's ok now
nah. the older movie looks way better now simply because of the guy in your pic.

>> No.5429616
File: 569 KB, 1011x1083, doomgal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else excited?

>> No.5429619

>They said doomguy is in the movie

>> No.5429623

Can't wait to see this on Syfy channel.

>> No.5429624

whats that yellow thing in their hand? Is that a round?

>> No.5429625

why do you took the word "girl" instead of "literally who" or "scrawny"?, she is supposed to be a fucking soldier

>> No.5429628 [DELETED] 

He's probably one of those who reviewbombed Captain Marvel because it had a woman as a lead.

>> No.5429629 [DELETED] 

>incils risi ip i giiss
I'm married with kids

>> No.5429632

grandma why are you playing with my nerf guns
put that down before you hurt yourself.

>> No.5429636

it's her rape whistle

>> No.5429637

The gun looks kind of cool I guess.

>> No.5429639 [DELETED] 

>lying on the internet

>> No.5429646 [DELETED] 

yeah anon, we are all 30 years old virgins here

>> No.5429647

That cartoonishly rectangular "future gun" toy looks cool to you?

>> No.5429649

-> >>5429625

>> No.5429657

can't wait to see this in pornhub

>> No.5429669

The UAC logo variant behind her tells us this is still set in Doom 3 universe rather than the other games.

>> No.5429672

This place is going to be come even more cancerous because of this, isn't it?

>> No.5429679

What a worthless, faggy post. If you think the place is too "cancerous", either try to improve it with good posts, or just leave.

>> No.5429689

Alright heres the deal. I know I saw the news when it happened and I have the Doomworld thread where I first saw it. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/100434-doom-annihilation-the-new-doom-movie/?page=16 He I am pretty sure said it on twitter but theres no direct link as it looks like it was deleted for saying too much. It took alot of sifting to find it but it could take more to get better evidence of the quote. Articles about the movie from last june or july might have a screencap of it and it very well might be on >r/DOOM . Lets stop fighting ok

>> No.5429708 [DELETED] 

By the homophobic words you can tell this person is from /v/.

>> No.5429712

I'm going to guess you're just shitposting since you're linking to my one post 3 fucking times

>> No.5429714 [DELETED] 

There is literally nothing wrong with the word fag.

>> No.5429720

That's a bad thing isn't it, not giving any input/guidance for the movie? What were they expecting to happen?

>> No.5429721

is this supposed to be the BFG?
because it looks a lot more like warframe's opticor than any kind of BFG

>> No.5429737

The pics of the other guns look way better, this looks like a nerf gun

>> No.5429756
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20190311_203415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5429765

Update: I found an article. https://screenrant.com/doom-movie-director-doomguy-rumor/ So here are the scenarios. The tweet was deleted because A: higher-ups told him not to reveal that detail; B: its too much of a spoiler; C: the scene(s) is absent from the final cut; and D: the implementation of the character is somewhat lackluster. I can imagine the squad finds him in a sarcophagus like D44M but he does not come out or wake. I can see that being secret to not anger fans. Too late I guess, it looks like a lame vidya movie like we expected and not going to theaters or netflix is suicide, which seems to be the case

>> No.5429770

cinderella 3 was straight to dvd and it was better than the original.

>> No.5429774

Well you got me there

>> No.5429781
File: 631 KB, 489x532, omar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a lot of people in these threads that bash graf, but i don't see anyone stepping up and forking gzdoom...

>> No.5429791

Anyone knows why Yamagi Quake 2 has two .exe files?

>> No.5429803

>The only improvements that the doom community at large has been willing to invest in are nicer textures (which are usually ripped from somewhere else) and more detailed maps. And the map detail has only been made possible by realtime WYS map editors like slade and doombuilder.
the doom community only makes textures and maps. and those maps are only possible because of slade and doom builder, which were gifted to us by space aliens, as is my understanding, and not members of the doom community

>> No.5429816

>"something unspeakably vile seems to be lurking at the edge of your senses..."
>Hungry sounds in the distance
i'm not panicking, i'm not panickingimnotpanickingimnotpaaaaaaaa
>dies like an idiot to splash damage
that demo handcannon is really bullshit-tier strong

>> No.5429886
File: 54 KB, 950x534, estranged trapazoids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should have been made in the Doom engine.

>> No.5429892

Even by RPG standards, SMT protagonists are unfathomably strong late-game, but it'd hard to say how much stronger say, Metatron is to a Cyberdemon

>> No.5429893

Wouldn't run on a 2600 though.

>> No.5429907

well we waited probably 30 years for a Mad Max game after the movies came out, and it was pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.5429914

Is there a Pokemon/SMT/Undertale style mod where you can capture/ally with demons and use them in combat?

>> No.5429942

one of the two is the multiplayer client

>> No.5430031

SMT demons have wacky ass magic, including mind-control stuff or immunity to guns. Doom enemies aren't really remotely since the most advanced thing they've been shown to do is summon fire and revive demons, both of which are basic stuff in SMT for both the player and the enemies.

>> No.5430068

wew lad

>> No.5430074
File: 606 KB, 1920x1080, IUSeow4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reikall's voxels are pretty damn good imo. Even then, I know he complains about how they can appear inconsistent between versions of GZDoom, but it looks like most of them are showing properly in 3.7.2 again at least.

>> No.5430079

space: above and beyond, it's a series

>> No.5430115

No way, they voxelized enemies? Mental

>> No.5430138
File: 41 KB, 960x800, qmu1Dq8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the sentinels in strife, since they have very little animation. He's redone most of the pickups and a ton of decorations between the IWADs tho, the dudes a goddamn wizard.

>> No.5430180

There really are very few people who are even close to this good at properly using voxels.

>> No.5430185

He puts a fuckton of work into them, I'm always telling him to promote his work and be more proud of it.

>> No.5430201

Why does whitemare 2 feels so shit compared to whitemare 1?

>> No.5430351
File: 255 KB, 326x326, 1549713339074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So not only is LegenDoom 2.5 getting some errors after Yholl tried fixing bugs, but Project Babel is unplayable on the latest versions of GZDoom as well. Graf has broken backwards compatibility and has openly told a modder that it won't change on ZDoom.
God. Fucking. Damn. It.

>> No.5430369

Wow, Minecraft looks like this?!


>> No.5430371

I'm actually quite hype for this to be released

>> No.5430372

That crossbow animation upsets me.

>> No.5430383
File: 80 KB, 378x445, NekoMechanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason that it bothers me is how much he shifts the blame to the modders. Like, I get that maintaining backwards compatibility for how every mod accomplishes every thing it does is near impossible to do when making core changes and updates to the sourceport. But similarly, how the hell are the modders supposed to know whats going to break in future versions? Just work with people instead of breaking out the [No.] stamp.

>> No.5430392

isn't this easily fixable by having multiple versions of gzdoom?

like, mate, just have a legacy version where all previous mods have backwards compatibility and milestone versions aren't mutually compatible. Whats graf's obsession with having only one version

>> No.5430394

So if you had to assemble an arsenal of weapons for a retro fps, but could only choose from weapons in preexisting games, what would your load-out be?

>> No.5430397

The "use an older version of GZDoom" mentality defeats the purpose of new features and supposed bug fixes. And no, I don't think any user deserves to have to keep up with multiple versions of GZDoom just to play certain mods. This simply would not be an issue if it weren't for Graf being the lead developer. It's dead simple.

>> No.5430402


>> No.5430403

backwards compatibility is meant for old mods m8. Literally nothing stops someone from keeping an official legacy version of a port so people can use the archived wads

We already meme different engines for different things, including a separate multiplayer engine. having one more wouldn't be a problem. It stops neither the creation of new modern wads or the playing of old ones

But sadly graf actually threw a tantrum when this idea was implied once during the lilith drama.

>> No.5430418
File: 216 KB, 858x723, wait what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5430427

Who puts a turn on an escalator?

>> No.5430431

More importantly, the lining is all fucker'd up there when it reaches the top. The very right escalator is blocking the very right gate entrance.

>> No.5430450

>like, mate, just have a legacy version where all previous mods have backwards compatibility

>> No.5430457

Why should that be my responsibility?

>> No.5430461
File: 217 KB, 858x723, 85631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes sense (as horribly designed as it is), however the hidden part where the escalator turns/collides with another escalator doesn't.

>> No.5430469

>Graf has broken backwards compatibility and has openly told a modder that it won't change on ZDoom.
I'm not sure what you mean by this, link?

>> No.5430471

What are you fuckers on about? Two escalators starting on bottom, two exits on top with some headroom and debarking space to enter one of the three turnstyles.

>> No.5430472


>> No.5430473

>isn't this easily fixable by having multiple versions of gzdoom?
This is not exactly a clean solution.

>> No.5430483

not what i said, thanks for posting

>> No.5430490

Does Icon of Sin spawn monsters infinitely? If not, how many is there?

>> No.5430498

I keep a copy of each release as they come out just in case for testing purposes, but having to pair X mod with Y version makes me rage. And that's while actually having them and not needing to download and set them up just to play one mod.

>> No.5430505

Yholl doesn't develop with the newer versions in mind anyway.
Having multiple versions is the only way to ensure you'll always be able to play a mod, helps to have a loader like ZDL for this reason.

Has the bonus of pissing off Graf too, he gets bitchy when it's not the latest version being used, especially with mod devs targeting an old build.

>> No.5430507

2.11, 2.5 and 3.4.1 cover most of the bases for mods.

>> No.5430519

Until you want to pair a mod that runs on 3.4.1 with one that doesnt work correctly pas 2.5, and other similar combinations. While thats good to know (thanks, friend) its still not a great answer for dev/author/user relations.

>> No.5430529

Yeah that's true, it's part of why I didn't buy into the thing that everything should be zscript now.

Take blood/gore mods for example, the only one under active development that works on builds before relatively recent 3.whatever and on Zandronum is Bolognese. The rest either started off on zscript or were updated to only supporting it.

>> No.5430536

Oh. I thought it was three. My bad.

>> No.5430545

Well... so much for making the map pack compatible with any gameplay mod...


>> No.5430552

>Also, the pitch issue was a mistake, I explicitly deprecated the incorrect DECORATE version of the function, IIRC, but mistakenly did not apply a proper fix to the replacement.
it was a regression, it got fixed, the DECORATE is going to be fine

>> No.5430558

What is this?

>> No.5430561

It keeps going as long as you're in the level

>> No.5430564

What map

>> No.5430570
File: 296 KB, 1920x1005, 6hAsqS5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Voxels are becoming BIG and its partly because of minecraft fags... and the doom/quake community is falling behind on that
>> yes I also mention Quake about this because I can easily see a Voxel based game as a Demake for Quake 1 and 2
>> except at this point a voxel based quake game would be an upgrade because it would still be 3d but it would make it look pixelated just like it did in the old days

Yeah, no, you fucking demented idiot. There are many ways of achieving the pixelated look without sacrificing brush based architecture, which:

1) when combined with expertly applied phong lighting, passes for perfectly round objects;
2) can go below 1 cubic pixel of density which is totally no fucking go with stupid minecraft voxels.

>> No.5430571

Approximately 0.000000% of this video features voxels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4A-IAF8-60

>> No.5430615

What if they bring back crash and kira morgan and make her the same character?

>> No.5430627

You understanding of voxels is childlike. GTFO pls

Voxel are ancient, Zoomer

>> No.5430629

Your posted pic isn't real Voxels.

>> No.5430658

Minecraft doesn't use voxels, it makes up its world out of textured 32x32 cubes, as well as objects consisting of numerous other cuboids, rectangles and boxes, employing similarly low resolution textures.

I don't think the engine even supports voxels natively.

>> No.5430663

>For some flying fuck reason Graf thinks that voxels are inferior to 3d models and he's wrong.
3D models are MUCH easier to animate, as I don't know of anyone pairing voxels up with skeletal animations.
There's a reason voxels are used mostly for static objects, and things with limited or zero animation.
Animating a moving character with voxels would be VERY time consuming and annoying, if you want it to look presentable.

>They're alot easier to make

>They have the retro style
So do 3D models if you make them properly.

>His code is shit for handling them, which isnt an excuse
That much is true, GZDoom's voxel support is garbage.

>> No.5430683

>Animating a moving character with voxels would be VERY time consuming and annoying, if you want it to look presentable.

nobody cares about this since there are no "presentable" animated 3D models for GZDoom.

>> No.5430686

I promise you that trying to animate full fledged monsters in voxels will look much worse.

>> No.5430779

Who gives a fuck what he thinks? Anybody can decide to grab the code and archive/maintain an old version without his blessing.

It's literally the most popular solution in the software world. Static dependencies, electron, docker, VMs, all based on the idea of not sharing dependencies even if theoretically you can, because its a lot messier making sure everything is compatible.

>> No.5430816
File: 126 KB, 640x960, I need you to come in on caturday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5430860

>to grab the code and archive/maintain an old version without his blessing.
that's too much effort, it's easier to complain about how the latest version isn't magically compatible with literally everything ever made. there's like 3 whole versions that you can use to play every wad but apparently people here think that gzdoom is an outlier and that 100% backwards compatibility is common. in fact gzdoom being able to play something from 1993 is already something.

>> No.5430865
File: 225 KB, 1600x1200, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Doom with GZDoom source port in OpenGL mode (I configured it to look like vanilla Doom, but with a bit higher resolution, but still 4:3 as you see on the screen). Am I still playing Doom a wrong way?

>> No.5430871

your hud isn't using the right pixel ratio

>> No.5430874

Adding to this >>5430865
...also here's my config https://pastebin.com/24Eqs4sX if you want to see.

>> No.5430883

yeah, it should be in DirectX mode

>> No.5430906

GZDoom doesn't support DirectX. JDoom does. Or you mean Software mode? I set to OpenGL because I want maximum compatibility with all wads. From what I heard - some wads can work slow or won't look right in software mode.

I used default GZDoom hud and scaled it to look like the original hud. What the pixel ration should look like?

>> No.5430918

Why aren't you running the original doom source code on a DOS machine with appropriate hardware of the time period?

>> No.5430919

original pixel ratio would be something like 1.2 but for the longest time zdoom hasn't emulated it, and modern monitors wont stretch properly for it they'll just letterbox
so it should be 1:1
> you need an actual CRT for it to look proper and be at 1.2, otherwise you get distortion
either that or run it at some obscene resolution like 3840x2400 so you wont notice the distortion

>> No.5430925
File: 164 KB, 1600x1200, 24242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because not all wads are supported in DOS version. But GZDoom supports all wads. How would I play for example, this (on the screen) in DOS version?

>> No.5430936 [DELETED] 

You're not playing Doom. It doesn't matter how hard you try to make GZDoom look like vanilla, you're still not playing Doom. What you're playing is Graf's ego.

>> No.5430942 [DELETED] 

Fuck off and actually die, falseflagger.

>> No.5430968

would love to know what wad/mod

>> No.5430969
File: 763 KB, 1680x997, Screenshot_Doom_20190211_194606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The right way is whatever you have fun with, Anon. Never be afraid to experiment, but never be afraid to admit to yourself what you like.

Back to Doom, though: I'm surprised more authors aren't using shadowmaps in GZD though, I'm making heavy use of them in my map set.

>> No.5430974

Umbra of Fate. But it seems it requires mouselook (at least it's stated so on it's page), so I'll delete it if I won't pass through a level without it. Mouselook is a heresy.

>> No.5430981

>But GZDoom supports all wads.
It really doesn't, even going by map packs, a lot run like shit on GZDoom or flat out break it.

>> No.5430992

GZD really should be its own thing instead of trying to support older maps.

This will piss some off, but I really think if GZD ditched everything but UDMF and cleaned out all the old compatibility code, it would help in maintaining it. Also drop old OpenGL versions support.

>> No.5431002 [DELETED] 


>> No.5431023
File: 545 KB, 2764x1488, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit costumes
>shit sets
>shit props
>terrible effects
>terrible lighting
>terrible casting
Why would someone think this is a good idea? I really wouldn't even care much about the whole doomgurl thing but I don't get why they would bother making this. Like who is the target audience here?

>> No.5431025

Their movie rights, I bet.

>> No.5431028
File: 8 KB, 474x357, Sin creeps in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have brightmaps and shadows turned off as a user. Its useless to have shadowmaps in a wad.

>> No.5431058
File: 955 KB, 3200x1200, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On which screen it looks right?

>> No.5431060

right side

>> No.5431063

... oh
oh you absolute fucking double chaingunning revenant piece of shit
I'm gonna come to your home and break your legs

>> No.5431065

>GZD really should be its own thing instead of trying to support older maps.
It's a lot of newer maps that run like shit on it, GZDoom is poorly optimized garbage for a lot of them.

>> No.5431068
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>> No.5431069
File: 57 KB, 612x764, hentai plundered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer the left side and I will only play it that way, unless I am playing doom2 in a dosbox.
I do everything I can to make it look like the left side.

>> No.5431070

I dont get it

>> No.5431075

how do I add new sprites to quake/doom?

>> No.5431169


>> No.5431193

Lower your game resolution. It may help, or not.

>> No.5431252
File: 906 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_Doom_20190311_005252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can get some pretty neat looking shadows with shadowmaps and polyobjects... somehow .
It's basically the only reason i'm sticking with gzdoom at this point.

>> No.5431257


>> No.5431297

>OpenGL mode
Wrong, you should enable software renderer and resolution scale 320x200.

>> No.5431301

That's a smaller resolution than his phone, there's a reason that Crispy Doom offers double that resolution.

>> No.5431304

OpenGL is fine.

>> No.5431308

reminder that most wads today are made with gzdoom in mind and there's nothing you can do about it except whine.

>> No.5431315

reminder that most wads today are made with prboom in mind and it is totally socially acceptable to drink wine.

>> No.5431319

reminder that most wads today are made witn zandronum in mind and you can run them in wine

>> No.5431325

whats prboom again?
and anyway since gz 3.25 works fine as far as wads are concerned, is there a problem using it for wads?

>> No.5431330

Vanilla-ish expanded engine, very good for running maps that gzdoom chokes the fuck on.

>> No.5431337

Best wads are boom-compatible. GZDoom used for crappy mods, such as brutal doom.

>> No.5431351

delete this

>> No.5431357

WarmFarm Doom, when?

>> No.5431364
File: 458 KB, 1583x1195, 5353535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just downloaded prBoom (prBoom+) and I can say that it is garbage comparing to GZDoom. I can't play it properly in full screen in 4:3 without stretching on my 21:9 monitor. There's no button for saving a screenshot, only printscreen option. The gamma is somehow fucked up - everything is too bright (as you seen on screen). The default settings are even worse than in GZDoom - you get a fucking mouselook enabled.

>> No.5431369
File: 42 KB, 643x522, tiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

working on an optimization

>> No.5431373

320x200 is too low. 640x480 like in official port Doom 95 is better. I use 1600x1200 and retroshader to make it resemble 640x480, so my screenshots don't get fucked up with compression when I upload them.

>> No.5431387

Beyond Reality is fun so far and the barrel with legs monster reminded me of an enemy concept that could work with Oblige generated maps: a monster that disguises itself as a prop.

>> No.5431397

it's obvious you are doing something very wrong
you doublenigger

>> No.5431417
File: 354 KB, 1589x1196, 54545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i managed to disable mouselook and uncapped framerate, but I couldn't find an option to fix that brightness problem, so everything looks too bright like shit.

>> No.5431432
File: 262 KB, 1590x1189, 54545467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I fixed it. I had to change usegamma from 3 to 0 in prboom config.

>> No.5431436


>> No.5431501

i wish someone could rip some of the weapons, there's a few fun ones
like the MITER, glaive, quanta, arca plasmor...

>> No.5431523
File: 86 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Doom_20190312_191726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5431553

Doom Tournament exists, DE mostly just rip off guns from their old games anyway.

>> No.5431605

twilight is a better love story than this crap

>> No.5431620

It's a shame Beyond Reality 2 will never be finished.

>> No.5431646

>a monster that disguises itself as a prop.
I've dicked around with this sort of shit a bit, I had imps hiding in nukage barrels, which would only aggro if you shot them or got close enough to them.

>> No.5431650

Thank you, 12 year old from 2011 era YouTube.

>> No.5431654
File: 164 KB, 1200x901, it's not the baby though that would make more sense.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say hi to your director.

>> No.5431671

At least it's not crappy /d/ shit like most of the other stuff the developer does.

>> No.5431701

I dunno. Looks like a normal dude.
Cute kid.

>> No.5431810

that's because polyobjects are 1-sided lines, neat

>> No.5431826

but I was 25 at the time

>> No.5431859

The shadowmaps look like arse the moment there's variation in floor/ceiling heights, they're completely two dimensional.

>> No.5431864

that's a cute human pup

>> No.5431889
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x720, shadowmaps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah - i use them to create shapes that will cast some cool looking shadows right when the map starts, and a second later i move them outside the map.

True, but you can still fake some depth in some other ways.
Also - they're way easier to work with in rooms with a lot of complex sectors since you don't have to draw even more linedefs - which is a god send.
On top of that shadowmaps can cast some nice moving shadows which is basically impossible with sector lighting.

>> No.5431928 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 2762x1500, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any Doom source ports which were not made by trannies?

>> No.5431936 [DELETED] 

Crispy Doom.

>> No.5431967 [DELETED] 

>"i don't want politics in games but let me be the one to bring it up when nobody does"
>implying identity politics means you care about politics™

>> No.5431969 [DELETED] 

There's no such ports, because the lead Doom designer (John Romero) officially supported trans rights, so If you don't like transes, then simply don't play Doom.

>> No.5431979
File: 13 KB, 307x300, 1530230353562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy i sure do love seeing the same fucking shitposting with the same fucking subject being regurgitated the same fucking way, but on a different day
grow up or get out

>> No.5431980 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.5431985 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 2762x1500, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I like Doom but I don't want to play a trannie port. I guess a should still have a choise to play lgbt/trannie free port.

>> No.5431993

1. nobody is forcing you
2. you're limiting yourself from experimenting good mods that were ever made for it
3. when did you even started to care about someone's identity and shit like that?
if the kotaku cocksuckers can praise brutal doom and ignore mark's edgy jokes, you can enjoy zdoom and ignore the author being trans
otherwise, you're making kotaky/polygon/rps/gamasutra hacks look manlier than you
of all people

>> No.5432001

>2. you're limiting yourself from experimenting good mods that were ever made for it
hahahahaha it's amazing to hear this from the thread that crucifies gzdoom and straight up refuses to play it.

>> No.5432008

zdoom is already dead, so it can't be more restricted by update
most people here have chosen to stick by 3.4.1 for gz

>> No.5432010

>and straight up refuses to play it.
yes, a whole maybe three people arguing with you from before means that nobody plays it

holy shit, you goddamn newfag

>> No.5432012

When you play a new mapset, do you play with mods? Or do you do a vanilla playthrough first I was about to try out UAC ultra but can't decide if i wana play it with Meta, complex or just vanilla

>> No.5432019

I do it vanilla first, or with a light vanilla+ mod.
Then I try more outlandish mods.

>> No.5432026
File: 77 KB, 720x900, DbBQuYwU0AAbABQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, come the fuck on. I never had any hope for that movie, except for maybe seeing a somewhat punkish butchy gal kicking demon ass, but now they took away even that last saving grace away from me.

>> No.5432064

So they will have two strong women characters instead of doomguy. The blonde one wasn't shown in trailer though.

It will likely be a good film. I'm a fan of Resident Evil 2002 which had two females for lead cast as well.

>> No.5432089
File: 181 KB, 1031x965, doggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will likely be a good film

>> No.5432092

>It will likely be a good film
the absolute madman

>> No.5432102

Dude, programming isn't hard, it's like helping a little old lady who's capable of listening but literally doesn't know anything with tech. You just have to be really specific.

>> No.5432110 [DELETED] 

like flies on shit

>> No.5432112

The 2005 film had only ugly disgusting men, so I didn't like it despite its similarity with Reisdent Evil (which I like). The new one will have two hot chicks, so I have hopes for it.

>> No.5432115

>I acknowledged it but didn't give him a (you) so that makes me better!

>> No.5432127

couldnt care what gender the actors are honestly
> michelle rodriguez in resE
> angelina jolie in tomb raider
they made perfectly fine butch SOF soldiers

whats more important is the accurate, realistic portrayal of the job those characters have.
SOF soldiers are butch, they react fast, they kill
cant just be a girlie girl with that

>> No.5432131 [DELETED] 
File: 1.15 MB, 2700x2700, 7208351-1066619-r1-ut-18ct-reg-wwings-hero-front-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, my mistake, I should've linked it's post and made a post just as worthless and cancerous like every one of you subhuman fucking retarded pussies incapable of navigating a drop down menu do. Cunt.

Don't worry, I'll pick these shits up for you when I go out for groceries.

>> No.5432136

that makes absolute sense

>> No.5432146

Yeah, you definitely don't sound like the whiny one at all dude

>> No.5432197

New thread.


>> No.5432213

your high horse is more cancerous than anything else

>> No.5432216

i wish i was high

>> No.5432316

For the record no amount of code fuckery would make Babel work on 3.7.2 because it screwed up a bunch of stuff regarding autoaiming and enemy pitch control. If it was "fixable" I'd do it for people who wanted to use a newer version.

>> No.5432440


>Monster Barrels
Still mad that Hideous Destructor did something so retarded like adding killer barrels to a mod that's all about 'realism' and how it tries to portray you as a normal soldier stuck in a bad situation.

Yes I know you can finally disable them in the options now, but I still fucking hate that they exist in Hideous Destructor. What kind of excuse is there for killer barrels to exist? The ghosts from mars possessed them or some shit?

>> No.5432451

The frag possessed the barrels.

>> No.5432472

Implementation is fine, materials really need work. Not nearly enough dirt in the screenshot.